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Baldur’s Gate Dev Slams Nintendo, Claims The Wii Is A Toy, Not A Console

Baldur’s Gate developer Trent Oster has taken to Twitter to publicly slam Nintendo. Oster went on a tirade about the Kyoto based company and ended his extreme rant by saying the Wii is toy, not a video game console. You can read his controversial opinion below:

“We don’t do Nintendo development. Our previous experience with Nintendo was enough to ensure there will not be another.”

“My problems with Nintendo are: requiring 6000 unit sales before payment, a certification process that took us 9 months and a 40mb limit. Nintendo isn’t a good platform for developers.”

“The Wii is a toy, not a console.”

166 thoughts on “Baldur’s Gate Dev Slams Nintendo, Claims The Wii Is A Toy, Not A Console”

          1. if it took long to sell there its because they don’t advertise there games on nintendo. on other platform they do but not nintendo common, who is it to blame.

            1. also ( excuse me for my language but…) fuck these guys, why, because these guys give the middle finger to Nintendo and there fans… if these guys are to ever make a game on nintendo again we will not support it.
              DON’T support a company that treat nintendo fans like this. Because they’ll just so they can blame it on us again for buying there games.

      1. Actually yeah it is. The Wii has sold almost 100 million units where as the PS3 has sold 62 million and the xbox 360 as sold about 63 million. Make sure you have your facts straight before you claim someone is a troll.

        1. Haha who gives a fuck. I would rather have a ps3 and 360 and play mass effect, skyrim and uncharted than play whatever the fuck is on the wii. Oh…..y’all do have wii music haha.

          1. Yet u choose to troll on a Nintendo site…sad, pathetic, fool!!! Go outside and find some real friends than spending your whole time trolling! I love playing my 360 but I have to admit Wii kicked it’s ass in sales. The PS brand is all but dead like Sony as a company though! Just look them Vita sale.

              1. Sales matter? You fucking idiot…the wii has so much shock ware and no fucking support yet it sold so well…right? Wrong, because who bought the wii?? The majority is made up of young kids and casual gamers who could give a shit about gaming. So I think I’ll take my ps3 and 360 along with the blu ray player and immersive games like bio shock, mass effect and dark souls, and a great online service that doesn’t use friend codes… Wtfffffffffff. Who cares if it sold more, and inferior console is and will be inferior you dumb ass.

                1. Reggie kicks your ass

                  Why waste money on a stupid, cut-down PC (Xbox, Xbox 360 and Ps3), when you can spend it on a gaming PC and play the same games but with better graphics. Usually it’s little kids that play on the Xbox 360 and Ps3 because they are not aloud to build a $2000 gaming PC.

                  All Microsoft has now is Halo, Forza, and Kinect. Sony has more and better first party games. But hands down, none of them are as great as Nintendo’s First party games.

                  PC and Nintendo gaming FTW

        2. Not that I’m agreeing with trolling, or agreeing that “Nintendo sucks,” because I love them even though I didn’t like the Wii… but sales of consoles mean nothing. Software sales and lasting play are what matter. And in that department, Wii is definitely NOT first place.

          Sure, more people bought a Wii, however a large majority were people like my brother and my sister: non-gamers that bought it for a fishing game or their 6 year old kid to play some silly dancing game. Those people don’t really count toward success of how “good” a console is. It just means it has more mass appeal.

          Be honest with yourself: how many Wii owners do you know that play it for hours each day, every day? Not many. You will tell me you do, because it’s in your nature to defend Nintendo; I understand that. But even on the rare chance that you DO know a lot of everyday Wii players, you’re an exception to the unfortunate rule.

          I know MANY gamers, and some of them own a Wii. But like myself, 90% of those gamer friends that own a Wii (which makes up less than half my gamer friends) rarely play it. Most don’t even have it hooked up anymore. Save for a few key games (Mario Kart, Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3, and maybe one of the Zelda games), there weren’t any games that really brought them back time and time again.

          I play the various Halo games, Crysis 2, and Worms 2: Armageddon all in wonderful faux 1080p on my nice 55″ Samsung LED TV via my XBOX360. Those games have true staying power, mostly due to the intense, fun multiplayers. Nintendo just doesn’t have that kind of online pull. And the XBOX360 games have amazing, epic stories. Nintendo titles? Sure they play well gameplay-wise, but most of them don’t have tremendous epic stories. Mario? Collects stars or whatever, save princess Peach. Zelda? Solve dungeons, rescue princess Zelda. Metroid is really the only one that had any semblance of truly engaging story, and even that is starting to wear a bit thin (even though they are still amazingly fun games… some of them).

          Point is: Nintendo can’t rely on number of consoles sold to keep their status as a “true gaming company.” Regurgitating new random levels for the next Mario game, and making new towns and using the same “solve dungeons and save Zelda” story isn’t going to work on today’s gamers. The Nintendo faithful will always follow (for the most part), but a large majority of recurring gamers will seek more; Call of Duty games may all look the same, but they provide an ongoing, forward progressing story that people really invest in. That’s a major part of games these days, and that’s the one area Nintendo hasn’t made any changes or progress in for over 20 years.

          1. If it makes you feel better, I agree with you. I love Nintendo’s first party games, but the third-party offerings on the PlayStation 3 are the type of games that keep bringing me back to that console. I wish Nintendo had better third party support, because my patient is only good for so long.

        1. If I’m a real gamer, I’d buy all the nintendo consoles and build a gaming PC, just because I can play most Xbox360 and PS3 games better in the PC..

  1. Here comes a bunch of comments from the Nintendo Defense Force saying this guy is a troll. He has a legitimate point though. You’re acting like he’s the ONLY dev out there that said no to Nintendo after a horrible time developing for WiiWare (it was widely considered a terrible platform due to the countless restrictions)
    With that said, I would have loved to see Baldur’s Gate Enhanced edition on the Wii U but I guess that won’t be happening any time soon.

    1. yeh saying the wii is a toy is def not offensive…. idiot. Look at games like mario galaxy. His team are prob just useless. afterall balders gate was PANTS

      1. You say Mario Galaxy but that only furthers his point. The Wii though it does have a variety of GOOD games it only has a handful at the most of GOOD third party titles. If you look at it like that he has a point and the Wii is a terrible platform for third party devs because if it aint nintendo, it won’t sale to that large consumer base that own the Wii for Wii Sports and other casual titles.

        1. Not really terrible for 3rd party devs (there’s a pretty decent list of 3rd party titles that have sold well), but atrocious for smaller shops. Nintendo needs to change their culture and adapt with the WiiU or they’ll get crushed by more streamlined offerings like XBox Live, Apple’s App store, etc, etc.

        2. Im sorry but saying the wii isnt good because of development restrictions is simply horse shit. It just means developers are lazy anf dont want to go through the work. That is all.

          1. I’m sorry but a 40MB restriction is a little crazy, and because of it the Wii missed out on a bunch of great games that would have sold well on WiiWare. I’m looking at you Super Meat Boy. They would have had to remove half the game’s resources (music etc.) to get it on WiiWare.

            1. Hello, if your making wiiware your game probably sucks to begin with. And there are developers who have managed to create some very successful games dispite the restrictions. These things are just excuses. You can either make good games or you can’t. And mr trent oster is certainly no master game maker.

            2. Or just make an unnoticeable decrease in sprite resolution since the Wii only goes to 480p. Although I am glad they don’t have this restriction on the 3DS and they definitely won’t with the Wii U.

      2. Although it might be offensive it is true. Working as a third party developer for the wii is straight up terrible. Nintendo has tried to stay too family friendly with the wii and it’s driving away alot of gamers. They refused to release The Binding of Isaac on the Wii because of religious reasons. I don’t remember Nintendo ever being a conservative christian company but they keep doing stuff like that and it will only drive consumers away from the system. Also Baldurs Gate was a great game. Same with Baldurs gate II and Icewindale. Dark alliance was meh but the actual games were pretty badass.

        1. Binding of Isaac was ment to come to the 3DS, not the Wii. & Nintendo has always been strict on religion. (Devils World anyone?). And if they were too “familly friendly” why would they allow 3rd parties to put games like MadWorld & No More Heroes on the Wii?

        2. Given the fact that Binding of Issac isn’t on any console at this point, I’d hesitate to use that as an argument.

  2. He’s true not trolling. I hate fuckin’ fan boys get a life _!_ . Wii have many weaks point. Hopefully nintendo learnt their lesson..

    1. “Wii have many weaks point. ”
      1. Wii Has Many More Strong Points. The WIi is Unique and is Different Than the Xbox and the PS3. And to be fair the Xbox and PS3 have more weak points than the WIi.
      2. Wii have many weak points does not make sense. Maybe you need to pay attention in class and work out that the sentence would make sense if it went a little more like this: The Wii has many weak points.
      3. No one gives a fuck about your opinion.

      1. The Wii is good but not some perfect, godly system. And, even though I don’t own one, I’d say the PS3 is on the same level as the Wii. The Xbox just falls short because I don’t want to pay for Gold to do things that I can do for free on the computer.
        No console is flawless, it’s all up to opinion and the way you use them.

      1. ^ This is all I hear when people talk smack on here. This is a forum for nintendo news and fans, not bored people with nothing better to do than rag on a console they probably don’t even own. Seriously, if you don’t like nintendo, wouldn’t your time be better spent on a forum for a console you do like?

        Its a shame, I liked baulders gate. Those restriction do kinda suck, but it seems to me that plenty of developers have made some very good wii ware games despite that. I guess the company just doesn’t want to get creative with design. Some very good games exist under 40mb ya know. Hopefully this restriction is lifted on the Wii U.

  3. Let me think on it.
    What are toys for?
    Playing games.

    What are gaming platforms?
    Platforms to play games.

    Gaming platforms are toys.

    Maybe when this dev learns those definitions, he’ll also learn the definition of a good game and produce something better than Baldur’s Gate. Shouldn’t be so hard.

    Yes the Wii is a toy. A great toy, as well as a good platform.
    XBox 360 is also a toy, as well as a good platform.
    The PS3 is a gaming platform, too, though a less amusing toy as a Wii.

  4. Can’t someone say what does he think of Nintendo without being screwed ? Time to grow up everybody, and start being constructive. If Miyamoto claims on Twitter “I never liked Mario, such a useless hero”, will you all be like “WTF dude ? Zelda was shit by the way…” or “Won’t buy any game from him” ?

    Go rage quit.

    1. Saying stuff publicly will cause reactions. There would be less of them if he had only told it to his close family, but Twitter is public attention. If you diss something in public, well if that thing has defenders, they will reply, this is logical.

      Were i to walk across you in the street and tell you you’re (insert strong insult), wouldn’t it be normal for the ones who love you to tell me I’m wrong?

      Seriously, it’s you who need to get depth on it: one does not simply diss something in public and get away with it. That’s the difference between public and private expression of opinion.

      1. Now THIS is constructive :) !
        I agree with you MKultra. I really do. But I just think you don’t defend someone/something by saying anything else is bullshit.
        There’s a difference between saying :
        “I don’t like Nintendo because of their dev requirements.” and
        “I don’t like Trent Oster because he said something bad about Nintendo.”

        I’m not saying Trent Oster is right, or anything else : actually I don’t really care. I’m not even trying to defend him, although I love the BG saga. It’s just, this kind of reactions pisses me off.

        1. Well I’m saying a guy with that much influence shouldn’t be this openly insulting. And the ridicule part is that he only seems butthurt, since his only actual argument deals with commercial terms…

          Nonetheless, I get what you meant and I agree, but I would rephrase your examples : they’re more of a
          “I don’t like Nintendo because I didn’t read the fine lines before signing a contract, and I use my public image to throw garbage at theirs”
          “I don’t like Trent Oster because he’s being irrational about a videogame company, which is a shame for a professionnal gaming personnality”

          Well at least that’s what I meant in my comment three steps above yours ;)

  5. Wow, you guys seriously are stupid narrowminded fanboys. I’ve been buying and playing nintendo consoles and games for 24 years but I admit that the guy has a point. The Wii online experience has some really retarded limitations and restrictions. And the Baldur’s Gate games are awesome, check out metacritic or gamefaqs ratings or whatever for proof that the majority agree on that.

      1. don’t be rude! I think it’s best for Nintendo for what other developers think about their products and services so that if there is a fault, Nintendo can improve them

  6. Man, if it weren’t for Nintendo, there wouldn’t be video games PERIOD.

    Look up the video game crash of 1983.

  7. The people that come on this website make me ashamed to be a Nintendo fan, jesus christ you guys are all fucking stupid.

        1. So if I follow what you said, you’re fucking stupid, as the rest of us are.

          You seem to lack a little logic. I just wanted you to know that I have difficulty to give importance to the opinion of a self-proclamed fucking stupid person.

          Now please grow an open mind and let people disagree with you without insulting them, you might get a pat on the back someday.

          1. Oh don’t get me wrong. I’m as open minded as open minded can get but the amount of comments calling this guy stupid and a troll for having his own opinion about something is frankly just terrible especially when he has a point.

            1. He has an empty point. he calls a console a toy, whereas every console is technically a toy.

              And he’s disrespectful because he didn’t like a commercial policy from Nintendo, which has nothing to do with either developing or gaming abilities.

              He’s being plain irrationnal, and therefore doesn’t deserve any respect for that saying.

              However, I wouldn’t insult him for that much, he pretty much does all the work by himself, publicly announcing this rubbish, so i agree, fanboys should hold their tongues. but don’t forget that, through calling them “fucking stupid”, you’re doing exactly the same thing as them.

              Disagree, yeah!
              Make a point, hell yeah!
              Disrespect, nah, you shouldn’t.

        2. If you don’t understand your own self-effacing comment, then you’re right that at least one Nintendo fan is fucking stupid, which is yourself.

    1. Maybe if Trent didn’t post such a sardonic statement like I don’t know… calling the Wii a “toy,” he wouldn’t get such negative feedback. Are you actually serious that a Nintendo blog, which doesn’t require any registration, isn’t going to inevitably get fanboy tirades? Are you that fucking naive?

  8. Pingback: Los desarrolladores de Baldur’s Gate no quieren saber nada de las plataformas digitales de Nintendo

  9. Aren’t all video game consoles technically toys? I mean, you play with them. This guy is just butt-hurt because he feels wronged by Nintendo.

  10. Of course the Wii is a toy. That’s the reason I have one. Video games are something I play for entertainment, just like I would any other toy like a frisbee, basketball, etc.

  11. while I don’t care about that statement i still think he should give nintendo another chance. The 3ds already has better online and the wiiU will certainly have even less limitations.
    I don’t really care about baldur’s gate, but i understand some people do.

  12. Also, y’all gotta stop getting so butthurt whenever someone doesn’t like something Nintendo-related. Chill and just play your games. You’ll enjoy that a lot more than getting mad over trivial matters.

  13. I understand why Trent made that statement. I heard they had a hard time porting MDK2 over to the WiiWare, which is where that 6000 unit mention came from. However, I don’t know why Nintendo is singled out. The Baldur’s Gate remakes aren’t coming to the 360/PS3 either. Not to mention Nintendo is still attempting to improve their online infrastructure.

    As for people defending Trent – if you honestly think strong opinions like that in public isn’t going to get an equally strong reaction, then you hypocrites need to get a reality check. It’s opinion responding to an opinion. No one is trying to get this guy arrested or fined. I don’t support statements from either side. But you need to understand (or have it beat into your skull) that since a blog like this requires no registration, it will get a constant amount of comments, whether they are rational or not, based on the quality of the story.

    1. Exactly, downloadable ports of old games are not guaranteed to sell through 6000 units which is why the Wiiware service as it was was just too restrictive. Nintendo shot themselves in the foot.
      Trent Oster did not express himself properly though and came off sounding like a douche.

  14. The man has a valid point, maybe could have expressed it differently or just got rid of that last part but he express a valid concern. many game devs didn’t like the Wiiware service which was a basic weak points of the Wii, which is something Nintendo is fixing with there newer consoles. But he should still try to see if Nintendo improved their process. If they didn’t to the point where it can’t be done than he can say no.

  15. Ok he has some valid complaints.

    -no reception of profit by Nintendo until 6,000 units sold. THAT is a very valid complaint. 1. Because Nintendo’s online network sucks so most people don’t even bother using it, and the fact most people don’t use it online regardless, but 2. Because the actual fan base that would play BG would also be a small percentage of that number. Especially on wii.

    9 month certification- not many people complain about that because they go “oh Nintendo has the most sold so I can sell my game and make lots of money” but realistically, 9 months is a LONG time. No excuse for that.

    40mb limit- what? Really? 40 mb isn’t even enough space to hold a low res episode of cartoons from the 1990s that is pathetic. Most cellphone games are that size. On psn those games are called “minis” that’s a bad way to limit developers.

    And the sad thing is the people it hurts the most are the gamers, yet you are too blind with fanboy rage to see it. Way to stick up for a company that tries to limit your fun.

    1. Yes, SOME of those complaints are valid. But, Nintendo is eliminating those restrictions (& has with the 3DS) so eventually, developers will probably have no excuse to develop for.

    2. The only one that I believe is valid is the 40mb limit. That is really small for a game nowdays, though there are still ways of making good games that size. As for the 6,000 units sold that’s a really small number, period. If you can’t reach that then you should get any payment. The 9 month certification think I don’t really understand, but I would assume it was because of the pure volume of games Nintendo has to go through.

      1. While I would agree that 40mb is a small limit, we are also talking about a console that has a storage space of 512 MB of flash memory and 88MB of RAM.

  16. wiiU will change everything you thought of nintendo now that kinect has probally as much shovelware games and the move is just a fail (lack of commitment)

  17. Here’s what I heard when I read this:
    “Whaaa! My games weren’t good enought to stand out on a Nintendo console, among their epic franchises. Whaaa! Nintendo only gave me 40MB of space, which I knew was the limit before I signed on. When I didn’t have the skills to deliver a compelling version of my game within that limit, I got shafted and decided to publicly sling mud at the company. Whaaa!”

    I don’t like the way he handled himself here. This is not the way a professional in the industry is supposed to behave. If you’ve got a beef with Nintendo, legitamite or not, handle your business through the proper channels. Don’t go talking shit about them in public. Stay classy, Trent.

    Leave luck to heaven.

    1. Agreed. Totally not professional.

      Seeing how Microsoft might be shooting themselves in the foot with not supporting used games and possibly going discless (it’s possible, folks), and how Sony might not even release a new console for quite a while (financially, they CAN’T–not a cutting-edge console, at least), Wii U might just become the leader of the eighth-generation of consoles.

      That could be a lot of potential sales his company could be losing (and it’s funny, because the Wii U just might be the perfect console to revitalize the entire staling RPG genre). If Wii U takes off and manages to become a hot ticket for developers, he’ll be the cause of embarrassment for his company if they went back to Nintendo.

      If anything, he should be looking into Wii U instead of dwelling on his bad experience with Wii. They’re two entirely different consoles. He should’ve been one of the developers supporting the Wii U’s early development with their feedback, which Nintendo asked for.

  18. first of all, they are not the original baldurs gate developers, and second, all theyr games are cheap shits lol

  19. Never heard of it, and the guy isn’t doing himself any favours. He just got his game a massive amount of bad publicity. Silly man.

  20. Calm down everyone. This man has a point. Even though i love my wii, wiiware service is a weak point. Hopefully Nintendo will provide better service with WiiU. Then maybe he will change his mind and make games for Nintendo future systems.
    However, i don’t agree with him saying “wii is a toy, not a console”. All the 3 current consoles are for gaming entertainment.

  21. Well, I can’t say much about his problems with Nintendo. If his company has those problems with WiiWare, that’s their experience. But honestly, who cares about Wii at this point–Wii U is just around the corner this year!

    But as for this:

    “The Wii is a toy, not a console.”

    He’s not making a very good point. A GAMING console IS a toy. People forget that the original definition of toy is “an amusing pastime, piece of fun or entertainment, sport.” It doesn’t necessarily mean a child’s playing object or a cheap novelty. In fact, the word “toy” is believed to have ultimately come from a Germanic word “spielzeug” meaning “plaything.”

    Technically, any kind of novel amusing engagement is technically a toy–even sports, in a sense. It doesn’t just mean a child’s play thing or a gadget for adults. But even by that definition, people pay a lot of money for “toys.” Just look at the new iPad. I say that because, while many may want one, we can’t find a reason to save our lives why someone would actually NEED one–paying half a grand for a notebook screen snapped in half with half the specs of a full notebook computer just to play smaller games and use largely frivolous apps on a touchscreen? Toy.

    He’s acting as if video game consoles are computing machines designed for serious work. In comparison to other computer devices, the video game console is about the most needless device out there–it exists PURELY for our wanting an entertaining pastime. In short, video games ARE toys. (And I’m okay with that.)

    I find it funny when “serious” gamers and game makers try to down talk Nintendo consoles as being “toys.” They’re ALL toys! We play games to have fun–the objective of “toy” is met.

  22. Yes, because the other consoles are SO not toys in their own right…

    Please, every form of media can be looked at as a toy in peoples’ eyes. An iPhone can be seen as a toy, a laptop can be seen as a toy, a PS3 and 360 can be seen as a toy, heck even a Blu-Ray or DVD player can be seen as an toy. They’re no different than the electronic toys over at Toys R Us, except for price points.

    It’s not a strong argument at all and simple trash talk, nothing more. It’s completely unprofessional.

  23. thats why nintendo has 10 billion dollars at their disposal and these guys are a tiny little developer that no one has heard of and no once cares about

  24. Besides space difference (40mb for Wii and 2GB for XBL), I’d like to see how flexible the other companies are compared to Nintendo. Some developers are required to hit a certain metacritic score, which is harder than a sales number, for their games to get their bonus payment. Seriously, METACRITIC!!! I think Activision is one of them, and here I’m talking about big studios and not some indi guy. Maybe he should just change careers if he’s not happy with his publishers.

    1. For the space limit, the Wii only has 512MB of storage space. The 360 has a minimum of 4GB (other than the old Core and Arcade models, which used memory cards) and can go as high a 320GB. It kind of makes sense.

  25. But games and the consoles we play them on, are toys. Did I miss something here? When did games stop being toys? When adults started playing them? You mean the same adults who played them…as kids back then?

    However, I’ll acknowledge everything else he has said as valid complaints for the Wii. But we’re moving onto a new platform now. He should just bury the hatchet and enjoy the Wii U for whatever it’s got. It’s related to the Wii, but that doesn’t mean it IS the Wii. Can’t blame the son for the sins of the father.

        1. I second that. Its like saying an action figure isn’t a toy because its an “action figure” and any action figure like transformers that requires you to move it around isn’t an action figure anymore, but a toy not to be played with.

  26. as a pc gamer, I can say that nintendo must change some policies if they want hard core gaming, I remember games that nintendo didnt wanted blood scenes on it, so everybody jumb to sega because of more violence.. Now I am not a developer to have an opinion about the 6000 sales and 40mb restriction, but what if a developer sales less than 6000.. he lose his effort? it sounds cheeky..

    as a nintendo fan, my fingers are crossed about wii U hardcore games.

    1. A direct message to Nintendo, “hey nintendo, we love to see blood and sex, leather and chaps.. in ur games this time!! Honestly I wonder what happens if a game like mass effect and dragon age.. or skyrim with gay marriage and sex scenes… if they removed or not..

  27. Honestly, all video game systems are toys, and anyone who says otherwise is kidding themselves.

    Just because a console has better specs and costs a shitload more, doesn’t make it NOT a toy.

    It’d be like calling those little battery operated plastic vehicles that kids can drive around not toys just because you can’t drive in a Hotwheel.

  28. Dev mad his game did not sale well and then blames Nintendo for it, and I did not even hear about this game so maybe he should of advertised it more and not made it a complete port from a 10 year game.

  29. The Wii is a toy. Which is what makes it such a great console. Consoles are supposed to be toys, they’re supposed to be played with, had fun with. An appliance for gaming. I don’t even want to begin to understand what this guy thinks video game consoles are supposed to be. But obviously this guy is lashing out because his crappy game didn’t sell good and he’s taking it out on Nintendo, he’s not the first whiny independant developer to do this.

  30. What? The Wii was a turning point of a generation, if not gaming. If you look at the games on Wii, you’ll find that instead of blood, guts, and brutal content, you’ll find pure, clean, Fun. Wii may be a toy, but it’s a toy from Nintendo.

  31. At least the Wii consoles games can keep me entertained, I still play Brawl 24/7 over call of duty or any other games.

    Nintendo is my favorite company, great games, great gameplay, great everything.

    Xbox, everythings the same, shooters, and the Wii U will be capable of catering to the gamers who prefer those.

    PS3 I don’t know much about so I won’t say anything about Sony/

  32. With regards to people saying “Oh, the Wii sold more consoles than any other home console so it wins an is the best!”, I say the following(it’s a long read, but people with IQs larger than their shoe size who actually enjoy reading/debating games and not just being a fanboy or a troll will appreciate it):

    Not that I’m agreeing with trolling, or agreeing that “Nintendo sucks,” because I love them even though I didn’t like the Wii… but sales of consoles mean nothing. Software sales and lasting play are what matter. And in that department, Wii is definitely NOT first place.

    Sure, more people bought a Wii, however a large majority were people like my brother and my sister: non-gamers that bought it for a fishing game or their 6 year old kid to play some silly dancing game. Those people don’t really count toward success of how “good” a console is. It just means it has more mass appeal.

    Be honest with yourself: how many Wii owners do you know that play it for hours each day, every day? Not many. You will tell me you do, because it’s in your nature to defend Nintendo; I understand that. But even on the rare chance that you DO know a lot of everyday Wii players, you’re an exception to the unfortunate rule.

    I know MANY gamers, and some of them own a Wii. But like myself, 90% of those gamer friends that own a Wii (which makes up less than half my gamer friends) rarely play it. Most don’t even have it hooked up anymore. Save for a few key games (Mario Kart, Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3, and maybe one of the Zelda games), there weren’t any games that really brought them back time and time again.

    I play the various Halo games, Crysis 2, and Worms 2: Armageddon all in wonderful faux 1080p on my nice 55″ Samsung LED TV via my XBOX360. Those games have true staying power, mostly due to the intense, fun multiplayers. Nintendo just doesn’t have that kind of online pull. And the XBOX360 games have amazing, epic stories. Nintendo titles? Sure they play well gameplay-wise, but most of them don’t have tremendous epic stories. Mario? Collects stars or whatever, save princess Peach. Zelda? Solve dungeons, rescue princess Zelda. Metroid is really the only one that had any semblance of truly engaging story, and even that is starting to wear a bit thin (even though they are still amazingly fun games… some of them).

    Point is: Nintendo can’t rely on number of consoles sold to keep their status as a “true gaming company.” Regurgitating new random levels for the next Mario game, and making new towns and using the same “solve dungeons and save Zelda” story isn’t going to work on today’s gamers. The Nintendo faithful will always follow (for the most part), but a large majority of recurring gamers will seek more; Call of Duty games may all look the same, but they provide an ongoing, forward progressing story that people really invest in. That’s a major part of games these days, and that’s the one area Nintendo hasn’t made any changes or progress in for over 20 years.

  33. If your game takes 9 months selling 6000 units it’s the game and not the system that’s the problem -___-‘

  34. I thought that this was the guy behind the likes of Mass Effect and Dragon Age? (since Baldur’s Gate did become part of Bioware) but I don’t see his name behind them and instead behind a small company that published three games:

    Baldur’s Gate Enhanced (re-release)
    MDK2 HD
    MDK2 Wii.

    Never heard of the last two at all.

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