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Smash Bros Creator Masahiro Sakurai Is Suffering From RSI


Masahiro Sakurai, the designer of the Kirby and the Super Smash Bros series, has revealed in his Famitsu column that he is currently suffering from repetitive strain injury, which is causing him all sorts of problems. Sakurai says that repetitive strain injury is getting to the point where it’s starting to restrict both his work and lifestyle. Sakurai’s says that the solution for the time being is to use a trackball. Here’s what he wrote.

“Using a mouse, keyboard or gamepad make my arm tired, so I can’t use them in a continual manner. The only device I can use for an extended period of time is a joystick. It’s posing problems when I’m test-playing something in progress.”

[repetitive strain injury] is getting to “the point where it’s starting to restrict my work and lifestyle,”

“I figure that if I cut down on writing emails and other things, try not to type in so much data myself, and start giving more verbal directions, that’ll reduce the amount of keyboard-oriented work I have to do. But if I’m going to be supervising other people’s work, there’s no way to cut down the amount of mouse usage I need to perform. I’m trying to work it with my left hand in order to give the right one some rest, but that definitely cuts down on my work efficiency…”

“Kirby was drawn with a trackball on the Game Boy and NES. The internal hardware team at HAL came up with a way to connect a trackball to the NES, then use a dev tool that ran on a Twin Famicom disc to draw graphics. It was great because you could draw and animate graphics right on the NES screen with the trackball, clicking on numbers onscreen to go between animation frames. It really had a beneficial effect on HAL’s NES and Game Boy development — in some ways I think we really had a powerhouse system.”

“I’ve been familiar with trackballs for years, so controlling one should be easy…in theory! Hopefully the day will come when I’m able to use them for extended periods with my right hand again. I hope this gets healed up!”

139 thoughts on “Smash Bros Creator Masahiro Sakurai Is Suffering From RSI”

      1. Neutron, you should stay the fuck away from this site. You’re nothing but a fucking clown who dwells in the basement eating a fat ass chocolate cake while tapping F5 rapidly. You don’t belong here.

      1. Woah! It’s one thing to bash Nintendo’s games and hardware, but to hope that an innocent man doesn’t recover from illness? That’s just plain heartless. You can be a troll, but don’t be an asshole and wish death upon others.

        1. It’s nothing new on this site. Both Fanboys & trolls have stooped to that level. I’ve already been told to get cancer and die.

    1. …I am not sure how you meant that, but if you aren’t considerate GTFO. I hadn’t expect for a heartless troll to be this high up in the comments. Sorry if you really did mean that you’re “sorry for him”.

  1. PikminDon'tDoMushrooms

    Oh no! I know he’s more important than video games but the new Smash Bros might get pushed back even farther!!!

  2. The funny thing is , we are all guna get RSI when Smash bros.4 launches XD . His pain and efforts shall soon be transfered to us. Not even the Gamecube controller could stop me from getting RSI with brawl….

    1. I’ve been gaming a lot since the SNES and I don’t remember ever once getting RSI. Got tons of headaches though..

  3. Wow. He sounds like he needs to work less, obviously. Still, he should hopefully heal up, since it doesn’t sound irreversible. Still, here’s to his health!

              1. man i’m starting to miss aeolus this trolls just don’t have any intelligence at all, at least aeolus defended other consoles like psycho from ign but since those trolls dissappeared new ones just suck so hard.

      1. I… I think I love you sickr.

        But seriously, thank you so much. He seriously just said that he hopes Sakurai doesn’t get better. I can deal with trolls on this site, but to say that to an innocent man is just… inhumane.

  4. I feel bad for him….

    Not trying to sound rude, but I hope his restrictions to test play, in this case smash bros. won’t affect anything! Because remember, Namco is doing EVERYTHING, and if Sakurai cannot test it out for long to get a good feel for the walking/running/fighting/physics, I feel that we’re not going to get the smash bros we’ve been waiting for…. :( Get reaady for Namco Brothers…

  5. after the death of my father bill i have taken it opaun my self to get revenge so when you nintendroids feel safe i shall strike fear my wrath………

    1. you would fell bad for sakurai since now that you cant suck his glorious dick since hes injured go find someone else to orgasim over – THE REAL BILL JR-

        1. You are just as worthy of a ban with some of the disgusting and perverted comments you have made. Please try to act with maturity, it will gain you a lot of respect.

  6. I use to have that too and wen i went to the doctor he said : if you dont stop masturbating we have to take you to surgery…..thats was 5 months ago im having surgery next weak. JOKE

    1. dont joke about sakuaris “deadly injury” lets see how youd like it if you got hand cramps now go get surgery so you can finish jacking off iwata -THE REAL BILL JR-

        1. well i dont think you understand this buuut maybe you should get out of here because making fun of deadly injurys is not ok if you want to kiss my feet then you can but if not get out -THE REAL BILL-

  7. Yay now if shiguru myamoto would get ill maybe Nintendo would finally start meeting its consumers needs and make real games.

    1. amy your a fail troll that has ridden off my fathers coat tails for far too long i wont make the same mistake now begone! begone and drink poison -THE REAL BILL JR-

      1. That’s the internet (and partially society) for you; filled to the brim with the heartless wrecks. Makes one wonder when something like the Mushroom War can begin already or whatever causes Pikmin or Kirby; seems like there’s a lot of good depictions of post-humanity Earth…

  8. So.. the important thing is that Super Smash Bros. 4 remains on track. This won’t affect it right? (Saracasm, for those who get pissy)

  9. People are gonna get scared that this will affect where Smash Bros. 4 stands. I don’t blame them. In fact, I believe people wouldn’t give one sh*t about his condition Just to get a fourth game in the series.

    And be still, folks. I love the Smash series too. I rather him take the back seat and show the new devs what should be done and what he wants in the game instead of putting himself on the line.

  10. The Nintendo Reviewer

    I come back from class and see a bunch of stories 0.0 anyways I hope Sakurai gets well. He’s shown a lot of dedication to this project.

  11. RSI is a serious condition and can take over your life. It can make you feel hopeless for the future and on the edge of suicide, it’s real stuff especially if you’re a gamer and/or musician like myself and a lot of other people who get RSI.

    I just recovered from RSI that i had for around 3-4 months, THERE IS A CURE. I wish i could talk to Sakurai myself and tell him about it. It IS real and it DOES work.

    I had pretty bad RSI, crazy numbness, tingling, and burning sensations throughout my hands and my arms. Sometimes the pain would spread to my back. I couldn’t type, i couldn’t write, i couldn’t play games or guitar, i couldn’t open jars, open doors, text on my cellphone, let alone hold a cellphone for too long, or even carry groceries. The simple tasks that we order our hands to do systematically seemed like a foreign concept to my body.

    Try tying your hands up for a month or 2 and imagining what it feels like to not be able to use them, even then you couldn’t experience the incredible pains associated with RSI not only physically but emotionally as well.

    The cure i got was from Dr. John Sarno’s book: The Mindbody Perscription.
    Sakurai, if you’re somehow reading this, please take $10 dollars from your fortune to buy and read this book, and get well soon. You don’t have to put up with RSI!!!

    P.S. we need the next smash bros. ASAP so hurry! lol

    1. And a side note: with RSI, most times people will run around spending tons of money on massages, a numerous amount of doctor visits, contemplating surgery and what not, when the only tool you need to recover is your mind.

      I would Imagine Sakurai is dishing out loads of bucks looking/hoping for a cure right now, well if that doesn’t work, hopefully he finds out about this book. From all of my hard research on the topic, this is the ONLY CURE that i have found where numerous amounts of real testimonies are available sporadically across the internet; Other treatments only provide a temporary relief.

    2. If you really wanna help him out, take a specific quote or two detailing the cure from that book and send an E-mail to him, somehow.
      I’m sure that he’d appreciate direct advice much more than just being told to go out and buy a book from some author he’s probably never heard of.
      It might get him the cure faster and get him back to the tasks he loves quicker.

      Having said that, I, too, hope that Mr. Sakurai recovers from that condition soon, as well.
      I love his work so far and he has yet to really steer people wrong. His guidance is an essential for a game as massive as Smash Bros is, especially for two different systems, so the quicker he recovers, the better off all of his fans and co-workers will be.
      I’m sending up a prayer to Jesus for him tonight before bed, for sure.

        1. That actually sounds like a great idea.

          The book really isn’t something that you can read the cure part only and be cured, you must read it thoroughly, or listen to it audibly for it to be engraved in your mind to alter your train of thought.

          I will probably send him the book somehow, with a bunch of testimonials or something that he can relate to. At first he will probably be skeptical about the book like most people are, as i was, but eventually i am sure he will read it when options run out.

          That is if it even gets to him lol.

  12. Pingback: Super Smash Bros 2/3DS/4 |OT| The Train of Stupidity Rides to E3 - Page 84 - Nintendo 3DS Forums

  13. This website sure has it’s cast of characters!..thats what I like about it good balance of fans,trolls its a community!

      1. I hate bill and bill jr and i hope they get banned. Using the four characters “bill” in this order should be banned from any username or comment on this website. I am sure that is possible to code in HTML

  14. By the way guys do any of you know of other News sites like this that are not as well known? I like sites that are not known as well because they got less trolls :/

    1. hey try mynintendo3dsnews its less known go to FB search for “mynintendo3dsnews” and the FB page should come up theres a link to the site there hope that helps :)

  15. Oh, Everybody just shut up, you’re all guilty. If you say you’re not, You’re a dirty liar. The guy who brings us a game that makes each system a must-have is suffering in pain, and you just want someone to go to hell? SELFISH, I must say, BRA-VO. Let’s all give eachother a big old Round of applause, because we don’t care about a genius’ pain.

  16. Pingback: Nintendo Charged » A Man of Ideas Contracts a Gamer’s Injury

  17. Pingback: Sakurai’s Right Arm Pain Is Hindering Smash Bros Wii U And 3DS Progress | My Nintendo News

  18. Pingback: Sakurai Says He Is Still In A Lot Of Pain | My Nintendo News

  19. Pingback: Sakurai Says He Is Still In A Lot Of Pain | Nintendo 3DS News

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