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EA Is Teasing “Something Big” This Week

EA is planning to surprise us with something big this week according to the firm’s Twitter and Facebook page. The studio released a teaser image which says EA Play, but they wouldn’t confirm any further details than that. What would you like to see from EA?

79 thoughts on “EA Is Teasing “Something Big” This Week”

        1. Nintedward . Wiiu . 3ds . 1991 .

          oh yeh , i dont pay much attention to NFS games .
          i like proper racing sims .
          not boosty mcturbo jump

    1. Nintedward . Wiiu . 3ds . 1991 .

      there is tons of hype for wiiu.
      the wiiu is guaranteed huge success. games like NSMB , Rayman legends , wii fit u , zombiu , AC3 are going to sell huge.
      nintendo say they want to sell 8 mill wiiu’s by march .
      i wont be suprised if they smash it by 4-5 millions.
      and the wiiu ends up being one of the most popular consoles ever.
      i realy wont be suprised.
      Any publisher with sense is thinking ‘we should probably

            1. you failed to read what I said. WiiU is for NINTENDO CONSOLE gamers who MISSED OUT ON NON NINTENDO games like Ass3 which is on CURRENT GEN consoles.

              You missed out on batman when Wii was around but you get it a year late when most gamers buy it at launch and 100%d it by now :P

              you’re the fail for being a fanboy with one inferior console with lack of third party support. Least I dont miss out!

              1. Nintedward . Wiiu . 3ds . 1991 .

                listen idiot. batman , mass effect and ninja gaiaden are the only ‘ports’ and even they are supposedly better graphics and features like playing away from tv.
                they willl just be an afterthought
                Pikmin 3
                Zombi U
                Rayman Legends
                Lego CIty
                Project p-100
                Wii fit U
                Nintendo Land
                9 big launch exclusives which will sell the wiiu .
                then you have ‘cross platform ‘ games like fifa 13 and AC3 and maye Darksiders 2 , black ops 2 and Need for speed , which will have better graphics on wiiu and features like playing away from tv.
                so the wiiu is going to be an excellent platform teaming with exclusives and enhanced cross platform games
                batman and ME3 are the lowest on the list of wiiu games.
                and i am very interested in how they turn out.
                that says some positive things about wiiu doesnt it ?

                1. I actually fully agree with you here, kudos!
                  And just wait until all the other exclusives come out, the Wii U has got to become awesome :) !

              2. Nintedward . Wiiu . 3ds . 1991 .

                if you are the ‘hardore gamer ‘ you say yoou are , then you would have to be retarded in not being interested on the wiiu .
                seriously i am about as hardcore as you can and the wiiu looks like the mecha of consoles. it does everything. i am interested in how the ps4 and 720 turn out . but they wont have ‘4K resoloution’ , do you think developers want to create games like that yet ???? no , it would be difficult and expensive. they will just be 1080p 60-100 fps with nice graphics that look like a scaled up wiiu .
                wiiu is the be all and end all of gaming.
                you will have your precious black ops 2 aswell. imagine playing away from tv in bed ???

              3. “you failed to read what I said. WiiU is for NINTENDO CONSOLE gamers who MISSED OUT ON NON NINTENDO games like Ass3 which is on CURRENT GEN consoles.”

                and that supposed to be a bad thing because….

              4. :’) Dude, get over yourself and stop bitching.
                NOBODY buys a Nintendo console for the 3rd party games (admittedly, it would be better if there were more of them) but for 1st and 2nd party games. Exclusives on Nintendo consoles are what fans want, otherwise we wouldn’t buy it.

                Keep only naming the remakes and keep quiet about the good exclusives in an attempt to make it seem as if there are no good games, it’s working great!

          1. PS4 will be a little competition to the Wii U. No matter how much power the 720 shall have it will not have creative minds behind it. Seriously think about it. Nintendo is like mercedes, all their products are made magestically. Ms’s xbox line is like ford, mass produced nonsense.

            @ HARDCORE GAMER you just got pawned lol.

              1. Lexus is owned by Toyota, the PS one is an offshoot of nintendo. You are a genius, Nintendo really does own Sony’s PS line.

                1. Nintedward . Wiiu . 3ds . 1991 .

                  sony is just that little stupid annoying kid compared to the old and wise godfather which tendo .

          2. Not everyone buys either of those games (like myself) I played Arkham City from a friend and ME3 is boring to me. What’s funny though Zombie-U, AC3 and Rayman Legends are all third party.

    1. This ^^^^. I would absolutely love a sequel or even a remake seeing as this was released late in the PS2 life.

  1. Im trying to guess for the EA logo in the background seeing as they change with each game….i dont know what blueish neon colours is D:

  2. It better not be boring like their summer showcase or their e3 conference. Ubisoft did a WAY better job than them. They said they’d support the wii u but barely said anything at e3, yep their support is amazing!

  3. With all the Dragon Age leaks lately it might be something to do with that. That being said, it’s doubtful given the colours of the logo. DA tends to be Red and Black.

    1. That would be sweet but yeah the logo suggests otherwise. Im trying to think of game that would have that logos colour scheme

  4. I’d really like to see MVP Baseball make a comeback. With the MLB license being up for grabs and 2K not wanting it anymore, it just makes sense.

  5. PS4 will be a little competition to the Wii U. No matter how much power the 720 shall have it will not have creative minds behind it. Seriously think about it. Nintendo is like mercedes, all their products are made magestically, with Toyota’s affordability. Ms’s xbox line is like ford, mass produced nonsense.

  6. 1) Team FIFA 2013 Wii U should lend a hand to the clueless team working on Madden 2013 Wii U
    2) Battle field 4 Wii U announcement for next year
    3) Crysis 3 in development for the Wii U
    4) Mirrors Edge 2 ( packed with mirrors edge 1) for the Wii U.
    5) A new and improved origin that can be used on a need only basis.

    1. lol then wtf is it that’s EA’s hiding out since it’s neither console, online service, franchise or anything? Is it like it said on the page? EA bacon? A cooking device? maybe it’s an EA car xD

        1. Well, if you think about, it’s not a game announcement, but a change of “play”, but I don’t care about EA anymore, I’m pissed about C&C.

  7. “not a movie, game, service, franchise, or label. :)”

    ok then it has to be a EA car or something. Its not gaming related so its basically pointless. BIG meaning a big car. They should stick to their boring e3 conference’s and make them better….

    they can learn a thing or two from ubisoft

  8. We can only hope that the BIG announcenment is not a game at all but instead a promise that they will finally put real effort and support for their games…
    But…being an Eternal Ass…yeh…

  9. Pingback: EA Say They Won’t Make Ports For Wii U | My Nintendo News

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