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Nintendo Downplays “Groundless” Rumors Of New Wii U Announcement At E3

Nintendo has confirmed that it will not be unveiling a new Wii U at E3 2014. To downplay speculation that the company is planning to announce a redesigned version of the console at next month’s expo, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata called the rumors “groundless.” The firm will, however, reveal projects that can only work with the Wii U GamePad. It is also developing a cheap console that will be targeted at emerging markets like China and India.

103 thoughts on “Nintendo Downplays “Groundless” Rumors Of New Wii U Announcement At E3”

    1. Valve Glados.. May your nutsack be cursed with Trisomy 21 and deliver the foretold nation of “Mongolians of Unnatural decent”

      1. Valve Admiral GLaDOS

        I like how you continue to insult me to piss me off when all your really doing is pissing yourself off more than you ever piss me off.

          1. Valve Admiral GLaDOS

            Yeah. Its full of walnuts, peanuts, almonds, cashews and chestnuts. And thanks to him my snack bag of nuts is now contaminated with stupid and rendered inedible.

  1. Iwata just wants to clear the existing inventory of Wii U consoles before anyone finds out Nintendo made a better one.

    1. “groundless” doesn’t mean “not true” … it means that there’s no proof to support the findings.

    2. If they made a “better” one then it would be next year, diskless, have USB 3.0 support and may witch wifi for a wired connection. As well as a remodeled standard version (with wifi) their is no new system coming this year other then the cheap system which wont even matter because it well only be for places like china and India. How ever the games may still come….

  2. It would not be surprised if this speculation was true. After all Nintendo has did things like this before like the 3ds XL. Which happened to be true. Just remember if Nintendo is going to announce something and people speculate it correctly. They will deny it no matter what!

    1. They won’t use the words that Iwata has used, though.
      If they’re going to announce something, they’ll say something to the tune of “Nothing to announce at this time.”

      This, however, is a flat-out “No” to all the nay-sayers that think the Wii U is going away.

      It’s here to stay, the haters be damned.

      1. I do not think Nintendo will announce a new console. Perhaps they will announce a new bundle like a super smash brothers bundle?

      2. Reggie also flat out said no when he was asked if the 3DS was going to be redesign.

        And look at it now, 2 freaking redisigns already.

    2. its not the same as a handheld. There all it did was make the battery bigger along with the screen. You want them to make the game pad screen bigger? It cant have a better resolution or be a stronger console, because that alienates the prior owners.

      1. Still I’m referring to the concept Nintendo said the 3ds XL rumor was nothing but conjecture. I doubt that this is true however if you had substantial evidence Nintendo was going to release the legend of Zelda 3d before it was announced Nintendo would deny it. My point is that we should take this as a possibility and not completely rule them out on Nintendo word alone.

    1. I know this is speculation but maybe they will announce a new bundle? like a super smash brothers bundle this is a Wii U announcement and it would be perfectly logical.

      1. And if I’m right I will have almighty bragging rights which we know means everything(really nothing)

    2. Actually both Nintendo and Sega have released new versions of their systems, Sega did new models for MegaDrive/Genesis while Nintendo did that to Nes. Oh and those countles handheld systems like 3DSXL,DSXL,GBASp say hi too.

      I actually believe that Nintendo should redesign the system to LOOK more different, the main model look too much like Wii and people may not understand that its a successor to Wii.

  3. That’s great news if Nintendo is planning to release a revised/updated wii u hardware. The current wii u hardware is ugly! Let’s cross fingers and hope that it is true.

    1. Its not that its weak and ugly but radically different that made the 3rd parties woe like mad, so mad that they even misjudge, exaggerate or even lie about its hardware potential and then there’s Nintendo not advertising or explaining some shit. They just made the Wii U for the hell of it and that’s that.

  4. It would be nice to redesign the Wii U. It looks unappealing, bland, and over look. Heck, if they redesign the controller for compact and durable it would look sweet.

    1. It’s a black box… that plays video games… what more do you want?

      PS4 looks ugly and so does the Xbox One but I don’t give a shit, they are just black boxes that play video games.

      1. The PS3 and the 360 had redesign back then and it was better than the previous ones. 360: slimmer, quiet, lighter, no more RROD, and compact. And the final design looks great! PS3: Removed unnecessary accessory ( when it first came out) made it slimmer, quiet, lighter and compact. And the final design is really light.

        How isn’t resigning the console or controller won’t do any good?

    2. Bland? You seriously want a console box to look so flashy just for no reason when in the end you’re not gonna give a shit about the design unless its entirely and noticeably repulsive on site.

      Wii U’s design is just fine and does what it suppose to do: play games. Xbox One however looks like an overweight Betamax that acts like an I.E.D when it blows up in living rooms trying to run 1080p and fails while PS4 looks a bit strange with its slanted sides.

      1. I have the GameCube is it looks sexy as hell. Even the controller is badass. The design on the GameCube is what the title say. The controller is icing on the cake. The design is appealing and and is not bland. I have the N64 and it is a simple console with its uniquely shape and so is the controller. I have SNES and previous models new and old and its original box has a memorable look any AVID player will know. I have the FIRST NES with its original look and problems (The infamous metal PIN). The box is iconic to the Nintendo era.

        A flash design is important to distinguish the console , but in a good way for generations to come. I love the Wii design because it was unique and everyone knows what it looks like and is. The controller feels comfortable, it’s compact, original , light and so on. The console is small, light, compact and accessible.

        The PS4 and XBox is different from the previous console. It looks flashy and unique and original. The Wii U looks like the Wii with just a game pad. Any person with lack of knowledge of existence of the Wii U will know that.

  5. NIntendo Commander “4”axis likes to make underground bukakke films featuring himself and 3 Bassett hounds

    1. Nintendo Commander Quadraxis

      You probably don’t even know where I got the name from…

      Xbot, go home…

      1. Valve Admiral GLaDOS

        I like how these Xbots and Sonyans try to provoke us when all it really does is the opposite and they end up making them provoke themselves. Humans are such fascinating creatures.

        1. Nintendo Commander Quadraxis

          I don’t find them interesting anymore…

          I just find them irritating and a disease that needs to be wiped out…

          1. Valve Admiral GLaDOS

            It’s a passive aggressive insult, by fascinating, I meant…
            Incredibly pathetic.

                  1. Your name comes from Metroid Prime 2, right? Great game. I’ve been playing through it lately.

                1. Valve Admiral GLaDOS

                  Your probably one of the very few humans who’s actually going foward in evolution of intelligence. The inferior Sasori seems to be going in an unnaturally huge reverse.

                    1. Both of you are so fucking weird. I seriously don’t understand why both of you losers do this for.

                      1. Valve Admiral GLaDOS

                        I don’t understand why do you even bother if your brain tells you otherwise. That’s even stranger.

    2. Sounds a bit weird seeing how the Wii U is already small and it’s the only next gen console that is the smallest.

    3. Nintendo Commander Quadraxis

      Making a new Wii U version after barely 18 months would be to betray all of those who bought it in the first place…

      I do not see a new version for another 1-2 years at least…

          1. True and the way how he repeats all the time, “this is pretty playable here” i mean is that all he has to say lmao.

            1. He is playing it at a very low resolution that even the Xbox 360 can do. It’s funny because his monitor is basically an old 2004 “flat” screen monitor that isn’t even in HD XD

              He is damage controlling so much even BBC (BlackBusterCritic) and BlackB0nd would call him out for being a fake PC gamer XD

      1. … Really… an A6 APU is impressive to him… HAHAHA such a fucking hypocrite XD

        The fucking Wii U, PS4 and Xbox One could make mince meat out of that chip, hell, the fucking PS3 can do better XD

          1. He is also playing it on a VERY old fashioned Monitor… and he complains about the Wii U being old hardware? XD

    4. I just hope they drop a bomb at E3. And no, not literally a bomb, or an explosive bowel movement. LOL! But, I hope they show something AWESOME! I remember hoping this same thing during last E3 (or the year before last). And all they showed was NintendoLand. Which took over half of their show. SO disappointing! Half of their show just talking about a casual game. (- _ -)

    5. The focus will be on a few big games and the “quality of life” products.
      I think we will see some weird peripherals and non gaming related concepts. (Or the playful approach to mundane tasks to make them more fun)
      Perhaps something in line of the ram block for the n64 or a Nintendo branded harddrive.

    6. When will you all learn it is NOT games that sell a console it is HYPE,VALUE and PRICE!!!
      Look at the PS4, in its first 6 months its games have been utter shite yet it has still managed to sell 7 Million worldwide and beat the Wii U lifetime within its first 5 months on the market a number the Wii U took 19 months to reach!!!
      The PS4 is ONLY $100 more than a Wii U deluxe, PS4 value for money OBLITERATES that of the Wii U.
      Wii U 32GB, ZERO 3rd party, ONLY first party games released every 5-6 months with no 3rd party to fill the gaps in between.Not even a DVD player, a little bit better graphics than the 7 year old PS3.
      PS4…500GB, Blu Ray player, heaps of 3rd party, heaps of first party, true next gen system, better online.
      The moment Sony announced the low price of the PS4 at last years E3 Hype went in to overdrive and pre orders went ballistic!!
      The Wii was so popular as it introduced a new way of playing games, it was $300 CHEAPER than its rivals at launch, motion control hype went crazy the world over, and it even launched with Zelda Twilight Princess.
      From day 1 EVERY Wii game fully used the the Wii Mote….from day 1 of the Wii U the ONLY game to fully utilize it was Zombie U…..19 months later and still waiting for another game that fully utilizes it!!

      1. “When will you all learn it is NOT games that sell a console it is HYPE,VALUE and PRICE!!!”

        Ok hold up, Hype? Yeah, it plays a roll…Value? Dude the wii u is full of value, its the market and games that it don’t have, Price? I thin the PS4 proves my point that even with it’s “no good game” library, people still bought the son of a bitch at 600 dollars, price has NOTHING to do with it. Plus they market well of the brand.

        Over all YES IT IS THE GAMES THAT SELL THE CONSOLE, just not all the time. Sometimes its the features that sell the console too. Don’t believe me? Look for yourself…

        Marketing at its best, beating the xbox one hands down.

    7. dont get hyped fools. all they going to show you pokemon, mario and zelda, kirby rehashes. not worth watch or waiting with hype.

      1. Then I’m guessing we should be hyped for Sony or Microsoft’s conferences then because they are going to show use rehashes anyway. Also, get a better PC because you fail on all accounts, also, the Wii U is more powerful than your PC. You’re basically running off a toaster with a Screen from 2001 in 480p XD

          1. I’m the only real PC Gamer here… and I decree the Wii U is fucking awesome and that Sasucker is no longer a member of the PC Master Race.

      2. And what Xbox is gonna show? More TV crap? Halo 5? Another update bringing back another piece of DRM? Another Kinect game that’ll more than likely fail and become DOA? That’s just it..oh and another COD multiplayer reveal that, as usual, doesn’t change/improve shit and nobody but dumbass fanboys cares about.

    8. Can’t wait for the 30th finally I will wipe the thick dust off my wii u

      By the way where’s that pale Swedish faggot Gay Commander?

      1. I’m still waiting for that game so I can wipe this 12 layers of dust off my Xbox One and PS4… still waiting, my Wii U on the other hand is dust free…

      2. You don’t even own a Wii U, and why would you waste your precious time pretending you own one? Go suck Narutard’s peginis.

    9. When will you all learn it is NOT games that sell a console it is HYPE,VALUE and PRICE!!!
      Look at the PS4, in its first 6 months its games have been utter shite yet it has still managed to sell 7 Million worldwide and beat the Wii U lifetime within its first 5 months on the market a number the Wii U took 19 months to reach!!!
      The PS4 is ONLY $100 more than a Wii U deluxe, PS4 value for money OBLITERATES that of the Wii U.
      Wii U 32GB, ZERO 3rd party, ONLY first party games released every 5-6 months with no 3rd party to fill the gaps in between.Not even a DVD player, a little bit better graphics than the 7 year old PS3.
      PS4…500GB, Blu Ray player, heaps of 3rd party, heaps of first party, true next gen system, better online.
      The moment Sony announced the low price of the PS4 at last years E3 Hype went in to overdrive and pre orders went ballistic!!
      The Wii was so popular as it introduced a new way of playing games, it was $300 CHEAPER than its rivals at launch, motion control hype went crazy the world over, and it even launched with Zelda Twilight Princess.
      From day 1 EVERY Wii game fully used the the Wii Mote….from day 1 of the Wii U the ONLY game to fully utilize it was Zombie U…..19 months later and still waiting for another game that fully utilizes it!!


      Billy Ray

      1. Even though the PS4 only sold because Microsoft fucked up with their pricing… nothing else.

        1. Not just the pricing on console by forcing that POS NSA camera and Live but their DRM policies from last year not only scared most of them away but pissed half of their fanbase off to distrust Microsoft and also people are figuring out that DRM is still present and Microsoft publicly lied.

          PS4 is only selling on dumbass “power” hype, Microsoft’s DRM scare & obvious white lies.

      2. PS4 is better value for money? Perhaps for you, but if I got it, I would use it as a paperweight. That’s why I’m at a Nintendo news site, not a general gaming news site. I suggest you hop back along to one of those.

    10. I want to see that customizable controller thing we saw a while back!
      How cool would it be to adjust gamecube L and R triggers to a wii u gamepad?!?!
      Nintendo is the future!

    11. Nintendo’s actions just confirm a redesign / new console / hardware at E3. Seriously, why go through all the trouble playing every single rumor off?

    12. Pingback: Miyamoto Helps Nintendo Developers With Wii U GamePad-Specific Projects | My Nintendo News

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