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Palworld gets Legally-Distinct Pocket Creatures Mod Pack as response to DMCA

Palworld fire

The Pokémon in Palworld mod has made a triumphant return after a brief hiatus due to a DMCA takedown by Nintendo. However, this time around, things have taken a quirky turn, adding a layer of humor to the gaming experience. ToastedShoes, the YouTuber behind the initial Pokémon mod announcement, faced Nintendo’s request for removal of the video showcasing the mod. Despite complying, ToastedShoes recently revealed in a new YouTube video that the Pokémon in Palworld mod is back, albeit with a twist.

The creature designs in the mod are now explicitly labeled as “legally distinct pocket-sized creatures.” In the video, ToastedShoes introduces viewers to the whimsical world of Palworld, where players can catch these legally distinct creatures using Mason jars instead of the traditional Pal Spheres or red-and-white balls.

The mod, officially named “The Legally-Distinct Pocket Creatures Mod Pack,” is available again via Nexus Mods. The creatures showcased include the Vegetative Turtle, Fire Fox, and even a toast-themed Pal named Crouton. Notably, some Pals have no coincidental similarities with Nintendo’s intellectual property, adding a touch of creativity and humor to the mod. ToastedShoes humorously navigates his Palworld home, exterminating a creature called Yellow Rat and introducing viewers to the visually absurd and diverse cast of legally distinct creatures. From a corpulent chicken with a cheeky name to a boss named Saul Goodman accompanied by a cease and desist notice Pal, the mod takes a satirical approach to legal challenges.

Despite the mishmash of art styles and concepts, the Legally-Distinct Pocket Creatures Mod Pack offers a hilarious and entertaining twist to the Palworld gaming experience. At the time of writing, the mod is still available on Nexus Mods, with Nintendo yet to respond.

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22 thoughts on “Palworld gets Legally-Distinct Pocket Creatures Mod Pack as response to DMCA”

  1. so corny and lame. palworld never had a chance, but continuing to parody others and making it the entirety of your product is shallow and lifeless

        1. What are you smoking? It’s a gamepass (free) game that still sold over 12 million on steam. That’s pretty darn impressive.

        2. ya’ll are smoking something serious and have no life to be on here mad about a monster catcher game. 1 million?! Yo, it sold over 20 mil already, top of steam charts, and it’s only a beta at $30 lmao never had a chance tho right lol

    1. Pal world didnt make the mod. It was a “fan” who force people to pay for it causing Nintendo to crack down on them .
      so the ” fan” who still wanted money decides to be scummy changes the pals to legally distinct creature when pals that ref pokemon are already legally distinct .
      Also pal world are rookie devs who are just winging it ,I find it impressive the pals even multi task on top stuff there suppose to do. .

  2. That character player model is horrendous, also this is high quality modern YouTube slop that gets redditors poop their pants

    1. ^Funny that XD
      I get this strange tingeling sensation of deja vu. It is like I’ve encountered this exact same comment from you before . . . somehow… XD

  3. I wonder if this was the plan all along: do something you know will trigger a Nintendo takedown response, then release the satire, and rake in the eyeballs from start to finish.

  4. All this stuff is so annoying and cringey tbh. Can’t wait for the superficial buzz around this hacky knockoff to die out already. No one’s gonna be talking about this come year’s end.

  5. Saw this mod while on Nexus Mods the other day and found it hilarious. I won’t be downloading it as I’m not interested. I’m also ot doing it cuz I don’t have Pokémon itch that I need to scratch cuz I’ve been hopping between Scarlet and Palworld. Basically if I want that Pokémon scratch I’m playing an actual Pokémon game.

  6. People have been downloading it and buying it because of the hype and word of mouth. That does not mean in anyway that everyone’s enjoying it. It’s just a lame knockoff for kids and people that can’t grow up. It’ll die off in a few months. Any game can sell millions of copies and become boring in a month or so. Yall can keep riding on it though I ain’t trying to ruin your climax or anything..

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