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Report Says Critics Favored Wii U’s Launch Line-Up More Than PS4 Launch Titles


Critics apparently favored Wii U’s launch line-up more than the PlayStation 4’s launch titles. According to a report by Gaming Blend, via Metacritic, Wii U launch exclusives scored higher than the games available only on Sony‘s new console. For example, a PS4 “triple-A” game, Killzone: Shadow Fall, currently has a Metascore of 75, while Wii U’s ZombiU from Ubisoft sits at 77. On the other hand, “family-friendly” PS4 title Knack currently sits at 60 on Metacritic, whereas Wii U’s Mario launch game – New Super Mario Bros. Ustands at 84.

427 thoughts on “Report Says Critics Favored Wii U’s Launch Line-Up More Than PS4 Launch Titles”

          1. No… Just playing it. At 1 million sold in the US it’s no surprise to even see 1% failure. Lol wii u is finished, 3rd party support is gone .

            1. Actually the Wii U hardly broke on day one…. Yet the PS4 had a few break… yeah, I’d TOTAL risk paying £350 for a PS4 then buy a Wii U for only £210 which is much safer… just saying

                1. But the Wii U isn’t using the same architecture as a powerful gaming PC like the PS4 does (gaming PC does not equal Windows PC, as Linux, Steambox, iMac, etc. would show you.).

                  In other words, it’s entirely designed by Nintendo and its partners, so they’d have a higher chance to know if the hardware has a chance to ship with a fault.

                  That, and it’s said that Nintendo’s consoles are made of Nintendium BECAUSE of how well built they are (the still-functioning Gameboy found in the barracks from the Persian Gulf War is a perfect example, with only the screen being beyond repair. Sure, the chassis’s now brown from rust, but the fact that it’s still working’s showing something.).

                  1. On opening night for wiiu, they told us to go home (gamestop) and pick them up the next morning. There was 3 people including myself that got a wiiu… Last week when I got my PS4, There was over 90 people at the release.. thats a massive difference

            2. If you seriously believe its 1% just because Sony say it you may as well believe the world is flat little fanboy. Its obvious by the amount of reports they aren’t as isolated as Sony say. The truth about PS4’s failure rates will come out and when its revealed to be much higher then Sony’s claim I want to hear what you say.

          2. my ps4 isnt broken and doesnt have any errors and xbox 360 launch was same way and wii u had problems at launch too its all systems

        1. using what games exactly? mediocre CoD copy number four called “killzone” or the puzzle game called “knack” that apparently was designed with a difficulity level fit for a small child?

          my guess is PS4 customers will end up just as starved of decent games to play as wii u customers used to be at launch

          1. Funny you say it, that’s more or less what one could say of the initial release of the Wii U.

            “sing what games exactly? mediocre CoD game that does not even get the DLC “CoD BO II” or the left over wii game called “New Super Mario Bros U” that apparently was designed with a difficulity level fit for a small child?”

              1. If you are talking about my Wii U you have nothing to worry about, it work perfectly. Thank you for showing some concern, but your assistance is not needed.

              1. In fact I play it and play it a lot and I’m very good at it (five shiny golden star on my save file)and according to my older and younger sister and pretty much every one I know that had play the Wii game and the U game (myself included) the Wii game is actualy harder, mind you that is only speaking of the story mode, not the challenge mode; but regardless of how much the challenge mode of the U game drive up the spike of the dificult level of the game, my point still stand up

                “or the left over wii game called “New Super Mario Bros U” that apparently was designed with a difficulity level fit for a small child”

                is something that someone that have a grudge with the game, with the Wii U or with Nintendo in general would have said in some way or form as part of an argument regarding the Wii U launch line.

            1. He literally gives it away by calling Killzone a “CoD copy.” What a fucking idiot.

              But the real side killer is the so-called lack of compelling launch games he goes on with a bit below, when there have been few exceptions to this over the past decade. The biggest difference is the PS4 is practically guaranteed third party support while the Wii U is pretty much screwed forever. So long term isn’t even going to be comparable where it counts either.

              Driveclub, Watch_Dog’s delay and Infamous: SS being Q1 2014 is pretty unfortunate. I’ll pick the console up before then though.

              1. “He literally gives it away by calling Killzone a “CoD copy.” What a fucking idiot. ”

                know what i’m reading here?

                mimimimi wah wah wah

                it’s a call of duty copy.. it looks exactly like it and plays exactly like it, deal with it

                    1. “know what i’m reading here?

                      mimimimi wah wah wah”

                      this is apparently a comeback to you though?


                      “i’m literally shaking now in the face of your mad rhetorical skills”

                      Probably the best you can do at this point being Nintedward tier after all.


              2. though its not a cod copier it is still a mediocre on rails shooter, the only thing it has going for it is the graphics.

              3. So hey two of those game are on Wii U too. Playstation gets awesome exclusives but Nintendo does too so why are you trying to drag it through the dirt. : P

        2. Well have fun with your multiplatform, definitely nothing interesting exclusive :D
          Funniest part that it’s the only console with really poor exclusives.

          1. Agree, that is why I´m still waiting for a good exclusive or a multi platform that is not coming to the Wii U for buying the PS4, because you know, that much money does not magicaly appear in from of you out of thin air…crossing finger… not, the money does not appear.

      1. Ratings mean nothing. if you have a rating of 90 and one of 70. But if 5 mill ppl want the 70 and 1 mill want the 90. Who do you think wins???? Its about numbers, not quality of games. The more people the more companies want to make for it. WIIU, a year later only sold 500k for 10 months of 13. Its still under 4 mil. With this holiday, you may get another 500k if your lucky and it will still be under 5 mill. Thats not enough for companies to jump to the wiiu.

      2. I bought ps4 and only one game i like was BF4 thats it Im looking at xbox lineup and wow i want to play rome game and zombi game thats what ps4 is lacking is a zombi game on start up. I have wii u I can settle back on but still kinda dissappointed but ah well I also have pc to fall back on and eventually i get xbox one and then i have them all

        1. Atleast you find yourself a game that you like. I have pre-ordered PS4 but i can’t find any game that i want. I live in area where we have only mobile networks so playing BF4 online without horrible ping is not possible.

      1. On which side you are, though? because sometimes when Nintendo does a right move you praise the Wii U, other times you say it is doomed. Everytime you seem to be just moving to the winning side. What an hypocrite.


                Yea, ignoring the serious works in anime (Ghibli, Production IG, etc.) and lumping fans like that is pretty shallow.

      2. 1 Mio after all this hyping and gigantic marketing by Sony and all those unbalanced fanboy media reports. thats not very impressive. Apple sells 1mio new IPhones within less than 1 hour, that’s real hyping, guy *lol*

        1. Me too, the game is great! I hope they make some kind of sequel when the Wii U is more popular. Or that Mario Party U borrows some of the ideas from Mario Chase, Animal Crossing and Luigi’s Ghost Mansion.

        1. Look at you. When you see you writing this kind of stuff, do you understand by yourself that you’re a stupid person or do we still have to show it to you ?
          If I were you, I would avoid talking in public too much.

        1. Soldner X-2 is more fun than Resogun. Because I’m too lazy to click ‘reply’ on other comments lol: Killzone really is mediocre (Halo’s more fun) and dammit 5 stars in NSMB haha I still haven’t beat the game yet! I think I need to play that solo haha friends always mess it up >.< as for the launches, I'd say it's pretty close.

    1. I’m gunna kick your ass, and break your ps4, cuz it’s not worth stealing. STFU til you have an argument you bitch faggot mc pansy homo

      1. Wow dude, I’m amazed by how stupid you’re.
        I acutally don’t own a PS4 and don’t plan to buy one.
        You are some retard desperate virgin kid aren’t you.

      1. Oh? What does the PS4 have during the launch window? Destiny maybe? But that’s a multiplat. PS4 enters its drought period now. Wii U has Super Mario 3D World, Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze, Mario Kart 8, Bayonetta 2…

        1. PS4 has indie games, and as it’s selling very well, probably a lot of other games coming up in the next months.
          I love nintendo, but they are about to lose this gen.

          1. Wii U is getting a lot of Indie games as well, and they have a lot of indie games, but NOBODY counts those, if that were the case, the Vita would be the best selling handheld. PS4 wil get a drought, it’s something all consoles go through, and by the looks of it, Nintendo seems to have chance with the above average PS4 launch, let’s see how Microsoft does, since the PS4 launch, I’m starting to have faith with old ninty.

            1. Some people, like me, love indie games. The only true pearls you can see now are indie games, others have to deal with the publishers’ pressure, dates, etc…
              Supporting indie games is also supporting video games in general and helping little developpers to become famous.
              And if an indie studio becomes famous thanks to Sony, you can be sure they will mainly develop for them.

  1. CoD Ghosts sold more for the PS4 on release here in the UK than the WiiU & the PS4 console wasn’t even out for another three weeks !

    Most WiiU launch games were ports of old X360 & PS3 games, also the launch window for the WiiU was from the release day until march 2013 !

    1. Its funny that people buy COD Ghosts on PS4…Who spends $400 on a console to play COD Ghosts? Could have played it on your PS3, 360, or PC or Wii U if you want FREE ONLINE. Its amazing people would rather pay for online…

      1. A lot of the people who got (or are getting) PS4’s already had PlayStation Plus, so it’s nothing extra out of their pocket to pay for online multiplayer; their service from PS3/Vita carries over and it’s as if nothing changes.

        It is a little crappy that most PS4 mp sessions require PS+, but that’s offset by the benefits that come with PS+ and the fact that nothing else is blocked by the paygate – only online mp for *most* games.

      2. Sonic will never be better than Mario ever again

        not really. people with better pay just to own a Sony console. Sony could have stuck with the DRM policies and still broke records in the sales Categories because people are stupid and will buy anything with sony’s name on the box

  2. Yeah if you haven’t noticed, thenps 4 sucks! Has no good game coming for a while and the console is made like shit… I’m surprised to hear kills one sucks, bymut hen it never looked very good, and knack is one of the biggest pieces of shit to ever be sold for 60$

        1. I am just as suprised as you, I think the only people who bought the Ps4 were mostly sony cock-lickers. I mean, look at the size of that touch screen compared to the Wiu’s!

          1. The tecnology inside the console alone worth 400, add to that a game and a controller, not counting the packing and shipping price and there is no way Sony is winning even a dollar for each PS4 sold.

        1. My point is, the ps4 looks like it is going to win this generation, unless nitnendo gets some for exclusive 3rd party games. AND so what is 33% broke, sony doesn’t give a fuck, as long as they make a profit and they sell those consoles, it doesn’t matter.

          1. Sony might not give a fuck, but consumers sure do, I was planning on buying a PS4, now I’m going to avoid it like the plague, I’m not throwing $400 out the window.

          2. 3rd party isn’t needed. If Wii U got EVERY 3rd party game there would be no point in having a Playstation or Xbox. Sure a few more 3rd parties would be nice. But all I want is a new Tales Of Symphonia game and Destiny. Every other 3rd party game can go fuck themselves.

        2. What “33%”?

          …Oh wait, that figure is fresh out of your ass. Not quite unlike most of the bullshit you post.

          I remember on your Rey Hardy account when you said they couldn’t afford a PS4 or would go bankrupt by 2015.

          You’re a clown, through and through.

      1. That usually happens with apple products as well. When something becomes a “must have thing” it kind of loses value of “usage”, in this case games. No disrespect to apple nor ps4 but people are forgetting the reason why they are buying it. I mean the best ps4 has are remade “good graphic ” looking games and indie games. i know the Ps4 will become great once games gets there just like the Wii U is about to become great (end 2013 to 2014 forwards), and the same goes for Xbox One (though i would say Xbox are getting closer than the ps4). – This is Gamer, Peace Out

        1. I totally agree, I think that sony trolls bought it without having a clue of what features it had( other than better graphics)

    1. Haha agreed! The playstation 4 looks like IT might fail now! Sony has no good exclusives coming that they’ve shown us, all the multiplatforms are rehashes of moneymaking franchises. It’s just sports and Fps games, and fuck those genres! Fuck the dualshock 4 fuck the playstation store
      Fuck the yo fuck the games fuck the launches fuck the features fuck paying for music
      Fuck the small graphics jump and fuck the sony executives for being such assholes about the hole thing.
      Fuck playstation I hope it flops

      And after watching the cutscenes from the last of us, and going thru my xbox game selection I can say
      Last (non Nintendo) gen kinda sucked, especially if you didn’t like fps.
      This gen looks like it might suck and thanks to Sony and the playstation 4 for confirming that.

      I can’t believe the wii u and 3ds are the only things that kept me a gamer thru this transition. If it wasn’t for Nintendo I would’ve quit, and now I’m taking jobs JUST to pay for new wii u games lol

      1. PS4 has no HUGE excluisves till Uncharted 4 which I still call Unchanged lol. But that’s about it… KH3 and FF15 are along way away and not even exclusives so meh.

        1. Agreed. Never played an uncharted game. They don’t look that appealing to me. But more so the fact that I hate the dual shock controllers. Their made for underdeveloped people with hands the size of my penis!

          Well chose technically lol, it’s still big

          1. Its a decent exclusive. Its not a system seller. Not a game where you say FUCK MAN I HAVE TO BUY A PS4 NOW TO PLAY THIS!!!

            1. Infamous 2 has sold about 1.2 million (or more) copies.

              Which as far as I’m concerned, is pretty good for a new IP introduced in the 7th gen. The review scores reflect it too.

              So unless you give your ideas of a “system seller”, then maybe you’ll start making some sense. Because 24 hours and 1 million units despite a passable launch lineup is crazy no matter how you slice it.

              This thing is actually selling itself by having titles with /core/ appeal, despite the major ones being available on multiple platforms.

    2. I was excited for Knack, but the critics crushed it. Wasn’t going to buy a PS4 only for that game, but now I have no reason to buy one.Nintendo FTW!

      1. Agreed! No offence but knack looks like it sucks for 60$.
        Looks like a good game to play just not for 60$.
        When it’s that basic and used 3 buttons and this is the hyped Mario killing masterpiece with good graphics I can’t help but feel redeemed at the reviews

        1. I tried a demo of it on the Norwegian gaming expo, and it felt lile a 7/10 at most. It felt like the game had potential, but looks like it failed to expose it.

        1. I thought it looked interesting, but Sony failed to expose it’s potential. Looks like I’ll hold myself to Nintendo styled games.

        2. Even I, a Sony hater have to say I though Knack looked nice but I have no interest in getting it. Gameplay looked weird…but it was nice looking. Like a Pixar movie lol.

          1. I have to say, as an all around gamer, I thought Knack looked terrible, guess I was right, and it doesn’t surprise me at all that Killzone is average, and much better than their shitty games of the past, seriously, why are they still making Killzone games? hopefully and probably, we’ll see some new games, and seriously… Uncharted… again? I thought they said Nintendo were the only milkers.

            1. Hahahah good point. I think all those franchises should die off. That was last gen, they weren’t stellar then and were tired of them now. GTFO with that bullshit sony

          2. It looked like game with good story but boring linear gameplay. They should propably make movie of that game because that could sell that game for kids.

      2. I’m playing it now and loving it. It has that old-school feel. It’s just a fun game. Not always looking for an “Oscar worthy” performance out of a game, just good fun. That’s what I’m getting from Knack. The reviews have been fairly mixed. I don’t understand the real negative ones. Everything I have played so far has been quite to the contrary of them.

        *Reasons why I don’t listen to reviews on the whole*

        1. Rate a Nintendo title poorly/mediocre and see exactly how they react. A sudden urge to tell people not to listen to the reviews…quite like what happened with Sonic Lost World.

          But give it a 10 and they’ll blowjobbing it all day.

          1. Yup. Give a Nintendo game a low score, “reviews don’t matter. These critics are stupid.”

            Give a Nintendo game a high score, “LOOK AT THE REVIEWS!”

            And suddenly reviews matter when non-Nintendo games get lower scores. *rolls eyes*

          2. Sonic Lost World’s review was, quite simply, a bad review. Like all gaming reviews, honestly– but I must say, that one was exceedingly horrific. (

            I agree with Simply G: I don’t listen to game reviews as a whole, but as a Nintendo fan, I AM bothered when (in my opinion, of course) a good game receives a low score for a silly reason– or a bad game receives undeserving, high scores. This is because, particularly to casual consumers, numerical scores in reviews matter a lot. This means that because reviewers are often paid, I’m sure for FPS games as well, games that don’t deserve fame and glory (staring intently at most Call of Duty games here) still receive massive media attention and become milked franchises. On the other hand, franchises I love have lost a significant amount of popularity for no other reason than poor journalism. I’m fine with people enjoying other games, but not for illegitimate reasons that negatively affect the funding and future of franchises I play.

    3. No. The Launch lineup for the PS4 is shit. The only games that interest me is AC4 and Knack. PS4 will have Infamous, The Order, and Uncharted.

      1. Dude no offence to you either (haha I’m an asshole today)
        But assassins creed 4 sucks. On wii u at least. It’s so glitchy and hickupy
        And when it isn’t, it just isn’t fun to play, even on the gamepad!!
        Coming from me it means a lot cuz I LOVE offscreen play. It made cod ghosts into a good and to me ( but I used to be a cod fiend). And cod ghosts is a SHIT game, but not as bad as ac4. It’s so bad that I’m returning it for a pro controller

        And I literally got the game for free

        1. It might suck in your opinion, but I like the AC franchise. Also, Knack looks pretty good, fuck the reviewers. I don’t like BF4 or Ghosts. Screw sports games. Lego Marvel looks interesting, but it doesn’t catch my eye. Killzone is okay I guess.

          1. Yes it is my opinion! And we have differing opinions! I like some games you mentioned, however I justu hope we can come together and agree, the playstation 4 is not a must have right now!

            ( I mean it isn’t even wanted list worthy yet)

            1. Sorry I didn’t mean to sound like an asshole, I just like how you understood it was my opinion rather then attacking me, and I’m excited people with 2 different opinions can come together and talk. Only on a wii u page lol
              Bringing people together since I fucked you mom and had a secret baby.
              Not your mom! I like you, but this playstation fans mom. I fucked her hard

        2. Assassin’s Creed 4 is only Glitchy and Hickupy because it’s on the Wii U… well, either that or because the devs simply do not know how to make games playable, at least it looks awesome. It runs and looks pretty well on the PS4.

    4. PS4 is not a pile of shit. I am loving mine so far. Killzone is fantastic, knack is okay, could of been alot better. PS4 getting alot of support from third parties and i’m glad i bought one and it’s sitting proudly next to my Wii U :)

        1. Get the fuck outta here with that bullshit son. You listen to saberr and thank him for telling you the truth
          Or I’m gunna start hitting you

      1. Yea he’s a biased stupid fanboy so his opinion is irrelevant but I agree yo PS4 is fucking amazing so far. Great Ui, so fast, the games look great. Everything about it is just great. Only trolling Nintendo fanboys disagree but they disagree with anything NON Nintendo so they’re irrelevant

        1. Hey anything non Nintendo is dirt! Including you and your dirtbag family, supporting a ps4 owner. SCUM OF THE WORLD. You are garbage and your system is garbage and if I ever catch you up I. My neighbourhood I’m gunna hit you in the back with a golf club and take a dump in your ear, to symbolize how much Nintendo kicks the shit outta sony

                    1. What do you want me to say!?

                      I’m not a virgin! I fuck girls all the time! In real life I’m hot! Tall black and I have an Afro! Do you expect me to say that? Cuz it makes me sound like more of a desperate faggot then telling you your wasting your time

      1. no Anubis! NO, you buy a console for the games!, what’s the point of havin 8 FUCKING GIGS OF RAM; if the game sucks? huh?, i know that ps4 will eventually get steam, but as for now, it sucks just as wii u sucks

          1. Haha it won’t. The ps3 is supposed to be sooooo great and I wouldn’t touch one with a ten foot clown pole. The xbox 360 is supposed to be good to, and I loved it til the wii u came along, now I’ve sold my whole game collection and soon the box. Specs don’t matter! All that matters is licking armpits.. Uhh I mean Nintendo, yeah nintendo

          1. you missed the point dude, and yet you confirmed down here, even if the ps4 blows the wii u out of the water, you still want Nintendo Games, you buy a console for the Games, not for multitasking, watching movies, listening to music and all that shit, you buy a console for its games, and the games of the ps4 sucks, they suck, and you know it, people always say: nintendo doesn’t get it, yet believe me sony does neither, all of their most famous games aren’t even made by them, there all subsidaries, Sucker Punch, Santa Monica, Naughty Dog, all western, and the only game they made for this launch, “Knack” sucked hard, so buy a ps4 because everything is better than Wii U, you will not have the games you want anyways

            1. Screw logic!!!! Getting me ps4 aroun 2015 nothing screams to me. Order of 1886 looks cool but still not enough for me plus I’m waiting till KH because maybe…Just maybe…They’ll have a special edition. I’m more hyped for the wii u next year then the ps4

              1. Til they show gameplay the order loses to x. And I never got into kingdom hearts. I played the first one when I was a kid but I couldn’t shake the feeling that sora is a faggot link

                And fuck Disney characters. Lose to Nintendo characters every time. I never watched or could afford the Disney channel. All I know is the ducktales them song,
                but don’t fuck whales
                Woo hoo
                Play-stay-shun is for all of them retards woo hoo

                  1. Haha I like this saberr guy. Hey my name will be stevey in the future so we may troll more faggots. Crept this isn’t trolling, this is the truth. Playstation 4 is for victims of sony rape

                  2. Nah the last of Us feels like one. Naughty dog need to release a new IP for the ps4 but the fourth uncharted is their answer. I Don’t mind uncharted its just why go for another realistic game. Your naughty dog creators or crash, jak and daxter…and Uncharted. Last of us is good game but still don’t care much for it

        1. Just an upgrade in power and specs that breaks? Well I’m glad the Wii U wasn’t that. Really the only thing the Wii U needs added to the system is Party Chat.

          1. I don’t cater to you playstation faghots, unless I read this page again and you said something pro nintendo. Then we can have a civilized conversation in what we all really want from a “next gen console” til then
            Burn in hell scum sonypony bitchass

      2. Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag and Knack are the only two games in the launch lineup that I care about. Infamous Second Son will come along, then I will buy a PS4.

        1. There were several other games on it which were at least decent, and a few good downloadable titles as well. The problem is, they got swamped among tons of poorly-made “family” games which no family would want to play for more than 20 minutes.

      3. Too bad ps4 is going to shit on Wii U sales by a huge margin. Wii U will be last place this Gen if it can even make it 3rd LMAO

            1. probably not for jak and daxter, sly, MediEvil, ape escape…God I mess those games. Unless it something I like third party or sony wise I have no plans to get a ps4 until kingdom hearts…maybe a special edition

              1. Actually they said they are going to be reviving OLD ips!!! so that can be jak and daxter and all they’re classic ips which was great news for me. Really tho ps4 is amazing so far and Sony is going to bring so much more games and keep theyre promises unlike Nintendo.KH3 will be bought day 1 laugh for me tho

                1. Sony just isn’t offering variety at this point, I happy with my wii u just got xenoblade, can’t wait for X, bayonetta has always had my attention but didn’t want buy on ps3 because I heard it ran awful on the ps3, didn’t want to buy 360 just play it. I love the wonderful 101, pikmin is the whole reason I got the system, mario is looking nice. Freakin DK in feb can’t wait for that. I’ve heard nintendo will detail next year for the wii u either in DEC or the end of nov. I’m over happy with the wii u currently ,3ds and ps3. they should keep me happy

                  1. I guess to each his own. Honestly Wii U offers nothing for me. I’ll consider one next year when bayonetta 2 is announced since I loved the first one. Smash and Mario kart HD is cool and the new Zelda but that’s about it for me. I just can’t wait for more ps4 games to swing in for now itl be ps4 and 3ds for me

                    1. My problem with his return would is his game play. They have to change it up paying that much money for short game like his is issues that they need to look at…Maybe make open world and offer different varieties of gameplay

          1. Right. Sales show it man and statistics. No one wants a Wii U but everyone wants a ps4,bone as their console

            R.I.P Wii U

                1. Nooo I wouldn’t ca it a large percentage of people. There’s 7 billion in the world. I don’t think they all have a boner for Sony or 400$ to waste on junk

                    1. True and I expect sales of PS4 to increase more. But the problem is you don’t know or can’t find the differance between new people who are buying a PS4 vs. replaced consoles. But the sales of PS4 will look good.

                    1. Buying a PS4 is like gambling your money away. A 50% chance it’ll work vs. the blue light of death. Then you got to pay more for the warrenty. But it needs it.

                        1. Near perfect? Give me a reason why buying a PS4 will give me a different and unique experience than what a 360/PS3 already can do.

                          I’m not gonna drop $400 on a console that barely offer anything different than a PS3.

                      1. Warranties come with the system. If there’s a problem with it, Sony will fix or replace it for free as long as the system was obtained legitimately.

                        At this point, we still don’t know the truth of how many systems are really having problems and how many stories on the web are just that – stories.

            1. No insults. No bad mouthing. No BS! I want to know honestly. Why do you continue to hold no hope for the Wii U and cling to whatever fragile evidence you can to back your lack of faith up? (e.g. That survey had a very limited sample size. If door to door, site to site, continent to continent surveying was done, the results would not have been so biased.)

              So why play the part of a fortune teller when you clearly are not? This gen is going to last a total of at least 10 years. Sony was all but dead the first two years of last gen and took the final three to recover. Launch sales, no matter the company, do NOT decide who wins a console generation. Can the PS4 overtake the U’s sales? Of course it CAN. Will it? That remains to be seen. Will 3D World (which is highly anticipated despite your opinions) cause a massive sales push which can help the U obtain and keep a HUGE lead? Of course it CAN. Will it? AGAIN, that remains to be seen.

              I am typing sensible stuff here so for you to persist in this prediction fiasco clearly means you either ignore all intellectual comments sent your way, are just a troll or just complain here in the hopes that Nintendo will listen and “change their ways”. No matter what the reason though, it’s annoying and disruptive. I do really want to know why though so a respectful reply would be nice.

        1. Maybe…but then you have to put into account all the money stores will have to give back to customers who are returning their broken system.

      4. The main problem with Resogun for the people that keep using it is that it is a digital game with 0 store promotion so if you are under a certain age you will not experience it compared to games sold in stores that parents can easily purchase.

      5. I don’t wanna read the comments, way too much limited people in here, they make me feel horribly ashamed to be a Nintendo fan…

          1. It is not THAT much of a piece of shit, but it’s still gonna kick Wii U’s ass. That’s very much of a fact, it already, on only one continent and in a single day, sold almost as much as the Wii U in one year.

              1. No, they know how to speak to GAMERS when Nintendo is willing to orientate the Wii U toward the casual gaming again.
                I really feel like I’m about to go for Sony myself.

                      1. Well I’m on PC myself, but I also like console gaming and I’m seriously thinking about what console I’ll buy next year. It will depend on the exclusives I guess.
                        A few years ago, I would have bought Nintendo without even thinking about it, but now I’m more thinking about buying Sony, considering Iwata said he wanted the Wii U to follow the path of the WIi in terms of casual gaming…

                1. Did you just say they know how to speak to gamers? Please tell me all this public relations gaming stuff they must have been saying all along and I was to blind to hear(lol). Tell me more about these fucking fantastic games ain’t has, and their exclusive title characters recognized all over the world? OH WAIT A MINUTE THEY DONT HAVE SHIT!
                  Just specs and vocal fans. If you ask me it’s time Nintendo fans step up and start kicking these playstation fags in the throat

                  1. I never owned a Sony console, I’m just thinking about it.
                    Nintendo are doing things wrong for years now, Iwata needs to get his shit together and stop being so stubborn, otherwise I’ll leave. But then again, we’ll see next year, when the lineups for the Wii U and PS4 will be more provided.

                    1. Playstation community is better, they are not blind fanboys saying shit 24/7 on their fansites.
                      The online on the console is way more developed and better than the WIi U’s.
                      They have amazing studios too that make great exclusives for them.
                      They are going indie, I myself love indie games and supporting the little studios is a fantastic way to support video games.
                      The console will have some games with amazing graphics. Games specially optimized for the console, and with the console’s specs, and even though they are worse than a good PC’s specs, they will be gorgeous.
                      There is an application to stream directly on TwitchTV, which I like a lot.
                      Next The Chinese Room’s game, Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture, will be a PS4 exclusive, and The Chinese Room is one of my favourite studios.
                      This motherfucking Iwata said he wanted the Wii U to be a casual gaming console, just like the Wii. I absolutely hated the Wii and Nintendo disappointed me a lot with it.

                      That’s all I see right now, but it seems enough to me.
                      But then again, we’ll see next year what the lineups will look like. If I see that Nintendo is finally refocusing on their gamer core of fans, I will buy a Wii U, otherwise, for the first time of my life, I’ll buy Sony.

              2. Hahah I love this saver guy. If I knew him i he’d get 5$ too from me for my amusement. Just kidding il give him a beer or something. Fuck sony and their retard pandering

          2. Says you. Pretty sure the one million people who bought, is happy with their purchase. It may not have the best launch lineup, when talking exclusives and such, but it’s a pretty damn impressive piece of hardware, that almost beat a years work for Nintendo in 24 hours. The Wii U’s future is looking grim.

            1. The wii u is screwed, I totally understand that. I guess you haven’t heard all of the problem plaguing the ps4 right now, huh? Living under a damn rock?

                1. Yes it is about 0.4% don’t listen to these Nintendo fanboy trolls that spread misinformation about NON Nintendo products

                  1. Well it’s a number I got from Sony players, so I don’t really know what to think.
                    And yeah, I’ve learnt not to take the guys on this site too seriously, they are mainly blind fanboys posting bullshits at an astonishing speedrate. No wonder everyone hates Nintendo players.

              1. Everybody, at least the not totally ignorant people, know that if you plan to buy a PS4, do it in 2014 because of the bugs and the lineup.
                People who were too excited to wait have bugs, fully predictable.

        1. Anyone else feeling a little bit horny? I might play a little bit of Wii Fit U to get my creative juices flowing ;)

        2. I hope it wasn’t my doing! I’m sorry I was just born a troll! Sometimes I have to let it out! Just be happy I’m on nintendos side or my daily trolling would be BRUTAL! I’m really not a blind troll URL, I just get pissed at these sony fans and reps who spout garbage about how specs are all that matter. This may be my only chance to drive a couple of em to suicide. Really lighten the place up ya know! SORRY I COULDNT RESIST! But seriously this is the only time I’ll get to put them down and make them feel bad, the same way they did to us. I understand revenge is wrong, but I’ve never heard a pony use a viable argument and after a while it gets to a guy ya know? That and the ps4 is SHITE

      6. Haha I have nintendo land, and it is really fun with friends. I went to my friend’s house to play Kill zone on his ps4 and it was garbage. He ended up playing fire emblem awakening lolol and he listed his killzone on ebay.

        1. Zomg fire emblem is so good! I was playing all night last night (and animal crossing) and laughing and the gags ration fans struggling thru their shit single player games cuz multiplayer was down. I can guarantee I was having a better time

      7. 100+ Comments in less than 5 minutes, NEW WORLD RECORD!!! congrats!… I’m going to guess… hmm… let’s see, Haters pointing their finger on how bad the Wii U is, and blah blah blah this, and blah blah blah that, and fanboys feeding them, and… pretty much that… LOL!

              1. Yeah it’s all that and me, an extremely hostile Nintendo fan ready to get into a fist fight with the next person who calls link between worlds a rehash.
                I dare you to say it to my face, I dare you and I will break your sternum

      8. LAWL! LAWL! WTH hell did tell everyone!! The PS4 is not worth getting! there will be no games worth paying on it until next year and it cost way more! While them Sony boys be using their PS4 as a $400 paper weight, I’ll be playing Super Mario 3d World and Rayman Legends.

          1. Haha it will do nicely for longer then that. Til we get some real ease dates I say we abandon the ps4 and let it burn so sony falls off forever. That’ll solve the problem

      9. My PS4 had a good 2 days lifespawn but now he is dead and I got my money back today, Playing fucking CoD Ghost on my Wii U right now.

          1. Hey man cos ghosts sucks but on wii u it’s actually pretty sick! You can jump in a brainless online match while you watch some tv and play offscreen, or multiplayer extinction. That experience alone is better then anything you’ll find on ps4 right now. I mean you could have the same experience but it’ll cost you 720$ Including game and online and vita lol

      10. It doesn’t really matter, Sony and MS have got to the point where they could put anything out and it will sell. I know people who are on their 3rd 360 and are still going to get an Xbone at launch, people don’t really care anymore.

        Even Nintendo managed to sell 3M Wii Us with no advertising or big games up until the end of september..

      11. I think most of us knew that there were going to be hardware issues with the PS4 being that they went totally off-the-shelf with parts. That’s why they can sell the PS4 at a profit. However that profit is going go down the drain with all these returns and it’s not something that can be fixed with firmware updates either. They are going to have to wait until all the defective units are flushed out before the PS4 can start to turn a profit.

        We’ll see what happens.

      12. some are right that ps4 line up sucks but sold better than wii u but i hope the games that matter like x, bayonetta, smash bros, zelda wii u, mario kart, to name a few would help wii u back on its feet…well stands if u set it vertically

      13. Well I made it to the bitten through all the passive trolls and playstation adopters only getting their noses rubbed into bad news by assholes like me. I just hope you people keep gaming and enjoying gaming, and go where you find the list fun games, but keep in mind you playstation fans. If you keep saying stupid shit with no reason or argument like last gen, whop I’m not just gunna be trolling, I’m gunna be patrolling, game stores, and anybody who buys a playstation will taste my foot! After I shove it up your ass, you wil be forced to ear my show and lick my foot

          1. Hey cater pie that’s a good point, and it really made me think about myself…
            This is the point where I would add in troll comments but I’m not joking I’m serious. I’ve turned into one of them! Now I must decide if I be myself… But start the cycle again… Or I bottle it up and beat my wife or something …



        1. Yeah but because sony marketed the dualshock better than the GamePad, people think Sony controller is more innovative. Nintendo never bragged or hardly talked about Wii U’s full potential. Reggie back in May or June said something that newer Wii U games will do something unique but won’t talk about it because of the competition.

      15. were is the tech demo game showing playstation 4s next genness

        wiiu had nintendo land ps4 well it didnt need one as itsthesame experience a ps1 joke system

      16. Sony says PS4 is more energy efficient than PS3. How can it be when it gets pretty warm and sounds like a jet engine? It’s like the fan is on max just to keep it from over heating.

        1. Haha I see you guys got to the party late! Well caterpie made me feel bad about my trolling so I’m not gunna say something to extreme… I feel to bad :( so I’ll say
          What were they thinking putting the power brick inside the console… :'( in sorry I can’t do this. Do I really wanna sink to the level of a playstation troll? Or fight fire with fire…

        2. depends on the model they are comparing with.. i’d guess they’re comparing it to the very first model which used over 200 watts? that’s as much as many mid range gaming PCs draw
          the slim PS3 draws less than 100 watts.. no way the PS4 can go that low

          1. Yeah but with that loud noise and very warm console, no way could it be energy efficient as Sony makes it seem. Why are these problems occuring with experience of making PS1, PS2, PS3, Laptops, tvs, and speckers?

            1. They’ve had some problems with new TV’s, Vita and Playstation Display. PS4 is just too small for it’s hardware and that makes it warm more than it should.

      17. the PS4 has the exact same issue as the wii U.. few compelling launch titles.. yet the PS4 is selling like hot cake.. what gives

        i guess many people will have a rude awakening when they realize that their newly bought overhyped console simply has no interesting games yet x_x

        1. Will they hypee up their PS4 all year showing graphics, performance, controllers and talking about power. Where as Nintendo’s Wii U press was introduced with a side scroller, Wiimotes, and never really showing it’s graphics. That’s why sales on PS4 vs Wii U are the way they are. Sony marketed better. It’s just good old fashion common sense. A closed mouth don’t get fed.

        2. “i guess many people will have a rude awakening when they realize that their newly bought overhyped console simply has no interesting games yet x_x”

          I used to be under the impression you were among the rare -intelligent- posters here.

          But clearly was just a ruse.

          oh well

          1. that’s funny because i never had that impression about you

            you’re again basing your observations on pure conjecture

            “PS4 will have better 3rd party support”

            yeah.. you don’t know that

            1. “that’s funny because i never had that impression about you”

              You’re implying this is supposed to mean -anything- after your most recent posts. You are Nintedward tier now. Embrace your inner Nintendroid tool.

              “you’re again basing your observations on pure conjecture”

              “pure” conjecture? More on that shortly.

              “yeah.. you don’t know that”

              Then what the hell is this:


              Which is clearly dropping far more names than this:


              Not bothered to find a complete list of studios that haven’t been listed here for titles currently in development for it, but I think my point is clear.

              It already has better “support” on paper than the Wii U has had in its lifetime.

              There is absolutely nothing of significance to suggest otherwise or some random plot twist out of fucking thin air to do a total 180 of this situation. I’ll eat so much crow if it does though.

              Also, pointing out my “conjecture” when you’re the one making some bullshit generalization about the launch library’s appeal – as if your narrow taste in games is supposed to speak for the hundreds of thousands who are most likely enjoying their new console and anticipating the major releases incoming in due time.

              Hell, just further up you called Killzone a CoD clone of all things – you couldn’t have picked a worse game of that nature to even compare it to.

              I think it’s time to remove your head out of your ass, being on here among the other dipshits posting for that long must have corroded you.

              1. “Then what the hell is this:


                Which is clearly dropping far more names than this:


                that’s too bad because the wii u used to drop a similar number of names at launch

                we all know where that ended

                “Also, pointing out my “conjecture” when you’re the one making some bullshit generalization about the launch library’s appeal – as if your narrow taste in games is supposed to speak for the hundreds of thousands who are most likely enjoying their new console and anticipating the major releases incoming in due time.”

                not even close

                i am basing my statement off of the metacritic average score and of course the reviews thereon
                what are you basing it on? something you read on neogaf? shouldn’t wonder

                “Hell, just further up you called Killzone a CoD clone of all things – you couldn’t have picked a worse game of that nature to even compare it to.”

                have you even seen any of the killzone 4 gameplay videos and compared them to what can be seen in CoD? i don’t believe you have or else you would be shoving that statement up your own ass in the face of so much ignorance

                unfortunately, according to the reviews, shadowfall doesn’t even make a good job of it

                1. “that’s too bad because the wii u used to drop a similar number of names at launch

                  we all know where that ended”

                  But if we knew this, then why is it suddenly “pure conjecture” to say it’s practically guaranteed to have better third party support, when historically just about every single PlayStation home console went on to do exactly that? Yeah, shit changes despite history, but it’s notable, PlayStation still has a large core market following that makes third party support worthwhile on the platforms.

         The majority of “big titles” that have been announced are coming to this console. In fact if anything hasn’t been *bought* by Microsoft for a exclusive (timed or not), then chances are it is coming to the PS4. The support right now speaks for itself, so it isn’t really so much conjecture at all.

                  The evidence is there and you will either acknowledge it or not. I personally have no reason to believe otherwise and neither should anyone else. If the PS3 managed to pull out better third party support over time despite an even worse launch with even less games/sales, then this can too.


                  “not even close

                  i am basing my statement off of the metacritic average score and of course the reviews thereon
                  what are you basing it on? something you read on neogaf? shouldn’t wonder”

                  …okay then.

                  “i guess many people will have a rude awakening when they realize that their newly bought overhyped console simply has no interesting games yet x_x”

                  So, you’re basing this snippet off of the Metacritic scores. Remind me what’s so disinteresting about them exactly? If people bought any of them alongside the console and have relatively positive impressions for their -own- experience, that should matter more, no? They were obviously interested in them, whether or not it’s a cross-gen port or a “decent” exclusive.

                  “have you even seen any of the killzone 4 gameplay videos and compared them to what can be seen in CoD? i don’t believe you have or else you would be shoving that statement up your own ass in the face of so much ignorance”

                  Outside of both having dreadfully boring/mediocre single player campaigns, hell maybe that’s what you’re referring too, the gunplay is noticeably different in multiplayer and the game doesn’t promote much “find the other guy first before they find you” rush gameplay like CoD does.

                  I haven’t touched KZ:SF yet, but after playing 3, unless the game completely augments the feel of that title (movement is absurdly “heavier” for one), there is no way in hell this is a CoD clone in any particular way outside of campain story cheese which most FPS players who go for these games aren’t up and arms over.

                  “unfortunately, according to the reviews, shadowfall doesn’t even make a good job of it”

                  CoD: Ghosts is currently a 78 and Killzone sits at a 74 right now. :/

                  CoD is probably a more accessible/fun game with friends than Killzone is, so I wouldn’t be surprised at all. You just pop in and go with pretty much any CoD and as long as you’ve played at least one title from 2007-onwards, you’re good to go. But not so much for Killzone games.

                  As a game on it’s own, I don’t see what’s so bad about a 74. It’s a *decent* score.

      18. This is amusing. As much crap as ppl made of the U’s launch lineup and the buffering they did for the PS4… THEN this happens. Good Job Ninten. Debs focus too much on making cinematic experiences these days with games and never focusing enough on what makes a game A GAME

      19. Nintendo can market the Wii U this way. Advertise Ghost displaying a person experiencing the GamePad and online. Also display Pikmin 3 being played with Pro controller and the GamePad on the stand and the map is being controlled at the touch of a finger. Then end the commercial at $299. Sales will increase. They also need to display the voice chat. But they never do.

      20. What’s funny is that I know absolutely NOTHING about the PS4 (or Xbox One) or ANY of the games. Because I never cared about the Playstation brand. So I never watched the Sony E3 press conference, or even paid much attention to the console itself. I didn’t even know that the PS4 launched until I seen it at Wal-Mart yesterday.

      21. NintendoPlaystationGamer

        I love both systems! i dont know about you guys but i got the Wii U for NINTENDO games, the PS4 as well, though i also got it for 3rd parties. Both systems are great so just stop crying and play the games who cares what you’re playing on.

      22. ok ps4 and xbone might be the talk rite now but how long will it be befor people get bored with them because all i see with ps4 and xbone is a ps360.5 and the fact that sony and microsoft need these console to be out for 10 years show just how fast there running out of ideas. i know nintendo is going for 6 years on the U but why are sony and micorosft making gamers wait for a new system. another thing ps4 only sold because people dont want to build a good PC so they just get the console that can do 1080p while my PC will be doing 4k and my wii U getting all the best games. its sad to see where gamers are taking the game industry but i blame jurnalist just as much.

      23. One of the factors here is that Nintendo has always maintained stronger control over their games, and launch titles are a great example of that. I’d be curious how expectations for the games played into the ratings system. In other words, were PS4 games over-hyped?

      24. Well, I gotta agree with this report. Is the sad true, PS4 launch titles are not as good as the Wii U’s launch titles. Not to mention, more title were release than the PS4 Ones. Heck, even Xbox One has better line up coming up. Still, PS4 sold over 1 million so they shouldn’t be any fucking complaints from Sony fanboys.

      25. My only console up until the 15th was a Nintendo console, had high hopes for wii u which i still have but ended up getting ps4 first time purchasing a sony product, my console is just fine no problems very fast ui i like the killzone, and battlefield 4 but thier is some kinda issue with it, last wii u game purchase cod ghosts i like free online, second screen split which no otha console has or able to do, i don’t think only fan boys/girls only puchased ps4 many switched from xbox and Nintendo like my self now i have a hole new generation if games i never played or always wanted to coming for ps4 that i could never get for wii u, still love my wii u but damn nit a good choice if adult games, Mario has nt matured either same o shyt, so my choice was a little easier to make to go ps4 and xboxone was never in my mind, but will decide whether i will keep my U shortly

      26. PS4 launch titles are as good. You know what is funny. Is that when you get ps4, you get 10$ in store credit and 30 days free PS plus, more than 5 games become available for free to you(2 for ps plus, 3 f2p mmo’s). so if you buy console you still have what to play even if you have no games.
        Though when talking about games like knack and killzone, the launch is nothing really special. i think people who buy it dont buy it for a new killzone, they buy it because it’s playstation 4, the most powerful console to date(as they advertise it).

      27. What I’ve learned over many years of gaming is this.

        When you dumbasses can learn to stop hating consoles and actually start talking about whats good about consoles, instead of relying on incessant hate, is when you become more than whiny, dumb, idiotic fanboys. Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft, doesn’t matter which side you’re on. Whenever you insult a console just to do it, rather than trying it, it only proves your immaturity and your lack of emotional or logical empathy to anything. In other words, you’re just the same as that supposedly annoying kid on Call of Duty. So Shut the FUCK UP. And PLAY YOUR VIDEO GAMES. And then tell people what you liked or didn’t like about them. Otherwise, GET THE FUCK OUT!

      28. Honestly, I was more excited for Zombi U, than any launch game that is on the radar for PS4 or XBOne, even though it ended up being broken game that didn’t quite live up to expectations.
        Disappointed that Bayonetta 2 wasn’t ready this year, but it will be worth the wait.

      29. I honestly would love to see how old each person who posts here is. Some comments are just people trying to be funny or rude to get attention but how pathetic is you have to come to a site and post hate like a 9 year old raging about ice cream just to get some attention.

        Anyway, the PS4 for many people is a powerful console and a “mature” one and most kids and even adults just like to be seen “mature”, there’s no quality anymore, most people who bought a PS4 just got one to say “I have one!”, “first!” and most are teenagers who like to blow heads off or you are not manly and mature. ‘Cause you know, in today’s society being a man is not anymore that you were just born a man, now it’s a behavior and a look, so now having a PS4 and playing COD makes you a man for some reason. Sad, ’cause Nintendo has great games, though I would love them to have more mature games not to feel like a man, but just to have variety and explore new mechanics, themes and more. Anyway, the PS4 look “cool” while Nintendo is seen as a kiddy thing ’cause now everyone wants to feel mature and be mature, but the irony is that no one who posts that if you play COD and have a PS4 you are mature is mature, a mature person is someone who’s educated and doesn’t do stupid childish shit but all these trolls do. I wish Nintendo the best, and it’s good people buy consoles ’cause competition is good, but I just wished people were so immature by calling how mature they are by having a console and playing a game. I could be 90 years old that I would still play Resident Evil and Pokemon at the same time, I just don’t give a shit, I play what I like, MOTHERFUCKERS!

      30. Wait, PS4 is already out?

        Damn, I didn’t even notice, mostly because I don’t give a single fuck about that thing haha

      31. The ps4 is great. Honestly. the only thing stopping me from getting it is the fanbase that finds itself on every pro nintendo site just to shake their boners about the specs of the ps4. :/
        It’s barely pulling off 1080p. -Launch games i guess, what did i expect?-
        Right now, i’ll give the ps4 until 2015 to excite me.on it’s game releases. Wii u next yr for bay 2 and x. :3

      32. And Sony fanboys, who were always talkin shit about WiiU come here once again to talk little more shit because they feel threatened over an plastic box. Get a life bitches, its just plastic box, this isnt ww3. “OMG Knack received lower score, i must protect my kingdom sony”, Fuck you! The whole gaming community is just one big joke full of blind fanboys.

      33. Meh. I’m still not buying it regardless because I’m personally tired of seeing Sony IP’s like Infamous and Killzone. Where’s beloved Sony IP’s like Jak and Daxter, Parappa the Rapper, Ratchet and Clank, Twisted Metal, MediEvil, Okage Shadow King, or Resistance?

        1. If there was new Ratchet & Clank for PS4 i would get that. They could also make next generation Syphon Filter or Destruction Derby.

          1. @DarkJamD You are in the wrong site. Head over to your gaystation forums will you can be happy with all the other little kids who play COD and mincraft. This site is for Advance Gamers only.

      34. Pingback: Wii U / PS4 - le due line-up di lancio -

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