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No Offline Co-Operative Play For Wii U Version Of Splinter Cell Blacklist


Splinter Cell Blacklist producer Liu Jun has confirmed that there won’t be offline co-operative play in the Wii U version of Splinter Cell Blacklist. Jun says that the development team didn’t include the feature as they wanted to get the Wii U version out at the same time as the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions of the game. However, Jun did confirm that the Wii U version of Splinter Cell Blacklist will receive all the DLC.

“In order to ship at the same time as the other consoles, we unfortunately weren’t able to delve into this feature. But we think Nintendo gamers will be really excited to get the game at the same time as other consoles.”

244 thoughts on “No Offline Co-Operative Play For Wii U Version Of Splinter Cell Blacklist”

      1. That’s a load of bullshit. If they can do it on other platforms without any problem attached, then they can easily do it on Wii U.

        That’s it. The 3rd party has now made it clear. They want to intentionally sabotage Wii U’s image and don’t give a fuck about losing on side of the console maker/fans because they got other platforms to cash in on.

        Up next for yet another unnecessary gimped multiplatform/port Wii U game will be Watchdogs, Assassin’s Creed 4 and OMG if they dare gimp Rayman after delaying it for a whole year over BS skepticism thus pissing off millions of hungry fans, then that’s it. Nintendo needs to start look for other 3rd party/indie friends to help them.

        1. Usually I would 110% agree here, but I believe they didn’t have enough time. Now, here’s what they can do: Since DLC is confirmed, they can always release a patch for Co-Op. I’d rather the game gets DLC and a chance for Co-Op than to get Co-Op and no chance for DLC. Think outside the bun

          1. I don’t see why they can’t release an offline co-op patch after it’s released just like Capcom did with Resident Evil 6’s Ada Wong campaign. That’s the smart thing to do.

        2. Nintendo needs to take the route Sony did and start owning more 1st and 2nd party developers. Its very clear Wii U, during game development gets the smallest budget with the least experienced to create their games.
          Its also clear the trend of losing some gaming component and still charging full price is going to be a standard this generation. Nintendo has to get off their ass and be proactive in ensuring quality support for the Wii U that goes beyond Mario, Zelda and Metroid.They should own Atlus and Slightly Mad Studios. Nintendo have the money, its time for them to think outside the box.

      2. Well good job Ubi, I have a gf and best friend that I would’ve loved to co-op with, but nope. You have to screw over Wii U with yet another terrible business decision. You have hurt your chance of sale for many people. Local play is very important, be it co-op, competitive, or online.
        Seriously, you delay the finished Wii U Rayman a week before release for many months just to cash in and release on other platforms at the same time, yet you won’t delay this game for what couldn’t he more than a month or two to give the Wii U what could be ONE OF IT’S GREATEST FEATURES. THERE ARE TWO SCREENS. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!!??
        Even if you just delayed the Wii U version that would hurt nothing since anyone with a Wii U would wait to support the system, especially since it should be the best version. Why can’t you get this done? Is your staff that strung out? Get your shit straight!
        This along with Rayman is just unacceptable. I don’t like the image I’m getting of this company. I’m starting to think maybe they can go fuck themselves.

        1. relax partner, the sun is shining and the birds are doin bird stuff, take a deep breath and then reach way back and slap yourself

    1. Agreed…………..guarantee it takes more resources for online co-op than offline….and that’s a bullshit excuse, Rayman Legends on 360 and PS3 will be complete editions…

          1. Which is funny because everyone claims Wii U has no strong online gaming and focuses more on offline/personal multiplay. This right here is another big sting on Nintendo’s hopes of recovering the Wii U with the 3rd party.

            1. Im sure the WiiU will pull a 3DS. because after OOT 3D dropped on the 3DS sales went no where but up and the bitch ass 3rd parties companies were like “wow lets develop actual good games for it” and MiiVerse alone shows online support is strong. having a Monster Hunter game in your console library shows you that your online is strong allready.!

              1. Pay attention to the ” “s. They’re key part of understanding my post.

                But then again it’s pretty hard when there’s a shit ton of replies and my reply ends up being way bellow the original post.

                But then, again, my best friend would be my fiancee. All of my friends were a bunch of retards.

      1. Murfy is gimped as hell in the PS360 versions. If you want the game your best choice is the Wii U or Vita version.

      1. I did… but watch I have a feeling it’s going to be the same story with AC Black Flag. But it better not happen with Watchdogs…

        1. Actually AClll was the same on Wii U as PS360 so AClV will probably be too, but hopefully they will add GamePad features this time!

        1. deep down he is sexually attracted to the boy with down syndrome thats why he is making fun of him to compensate for his homosexual feelings he is unsure of

            1. Starts to walk in the door, overhears conversation…walks back through door the way I came. Thinks to self maybe I should be more careful around these parts…..

      2. Bensanders is actually gay. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. I know where he lives. If anyone wants to give him a call call I can give out his number. I’ve been warning him to stop with his act. It’s not funny to make fun of mentally challenged people. Next time I see him I’m going to beat his ass down. Or throw a brick threw his window if he doesn’t stop. Just so you know I’m serious Ben the last 4 digits of your number are 2236. I’ve seen you. I know who you are. Cut the shit or else.

    2. They’re going to patch it in later. They said they wouldnt treat the version differently.They’ll all get DLC too.

      1. I seriously doubt that. The gimping on Wii U games for a pathetic excuse of sabotage is too great, too common and any BS coming out of their mouths about it is just another cheap white lies that anyone can smell/see two miles away.

      1. Uh, hello…Did you even read? xD

        It says OFFLINE co-op play, nothing about not having an online mode! :3
        Silly trolly mctrollerson,

          1. They even have wii u specific trailers that show what you can get when preordered and one is a multiplayer map

          2. What you’re doing is speculation

            Speculation, no matter how obvious it is, nor what happened with past titles so for, is just that: speculation.

            Speculation is either true or false.

            Whatever it is, only the devs and those who’ve played the final product can confirm it, and thus, turn from speculation to a fact.

        1. Dude (I’ll assume you’re a dude), coming here with brony avatars using “xD”, “:3” and saying trolly is absolutely not the way to look smart…

          1. Huh – and replying with statements of what somebody can and can’t do in a free flow Reply chain is any better?

            At least I’m not the one trolling…the avatar may be pony, but my opinions on what I comment on are equally as valid as your own. And that’s really all I need to actually say about it, ’cause this is stuff folks should already know by now!

      2. PSU(Playstations+WiiU)

        You stoopid fuck…it said “No Offline Co-operative” play not no online….azzhole….smh lol did you even read the article?

      1. Right now, any trust, money and respect I have for Ubisoft pretending to be ambitious about Nintendo/Wii U is GONE.


      This is for everyone else who comes and reads…and those blind asswholes who don’t or trolling stupidly…I suggest you watch this video. This video will go on posts that I feel either deserve it or I get half way down this artical…YOU FUCKERS WILL WATCH AND UNDERSTAND! But you have the power not too but this is spammed until you understand and in this artical only. Thank you for your time!

    1. Support 3rd parties from Wii U. I don’t get it people complain that Nintendo don’t get online play but when we don’t get offline play they still complain. We’re still getting online play and I’m still going to get it since I will be the only one that will play offline.

      1. Its not about features alone. Its a matter of fair principles on Nintendo’s side being slashed for no apparent reason and then they dare complain in return that their games don’t sell somehow. This is all about ruining the Wii U and nothing is wrong with the hardware itself. Sure the advertisements flopped and almost no note worthy games (both 1st & 3rd party) are out that’s dragging Wii U low, but in technical and intellectual aspects, all of this gimping is unnecessary from the start.

        They can and will implement offline during development. They just didn’t want to. In fact, how odd is it that PS3/360 can support and have everything but Wii U can’t when it needs it the most?

        I swear to god this is the end of me buying from these lying a-holes.

    1. They already delayed the game once (most likely to accommodate the Wii U version), if it was delayed again, people would complain about that too and be less inclined to get it. Especially if that delay means the game comes out after the PS3, 360 versions.

      We have already seen it several times before from Nintendo fans, complaining that a game comes out later than the other versions.

        1. Because it probably won’t sell anyway, it’s already pretty nice of them to include the game on the struggling console…

    2. Regarding the update, I was thinking that would be a good idea IF all Wii U’s came with large internal storage. ;/

      An alternative to the update could be to release it as free DLC later though.

      1. I personally think it’d better to get a 4g model and then invest the other 50 dollars into a 250g external. I don’t do a lot of downloads though, so the deluxe 32g model suffices for me.

              1. It takes time and I talking about deluxe digital promotion might help some gamers get more games. Every $50 give you $5. The promotion lasts until 2014. So I sure most of us probably got a couple of games by then. Don’t forgot that games now a day are usually over 6 GB per games and may be increasing as the time goes by.

      2. Pretty sure offline Co-op would not have gigabytes of new textures, models and maps.
        Few lines of code, that’s it (I know I belittling it, but sticking with that).

  1. How do you not have enough time to put in a feature that is on all other versions… I highly doubt it would have been that hard to include it

      1. With 3rd parties dropping features, blaming Nintendo’s install base, I’m going to disagree with them being totally innocent and blaming Nintendo fans for expecting the same game experience as the other consoles.

        1. You can’t agree much after all smaller developers with less resources are doing way better job in porting.

  2. Watchdogs better have Multiplayer otherwise something that was going to be a day-one purchase would be a no-purchase from me

      1. Having good rapport with the fan base is good business. But when most of them are on Xbox and PS, Nintendo is apparently never “good business”
        It’s going to boil down to install base for a while..

            1. No, you used the word right. “Rapport” is different from “report.” The context that you used “rapport” works well enough, although I might have changed the wording a bit.

              So you weren’t wrong. ;)

  3. Pingback: Speaking of Gimped Third Party releases....

    1. If they delay, and explain it’s to give us the same game (unlike Ubi delaying a finished game) I would be ok with that.

  4. Real reason surely is trying to make it work with Wii Remotes. That would indeed require some gameplay fine-tuning, and it’s best not to count on Wii U owners having them Remotes, much less the new Pro Controller.

    Not a real loss if you’d ask me. That’s not a game that I foresee being played a lot in local co-op. If I have someone coming over to play on the Wii U, I’d rather play Mario or Smash Bros or even CoD if they’re into it. Splinter Cell is something I want to experience on my on and then jump online for Spies vs. Mercs later.

  5. I’ve a feeling theres no special edition on Wii U either. I’ll still get this on U, when it goes down to €15-25. There are a lot better games out there coming

  6. Hmm… should I pay full price for a game with missing features?… no, no I shouldn’t. Their reasons are valid, but as a consumer I won’t settle for second best considering the price we pay for video games.

  7. At least is not the same shit that Warner did. Online only should also means that each player will have there own pad for the cool gadgets.

  8. why are people pissed you cant have everything on a new console that old consoles have damn stop bitching the game is gana get old and people are just going to trade it in so who cares.

  9. I’ll still pick this up. because at least this version will still have the online co-op and the spies vs mercs mode

  10. As long as online co-op is there, I’m fine. Like someone said before, adding local co-op would mean to adjust the game to Wiimote + Nunchuck controls; which, if done correctly, takes a lot of time.

  11. ah well a minor setback, they might patch it later or we might just have to play co-op online, not the end of the world


  13. Oh my fucking god!
    Well, still getting the game, I didn’t even know about this mode. But it’s still sad that the Wii U version of all games are worse then the PS3 version, and the producers still expect it to do just as good!

    1. The Wii version of this game is still the best. It has MORE features! Wow, some people need to do more research.

  14. Eh i dont get it ? so does that mean we get the ONLINE COOP only ? becouse im just fine with that , i dont care aboute offline coop :)

  15. And there even more 3rd party games drop from my priority list….What a shame, but I will still buy them, not at launch, but after reading some reviews to check if the games are even good and after the price has dropped a little.

  16. What they are really saying “Wii U isn’t selling too well so we are just going to gimp the Wii U version because Sony and Microsoft paid us to, especially Microsoft”

  17. OK, what the fuck.

    That was the only reason I was excited for the game, 2 player co-op with gamepad.
    Fuck you Ubisoft, I’m starting to care less about your support.

  18. That’s a shame.
    Hopefully they’ll announce plans to incorporate it via a patch in the future.
    Till then, at least online co-op is a thing, so this’ll still get my purchase.

  19. What the flying fuck Sherlock? Every time we get good news, just know some scandalous entity is about to throw salt into our eyes. When I saw the French president was given a WiiU, I knew Ubisoft was planning something shady. They operate like a government, do something commercially good sounding to screw you with increased taxes.

  20. I will repent after my thought are shared.

    If you are down with Microsoft and xbox live fuck you, if you are down with DRM, copy station all stars and claim it’s a different game, fuck you and your whore ( ho ), if you are down with always online, overpriced vitas, microsoft’s asinine priorities and nintendo’s tree house, and not real gaming like Metroid prime 4, the last guardian and a real Alan Wake 2 and not an arcade shooter you can eat a DICK. I am mad right now, am off to repent of my sins.

    1. Good way to do that, is to remove your clothes, take a fetus position and stick your thumb in your mouth.

        1. The only similarities is the fact that it has 4 players at once, and the big roster of different franchises. The gameplay is different. Frankly, I’d love to see my favorite Sony characters duke it out. I agree Smash is 100x better, but PSASBR was pretty good.

              1. I only bought it because I am a diehard bioshock fan. The only time I was disappointed with a purchase. Me and my friends got together to play this. And we drink and play so no matter something gots to be fun under the influence except it wasnt. Bare bones single player, balance issues, lacks content. This game aint really brought up when friends come around. Call it what you want

                1. Well, if you don’t like it, you don’t like it. That’s fine. But it’s still not “generic” or a “clone.”

                  Side Note: Even if you are a “die-hard BioShock fan” as you say, why would that be a reason for you to get the game? BioShock is a FPS. PS All-Stars is a fighter and only has one character and stage from the BioShock franchise in it. ;/ You were bound not to like it from the start if that was your reason for getting it.

    1. Strongly disagree here. I’m still the proud owner of a NES with 4 pads. Those were the days, having people at home to play. Right now only have Nintendo Land abd Fifa

      1. Thats good for you, but the majority of people play online and online play means anyone can play co-op if they have no one to play with (like me). Local multiplayer is just an added bonus, online is a MUST these days. Hence why it is more important. 💋

          1. Online play means everyone can play with other people. It is a revolution for people who previously had no one to play with. There is literally not a single person I know that would play Wii U games with me. 💋

  21. Honestly, it may sell more if it comes out the same day as the other versions. Multi-console owners aren’t gonna wait for the Wii U version. Still buying, but hopefully it’s cheaper for the Wii U.

  22. As long as it still has the online multiplayer mode, I think it shouldn’t affect the sales that much.

    But, really, they are losing a great chance of making an unique experience of local multiplayer, having one person with the Gamepad screen, and the other using the TV. The possibility of a future patch adding this mode only depends on the number of sales the Wii U version being as satisfactory as the PS3/360 sales. High demand usually means high profits =)

  23. What you assholes don’t get is the Wii U version of this game has a lot more features then the other versions. They probably did this for cost reasons. This game still has all the online features, gamepad features, DLC supported. LOOK AT THE BIG PICTURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  24. What you people don’t get is the Wii U version of this game has a lot more features then the other versions. They probably did this for cost reasons. This game still has all the online features, gamepad features, DLC supported. LOOK AT THE BIG PICTURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  25. mynintendonews management, readers, commenters and Gamers. Forgive my earlier cruse use of the English language. I apologize for I know younger readers are on this site as well. Vulgar language is a bane on any boy or young man. It shall prevent your getting of a sane smart young lady one day. Am all about gaming again, will not let these third party suits divert my mission of sharing the true dynamic nature of video gaming’s true sphere.

      1. You are living in the past. Offline multiplayer is obsolete. It isn’t a dealbreaker. You still have online, at least.

        1. well he’s not alone then…online IS better but I’d rather use offline when my sister and brother come over to play…not to mention my little nephew and grandma who is my mother. So if its sooo obsolete, then its doing pretty dam well.

  26. I’m confused. You can play offline solo, but not offline co-op, but can play online co-op?

    Is it just because of not supporting 2 Game Pads? Surely 1 Game Pad and 1 Pro Controller works as a viable alternative?

    It makes no sense!

    1. you currently can’t buy a second gamepad anyway

      they could have just make the game use wiimote controls like any good shooter would.. guess they were too lazy for that which is why it’s not working

      1. ps360 does not have gamepads, new features are nice, but nothing that cant be done with traditional input.

        Player 1 on gampad, player 2 on tv screen with pro controller, was why I was excited for this game.

        But I guess on a plus side, there will at least be online modes.

  27. No, sorry, fuck this… We like offline cooperative, we like offline gaming with friends. They left that out just because they think that a same day release is too important? They’re really wrong… The best gaming sessions I’ve had with Nintendo systems have been offline, split screen battles in Mario Kart, smash Bros. etc. I only enjoyed Halo in the story cooperative mode. You think that was the best decision? Fuck you.

  28. Alright that’s it. I’ve officially lost all hope and respect with any third party willing to destroy Wii U’s chances of recovering from their woes with BS gimped games at full price and actually help prove its a console worthy to stay. And from this point forward, any games from Ubisoft; now another listed traitor of Nintendo, they can kiss my ass and my money now. I knew all along they were gonna eventually turn 180* and try this on Nintendo like the other 3rd parties ever since they unnecessarily delayed the already completed Rayman Legends for a year before Wii U even saw its first day of light.

    Right now I know some of ya are thinking “Its just offline play. Who cares” or “It’ll be patched later” Its never about which feature is not important now Nintendo’s marketing flops. The main problem with these jackasses developing on Nintendo platform is that they think its funny for them to trick fans into paying full price for a game with missing features that’s equally beneficial and had no clause for its removal while other platforms that are technologically similar to Wii U has full support resulting more people catching on into their BS and refuse to buy Wii U versions which is exactly what those traitorous 3rd parties are hoping would happen to collapse Nintendo’s reputation.

    What I don’t understand one bit of this is that I see more 3rd party games/support on Wii in its days despite the fact that its “technically inferior” in everyone’s eyes. But now they turn on the Wii U, which is now technically on par, if not, better then PS3/360 that they still develop for today, for the same fucking reason the Wii was?…Like what I told my folks a while back: We are now living in the “generation of the stupid”. All these gimps are completely unnecessary. All they’re doing is ruining Nintendo based from some old grudge. Nothing more. It’s never about the current install base, the rate of the consoles being sold or how much money is raised/lost because let’s not forget one important detail about this situation: PS3 was exactly the same story when it launched and lasted over a year to forecast itself but that never stopped the same companies who pointlessly trashed Wii U now from developing for the PS3 back then. Even the Vita is going through this right now and is similar to Wii U in some ways but it seems only Nintendo is receiving much hate and only one reason for that is this: Fanboyism.

    Sorry I had to post this very extensive comment folks but I seriously wanted to get my point across after hearing yet another hype Wii U game being gimped. This is final straw from the 3rd party especially coming from Ubisoft who acted that they praise Wii U and promised full why does that sound so familiar? EA @ Nintendo E3 2012 anyone? I’m not buying/supporting shit from them anymore. Time for Nintendo to start making new 3rd party/indie friends and ditch these two-faced, cash-cowing liars fast. Nintendo didn’t pay them from their $1 billion + surplus just for this BS business betrayal.

    1. “generation of the stupid”? Now that’s the best I’ve heard since I came here. Throughout that whole artical is true, that statement, “generation of the stupid”, is the best way to describe all fanboys/fangirls, most developers, and greedy fuckers. Well said.

    1. If they do patch it, then I’ll give it a shot. Since this is launching around my birthday, I was gonna buy it for my Wii U. Now I hear yet another Wii U game pathetically gimped, I’m skipping out and stop supporting companies that won’t show 110% support for Wii U equally and also lie about their ambitions of Wii U.

        1. Here’s a thought though, why not pull features out of 360 version?
          We all know those social rejects that are xbox fanboys need no offline multiplayer.
          They’ll be perfectly content screaming at their microphones on online modes.

          But I will be buying this game, not because some youtuber tells its ok to release gimped games if there’s (in someone’s opinion) a legit reason.
          But because I have a lot of faith in the devs handling the port.

  29. Nobody should buy this game for the wii u. They deserve to suffer losses if they’re going to put out unfinished products. The excuse they gave is ridiculous and no doubt untrue.

  30. The whole idea of gimping the games and make people expect the worst case scenario for the Wii U is just what Ubisoft and other developers gets paid to do – this is a very serious and illegal way to compete.

    Not that they care until they get caught doing it.

  31. This isn’t the only game. Titanfall for the XBone, PC, and XBox 360 will only have online multiplayer (and no single player). Online is the future. We need to adapt.

  32. again another game missing features why pretty much all games they make for the Wii U is made missing features missing online missing missing something!!!!! Developers than talk about sales… Would they buy half ass shit? Nintendo needs to put law down if game is not complete dont release! Wondering about watch dogs now, are they sayn wii u hard to program for? Ps3/360 getting all features n dlc wii u will get we should recive dlc regardless, they think they are doin us owners a favor… Am confused about statements made….

  33. I checked my the tracking of my preoder for Pikmin 3 ánd my game is shipping now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Wii U gaming drought is officially over. Rayman Legends and Wonderful 101 next months. After that Tropical Freeze, Lost Worlds, 3D Mario. And more!!!! Fuck splinter cell.

  34. Wii U is for Online now. Dont care of offline multiplayer anymore. My friend wanted to buy Pikmin 3 tomorow but when I tiold him there was no online he said WTF I pass. I said STFU there is online rank for best score. So he will buy it. Played 470 hours of Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate .. over 300 hours Mass Effect 3 Online mode .. over 100 hours onlin Most wanted U..

    arner Bros are the perfect exemple of retardness in videogame industry. I will wait for Orignis to drop 39$ before buying it because there is no online multiplayer mode.

  35. One more bad news report from ubisoft and I cancel my watchdogs and ac blackflag preorders and I was going to buy this day one ,now I am not buying at all.

  36. Guys, the only real reason 3rd party is skipping the Wii U is because of no real 1st party-2nd party games. That’s just how consoles work.
    Thanks, Nintendo, for your lovely business mismanagement.

  37. But just about every Wii-U owners own either a single or a combination of PC, 360, or PS3. Why would they buy the worst version?

    1. Same thing I ask myself on why would the average PS3 owner upgrade to a PS4 when Watchdogs and GTA.V.are.on the PS3?

  38. Pikmin 3 is now available for sale in the shop. Let’s welcome Wii U’s first the United States Of America!!

  39. This is just a big joke….

    One empire leaves multiplayer while another leaves out a local multiplayer…

  40. I am tired of hearing bad news about WIi U. There is a huge anti-marketing behind the console even before it was released. I mean, the console is not bad at all. I think there is something really big behind it all (Sony and Microsoft).

    1. Mostly the Microsoft Realm and the Electron Army as they have been hostile towards Nintendo ever since the Wii era…

  41. Pity you lonely social rejects who are OK with this…

    Wanted to play this on co-op with my wife.
    Gamepad makes Wii U the ultimate co.-op console.
    But yet another game which fails to capitalize on that.

    Still getting this on Wii U, and maybe (something something) pc version for lan co-op.
    PS3 with splitscreen is just murder, no way to play games.

  42. Delayin Rayman to get it on Pieceofshit 3 and xsux360 wasnt an problem, but delayin splinter cell to get multiplayer and being an equilevant on WiiU is apparently a problem, thats what i got it when i readed this. Im not buying games from ubisoft,wb and ea anymore, they just think they can treat Nintendo fanbase like they want but thats not the case. No money from me to unfinished products.

  43. Pingback: Niente modalità cooperativa offline per Splinter Cell Blacklist nella versione Wii U

    1. What’s amusing is the fact that so many ninten fans are wounded from other devs treating the U system like dirt after which they said they didn’t that they’ll curse any dev that gives the system all but one feature that is on the others. Sure I would’ve loved the game to have offline co-op but no doubt about it that they’ll most likely patch it in at some point or another. They should be happy that the system is even getting all of the other stuff like DLC, proper gamepad usage, and proper online.

  44. They say they “support” but when the titles come they are always lacking. It’s still screwing nintendo so just support it back by not buying the product. Show them we aren’t buying their crap products that lack what others have and still sell for the same price. I think I’ll just stick with nintendo and capcom products from now on. Everyone else can crash and burn.

  45. Well. I’m sure they can patch that in. What I’m most glad about is that it’s getting the online option as well as all the DLC.


    This is for everyone else who comes and reads…and those blind asswholes who don’t or trolling stupidly…I suggest you watch this video. This video will go on posts that I feel either deserve it or I get half way down this artical…YOU FUCKERS WILL WATCH AND UNDERSTAND! But you have the power not too but this is spammed until you understand and in this artical only. Thank you for your time!

  47. If they ran out of time then its ok as long as they give us a patch. If we don’t get a patch then i’d rather have it delayed. We all know that microsoft has this policy where a game should be launched at the same time as others.

  48. Aww damn I just bought a Wii U Pro Controller just for this game. I really hope that Ubisoft will patch this in the future but I’m really glad that we will still be getting the game on time.

  49. “NL: On Wii U, is offline co-operative play supported? If so, which controllers can be used?
    LJ: In order to ship at the same time as the other consoles, we unfortunately weren’t able to delve into this feature. But we think Nintendo gamers will be really excited to get the game at the same time as other consoles.”

    “NL: Is Off-TV play supported?
    LJ: Yes, Off TV play is fully supported for everything, except offline coop play.”

    Still disappointing, if they patch it in without giving us ability to play coop on separate screens.

  50. Pingback: Check Out The New Splinter Cell Blacklist 101 Trailer | My Nintendo News

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