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Nintendo president revealed he’s a “huge fan” of the Fire Emblem series

Nintendo’s strategic RPG series Fire Emblem has many fans throughout the world and one of those is Nintendo president, Shuntaro Furukawa. The news was revealed in an episode of the Kit and Krysta Podcast in which Krysta Yang described her story of meeting Nintendo’s current president and finding out his enduring love for the long-running Fire Emblem franchise. Here’s what Krysta Yang said:

“The other thing about Mr. Furukawa that’s really fun is that, you know, he came to our office when he became the global president to like, introduce himself, for us to get to know him, and I love how, yeah, it was like, sort of the first time we were seeing his personality and getting to know who he is as a person. At the time he was telling us like, how he was a huge Fire Emblem fan and he was like playing Fire Emblem and he was like “I’m a huge fan, I’ve been playing Fire Emblem, but then I got to the end of Fire Emblem and I was like, the credits were rolling, and it got to the very end and it was like, Executive Producer: Furukawa” like him, right, and he was like “that was a hard cold reality that I had to get back to work”.


17 thoughts on “Nintendo president revealed he’s a “huge fan” of the Fire Emblem series”

  1. Most FE games are pretty good. Though the modernization of the series on the switch really turned me off.

  2. “How dare Shuntaro Furukawa like a Nintendo franchise I never heard of before the GameCube! Now how are we supposed to get every Sonic character except Sally Acorn as fighters in a future Smash bros?!”

    1. Sakurai himself say they will only allowed video games characters who are capable fighters not those who are from a anime or animation or comics. It doesn’t count as video games.

    2. Ironic…considering Fire Emblem came to the west on the GBA, before any Gamecube Fire Emblem games.

  3. Cool. Maybe the next game in the series will actually combine a good story with well-designed tactical levels again.

    1. Nice to know the man has great taste: now we just him to make sure Intelligent System takes everything from Engage EXCEPT the storytelling, get the writers from Three Houses/Hopes to do the story for the next game, and we’ll be good😎

      Oh, and bring back shipping: as a massive shipper(I spent more time focusing on how to arrange ships than I did strategizing battles), the fact we could only ship Alear was a major crime!

  4. Well I do love the fire emblem franchise due to its characters designs, medieval setting and soundtracks. That’s the only reason why I love it. I only play the game on how it was supposed to play. You know, hack and slash gameplay style.

  5. Parachan desmoines i don't not what i don't know when...

    Keep the tree (weeb) house as far away from the localization efforts.

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