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DOOM For Nintendo Switch Launches November 10th

We finally have a release date for the ultra violent DOOM for the Nintendo Switch. The gory first person shooter will be arriving on the platform on November 10th in North America and Europe.

76 thoughts on “DOOM For Nintendo Switch Launches November 10th”

      1. I need reminder every once in a while how gay I am by kids that seen some only on the internet.
        But honestly, even if I meet 1 random out of 1000 that is fun to play with, it almost makes it worth it to go through all those 999 pre-puberty teens.

      2. King Kalas X3 {I only buy exclusives that interest me on Switch. For everything else that interests me, there is PS4.}

        People that like to actually talk to people & aren’t afraid of foul mouthed, toxic people. Oh & people that actually have tougher skin or aren’t too lazy to turn voice chat off.

      1. King Kalas X3 {I only buy exclusives that interest me on Switch. For everything else that interests me, there is PS4.}

        Some of us have friends that don’t live close enough to throw a get-together. You toxic NIntendo fans are so selfish. If you don’t like voice chat, turn it off. No need to screw everyone else out of something they want because a small, vocal minority of assholes can’t handle hearing harsh words. Like I said, you people are selfish and possibly lazy since you apparently don’t want to put forth the effort of turning it off. That IS an option.

      2. Just stop. I wanted voice chat in the system and be optional like everybody else. If that’s your choice to chat, through a stupidly forced mobile app that can’t stay open when idle or not drain the battery like crazy, then that’s you.

          1. This kind of thing in particular should’ve been a stock feature. Segregating such standard console feature just to force me to buy a several hundred dollars smartphone along with 2 separate attachments to plug in a headset to a phone, then connect said software to another hardware I also paid hundreds of dollars for and a game to boot with just to chat for 3 short minutes per session while draining my battery and disable when the phone is off? Nintendo is definitely still on their retard medication from Wii/U days.

              1. Why experiment what’s already standard from 10 years ago? Nintendo really needs to cut the crap and get with the times already. Playing babysitter is not their job. It’s making products for sale and enjoyment. Parents wanna whine about kids exposure to some contents that they KNOWINGLY buy so they can point fingers around like the dumbass failures that they are? That’s their personal issue.

                1. We cannot remove the Family-mind operation of Nintendo.

                  Yes Nintendo asked to have mature games on the Switch but they will always do their job as a company making games for familys not for core gamers.

                  About the kids and parents. Yes sometimes it’s up to parents to stop the kids with to not watch some contets.

                  1. I think they’re on their way to remove that annoying image. Doom, Payday 2 and Wolfenstein 2 already speaks of that and if GTA5 comes to Switch as rumored, then it’s set and done change.

                    1. I will believe that GTA5 will come only with a sure source or a video.

                      Maybe in december we will see a Nintendo direct with upcoming games.

                      Hell come on Blizzard, Nintendo is doing great. Bring Overwatch so I can play it on the Switch.

                      1. December Direct would be prefect to announce GTA5 as a Switch hype transition for 2018 and then all Anti-Nintendo fanboys will sure lose their minds and scatter around to find some dumb way to bash Nintendo Switch like when Doom was revealed.

                          1. I lost my shit when I saw the list of games in that direct which I skipped for a good reason. The entire direct is the same shit I already knew of and the only two new games from Bethdesa only took up less than 70 seconds of the whole presentation.

                                    1. The spoil it’s minimum from Nintendo. The problem it’s from some youtube channel that posy video about the game and you have to avoid those spoilers in matrix style.

                                      You know what I mean.

                    2. A little close to Odyssey for my liking. I’ll probably get it on Black Friday along with a microSD card. I’ll be getting a good deal apparently because I work at Walmart.

                    3. I already bought it for Xbox and for PlayStation and I would buy it yet again for the Switch…I love the game…but I think that the pricing will be totally off. Everything higher than 29,99 would be a stretch at this point. Are there any known details regarding pricing?

                          1. You’re right. Let’s discuss how beyond redundant Sony is for dissing cross platform play as well as backwards compatible support or what about Xbox One X being the Pinnacle definition of “desperate” update to compete with PS4 when it already lost thanks to their DUMBASS DRM policy that pissed off and scared their fanbase to run off to Sony in 2013? Also, charging the console $500 for a slight upgrade from a $400 PS4Pro or $270-300 XB1S that has similar Fidelity in games? That is worse than charging $500 for a forced spy camera that quickly lost its support last gen.

                                  1. And this I swear to God because I bought the Gold Edition PS4 and tried it. It shattered my soul when I read that “incompatible” message. Are you fucking me Sony? This is why I love PS3 better and why I traded that shit off quickly. Plus, MWR online is a Scourge.

                      1. Definitely considering picking this up. never played this franchise before but im on a mission to obtain (almost) all video game genres. All Im missing is a mature/horror game, Ive been thinking about resident evil but that series is running dry imo

                      2. Pingback: Nintendo Conducts id Software Developer Interview For DOOM On Nintendo Switch – My Nintendo News

                      3. King Kalas X3 {I only buy exclusives that interest me on Switch. For everything else that interests me, there is PS4.}

                        Selfish, toxic Nintendo fans. “I don’t want voice chat so fuck the thousands of others that DO want voice chat. Turning the feature off is too hard!”

                        1. Nintendo First Order Commander Quadraxis

                          ||We can compromise, if many of you want voice chat, then you should all sacrifice your hands, you don’t need hands…||

                          1. King Kalas X3 {I only buy exclusives that interest me on Switch. For everything else that interests me, there is PS4.}

                            lol This is why me & you are always gonna be cool, Quadraxis. Even if we disagree, you are at least entertaining in your response & aren’t a total asshat.

                            1. Nintendo First Order Commander Quadraxis

                              ||Me, you and Jaded_Drybones are the unsacred Triumvirate of MNN representing the 3 sides of current gaming but all originating from Nintendo…||

                              ||Me = Nintendo-Nintendite, You = Nintendo-Sonyan, Drybones = Nintendo-Xbot…||

                              1. King Kalas X3 {I only buy exclusives that interest me on Switch. For everything else that interests me, there is PS4.}

                                Haha. I like that. I’m tempted to call us The Triad (of Video Games), though. (You might not get the reference but it’s three powerful villains from a series called Charmed from the WB/CW channel back in the day.)

                                1. Nintendo First Order Commander Quadraxis

                                  ||Indeed I do, I stopped watching it after the Avatars got defeated because it became repetitive and The Source became pathetic…||

                              2. King Kalas X3 {I only buy exclusives that interest me on Switch. For everything else that interests me, there is PS4.}

                                (Then again, you might get the reference.)

                        2. I’ve never heard of them going like that but I sure as well don’t agree with it if it’s true. Voice Chat should be optional and standard. The fucking mute is not that hard to engage with a press of a button.

                          1. King Kalas X3 {I only buy exclusives that interest me on Switch. For everything else that interests me, there is PS4.}

                            They haven’t said those exact words but that’s what it sounds like every time they speak against the idea of voice chat when someone asks for it or when someone says they don’t like having voice chat because of the immature people online as if there is no mute button or as if it’s too hard to turn voice chat off. *shrug* Whatever, though. If voice chat becomes a thing on the Switch itself instead of some stupid phone app, some of the people fighting against the idea of voice chat will do a total 180 & praise Nintendo as some kind of God for giving them voice chat ON the system. Freaking sheep.

                            (Oh & welcome back to Hell, Stranga! lol)

                              1. King Kalas X3 {I only buy exclusives that interest me on Switch. For everything else that interests me, there is PS4.}

                                My new motto when it comes to dealing with companies I don’t trust: I’ll believe it when I see it.

                      4. Pingback: Resumão: Novidades para Arms e Mario+Rabbids, Atualização do Switch, notas de Super Mario Odyssey e mais! | Nintendo Lovers

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