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Super Stable 3D Was Added To The New Nintendo 3DS At The Very Last Minute Thanks To Miyamoto

It seems as though we’ve got Shigeru Miyamoto to thank for the inclusion of Super Stable 3D on the New Nintendo 3DS as the device nearly went into production without it. The news was revealed by Nintendo president Satoru Iwata who said that once again it was Mr Miyamoto who wanted to change the device at the last-minute having seen Super Stable 3D a week before the machine was due to be manufactured. Here’s what he had to say.

“I think you’re probably familiar with the tales of how, in the late stages of development, Mr. Miyamoto always upends the tea table,” said Iwata. “So a similar thing happened this time. The hardware developers had designed a piece of hardware that they felt was at the final stage of prototyping, and they were bringing it to us for approval to begin moving forward with plans for manufacturing. But Mr. Miyamoto had seen that super-stable 3D just one week before, and he asked “Why aren’t we putting that in this system? If we don’t put this in it, there’s no point in making the system.”

Iwata says he was personally asked many times by his internal engineers, “Are we really going to do this?”

“But Nintendo is a company of Kyoto craftsman, and what we don’t want to do, is if we know we can make something better, we don’t want to leave that behind,” he explains. “So we were able to bring the super-stable 3D to reality by looking technically at what we can do to solve those challenges and finding those steps along the way to make it happen. This is where my background in technology is quite helpful, because it means that the engineers can’t trick me.”

14 thoughts on “Super Stable 3D Was Added To The New Nintendo 3DS At The Very Last Minute Thanks To Miyamoto”

  1. Miyamoto was first opposed to the inclusion of a second slide pad on the original 3DS back in 2011.

    Heck, then a fantastic game like Kid Icarus was made almost unplayable.

    Now he is a tech-genius…

    *slow claps for him*

    1. I don’t know if it’s just me, but the controls on Kid Icarus Uprising are just fine. Could be better, yes, but nothing that stops most persons from enjoying the game. If you’re a left hander on the other hand, you may or may not have some challenges but I don’t know since I’m not left handed.

      1. The game is playable, I would say. I myself really don’t like the stilus to play, although I know people can adapt to it. But, ultimately, Kid Icarus mechanics *required* a second slide pad, which was absent from the original 3DS because of some kind of stubbornness from Nintendo, specially Miyamoto. The same stubbornness that prevented the Wii to have HD resolution – but that’s other story.

      2. I’m a lefty and I’ll have you know that it makes Kid Icarus a god damn pain in the ass. It’s really fun, but I’m physically incapable of controlling it properly.

  2. “Why aren’t we putting that in this system? If we don’t put this in it, there’s no point in making the system.”

    Iwata says he was personally asked many times by his internal engineers, “Are we really going to do this?”

    See, even the dev’s questioned Iwata’s stupid logic. Thank god Miyamoto has a brain.

  3. Well, I still don’t care about the new 3DS at this point. BUT….the enhanced 3D is the only thing about it that DOES interest me. Miyamoto, you’re the MAN!

  4. Pingback: El "problema" Nintendo - Gamer's Factor

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