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Itagaki Says Development Of Devil’s Third For Wii U Is Just About Done

One of the most interesting third-party projects for the Wii U is Devil’s Third which is created by Tomonobu Itagaki who is best known for reviving the Ninja Gaiden franchise back in 2004. He’s been slaving away on Devil’s Third for quite a while so it’s great to hear that development on the project is nearly complete. Here’s what Itagaki had to say about the development process and the single and multiplayer aspects of the game.

“It looks like Devil’s Third for Wii U is just about done. It’s been two years spent on designs, and four, six years of development,” Itagaki said. “We’ve really kept all of you fans waiting, but for our first title since going independent, it wouldn’t be fun if we released a small game, so [Devil’s Third] is the result of making something while going all out.”

“The single player is made to be like the action games of yesteryear,” he stated. “And the online competitive multiplayer mode was designed on a scale that will make you go ‘this much already?!’ The release date announcement will still take a little longer, but let’s play together when it releases. It’s loads of fun!!”

Thanks, N-Dub Nation

102 thoughts on “Itagaki Says Development Of Devil’s Third For Wii U Is Just About Done”

    1. Too bad it’s not gonna sell well on wiiU. This developer will likely move on to more promising platforms

                        1. …………………./´¯/)
                          ……..(‘(…´…´…. ¯~/’…’)
                          ……….”…\………. _.·´

                          Shove it.

                1. -No universal account system.
                  -Only 32GB of storage in 2012
                  -Underpowered hardware
                  -Forcing the Gamepad in some games.
                  -Missing out on 90 percent AAA third party games.

                  1. And I always knew your reason to sell Wii U was a lie.

                    * Paywall system in Xbox 360 < System Link Account
                    * You forgot PS3 launched at 20GB around $500-600 in 2006…try again
                    * Gamepad being forced? I thought you idiotic hypocrites complained about Gamepad not being used enough especially you when you were debating me about Ubisoft doing more for it than Nintendo (not) and you're one to talk about "forced gimmicks" when Microsoft did the EXACT SAME BS ON XBOX ONE WITH KINECT THAT FAILED TWICE and only decided to ditch it months later after it launched instead of day one if they were smarter than they claim to be
                    * You mean missing out on the same gimped games that were deliberately stripped for DLC/Microtransactions/Paywall and even Online passes on Xbox/PS/PC players? lol Like I already said, I rather have no third party garbage than have them just to cheat my money out of my wallet for lies and disappointments.

                    Nice try but your reasons are as short sighted as a bat who's also unfortunately deaf on top of that.

                    1. Ok, first of all, the PS3 and 360 are a decade old. And yet they have updated models that have up to 500GB. The Wii U is 2 years old and the max it has is 32. You’d think Nintendo would get it right considering they had 10 years to learn from their competitors. But no. Be as cheap as possible and only include up to 32GB and just tell the consumer to go buy their own extra storage space. And secondly, being forced and using the Gamepad enough is not the same thing. When you first buy a Wii U and plug it up, the Gamepad is REQUIRED. And for some games, you cannot get past the menu screen because it will force you to go get the Gamepad before you can play. And you can’t even download system updates sometimes because it will once again tell you the Gamepad is required. And as for not being used enough, what people mean is that they need to have an actual reason to be using the Gamepad. If it were not for the fact that it is required to do certain things, some people wouldn’t even touch the controller. But they have to in order to start playing their Wii U. And that’s the very definition of “forced”. And next, your argument about third party games is poor. You only talk about the games that overuse DLC and the ones that have issues. Yet you completely ignore games like Shadow of Mordor, GTA V, Dragon Age Inquisition, Alien Isolation, etc. And you have more than likely never played more than any of those games you call “scams”. Maybe if you actually played Destiny, Advanced Warfare, etc, then I might be able to take your “opinion” seriously. You judge games based on what other people say about them or how you feel towards a certain company. No matter how good a game may be… If it’s from a company you don’t like, you automatically hate the game. Which is absolute BS. Look, I’m not saying Nintendo sucks or that the Wii U sucks. I’m saying that Nintendo isn’t PERFECT. They clearly make mistakes which you seem to easily ignore. The others also make mistakes and nobody is saying they they’re perfect either. You need to stop acting like everyone worships Playstation and Xbox because they don’t. Just because somebody criticises Nintendo does not mean they hate them. At this point, you’re really starting to humiliate the Nintendo fanbase. You’re acting no better than an Xbox fanboy.

                      1. Dont excuse the fact that PS360 launched with “pathetic” storage drives or none at all but also not citing smartphones or portable consoles forthe same thing and besides, you missed one thing: physical media is still highly recommended and favored over digital even today in video gaming so its explanatory why Nintendo hasnt opted for a higher storage, cloud gaming or HDD format (which are more volatile in nature of technology and why Flash/Solid State Drives are more practical)

                        Saying Gamepad is forced because its required…ALL CONSOLES BUNDLED WITH DEFAULT CONTROLLERS DO REQUIRE THEM TO SETUP AND USE THE idiot. Kinect is the gimmick that’s pointlessly made and forced because of one reason: Like Sony, Microsoft tried to capitalize Nintendo Wii’s Motion Control popularity thunder and attract their business away which FAILED miserably, same goes for PSMove which is another gimmick but never as forced because at least Sony is smart enough to recognize failure when they see it, Microsoft doesn’t. Zune, Surface, Kinect..twice, all failed commercially because their competitors beat them to the punch YEARS ago.

                        As for third parties, you failed to realize what I was talking about. The third party today has gone greedy and lazy. Why you think they decided to ditch Nintendo of all stupid reasons? Because they know Nintendo’s consumers aren’t stupid to buy incomplete garbage just like that and always expect the best quality games which is what they also failed at considering that all they make is an orgy of realistic shooters with blood and tits all over the screen. No originality or fun is located. Third parties only make rehashed shooting formulated grind fest that looked like its meant to be a full Hollywood CGI movie on Direct DVD for quick profit out of graphic, Michael Bay-action thristy idiots who have long forgotten the reason why video games exists and what they’re meant to be. Although, I’m slightly disappointed that GTA5 skipped Wii U but I for one can live without it and not a single home console GTA game has never made it to Nintendo before..for obvious reasons.

                        I already told you fool. I know Nintendo is far from perfect and I don’t excuse some of the strange BS they’ve done in the past but you people wanna hate on Nintendo for the stupidest causes that pisses me the fuck off every time I read the next idiot’s comment about them that hold no ground or proved a damn thing. Its because of their “kiddy” image and “weak” hardware that you wanna hate on them for but not the asshole decisions that Microsoft made by trying to shove DRM/Paywall dictatorship-like gaming system up everybody’s ass or Sony overpricing PS3 at launch and NEVER SECURING THEIR ONLINE SERVICES AFTER 2011 PSN ATTACK…

                        1. Once again, you failed to notice the difference between actual hate and criticism. The stuff you say about Xbox isn’t criticism. It’s blind hate. You don’t own an Xbox One and you’re acting like it’s the worst thing ever made. The same thing applies to what you say about third party games. Why don’t you go actually play those games and then come back to me. Your argument would at least make more sense. No one is hating on Nintendo. We’re simply pointing out the flaws that they have. The only time I ever do that is when people like you make fun of the other consoles for no reason or when you claim that Nintendo is better. I’m not even saying that you have to like the other two. Just stop with the negativity and then I’ll stop with my negativity. You keep insulting the Xbox and the Playstation and I’m gonna keep calling Nintendo out every time you do it. Not because I want to, but because I hate fanboy behavior. It wouldn’t matter If you were an Xbox, PC, or PS fanboy either. The same applies to all of them. I hate all fanboys.

                  2. I do agree that they can improve all of these, but real talk imagine if Ninty made a console as powerful or more powerful and easy to develop for like the ps4, advertized it and had the multiplats. That would either make Sony and Microsoft irrelevent or really cripple their business and niether one need that. I have a wii u and ps4 and i can truthfully tell you that if Ninty did that i wouldn’t even have a ps4:)

                  3. Ridley, the Angel of Death

                    ~Nintendo will give us a universal account system eventually so better late than never.
                    ~Don’t be cheap & buy an external HDD.
                    ~As long as Nintendo is giving us good 1st party titles, I can deal with an underpowered system for awhile.
                    ~The Gamepad is still a standard controller just with touch screen controls thrown in, so I still don’t see why people are bitching about it. Too heavy for you? Boo hoo.
                    ~50% of those AAA games are shit so 3rd parties can keep them. 20% are from asshole, greedy companies that only care about the money so they can go fuck themselves. The remaining 20% are from companies too chickenshit to take a risk with the Wii U.

                      1. Ridley, the Angel of Death

                        Sadly, Square Enix is one such company too chickenshit to take a chance with the Wii U. Oh & they are slightly lazy since it makes more sense for Kingdom Hearts to be on a Nintendo console than Xbox but Xbone is getting it purely because it’s infrastructure is not very different from it’s PC wannabe twin the PS4.

          1. Except those same platforms, like Bayonetta, dont want this game either. And this is a better replacement for COD on Nintendo sustems since it doesnt spam itself to death or lie about DLC being included or not but also delayed to a point where no one cares.

          2. I still commend Nintendo for committing resources to these kinds of games and allowing the developers to follow thru on their vision. Even if these games don’t sell well individually, I think it improves Nintendo’s image in the wrong run. And for that, they earn my respect. I hope they continue this pattern of rescuing these doomed projects that otherwise wouldn’t see the light of far, releasing at least one per year or so. Can’t help but tip your hat to that. As for me, I’m probably going to pick up this game assuming the review aren’t totally abysmal.

          3. It was originally going to be on PS3 and Xbox 360, but it got cancelled when THQ closed down, then later Nintendo picked up the game and funded it.

                1. This is true, though hopefully they stepped it up a notch. Gameplay still looks good, but it could do a bit more visually

                2. COD Ghosts looks like its been made for pre Xbox 360 phase and its a fucking 2013 game which looks worse than Devil’s Third. I’m not kidding. Even COD2 puts Ghosts to utter shame

                    1. How can anyone help it when a game THAT TERRIBLE becomes an eyesore all over and its not just visuals. Black Ops 2 looked more impressive upon instant and obvious observation.

                      And when I call you a graphical whore, it clearly means you buy and judge consoles and games over graphical output alone instead of the substance thats primary like gameplay, idea and stability in connection and code. Get it straight.

                      1. Okay first of all I’m not judging this game based on its graphics. All I’m saying is that for a near-complete 8th gen game, it looks pretty damn underwhelming. But NOOOOO you just had to be an unintelligent piece of shit who lacks proper reading comprehension.

                        No just go ahead and talk about some other nonsensical bs, because that’s all you fanboys seem to do.

                        1. First, bullshit. Review your comments to refresh your memory such as calling out Wii U for having “weak hardware” meaning “graphics sucks” on the fly no matter what Wii U game you mention.

                3. Except the fact is that Devil’s Third was supposed to be launched for PlayStation THREE and Xbox 360… but THQ went all the way broke and then Valhalla Game Studios got the game’s IP from no longer existing. And suddenly, just like Bayonetta 2, Nintendo comes in to fund, co-develop, and publish the game for Itagaki and former THQ member Danny Bilson.

              1. No one is getting mad lol. The only ones that are getting made are the fanboys that can’t handle the truth.

                Deal with it!

                1. Like what? Being scammed with Destiny? Constantly rebuying the same COD for 7 years? Madden for 26 years or broken games like Halo: Master Chief and Assassin’s Creed Unity? Yup. I be hating on that kind of truth if I was as delusionally stupid as you guys overlooking it because “graphics and hardware are awesome, I’m sure they’ll improve or fix it” and still waiting for such empty promise to happen like fucking idiots with nothing better to fo with your lives.

                  1. Sorry, were you trying to prove a point? Cause all I was getting out of that was

                    “Abaddon you are so right, this game does look like pure shit. Excuse me while I be a fanboy… blah blah blah blah blah”

        1. Same, I honestly don’t care if it doesn’t look better visually. The game looks like a lot of stupid fun. Although they did say it has improved a lot graphically, so that will be an added bonus if so.

          Good to hear it’s almost done, now we just need a more specific release date.

      1. This is why gaming isn’t the same people complaining about looks instead of game play which more important when it comes to game smh the gamers of today are the worst.

                  1. Tell that to the same multimedia jerkoffs who builds consoles and games with higher failure rate right out of the door like Xbox “Red Ring”, PS4’s Blue Line of Death and Xbox One exploding in people’s living rooms.

                    And speaking of ruining gaming, have you still not complained about Microtransactions and paywalls yet or are you still being an insecured jackass picking on Nintendo for the dumbest reasons possible?

                        1. You two are the only haters here. I just made a simple comment, and here are you two giving me be excuses for comebacks.

                          Buy don’t worry once you and Stranga hit rock bottom, the only direction you guys can go is up lmfaoooo.

                        1. What does the”red ring or blue line of death and Xbox One “exploding” have to do with Devils Third?

        1. I can’t believe in this day and age people still judge games on graphics alone. After all the amazing looking 2014 disappointments. I’m not overly excited for this game, but I will play it before I lay down judgement.

        2. I don’t know where that screenshots taken from but that’s not the final product. the latest trailer released looks awesome!. not oh my gosh 4k…… but still awesome visual! and keep in mind this is an independent companies first game, that they’ve been working on for 6 years! it’ll be good

        3. No gameplay trailers though. Hopefully they are not doing a Ubisoft Watchdogs where they hype it up, delay reviews and dumb down visuals…

          1. Good news… it’s not gonna be like the infamous “Watch_Dogs Hype”. It’s gonna be megatons better than the first look of the game in progress. Later this year, Nintendo and Valhalla will launch the first look at the improvements on Devil’s Third.

        4. Yes! I’m looking forward to another crazy action game. Just beat both Bayonetta 1 and 2 (though it was my second time playing Bayonetta 1, because I originally played it on the Xbox 360) and I feel hollow inside now.

          I just beat two of my favorite games of all time. :( I need more Bayonetta in my life!!! Please, Nintendo, team up with Platinum Games again and make Bayonetta 3 for your next gen console!!!

        5. Ridley, the Angel of Death

          So can we see this game getting released around or before Summer? I’m really wanting to play it. Better yet, hurry up & show a new trailer with the updated graphics so these graphic kids on this site can shut the fuck up & quit whining about it looking like a PS2 game as if games like Kingdom Hearts 1 & 2, Resident Evil Zero, Resident Evil remake, & Resident Evil 4 looked like total shit. “It looks like a PS2 game! Waaaah!” lol I swear some people are so spoiled these days. I bet half of them won’t even survive in a post apocalyptic world.

        6. All of you guys are missing the point here. If you look at it Ethically, many companies are lazy and greedy and many of those AAA Third Party games are shit. Stop thinking like that though.
          Your priority is to find the reasons WHY WiiU is not selling and fix them. You dont need to see if you should fix them or whose fault is it, or if Nintendo made mistakes or the Third Parties are conspiring against Nintendo.

          Mistake Number 1: WiiU was dead on arrival due to extreme arrogance by Nintendo. They actually called the console WiiU, as if Wii wasnt bad enough. They got away with it the first time but they thought that they would again. You dont make an HD console that you want to win 3rd Party devs over and call it WiiU. Simply because Wii had such a bad reputation in the last 2 years of its life that whatever bad aura it had….magically transfered onto WiiU from just a name. COnsumers are creatures that put one and one together. Wii….WiiU? Well…..its the same shit many people thought. Not to mention that people took a year to realize it was a different console and Nintendo being forced to actually advertise that its a new console and not a Wii add-on. Marketing FAILED over 9000.

          Mistake Number 2: Nintendo stated many times before that when they develop a console they only ask their internal teams on what their needs are and they design the console’s power and features accordingly. HUGE MISTAKE! In 2013, many devs were asked why they dont release on WiiU and the main message they gave us was that, Nintendo never asked for their input. Never asked them what their future plans were, what should Nintendo provide them with in order to help them create games for WiiU. Even some devs said that they actually contacted Nintendo themselves to ask for info and guidance and most of the times they got little to no response by people who didnt even speak english well. One dev remark hit the spot “Nintendo? Nintendo was too late for us. They cant expect us to collaborate with them on anything now. ”

          Mistake Number 3: Release a console 1 year before competition and having ABSOLUTELY NO GAMES TO SHOW FOR.
          When you release a console first you are in deep shit. You are up against veteran consoles 360 – PS3, with HUGE install base and all the 3rd party support they can ever want. What you must do in order to get the consumers on board is to convince them that your console is
          a) More powerful. Powerful enough to ensure them a graphical leap to the next gen.
          b) Provide them first party flagship games that will show the POWER of said console.
          c) And any 3rd party games that come out on your console and the previous consoles, MUST look better on your console or else you are screwed.

          Nintendo failed all of those, thus people came to the conclusion that
          Wiiu is:
          – Weaker or equal at best with PS3 and Xbox360 –
          So why buy the freaking thing? Lets wait for PS4 and XboxOne

          And thus Nintendo was left alone!
          3rd parties likes that because Now they found the chance to concentrade their fanbase on 2 consoles and not 3.Which means less versions of a game, less cost making them, more money to be made.

          Nintendo NEEDS to come out with these features with their new console:
          1) Power: The next console needs to be NOT the most powerful but be at least equal so that people wont notice.
          2) Their console architecture should be decided NOT by internal teams but but 3rd party devs. Make the console as EASY as they need it to be. 3rd Parties need to come back for God’s sake. Nobody can survive without them.
          3) Nintendo needs to get a universal account system that is versatile.
          4) Nintendo needs to open up about DLC and allow their consoles to be used by 3rd parties however they like to use them. Simple as that.
          5) Buy more studios and create new IP’s that will fill the space of missing genres. FPS and SPORT games are on the top of the list. If they cant get them from 3rd parties they should create them.
          6) Allow Nintendo of America and Nintendo of Europe to have total control over the communication with 3rd party devs. No Japanese will ever understand the Western market more than Western people.

          That will be all!

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