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Reggie Teases More Surprises To Come In Wii U Launch Window

Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime has teased that there may be more surprises to come with regards to the Wii U launch window. Reggie wouldn’t give any hints as to what to expect, but he did say that Nintendo will continue to surprise the fans with announcements and information.

“I think we will continue to surprise the fans with announcements and information. I would not go so far as to say you know everything in our launch window.”


98 thoughts on “Reggie Teases More Surprises To Come In Wii U Launch Window”

      1. A new Super Metroid? I don’t think so. Why would they make a new Super Metroid? A new Metroid, sure, but I doubt they’ll make a new Super Metroid.

        1. that would be soooooo stupid… do u really want it? i disliked super metroid, infact i liked the original better than super… if anything, fusion’s a decade old, so that would be cool to see especially after other m and the commercials for it went. haha. and im saying the look! not the feal of other m! cus fusion was a good overall game and i dunno… i still havent beaton the first 2 primes and i dunno if i want to get back on trilligy and youtube play throughs cus that doesnt really exite me… prime 3 was brilliant though.

  1. I don’t really care about the Wii U anymore, the decision to not add an achievement system (a proper one) was what made me lose interest, Nintendo just always seem to disappoint me, so I’m sticking with my PS3.

      1. A lot of people care about them, therefore a lot of people will only use the Wii U for First Party games, and leave the other consoles for all the other games.

        Like they said themselves.

        “Anytime an owner of a Wii U gives more interest in other consoles is a missed opportunity for us”.

        Not the exact words but close enough.

        Missed opportunity, to be honest.

            1. Games will still have achievements; the good thing about Miiverse is that you can now post screenshots of those achievements for all your friends and anyone else interested in said game to see. It will become a lot more personal and rewarding that a simple gamer score.

            2. OPTIONAL, you said it it yourself atleast Nintendo allows devs to do what they want and doesn’t force them to waste time and money making this junk. Yes achievments are fun but I will say this again. I want a game. GAME. Not a trophy room or points.

              1. Do you hear devs complain about having to do them with the 360/ps3? No.

                Think of it like this, in a third party game, black ops 2 for example, they are already going to do achievements/trophies for the other consoles, please explain to me how it would be annoying/hard for them to do the exact same thing that they are doing anyway, to the Wii U.

                And again, if you don’t like them that’s fine, but I like them.

                  1. Actually many people are complaining, including me. No achievements means no point to completing a game. I enjoy getting points for everything so I can see one of my friends and say “haha I’m doing better then you deal with it” and then they try and beat my score. Without this level of competition I see no point in playing third party games on the wii u. Yes I agree with nintendos whole “let the developers choose” thing but the issue is that the developers that actually do want them can’t make them system wide. For example there are achievements in the form of stamps in nintendo land however they are pointless because you don’t get anything outside the game, no one sees that

                    1. Sorry for the english, it's not my native language

                      “No achievements means no point to completing a game.” So there was no point in completing the 1986-2005 games???
                      “For example there are achievements in the form of stamps in nintendo land however they are pointless because you don’t get anything outside the game, no one sees that” Did you forget Miiverse? you can post screenshots of the game and show it to other people.

                      1. When I said there isn’t a point to completing a game I meant like 100% get everything. Nintendo rarely gives out good rewards for these things (1,000,000 coins in nsmb2 gives you a title screen???) so there isn’t much incentive to get anything without achievements. I still do get everything because that’s how I am but I would love to get achievements for it. Also posting things in miiverse isn’t all the exciting. If I get a super awesome high score and take a picture of it maybe 50 people will see and then it will get overwritten with other comments. Plus I enjoy the point system for the 360/ps3, to me it’s fun and there is no reason it can’t be there.

                      2. So there wasn’t any incentive to get anything before the 360 rolled along? Really, name a few games that reward 100% completion with anything more than giving you the right to say you’ve completed it 100% and maybe a piece of artwork or two.

                        I’m not saying achievements are bad. I agree that Wii U would benefit from them, but they aren’t what makes a system.

                        Geez, these people who started gaming on HDTVs…

                        1. I get that and I completed many games from awile back with no achievements however as of now there is no reason they shouldn’t be there. They aren’t mandatory and I will still support nintendo and buy many of their games but if they were there me and many other people would enjoy our gaming experiences more. Whenever I get a game on the ps3 the thing I love doing most is getting every trophy I can

              2. That’s how pathetic developers try to make crappy games appealing to ones with little taste in quality games. You should stick with PS3 then.

          1. Everyone cares about them that’s why out of my 50 or so friends in Xbox live they only got a 2000-7000 gamerscore or so. But I care I got over 60000

        1. Sounds to me like your a little validating-seeking-bitch. Do you need someone to pat you on the head and give a shiny trophy? Tell you what you little China doll, I will give you a protective shield so nothing can hurt you. Have you changed your tampon lately? Video games are about the journey, never the destination…..

          1. I hate people that constantly call people names when they are just expressing an opinion/thought.

            It’s people like you that cause others to look down on gamers.

            I’m allowed my own opinion!

            1. This is probably not the best place to voice that particular opinion, as it doesn’t have much to do with the source material and it obviously won’t resonate with the audience. If you expected anything other than hostility, than you’re extremely out of touch with gamers (fanboys especially).
              I’m also a fan of the “Trophies” system on the PS3. I was hoping that Nintendo would install something similar, though I understand why they didn’t. There are a lot of gamers that think that achievements in games are belittling and asinine; that they detract from the overall experience by forcing gamers to play (and finish) a game a certain way. I’ll usually just ignore Trophies when I’m playing through an enjoyable game the first time, so I get a more intimate experience between myself and the game developers, but attempt to pick up Trophies on subsequent playthroughs. It gives the game more replay value and gives me a somewhat new experience as well.
              But I trust Nintendo enough to roll with whatever they give me. Loving the Wii U so far.

              1. I do the exact same as you do (play through the game first than look at the trophies).

                I know a lot of people think it distracts from the way the game should be played, but it’s optional, completely optional, they don’t need to get them if they don’t want to.

                I’ve trusted Nintendo with everything, and I am a huge fan of them, but I just couldn’t help but feel robbed with their decision not to add them (they said they were going to).

                Either way, 9 more days until the Wii U comes out here (Australia), and I’m still excited, just not as much as I used to be.

                1. “I don’t really care about the Wii U anymore, the decision to not add an achievement system (a proper one) was what made me lose interest, Nintendo just always seem to disappoint me, so I’m sticking with my PS3.”

                  Turns into:

                  “I do the exact same as you do (play through the game first than look at the trophies).

                  I know a lot of people think it distracts from the way the game should be played, but it’s optional, completely optional, they don’t need to get them if they don’t want to.

                  I’ve trusted Nintendo with everything, and I am a huge fan of them, but I just couldn’t help but feel robbed with their decision not to add them (they said they were going to).

                  Either way, 9 more days until the Wii U comes out here (Australia), and I’m still excited, just not as much as I used to be.”

                  Seems like someone realized their mistake and is trying to hide it now.

                2. Its not that were trolling because you don’t like the decision. Its the fact that you was gonna let one minor function of the wii u that doesn’t contribute to game experience change your mind from getting one.

          2. I’m very disappointed too. A systemwide trophy system gives a lot of people more replay value and it’s fun in general (to me). This really is a missed opportunity and I hope they will fix this or that the players organise themselves to point Nintendo on this flaw of their system.

            1. I hope Nintendo realise this and do what Sony did and update it to support them, with Nintendos creative twist to it ofcourse.

            2. Fuck you! There is only one billy! Me! The loer of goats! How dare you use my name you will feel the wrath of goat hate. Beware!!!


        2. Meh. Trophies are fun to get but I prefer the social aspect of it than they act of collecting them for the heck of it. They are not really part of the game. I would never not choose a game cuz of lack of trophies/achievements.

        3. Achievements are fucking pointless. Its just an excuse for lazy development. I just olayed through Okami HD, whch has trophies. I didnt give a fuck about them, because the game was fun either way, and playing it waa enough incentive to carry on. Meanwhile games this gen get away with 5 hour campaign, tacked on multiplayer. Oh but its got acheivements so its okay, right? No, is it fuck. If there isnt enough incentive to play the game all the way through, then its not worth it. Acheivements are pointless, and nobody cares if you have 20,000 gamerscore, seriously, nobody is gona go “oh dis guy is pro”, people dont give a fuck

          1. I prefer games like smash where you unlock characters that you can use in the game instead of 5g or 20g gold or silver

            1. Exactly, because you actually get something for it, like stages and characters and music. Not a pointless number, or fake trophy for brownie points that no-one cares

          2. Your exactly. Me being a Nintendo fan, I play the xbox. I have never once looked through gamers profile to see their scores and achievements and go oooo he’s good, let me add him. Fuck no, I could care less and no one else will. You can have tge #1 highest score in the world. will that get you any rewards? Fame? Chicks? money? nice house? tv show? I don’t think so. a lot of the achievements are dumb stupid that you get without trying or force you to sit for hours to get it like a no life. Look at call of duty, they have way more in game achievements that ppl focus on way more than the worldwide achievements. Nintendo’s games sell millions for years without achievements. Ppl post videos of their own amazing achievements. I once saw a vid of ssbm some guy using c. falcon killing 3 lvl 9 characters without taking no damage watsoever in less than 2 mins. THAT’S A FUCKIN ACHIEVEMENT. I respect that guy way more than these whiners looking for virtual trophies. A damn shame

            1. Exactly.
              But it just pisses me off when people act as though the WiiU not having them is a big deal. Did we need achievements before the 360? No.
              Developers just arent making enough content.
              If a game had a hard mode, someone would either do it or not. But suddenly because when you do it and 2 second pop up happens you will? Fucking stupid

              1. Yup and they’ll still buy the wii u anyway. ppl just love to bitch about the tiniest little things or find something to complain about. I don’t see any of them making any consoles or games or features.

      2. Pingback: NewsXpress: Édition matinale du 20 novembre 2012 | Facteur Geek

      3. If what trikes leak indicates is true then it could be an announcement on 10 th December.
        1st party:
        Yoshi land wiiu (retro)
        Possible DK
        Super mario U

        3rd party
        Lightning strikes or some final fantasy
        Metal gear solid title (rising or ground zero)
        Resident evil (could be 5, 6 or both or a new title)
        Dragon quest x (for Europe and America I guess)
        Rumours of splinter cell conviction, a next gen title and a title made by cry engine 3 are still waiting to be verified

      4. I’d love to see Bioshock Infinite, GTA V, Metal Gear Solid Rizing and Ground of Zeroes also Watch Dogs, Dead Space, Splinter Cell, Remember Me. NINTENDO… DO IT!

        1. They still have that game monolith is working on, might be that seeing as most of Nintendo’s main studio’s have just finished or still in the process of making announced games (super mario and pikmin 3, plus a few 3ds titles)

      5. Well launch window is up to March according to Nintendo.
        Doubt we’ll a game come out, bu definitely announced. Rather it not be something like Resi6 (because its bad), or Hitman, or anything already released.
        Most likely Splinter Cell, or maybe a new Nintendo game, its possible, although you’d think theyd leave that to E3, they need to pull out all the big cards if microsoft is announcing their new system

      6. I truly love surprises… especially from what The Regginator have stated. I hope there’s more info on Nintendo’s sexiest witch including the latest from developer Retro Studios.

        The King of Video Games have returned to its throne…

      7. Maybe there was more truth to that NeoGAFer than what I thought. Here’s to hoping to Dragon Quest X, Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes, Resident Evil 5+6 (on one disc or improved versions of both games), GTAV, Super Mario U, Metroid Prime 4 (a boy can dream), Zelda U, Watchdogs, Yoshi Land, or SSB info.

      8. Pingback: Reggie Fils-Aime; More Surprises to come in Wii U Launch Window | Nintendo 3DS Daily

      9. Pingback: 米任天堂のレジー社長、再びWii Uローンチウィンドウ内のサプライズタイトルを示唆 |

      10. i want a new metroid game oh and other m was not bad oh because samus shows emotions does not mean the game is bad its called giving the game a more narrative storyline not ruining the game and the gameplay was awesome and fun so yeah stop saying that oh other m sucks don’t be that guy oh and posting this comment than watching youtube somemore then watching a movie on netflix

        1. oh and oh and oh u oh kinda oh suck oh at oh typing a sentance oh…. anyway the most i hated about ther m is that it had no correlation with fusion, and becides that, it even felt like a gay rip off of fusion since its a space lab, that the federation does exparaments on, and that it gets destroyed in the end… the only thing different that they didnt even tutch on were the x parasites. i know all you ingrates say “thats a fusion thing” but it was in the dang monga! i want to see more of it! seriusly i dont even care about samus and the metroids anymore, i want an x game!!!

      11. Pingback: » NewsXpress: Édition matinale du 20 novembre 2012 / FacteurGeek 2.0

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