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Unknown Developer AE Games Speaks Out On Wii U And Blasts Other 3rd Parties


AE games, an unknown developer, has declared that they’re openly supporting Nintendo when other third party developers are running away from the system. They will be revealing their very first game in development for the Wii U, this Friday.

AE Games is a brand new game developer, based in North Carolina. Our desire is to create great games, specifically designed around Nintendo systems; starting with the Wii U! Instead of treating the Wii U as an afterthought like many developers/publishers have, it is going to be our focus.

What has been the picture of third party support on the Wii U? It seems that late DLC, no DLC, missing modes, and selling last year’s game as this year’s, has been the way to go. Then follow that up with trying to justify poor sales by blaming consumers (or, even Nintendo), and canceling or delaying future titles? There are examples of publisher support that shouldn’t be forgotten, wonderfully terrible examples in our opinion. How about a publisher releasing one game from a series on the Wii U for $60, but selling the entire series in a bundle on other consoles for the same price as the Wii U’s single game version? And how about one publisher releasing the exact same game on all consoles at the same time, but pricing the Wii U version nearly 70% more than the other versions? Or, now even a more recent example, delaying only the Wii U version of a game that was already previously announced; despite the publisher doing exactly the opposite with a certain Wii U game in 2013?

Not only was/is this actively sabotaging sales of those Wii U games by the publishers in our opinion, but it was apparently assuming most Wii U owners in 2012, 2013, and even now in 2014 would be ignorant of those things (we guess?), or not care about them?

We are tired of hearing excuses from so many third party developers and publishers in regards to supporting the Wii U. We think it’s a shame so many third party developers and publishers have provided excuses for not supporting the system, instead of providing examples. There’s really only one way to dice some third party support of Nintendo systems: can’t never could, and never will.

But, if you own a Wii U, you likely know that there have been some developers that have really taken their time in developing Wii U games, and been able to show some of the system’s strengths. We hope to become a part of the developers that have shown how to make games better, on the Wii U with the Wii U GamePad.

While the foundation of our company has started in central North Carolina, we will be using talent from around the world to bring great games to the Wii U (and hopefully, other Nintendo systems). We will be revealing our very first game in development for the Wii U, this Friday! Will you be hit by one of Cupid’s arrows when you see it, and fall in love with the idea behind it? We hope so!

You can follow us on Twitter and Facebook, and feel free to checkout our site,, for more updates and contact information! Join us in celebrating the Wii U this week, and show your appreciation for the Wii U on social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter, using the hashtags #WeLoveWiiU.

Thanks, N-Dub Nation


144 thoughts on “Unknown Developer AE Games Speaks Out On Wii U And Blasts Other 3rd Parties”

      1. Why is it that that’s the thought that went into my mind too? Maybe the Cupid comment or something… The world would only be so lucky.

  1. Good on them. It’s not the fact that other companies choose not to publish on the Wii U that annoys me, it’s when they do exactly as this guy says. Delaying or marking up the Wii U version for no particular reason.

  2. Nice to hear this kind of dedication! Though it sounds like they might be drumming up hype for a Kickstarter rather than having something already in the works… Either way, I’m eager to see it.

    1. well if they’re going to presend it they should have something already in the works.. else there’s little to present, even on kickstarter

      we’ll see how it turns out.. also i’d love to see some more info who exactly is part of this company

  3. Well, they’re not wrong about anything they’ve said.

    But the whole tone doesn’t sound particularly professional. And gmail email addresses…

    I’m not expecting anything come friday, but I’d like to be pleasantly surprised.

    1. Fuck being professional. Look at Kamiya telling Smash Bro fans to shut the fuck up. You think that was professional. Unless your a higher up guy who wears a suit all day then the only “professional” you need to be is in your work with your game. Your attitude and such doesn’t need to be. These guys are exactly like me.

      1. exactly, AE games = EA games and havent found anything about ae games plus gmail accounts….thats a spoof. maybe someone just wanted to shout that the devs suck nowadys especially in wii u section

        1. well of course you haven’t if they’re newly formed

          if this is the first time they’ve stepped into the public the internet naturally wouldn’t deliver any results on them

          1. lolololol you’re laughing and now i am laughing because you’re laughing and your name is gaming fan which is quite funny considering this is a nintendo website and nintendo produce games and you’re a fan x)

  4. If these guys are real, then it’s actually a great business idea. A quick look at the history of Nintendo’s recent consoles tells you that the third party games that sell well are the third party exclusives. Show loyalty to Nintendo and Nintendo console owners tend to show loyalty to you.

      1. Excuse me? What language is American?…
        And I thought Americans were all of us… you know since we live in the American Continent?…
        Remember kids, America is not only The United States…you’ll be surprised by what you may learn at school these days :D

            February 11, 2014 1:25

            So you’re not Hispanic, no puedes escribir ni mierds de Espanol, and you dont speak English huh.. So what are you? Oh! I know! A troll who is finally beginning to experience puberty..

  5. Think it’s fake too, but the third paragraph really explains the reason why we don’t buy third party games on wii u.I can only find 1 third party game from the exclusives that is worth it, Zombi U. All others are either nintendo or a special deal with nintendo(lego city, platinum games)

  6. I like what they had to say, because finally somebody had the balls to say it. I will wait to see the game though before I get excited, I have been let down before so let’s go Friday.

  7. Even if this is fake, at least someone out there is putting these 3rd parties on blast for their foolishness. Seriously, how many negative articles from “anonymous sources” about Nintendo or the Wii U have companies taken to heart as the gospel truth? At least this one was positive or was trying to edify Nintendo.

  8. No idea if this is a real developer, but doesn’t make it less true.

    Publishers these days are so fucking piss poor, it’s unbelievable.
    Nobody gets games they actually want anymore. My top 10 list on 2013 is literally half of the game i played this year that are generally amazing, the other half was great/good , everything else was whatever releases of slightly improved sequel, give us money whatever game, rereleases or “FANCY NEW IP WITH BUDGET OF $10″. Or iOS shit.

    And yet, THEY LOOSE MONEY!!!
    Why the FUCK does Assassins Creed cost so much to make?! Its entirely reused assets, you dont make new shit, you just touch up on a couple if things, throw in some shit model of a monkey, and say ” ugh, game”. You didn’t even have time to make UI’s in AC4, yet ironically that made the game better because there was less shit in the way.
    Oh but you still spent millions and million of dollars.
    Researching what some fucking pirates did on a wednesday. READING DOESNT COST MONEY! Hiring voice actors? No, they’re just standard voice actors. Where does the fucking money go? Is it that GIANT FUCKING PIRATE SHIP YOU PUT IN LA?!!?! Is that where it went? Well fuck that! Everyone knows what Assassins Creed is! You don’t need a SHIP to advertise it!
    But that can’t be all the costs?
    Does the rest go to the hundreds of employees you need who are TERRIBLE at that job and still push out a game that’s buggy as SHIT, and looks gross? Maybe. Or are all your CEO’s and upper managment overpaid as FUCK? Maybe that as well.
    And it’s not just Assassins Creed, or just Ubisoft.

    Ubisoft are actually the BETTER of the few out there.
    Capcom, Square, EA, Activision, 2K and DEAD THQ are/were WAAAY worse.

    Sort your bullshit out.

    1. I’m playing Assassin’s Creed 3 now and I find it way different from the 4th. I prefer the 4th much better and smoother.

  9. wii u dont have a good install base. becuse people rather shoot and kill and pick up stripers. if nintendo’s gone they all are. im not supporting ms or sony. all nintendo. get n or get out! not a fan boy love other things more.. have a life!

  10. Wile I am just as much a fan of Xbox as I am Nintendo, its nice to see a “developer” come out and say this, that said its a lot of talk with nothing to show for it.
    but I guess its no weight on my shoulders to see what happens friday.
    I have a feeling that even if their is a game, it won’t be something amazingly great game (yay a….puzzle game)
    but still, its nice to hear what were all thinking, and possibly get a game that well back up such talk

  11. Whoo! Finally we have a new ally game studio who has the common sense and balls to blast the shit out of those fucking selfishly hypocrite 3rd parties straight down to the core with true facts that should have been apparent for years to many with a brain.

    I’ll be supporting them every step of the way. ;D

  12. Sorry but the days of big name publishers being really creative ended years ago and now all the big name studios care about one thing and that is money.
    That it was is wrong with 3rd party in today’s consoles, no one is willing to take risks and create something totally off the park being unique as today’s developers just cannot be bothered and stick with not even trying.
    Out of the top 20 selling Wii games 17 were from Nintendo so why in the hell did they give 3rd party launch rights and rights for 3 months after?
    What Ubisoft did 3 months after the U launch was a total disgrace and have gone even worse with Watch Dogs.

    1. Maybe, just maybe, AE actually cares more about their morals, that their competitors are so quick to drop, than the almighty dollar.

  13. ill buy what ever they make just becuz they speak the truth and don’t hide behind fake shit. a lot of 3rd parties are un talented hacks they fear wii u becuz none of them have the talent to design a great game for it and none of them can ever prove me wrong and the stupid phony sony and microsux follwers can suck on that becuz the truth hurts. I wonder what third parties will do if sony and microsux game divisions fall then what? come crying to Nintendo? Nintendo is still the glue that holds the industry together whether people like it or not. so keep your pathetic shooters like call of doodie I want quality. ps4 has what 30 shooters releasing this year? that’s sad but kids love shooters gta5 90% children call of doodie 90% children makes em feel grown up :) I would challenge any of the todays so called gamers to a match on the 1st super Mario brothers and dominate them so bad they may cry. a recent poll showed newbie gamers cant handle games like they they need ez games to play.

  14. I love how easy it was to identify the games that were blasted. Although I don’t know what game was 70% marked up. “DLC” – Call of Duty/Assassin’s Creed, “missing modes” – Batman, “last year’s games” – many (Batman, ME3, etc), “Delays” (Rayman, Watch_Dogs, probably others), “no trilogy” (Mass Effect), “no support without reason” – EA sports games.

    I’m sure there’s many I missed, but I love I was able to peg at least one game for just about every one above.

    1. The mark up was Deus Ex Human Revolution Directors Cut.

      In some markets anyway. In the UK, it was roughly the same price (£25) as the other versions but in North America I believe it retailed for $50 on Wii U when the other versions were $30.

  15. We will reveal on friday. Will you be hit by cupids arrow and fall in love with it?

    This comment as much as the rest rings true. This makes me think a valentines day hoax or some shoddy dating sim….

    As what they said above friday is 14th valentines day – cupids arrow….

    I dunno …
    Great them blasting others instead of Nintendo for a change

    1. Maybe it’s a hint at the game’s plot? I don’t think we have enough games with the story heavily reliant on romance. Least not many on a Nintendo console, anyway. (Still waiting on a Zelda game with more romance; Skyward Sword was a step in the right direction in that regard.)

  16. I think this was a smart move to get noticed on AE’s part. Maybe in time, we’ll all forget what a terrible name their company has.

    1. ༼ つ◕_◕༽つ LOL WUT? ༼ つ◕_◕༽つ


  17. This may just be a ploy for the attention/money of the starving dedicated-Wii-U-owner demographic, but they’ll have to please us to make it work, so heck, they can have my attention, and maybe my money too.

  18. Excuses? You mean besides the fact that the user base for the Wii U is so abysmal that they won’t sell enough to make a profit?
    If this is an actual developer who’s going to support the Wii U, just wait until they release their game and watch as it doesn’t sell.

    1. ^Well, if the developers actually bothered programming their games for the console correctly, then perhaps the game would sell.

      I do not see why any one would buy a unfinished and un-optimised game for the full price? Otherwise it’s pure stupidity.

    2. If I’m faced with a decision on which version of a game to buy between a PS4 version and a Wii U version, I look at the games themselves.

      PS4 version: Complete, well thought out game.
      Wii U version: Incomplete – no multiplayer, no dlc, no this, no that.

      Gosh, and they wonder why Wii U versions of games aren’t selling well…

      1. why not use the incredible amount of free time you seem to have and do something with your life, you imbecilic degenerate.


          1. no. as a matter of fact, I think I’ll enjoy your lack of cognition for a bit longer. you seem to be the most stupid of all the clownish morons on this site. you’ve been proving that time after time. your stupidity is starting to make me laugh.

                  1. can’t keep a solid identity huh. I wonder what goes on in your dilapidated brain, but who cares. your stupidity keeps me entertained.

                      1. I like how you lacked a solid comeback, so you basically just copied what I said. It takes a great lack of intelligence to pull such a risky stunt like that.

                        I also find it funny that such a little slugger like yourself has such a high-end vocabulary. I guess Kindergarten isn’t the same as it used to be…

                        Oh well. Perhaps that is why you are in a constant state of buttock injury. Perhaps you have so much information crammed in there that when you pull some out to use in an argument, it rips you a new one.

                        1. interesting. the clown imbecile actually starts to write paragraphs, but of course I’m the butthurt one. you’re on your way to joining the group of morons that keep me entertained on this site. don’t be a nintenbaby, guy.

            1. Says the guy who actually takes the time to go onto a nintendo-associated site, complain about its products, and overall bitch about things nobody honestly cares about.

              I smell hypocrisy!

                1. Silly you, I’m not a clown!

                  Clowns are for toddlers and neanderthals, such as you! And I, for one, do not like serving toddler neanderthals, thank you very much.

                  1. are you sure about that. cause you sure act like a clown. reevaluate yourself, guy. you’re either a nintendo fan or a moronic nintenbaby. don’t be part of the nintenbaby club on this site.

      2. Exactly what I’ve been thinking and what I would say if I were a game developer. I even did a video on 3rd party BS. I look forward to what this new developer can bring to the Wii U =D

      3. I loooooove these people so far :) ! Everything they said I agreed and complain about is to a T lol . So im definitely going to be supporting thee people by buying there games for the wii U :) . Most of the 3rd party companies needed to hear this ;) !!

      4. I admire their little speech here, and a very clear cheap shot at EA (perhaps AE is going to be the anti-EA?)

        I hope they have an interesting game on the way.

      5. EA hates on Nintendo because EA wants to move console gaming to download only or have to pay some subscription or have license to use games but not be able to trade, sell, rent or buy used games. And Nintendo was against making console games like a license like computer games. Take Two and Bethesda hate on Nintendo because they are computer gamer companies and they hate on Nintendo because computer gamers always hate on Nintendo and they make totally different types of games. Activision supports Nintendo with Skylanders and Spider-Man and Call of Duty. But I wouldn’t be surprised if Call of Duty 2014 skips Wii U this holiday season.

      6. The Wii U lost third party support because the put weak CPU and not enough RAM in Wii U. And the Gamepad is nice but they should have put controller pro in box also.

        1. Ehhh the wii u doesn’t have a weak CPU or GPU, It’s just more efficient. PowerPC beats x86 processors in terms of efficiency.

          1. Don’t even bother. People want to believe the Wii U is underpowered. It brings the comfort like a housewife eating bon-bons. Those of use with brains understand the Wii U specs. Left ignorant have their bliss. It’s clearly all they have.

        2. Actually, they put plenty of CPU power in the Wii U. In fact, the specs say the Wii U has about as much CPU as the Xbox 360 and PS3 combined.

          The gamepad was only included by itself because it was used as advertising…it IS an exclusive feature for the Wii U, after all. Considering the fact that it plays wii AND wii u games, and considering the fact that it can use several different classic nintendo controllers, and the fact that its graphics capabilities are greater than the PS4 and Xbox One (full HD vs. not full HD) with very little screen tearing and very little graphics issues, I think it deserves far more third-party support than it got.

          Honestly, all the hate about the Wii U stems from concerns that it is a “more HD version of the Wii” and that Nintendo is “not meant for gamers” and is “gimmicky” when it comes to features. The hate on the system was mostly unneeded and unfounded, but unfortunately, the reputation of the system is already so bad that it is debatable whether or not it will achieve the sales projections by Nintendo’s financial experts.

      7. I own a Bad A$$ PC and I own a WiiU love em both don’t see the need for anything else. AE games Indie developer for a second I almost thought Kid Icarus was going to be announce but then I read first game ever.

      8. “Unknown developer AE Games.”

        Yeah, who wants to bet this is actually a random current employee of EA Games or a former employee of EA Games?

        1. We all know how statements from “unknown sources” are looked at as gold in the gaming community. I don’t think this company is real, but at least someone is airing out these 3rd parties for their BS.

      9. Go AE! People need to stop hating on this just because their jelly that they won’t play any of AE’s awesome games because they have their huge xboners.

      10. Pingback: Unbekannter Entwickler lobt Wii U und lässt sich über 3rd Parties aus | GAMECONTRAST

      11. Pingback: AE’s Wii U Exclusive Is Mad Men Football For Wii U eShop | My Nintendo News

      12. Pingback: Indie Games (WiiU) -

      13. Pingback: AE Games Are Now Officially Wii U Developers, Here’s A Trailer For Mad Men Football | My Nintendo News

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