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Did You Know Gaming? Takes A Look At Sonic Forces

The informative team over at YouTube channel Did You Know Gaming? have taken a look at Sonic Forces which launched last year for the Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC. It probably won’t be remembered as Sonic’s finest hour, so the team have dug a little deeper into the game’s development. If you are a Sonic fan or are curious about Sonic’s latest adventure give the video a watch below.

“In this episode, Did You Know Gaming takes a look at some Sonic Forces facts, secrets, Easter eggs and history! Sonic Forces was developed by Sonic Team and published by Sega for PC gaming platforms, the Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One, and actually borrows some elements from Sonic Mania. The game’s story sees Sonic joining a resistance force to stop Doctor Eggman, and allows the player to create a custom character with the game’s character creation tool. Through our analysis of the game, its gameplay and beta builds, we hope to show some of the more interesting facts from the making of the Sonic Forces and have its history explained.”

Thanks to Nintendo First Order Reaver for the news tip!

27 thoughts on “Did You Know Gaming? Takes A Look At Sonic Forces”

  1. Pingback: Did You Know Gaming? Takes A Look At Sonic Forces – My Nintendo News | 1st Gamers

  2. Infinite Kalas X3, The Sonyendo King

    Final Fantasy XV and Sonic Forces. Two games that had so much potential and it was all ruined when one was released with an incomplete story and the other was released with a story that might as well have been incomplete with how badly many claim it to have been. Anyway, time to watch the video.

    1. I can’t tell which is which in your opinion.

      The story of Forces isn’t *bad* but a lot of stuff was very poorly done or just made no sense, such as…

      -Classic Sonic has no reason being there. None.
      -infinite’s origin can be summed up in one sentence: “Waaaaah, Shadow beat me in a fight, waaaah!”
      -Sonic is beaten by Infinite so easily in their first encounter and then in the first boss fight against him he’s so easy but Sonic still loses in the post cutscene, same with the second fight when it’s the Avatar vs Infinite
      -No mention of the Chaos Emeralds or the Master Emerald anywhere in the game. Eggman’s previous plots to conquer the world have always revolved around getting the emeralds and now the one time he succeeds they aren’t even mentioned.
      -Infinite’s final defeat is almost hilariously anticlimactic
      -Tails is reduced to a helpless mess, to the point where he cowers before Chaos 0 despite having fought him as Chaos 4 in Sonic Adventure (never mind this Chaos was an illusion and his “appearance” was literally just to try to sell the game by making you think he’d be a boss fight or something)

      And now there’s this whole thing about Classic Sonic being from another dimension rather than another timeline which could retcon Generations, a game where his presence made total sense and was welcomed.

      1. You could have talked about how Classic Sonic’s gameplay feels disjointed, or how the bosses are too easy, or how the levels are too short; instead, you chose to zero-in on stupid fantard things like “OMG THE CHAOS EMERALDS AREN’T MENTIONED!!!!”

        You know what else isn’t mentioned? The Triforce in Breath of the Wild; does that make it a bad game?

        Like, don’t get me wrong, Forces is a bad game, it’s far too automated (Though I understand why they’d do it, 3D Sonic has consistently been a fucking mess, Forces may feel like it plays itself a bit too much, but it’s also by far the least buggy 3D Sonic game), it’s too short, the story is full of plot holes and asspulls, the avatar gameplay is lacking and the Wisp system is beyond frustrating; there is no shortage of legitimate things to complain about, so why go the Federation Force “Why isn’t Samus the MC?!” fantard route?

        1. My points were strictly about story- if you knew how to read, you’d have noticed that. Yes, the game has a slew of gameplay problems, but that wasn’t what I was focusing on in my response.

          Also, the Triforce appears in BotW when Zelda finally awakens her sealing powers when she and Link are cornered by Guardians- it appears on her hand. But are you really trying to suggest that just because a series staple not appearing in a game then I think “oh, it’s a bad game then”?

          And for the record, I think Forces is only mediocre, not terrible

          Try to bring substance to your arguments (and your insults) before you attack me.

  3. Infinite Kalas X3, The Sonyendo King

    A ton of people like to draw Pokemon, too, but you don’t see GameFreak adding a “create your own Pokemon” to their games.

    The Sanic meme. I guess Ugandan Knuckles will be next to get a reference.

  4. You DO realize you people slamming this game every time mynintendonews makes an article about it DOESN’T make you look the least bit mature right?

    We need to act like calm/civil human beings.

    1. Infinite Kalas X3, The Sonyendo King

      It’s an object. No one cares about being mature for some piece of junk. Especially a piece of junk they don’t like.

        1. Infinite Kalas X3, The Sonyendo King

          You tell people to be civil and calm yet you call me a troll and tell me to shut up when I wasn’t even attacking you. I’m not even attacking the Sonic Forces game. Simply pointing out it’s flaws. At the end of the day, it’s a material object and is thus junk in the grand scheme of things.

      1. “I’m not even attacking the Sonic Forces game.”

        I call bullshit on that. Calling it “A Piece of junk” is pretty much attacking it.

        Granted Sonic Forces is not the best Sonic game in recent memory, that honor goes to Sonic Mania and Sonic Generations, but that doesn’t mean Sonic Forces was trash either. Sonic ’06 and Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric can each be called “A Piece of junk” sure but that’s because they were too buggy to have the least amount of fun in them.

        Sonic Forces while its levels are linear and short STILL had some fun in it. I liked the avatar creation and the graphics were just beautiful to look at. Sure it could use some tune-ups but the flaws were not NEARLY as terrible as ’06 or Boom.

        I’d say it’s below Sonic Colors but above Sonic Lost World (which is below Sonic Unleashed) which is not saying it’s bad but not saying it was the best either, it was just okay.

        1. Infinite Kalas X3, The Sonyendo King

          I’ve lost a lot of stuff last month because of a fire. More importantly, I lost some beloved pets (3 dogs and 12 puppies) that died in said fire. Because of that incident, I’ve come to the realization that all this stuff we all covet (Switch, PS4, XBox One, television, computer, amiibo, movies, music cassette tapes, music CDs, other video game systems, other video games, vehicles, guns, other weapons, wedding rings, other jewelry, wedding certificates, other pieces of paper, and the list goes on and on) is all just meaningless pieces of junk in the grand scheme of things. The only thing that truly matter in this world are living, breathing life forms like humans, cats, dogs, and other animals. Too many of you are so obsessed with your stupid jewelry and video games and whatnots that you’ve all forgotten just how meaningless these things you covet so much truly are. Some of you have become so enslaved by all of this junk that you cry troll or hater whenever someone dares to dislike, hate, and/or trash some piece of junk you like. So no. I’m not attacking it. Not really. So if you like the game so much, go play it and enjoy it instead of coming on here and calling people immature for having an opinion, no matter how hateful that opinion may be, of it. As long as they keep that anger focused on the stupid piece of junk and not the people that like it, let them hate it. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to check my other emails. *smiles and waves* Good day and good luck to you, sir!

          PS: If anyone hates me here, oh well. That’s their problem. In fact, I pity them for hating someone that is merely expressing his opinion. Doubly in fact, they can actually kiss my ass as I’m not here to make them happy. I’m here to express my opinion, have a peaceful conversation with someone that wants to have one in return, and move on. I don’t have time for other people’s bullshit problems with me. Now I’m truly done.

      2. @Infinite Kalas X3, The Sonyendo King

        “I’ve lost a lot of stuff last month because of a fire. More importantly, I lost some beloved pets (3 dogs and 12 puppies) that died in said fire. Because of that incident, I’ve come to the realization that all this stuff we all covet (Switch, PS4, XBox One, television, computer, amiibo, movies, music cassette tapes, music CDs, other video game systems, other video games, vehicles, guns, other weapons, wedding rings, other jewelry, wedding certificates, other pieces of paper, and the list goes on and on) is all just meaningless pieces of junk in the grand scheme of things.”

        Okay, now I KNOW you’re trolling me. Because first of all that reply took forever to read. Second, you don’t go slamming a product only to pull a surprise sob-story. It just makes me think you’re making this stuff up.

        1. Infinite Kalas X3, The Sonyendo King

          Wow. So because you had a lot to read, I must be a troll? I’m not lying but I’m not surprised you think I’m making such a horrible story up, though. With some people on the internet defending guns by accusing victims of the Florida school shooting of being liars and actors because they are speaking out against guns on television, it’s not surprising at all that you wouldn’t believe me. Again, not slamming Sonic Forces. But whatever. Believe what you want. Maybe one day you’ll realize all of the games and game systems you worship are just junk at the end of the day.

      3. “The only thing that truly matter in this world are living, breathing life forms like humans, cats, dogs, and other animals. Too many of you are so obsessed with your stupid jewelry and video games and whatnots that you’ve all forgotten just how meaningless these things you covet so much truly are. Some of you have become so enslaved by all of this junk that you cry troll or hater whenever someone dares to dislike, hate, and/or trash some piece of junk you like. So no. I’m not attacking it. Not really. So if you like the game so much, go play it and enjoy it instead of coming on here and calling people immature for having an opinion, no matter how hateful that opinion may be, of it. As long as they keep that anger focused on the stupid piece of junk and not the people that like it, let them hate it. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to check my other emails. *smiles and waves* Good day and good luck to you, sir!

        PS: If anyone hates me here, oh well. That’s their problem. In fact, I pity them for hating someone that is merely expressing his opinion. Doubly in fact, they can actually kiss my ass as I’m not here to make them happy. I’m here to express my opinion, have a peaceful conversation with someone that wants to have one in return, and move on. I don’t have time for other people’s bullshit problems with me. Now I’m truly done.”

        Oh SHUT UP!!!

      4. @Infinite Kalas X3, The Sonyendo King
        “Lost our last dog tonight”

        First of all; How’d you know I have a dog?
        Second of all; I didn’t lose her, she’s at home with me.

        Are you trying to troll me on purpose? Because that’s only going to get you blacklisted.

    2. Nintendo First Order Commander Quadraxis

      ||There is no such a thing as a civil human, you are all primitive, pathetic and barbaric lifeforms…||

    3. @Infinite Kalas X3, The Sonyendo King

      “What is your goal here? To get EVERYBODY to hate you? Because it’s working.”

      -Peter Quill, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

    4. @Infinite Kalas X3, The Sonyendo King
      “With some people on the internet defending guns by accusing victims of the Florida school shooting of being liars and actors because they are speaking out against guns on television”

      Now you’re just getting off-topic.

      “Maybe one day you’ll realize all of the games and game systems you worship are just junk at the end of the day.”

      How DARE you call yourself a gamer!?

      1. Infinite Kalas X3, The Sonyendo King

        Not really going off topic since it’s part of my point. You’re just like those losers since you honestly believe I made up some sob story to push an “agenda.” Some of my fellow Americans are total asshole losers. (Maybe it has something to do with Trump being in office and being completely unprofessional and undiplomatic on fucking Twitter; a den of asshole losers.) Honestly, I don’t care if you believe me as you’re just some stranger on the internet, anyway. My friends believe me & that’s all that matters. A few of them online know for a fact it’s true since I wasn’t online on my PS4 for nearly a month because of it which is strange for me since I got on my PS4 at least every other day. *shrug* So believe what you want.

        I am a gamer. I got a PS4, n3DS, did have a Switch (which was sadly lost in the fire), and I got over 50 games on my PS4, over 20 on my n3DS, and had 4 (so far) on my Switch. I spend hours and hours on video games. I grew up on playing video games. I’ve had every Nintendo home console at least once, every Nintendo handheld at least once, had a PS2, plan to get a PS4 Pro either next month or April, I intend to replace my lost Switch if I like what I see at E3 2018 and if their paid online isn’t trash, and I may even get an Xbox One for Rare Replay. I’m a hardcore gamer and by that I mean I can spend anywhere from 10 hours or more playing video games if I’m not online or watching movies or TV shows or eating or hanging out with my wife and kid etc etc. I even spent over 20 hours playing nothing but video games once.

        But none of what I’ve said in this comment matters since you’ve already accused me of being a liar once so you’ll probably just call me a liar again. So I ask you, who exactly is the troll here!? The one trying to talk to you decently or the one screaming troll at the top of his lungs because he doesn’t like what he’s hearing about a stupid video game!?

          1. Infinite Kalas X3, The Sonyendo King

            Lost our last dog tonight so I don’t have the time for you, anymore. Maybe one day you’ll grow up and quit worshiping junk.

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