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Hacking Group Claims To Have Discovered Wii U Homebrew Exploit

Members of Wii U Hax have found an exploit in the Wii U. The exploit can be found in the system’s Wii Mode and from there you can apparently gain access to the Wii U hardware. This exploit can’t be patched by Nintendo through updates, the only way they can fix it is hardcoding the hardware itself. The exploit will supposedly allow you to access homebrew.

Thanks, WiiUMasterRace

87 thoughts on “Hacking Group Claims To Have Discovered Wii U Homebrew Exploit”

    1. why shouldn’t it be? basically it’s probably fairly similar to breaking out of a sandbox, with the vwii being the sandbox running on wii u hardware

      however i wouldn’t get my hopes up just yet.. there were other groups having claimed this and that and to this day nothing came of it

      i’d certainly like to see some homebrew software on my wii u

      1. Revised Wii U model without Wii backwards compatibility coming soon. Just like how they removed Gamecube compatibility from the original Wii.

    2. self-signing against an authenticated hash of an authorized user account to make the on-the-fly decrypting of games installed but stored as pseudo-random noise

      nintendo should do this to stop hacks.

    1. that’s exactly what this isn’t

      homebrew for the vwii has been possible since the very beginning of the wii u’s launch

        1. what the fuck are you even talking about

          have you read the article? they’re talking about breaking out of the vwii sandbox

            1. you said this was about enabling homebrew in vwii mode and as a matter of fact that’s not the case

              whether or not this claim has any credibility does not change a thing about the contents of the article
              like it says in the source: it’s the first step towards hacking the wii u (NOT the vwii that has been done ages ago)

  1. and every1 wonders what ruins the game industry there u have it ladies and gentlemen. I don’t wont homebrew garbage anyways indy or exclusives are so much better. if u need to hack your wii u to play crappy homebrews then more power to u. ill keep mine the way it is.enjoyable :)

    1. There’s far more to Homebrew than just playing crappy, knock off games. If you take a look at the SSBB modding community, you’ll find that thanks to Homebrew, we can now flat out add our own characters (theoretically, up to 100), stages, and music to the game. If you don’t want Homebrew, that’s up to you, but just be aware that there are lots of really fun uses for it.

      1. This. This is why its great. You would think Nintendo would encourage this as a sort of side project just to get community feedback and improvements for their mainstream releases. Put the power back into the hands of the gamers.

    2. The reason I use the Homebrew channel on my Wii is to be able to use emulators to play NTSC versions of NES and SNES games (I live in Europe).

  2. This site posts things that go against Nintendo which makes no sense for a Nintendo fan site, regardless of how shitty the site is or how bad he needs page views.

    Hands down the most desperate site for any type of news with “Nintendo” in the title at all.

    1. The hacking of the console is most definitely news. It’s not called mypositivenintendo news(it would have a lot less submissions in that case)

    2. Nintendo news sites don’t have to post just positive things ya know… I saw this same information on as well which is another Nintendo news site.

    3. Why? This is Nintendo related news. It’s relevant and keeps people up to date on a different aspect of the console. They could just post positive stories all the time, but they dont, he posts bad stuff too, and that’s at least respectable

    4. Erm, from what I understand, this is not a Nintendo fan site (in the sense that it isn’t going out of it’s way to bend things in Nintendo’s favor), but a site that updates on things related to Nintendo. So, what you’re asking of this site is: I only want to hear positive news about Nintendo, no matter how much bad news there is. Who are you, Onision?

    5. Its a news site regarding ALL news about Nintendo or relating to them, good or bad.

      It sounds like you hate hearing anything negative all the time and I get it. We’re sick of it and how Wii U has been treated since day one or E3 2012 but we can’t escape what’s happening or has happened. Otherwise, you’ll sounds like a fanboy in complete denial. I’ll accept any criticism that makes since. Now if it were something like EA calling Wii U crap again for another dumbass reason since the Origin deal rejection, then we have every righ to get mad because its all propaganda to make Wii U look bad without explanation.

        1. I’m speaking from a point of some ignorance when I say this, but I think the devs at Nintendo wouldn’t have gone out of their way to make a blu-ray drive incompatible with blu-ray discs on a software level, or if it was already incompatible by default when it was made to play Wii U’s blu-ray discs, they would’ve made sure to fix it. They said the absence of a blu-ray drive was to cut down costs to a consumer-friendly level. That sure sounds like hardware to me. If something as low costing as a software patch could make incompatible hardware compatible, Nintendo would have nothing to bring in but gain for throwing a free blu-ray player into their platform.

          1. “They said the absence of a blu-ray drive was to cut down costs to a consumer-friendly level. That sure sounds like hardware to me.”
            Actually, selling a blu-ray-enabled device makes you have to pay royalties to the blu-ray group (sony and etc). Same thing for DVDs. By simply making them not-compatible at the software level, they avoid paying royalties.

      1. the drive in the wii u is a standard issue bluray drive

        it just can’t play bluray movies since nintendo didn’t acquire the licence

  3. I don’t see a problem with it,as long as you’re not cheating in online matches.
    You’re making the most out of your hardware.

    1. Steal money from a hard working group of developers at a currently struggling company because you’re too cheap to pay $60? Sounds completely reasonable and decent to me

      1. I have home brew on my Wii, but have never pirated a Wii game. I use it to play old games (n64 and snes ect) that I can’t play on my new TV, that I don’t want to buy again. I couldn’t bring myself to pirate something so new.

        1. Wii U homebrew, there’s a difference.

          Yes they make it easier for assholes to pirate games, but they themselfs arent advertising the use of illegal software.

  4. For everyone getting excited about this and whatnot, I’ll just post what I found on another site from one of the guys who KNOWS what they’re talking about.


    Aka, don’t get your hopes up. We won’t be seeing any sort of Homebrew on Wii U for a long time.

  5. It all makes sense, and it is driven by Nintendo to increase sales of the Wii U console! The same was the case you have a PS1 blue, then began to sell, obliteration of the N64, which was far better, and today is so popular PS console!

  6. Just hoping Nintendo will leave a hole open in Super Smash Bros 4 just like they did with Brawl so maybe one day the Project M Team will make Project B.

  7. Another step towards a hack to remove region locks from the Wii U? Awesome!

    That’ll teach Nintendo for refusing to listen to the community and getting rid of the locks.

  8. Pingback: ¡Prepara el ron, Iwata! Wii U Hax afirma haber encontrado un exploit en Wii U | Tallon4

  9. First, they are not the first group to make this claim (and the other times turned out to be BS too). Second, they are kidding themselves if they think the hack can’t be patched. Even if it’s real, Nintendo can and will patch it (the Wii was like a cat and mouse game, Nintendo would patch a hack and then hackers would find a new way to do it, and they would keep going back and forth). Also, no true fans can support this as it will make software sales even lower

  10. Pingback: Hacker Gruppe hat angeblich Wii U Homebrew Exploit entdeckt | GAMECONTRAST

  11. Seriously people, actually look at the link posted here instead of taking this at face value. There hasn’t been some major breakthrough that allows us access to Wii U hardware, all that’s happened is we (actually I) managed to dump the PowerPC Boot ROM. This is something that fail0verflow did more than a year ago, and it doesn’t help get homebrew on your Wii U. A bunch of people found out what I had done and completely blew it out of proportion.

    To see what this actually means, go read this:

  12. Pingback: As noticias de games mais rápida do Brasil » Blog Archive » Possível abertura para homebrew é descoberto no Wii U

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