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New Data Suggests Pokémon GO Is In Decline

It seems that Pokémon GO may have already peaked in popularity. According to Axiom Capital Management, the augmented reality app is beginning to decline in terms of daily users, downloads and time spent on the app per day. This is based on data collected by Sensor Tower, SurveyMonkey, and Apptopia. Axiom has predicted that the app’s dropping popularity signals trouble for the entire augmented reality market. When Pokémon GO launched many sources were singing the praises of AR, but Axiom believes they may have overestimated its viability.  Let us know if you’re still playing Pokémon GO in the comment section below.



67 thoughts on “New Data Suggests Pokémon GO Is In Decline”

    1. Same, I only play it like once a week, it’s been more buggy for me for some reason, plus the 3 step method is gone so it’s much more harder and random to get Pokemon. I’m hoping for the future regions to be released soon, if Niantic makes it happen. (Which I doubt…..)

      1. Nintendo Sub-Commander Cereza

        As have I. Also, it’s unusual for information like this to be released to the public. The First Order is normally very discreet about any kind of information regarding our weaponry.

        1. The info in this story was collected by Sensor Tower, SurveyMonkey, and Apptopia and gathered by Axiom Capital Management. Not Nintendo, Niantic or Pokémon folk.

  1. Well, of course – it’s a limited game with an even more limited appeal – the pokemon brand name can only hold attention to it for so long before the cracks and limitations of the game in its current state reveal themselves for what they are.

    The game gives no true value for long play, and is essentially candyfloss…no decent content or reason to keep coming back to it for many players once the honeymoon appeal has worn out.

  2. Still playing, it took almost a month for the app to get to my country so the hype is pretty strong, however, as soon as the game came out in my region, the footsteps were gone and tracking Pokemon is terrible, so while the rest of the world caught awesome Pokemon with awesome features, we were screwed up.
    Maybe if trading was added or Pokemon Centers, Trainer Battles, and a way to have anything other than Zubat, Rattata, and Pidgey, the usage would skyrocket again.
    -Also if they actually ban all those fake gps users-

  3. Isn’t this a pattern that would be expected with any game? Rapid growth, followed by steady decline. The decline is at least pretty slow, and undoubtedly growth in active players will resume temporarily at the time of the next major update.

    1. Or casuals that turned into Pokemon fans. Otherwise, most have probably already gotten bored of it. I mean, why does everyone think King is always releasing a newer version of Candy Crush Saga or any number of the clones they release of said game? Because casuals got bored of the one they were playing so they stopped playing it & feeding money into it. So King made a shiny new one with one little change to lure them back.

  4. Ingress is definitely a better game, I don’t see many users getting bored of it. If you’re bored of PoGo, I’d definitely recommend it, although it takes a bit of time before you can do the really cool stuff. Join Enlightened!

    1. I played Ingress pretty early on and the number of friends I’ve played with and people I’ve seen playing over the years has gradually dwindled. There’s just too much spoofing and camping these days. It’s just not worth the time lol

  5. Well between the loss of features through updates, the actual dangers that have presented themselves and possibly scared people away, the pokestops that have been taken down or have been discouraged from being used as of late, the expensive microtransaction bills, the really low quality tagging, and there simply only being so many pokemon to catch, it makes sense that it would fade after a couple months of constant high gameplay rates.

  6. Maybe because there haven’t been any new updates? The servers seem stable enough to start adding actual updates to the game, the game is simple, it gets old after awhile.
    I also know a lot of people who have the majority of Pokémon caught already, maybe add more Pokémon, so the game doesn’t become stale….gen 2 is also great! I just feel with the money they have made, they could hire more people, and add new stuff 🍣

  7. Don’t really play much. Gets boring when u gta catch twenty million Pokémon to level up. Can’t fight any other trainers. Same poke over and over. No tracking. When they add more Pokémon and get trading and battling in then it’s going to have real potential. Wish they would have had a level up system for Pokémon instead of the star crap they got

  8. Well, of course it is. Summer just ended for most schools, and kids make up a large portion of the player base. This is to be expected.

  9. I am still playing it, just less, my only problem right now is there is not many Pokestops in my area. I am in a small town so I have to drive to an area with lots of Pokestops.

    But at the same time, I think once they introduce either trading or even a new generation at some point they will probably gain back some people that lost interest.

  10. I’m mainly waiting for the Pokémon Go Plus to come out, to start getting more into it, although I HAVE tried to go outside, various places, from time-to-time, to catch more Pokémon, but not with much luck, (I’m only on Level 2, right now, with 2 Pokémon, (my starting Bulbasaur, & a Staryu))!!

    I still very much like the idea of connecting our own Universe with the world of Pokémon, however, so I’ll be glad when I get around to leveling up, & catching more Pokémon!!

  11. Let’s see:

    -Mobile exclusive
    -Only Gen I
    -Caused serious injuries, and possibly death.
    -Tied to a corpse finding.
    -Caused violation of restricted areas
    -Made one guy quit his job just to play this game.
    -Overhyped like Frozen
    -Hacking, banned accounts, and banned in certain parts of the world

        1. Nintendo First Order Commander Quadraxis

          ||Yes but in that particular point it’s their own fault because humans are stupid and weak…||

  12. It was bound to happen eventually. All mobile games have a dip in downloads, customer use, & buying of microtransactions. It’s exactly why games like Candy Crush Saga get a new game with a shiny new feature to lure in the suckers *cough* I mean the casuals. It’s also why Candy Crush has so many Saga clones, too.

    1. Why compair Candy Crash to Pokémon Go? That game is some Pedobear shit!

      Even the candyman is a sex offerder! lol

      1. Because the comparison is spot on. They are both on mobile & trying to get money from a bunch of casuals with the least amount of effort on their part. All mobile game developers are the same.

            1. Nintendo First Order Commander Quadraxis

              ||There are no exceptions, the mobile infantry is nothing more than our slaves harvesting resources for our power…||

        1. But one game lets you go out and try too catch Pokemon. The other one was just trash beyond relief? What did Candy Crash do that changed the gaming industry outside of trying to trademark “Candy” & “Saga”?


          You are comparing Apples to Oranges? lol

          1. Candy Crush Saga is to mobile gaming as what Mario is to platformers. It’s what got the ball rolling in mobile gaming as many games are just clones of it. So yes, it has done more than what you realize.

              1. And with that, this conversation ends. I can’t take you seriously when you delve into this conspiracy theory stuff.

  13. Still playing it but not as much. One thing Pokemon go did for me though is that it got me back to playing the real Pokemon games. I’m playing Pokemon X and its way more fun than go.

  14. Unlike crap like Miitomo, though, there’s tons of room for additional features, simply by making it more like the actual Pokemon games – the much rumored trading aspect, for example – I expect it to maintain a decent number of users. Also, again, just like the Pokemon games, once they add in a shitload of new Pokemon to go out and catch, you’ll see users come back.
    But, it should also be noted that the aforementioned scenario will take time, and given the casual market can be fickle, it’ll be interesting to see how Niantic adapts.

  15. Very limited since there are no Pokestops or Gyms. I have 4 balls left. This was after a week without playing at all after that stinking Rapidash cost em all my balls (they kept curving despite my not turning them into curve balls). I’m currently focusing on slowly hatching an egg. Might be a month before I can a hit another Pokestop (they’re just not close by).

  16. I don’t play as often as others. I’m waiting for the big updates to come out (trading, pokemon centers, more pokemon, legendaries, ect)

    1. What phone are you using ? I’m on tmobile and don’t have a problem. You should try upgrading your phone or wiping your phone and reinstalling.

  17. The game just doesn’t have good gameplay. When it was announced everyone was hoping for something resembling main series gameplay but instead we have this simplified, dull candy grind. The launch trailer looked so promising and I seem to remember seeing pokemon having levels like the main games in it.

    1. Nintendo First Order Commander Quadraxis

      ||If it resembled the main series then there wouldn’t be any point of having the main series now would it? And it would also be devastating for us…||

  18. I’m still fairly addicted as I play it every time I’m out and about to hatch eggs. I’ve caught some new ones recently with the new update changing spawn points, so it’s maintaining my interest.

    I think I’ll quit once the new gens come out as I didn’t play those games.

  19. Pingback: New Buddy Feature Coming To Pokémon GO – My Nintendo News

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