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Nintendo Wii U: Miyamoto Says Wii U Will Bridge The Gap Between Hardcore Gamers And Casual Gamers

Shigeru Miyamoto firmly believes that the long running debate between core gamers and causal games will cease once Nintendo release the Wii U. Miyamoto is adamant that the system will appeal to everyone and won’t just be a system for casual gamers to use. With numerous third party developers brining their biggest franchises to Wii it looks as though the Wii U could truly offer something for everyone.

“But one of the key reasons that such things as the core and the casuals exist today is that we decided not to adopt HD on the Wii console,” Miyamoto said. “Of course, besides that there are things like issues with the controller and the challenges that it brings, network functionalities and many other things, but I think HD was the biggest factor that everyone was able to clearly understand the difference.”

“I think [the Wii U and its new controller] is an opportunity for those games that were considered to be core up to now, to evolve into something even more interesting structure,” he continued. “In that sense, I do wish all kinds of games would be released, regardless of the debate over core or casual. That core vs. casual debate seems like something that can never see a resolution, but with Wii U, I have a feeling that it all may change.”

“I even feel that the barrier that separated the two genres was only something psychological, just an impression that people had towards them. For example, The Legend of Zelda games were something geared towards the toughest audience, and it has been so from the beginning. So it’s not like Nintendo doesn’t have it in us. But there are quite a number of people who assume that Nintendo is the equivalent of being casual.”

– Shigeru Miyamoto


21 thoughts on “Nintendo Wii U: Miyamoto Says Wii U Will Bridge The Gap Between Hardcore Gamers And Casual Gamers”

    1. Sure, if you’ve played a Zelda game before, you how what to expect with many of the puzzles. But if you haven’t, then it gets pretty tough. I doubt there is anyone who didn’t have problems getting through their first Zelda game.

      1. Seriously, my first one was oracle of seasons and i couldn’t even figure out how to get through the 3rd mid boss xD, but after a while you get the hang of it

      2. The NES one was truly difficult, anything 3D (OOT, MM, TP, etc) the puzzles are just rehashes of other puzzles. Move block here, defeat all enemies, use newly acquired weapon to hit this switch, or block the trap. Zelda could use new puzzles. I feel like there could be some negative puzzles to do, like defeat 2 bats, but we aren’t going to tell you which ones. Defeating all of them respawns them all or something.

        1. Your judgement is based upon previous experiences which had been stated. When you have played the game before you get used to playing it and know what to expect from the content. For players that are new to the game, it is a lot more difficult.
          Difficulty can also be viewed as a trick. Some content in Zelda games will confuses or trick me, although the solution and working it out doesn’t stress me by any means, it was still difficult while i worked it out quickly.
          Not to mention difficulty is a point of view.

  1. I’m so tired of hearing about all this “Hardcore” and ”Casual” crap, it’s a Video Game for everyone, some people like the games Nintendo have right now. People need to quit acting like there’s a big difference.

    1. Super Mario galaxy 2, loved it, I could call myself a hardcore gamer. I like call of duty and gears of war, but I would chose Mario galaxy over any of those anytime.

  2. I was thinking on this thing too. The term hardcore seems to apply to folks who play MMO’s an FPS games. That belittles other genres. Like Mario brings some of the most engaging platformers I’ve ever seen. Also what about gamers who just love arcade games. If that isn’t hardcore I don’t know what is. I only see casual as those ice breakers where the fun is more so based on who you play with as opposed to what you play.

    1. I don’t get what the big deal is, if you like a certain genre then fine but apparently if you hate platformers then mario automatically sucks ass and is a kids game. I think that a game is only “hardcore” if its super challenging like old school nintendo style with contra etc

  3. i understand why you would be tired of the battle between casual and hardcore gamers because a game is a game….BUT there is just a big difrence also for nintendo… we make a game for the whole family or a shooter just for shooter fans…etc….those are 2 diffrent ways they have to focus on you can’t put them together that just doesn’t work you can’t expect gamers buy a disney land game for kinect, those are for people with a family or with kids….so yes there is a big difrence that needs to be talked about, and i love how wiiu ON PAPER will make it good……now let’s see how it really will work

  4. Hardcore gamers simply don’t exsist as defined by Sony or ms. At best they want gaming to be some service that isn’t even about gaming.

    Hardcore is a term fanboys hide behind. It’s hard to say some thing about Mario 3 so they say it’s not hardcore and every one in the media echos this.

    In reality gaming has not been hard ore or smart or artistic in a while. It’s just been fps after the next and realistic open world freedom crap which is all a gimmick if it doesn’t make good games.

  5. One problem with “bridging the gap” is price. This is even true PC gaming, in that people who want “hardcore” games generally pay more to tweak their machine to run them. With consoles, it’s at a fixed price and fixed specs. A “casual” gamer doesn’t want to pay a tremendous amount of money for a console, which is why many chose the Wii over the 360/PS3. This lead to “casual” games to be produced for those consumers, which got the Wii labeled as a “casual” system.

    1. I believe that Iwata said that the price would be upwards of $250, but this isn’t that unusual after all the ps3 and the 360 were going between $300 and $600 for a while and only dropped for the sake of competition but you are right the console should be relatively cheap, i wouldn’t mind shelling out about $250-350

    1. Why do you consider Wii sports to be casual? I’m not arguing or attacking i just want to know how you label a game hardcore or casual

  6. Honestly I didn’t know that the whole hardcore vs casual debate existed until nintendo channel asked me which type of gamer I was…. A lot of the people who grew up on games dont really look at that sort of thing and just by what they like. Yes I like playing CoD but I also cant live without. P.S. it was much tougher and took way longer to beat supermario64 then any of the call of duty games

  7. By “core,” most people MEAN to say “mature.” That’s what Nintendo should (and I think, does, judging from some of the third party & launch titles) understand. If you ask someone to name all the “core” games they love to play on XBOX360 or PS3, the list of games will mostly or completely made up of games involving violence and/or blood & “adult themes.”

  8. Good, because I was getting tired of this Hardcore vs Casual garbage. Games are games, there will always be “hardcore” games and “casual” games. Fearing that one will take over the other is why we fight everyday over video games.

  9. Pingback: Shigeru Miyamoto comenta el movimiento casual y Wii U

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