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Xenoblade Chronicles X Sold 70% Of Initial Shipment

As we saw in the latest Media Create charts from Japan, Xenoblade Chronicles X isn’t exactly coming out on top in sales, but that doesn’t mean it’s not doing well. In fact, it’s doing pretty good! It sold 85,586 copies in its first week, beating the original game for the Wii, which sold 83,000 in the first week, and the New Nintendo 3DS version which sold 56,923 copies. Not only that, but the game has sold through 70% of its initial shipment, which is pretty good news. So don’t let the charts deceive you, Xenoblade Chronicles X is doing just fine.

Thanks, MasterPikachu6 and N Dub Nation

34 thoughts on “Xenoblade Chronicles X Sold 70% Of Initial Shipment”

  1. Well……….so much for the haters saying Xenoblade Chronicles X will flop 😝😝😝😝😝😝😝

          1. People do far worse for less. I think that is a fair deal.

            If he doesn’t take you up on the offer, I’d be happy to.


            1. No. You don’t count because you were already looking forward to this game anyway. The only way you are eligible to win a million bucks is if you’re forced to play something you hate. :P

          1. Nothing at all.
            Looks like it’ll be a good step up from XIV & XIII, at least.
            There’s just a lot of people out there who are upset that they need a Wii U for this instead of having it on their system of choice, so they downplay this and say it sucks while lifting up FFXV as superior to make themselves feel like they aren’t missing out.

  2. Pretty good considering the Wii U’s user base is pretty tiny there.

    Let’s hope it does well in America and Europe too.

  3. I never thought it would flop, but I still think it was stupid to release the game in Japan months and months before the Western release. But thats assuming it’s releasing in the West this year.

    I’m not convinced since we still don’t have a release date! FFS Monolith has done nothing but piss me off….

    1. Have faith, Deepsouth. At least Monolith Soft has an ally for the North American and European markets– Treehouse. Nintendo of America and Europe will give us an official release date during the E3 event next month.

      1. I hope so. Im hoping thats the reason they have been putting it off, so that they could announce it at E3. I have complete faith in Nintendo, and I have complete faith in the game itself. I think thats why im so emotional about it… Any other game and i would just be like, meh..

        Right now Bloodbourne is my favorite game of 2015. Hell Bloodbourne is in my top five favorite games of all time… yea, it’s that good…. But I KNOW Xenoblade will take Bloodbournes spot once I get my hands on it…

        1. i know the script has been translated and voice over are done but it take time to put the localisation in place and test the all game. And on the top of that you need to prepare the market for each region.. They know the game will do good since the first instalment was a success (well it was a success in Europe)

  4. This is also only counting physical sales.
    Digital should be even better considering Monolith gave users a good reason to choose that method: faster load times without needing to download anything extra.

  5. The original Xenoblade sold better in the West than Japan. Based off those numbers, it is perfectly plausible that X becomes the Wii U’s next million seller.

  6. Pingback: Xenoblade Chronicles X ha venduto il 70% della spedizione iniziale |

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