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Ubisoft Attempts To Explain Why Rayman Legends Is No Longer Wii U Exclusive


You already know by now that Rayman Legends is no longer exclusive to Wii U and is coming to both Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 this September. At the DICE summit in Vegas, IGN spoke with Xavier Poix, managing director of Ubisoft’s French studios, to discuss the reasoning behind the move that has understandably upset some of the Nintendo community. Here’s what Poix says about the move, which was apparently made for the fans.

“When we saw all the comments when we announced the game would be focused on Wii U, all of the people that have both the PlayStation 3 and 360 were really disappointed. So we thought it was making more sense to also bring the game to where it was originally from. That means Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. So we decided to go for a multiplatform launch simultaneously.”

“It’s a different kind of experience if you have the Wii U,” Poix said. “Obviously there will be cooperation on the PS3 and 360, but on the Wii U there is still this magic of having one player that can play on one system with a new experience and the other on the usual game pad. That stays a Wii U exclusive for sure, by definition.”

“If they loved the Origins experience, it’s close to the same kind of feeling but with a level of immersion and brand new settings that haven’t been seen before. We have other features that I can’t disclose right now, but it’s really a brand new game. Even in terms of visuals, we built our own engine in terms of lighting, in terms of having 3D elements so you can have dragons that fly from far to go in your face and back. It’s a unique kind of 2D platforming experience.”

“It’s really about the fans. It’s really about having a very interesting universe, a mix of craziness and poetry mixed all together. We are very happy that we can bring that to many, many Rayman fans and the more we can, the better.”

270 thoughts on “Ubisoft Attempts To Explain Why Rayman Legends Is No Longer Wii U Exclusive”

  1. Suck my dick Ubisoft!!!!!! Just release the game in February like you said and everyone is happy. Micheal Ancel can praise my nutsack whilst he’s gargling on it instead of Praising the Wiiu !

    1. ”So we decided to go for a multiplatform launch simultaneously.” – WTF ? But you have already promised loads of Nintendo fans that we would be getting this game this month.

        1. Yeh. I saw what you did there. every exclusive or just one ? Ninja Gaiden 3 was an enhanced port , not an exclusive.

            1. I love Nintendo however I’m selling my wii u there’s no chance that they can compete if Sony and Microsoft sells their system for around $4050 with more horsepower and unique innovation. Idc if big n was out first they’ re losing gamers day by day!

              1. that’s pretty much overreacting by your side. calm the fuck down. when you see all the new games on e3 you will regret it. it’s times like this when a company has to trust their fans. i will support them. as hard as i can. cause they don’t deserver all the shit talk. they are always there for their customers. and their hardware doesn’t break as fast as the competition.

            1. Well I have expressed nothing but dissapointment at the delay of one of my most anticipated Wiiu games.

              Now fuck off and remember that you and all your little spam trolls are irrelivant on this site and nobody cares about your comments.

                1. mmmmmmm no. You fucking idiot. I will never Hate Nintendo , And I’m pretty much 100% certain they will remain my favorite video game company.

                  Dick face.

                  1. Well well well. I thought I was the only one who hate you. So there are actually people who hate you huh, sucks to be yourself man. Nintendo is nice, but when the tell lies, you accept them, you = asshole.
                    We don’t hate Nintendo as they are the mother of gaming, but when they made shitty ass console that lacks of 3rd party supporter, sorry we can’t accept it.

                    1. Shut the fuck up you sad little cunt. I don’t give a shit about your horrible opinion. FUCK YOURSELF.

                      Last reply you will get. Enjoy it , nerd.

          1. Reggie claiming that ports of Xbox 360 and PS3 games look vastly better on Wii U than they do on current gen consoles.

            Reggie claiming Wii U had the best launch lien-up for any gaming platform in history.

            Iwata telling the world Wii U would be marketed as a hardcore console.

            1. 1. It does?
              2. It had the best launch in a while, but debatable.
              3. I think it counts as “Hardcore”, but again, debatable.
              All companies lie to their fans, some more than others. Right Capcom?

              1. Much as I hate to say it, afraid digi foundry capture analysis says otherwise about the ports. Most of them actually have sub par frame rates and pop in issues compared to the 360. Which is a shame given the extra graphical grunt. Hopefully it will be improved upon in the near future but I have to say for Reggie to claim they are vastly better is simply untrue. Of course when you’re actually playing it all that doesn’t really matter anyway.

                1. Wrong. Digital foundry’s article on the Wii U’s graphics is all made up assumptions and provides very little depth of what it can do and they ignore much of the GPU. There is much more information on Neogaf and the B3D forums than what was provided from DF also proving DF false in their claims. Digital Foundry just used it to their own ends just to call the Wii U “not next gen”

            2. Alright, some of the ports are better and some are worse. If you state any different then you haven’t played the wii U.

              Quite sure it was stated to be the largest set of launch titles not best, and was the largest of a home console.

              So what exactly would make it a core gaming system to you? It has blops 2, AC3, Arkham city, NG 3, Darksiders 2, zombi U, (if you say that isn’t for “hard core” core gamers then you certainly haven’t played it), ME 3. There are some and those were all realeased with the system launch, so what would make it a system for core players then?

            3. And what about Sony and PS3 in E3 2005 and E3 2006? dual HDMI, 60 and 120 FPS, FULL HD and 2K + 1K resolution and all that shit?

              Sony lies, FACT!

        1. dude if you ask me, I think it would be very logical to release the Wii U version first( like it was supposed to be) and then release the ports in September.

    2. YOU TOOK THE WORDS RIGHT OUT OF MY MOUTH! well said!! ubisoft, konami, crytek,2k, the lot of em, can go suck balls!!!

    3. “It’s really about the fans, except those suckers who had it pre-ordered and ready to buy in less than three weeks.”

      1. As an addendum, the sales for Origins went PS3 > Wii > 360.

        If it’s being ported to satisfy the fans of the original, then I hereby demand a Wii port and an extra five month delay to February 2014.

        1. i love nintendo so much but i have to agree with you… i think sony will announce something huge on febuary 20th and will destroy nintendo

      1. Some people must have nothing to do in life if they are whinging about a release date being pushed back. Bioshock Infinite was worse in regards to this.

        1. Yup! Bioshock Infinite’s delay had shocked me badly. I don’t feel bad about Rayman ’cause I don’t play it, but Ubisoft should keep their word. Not bad business, but people will recognize that pattern.

        2. Bioshock’s delay was for polish… This game was supposed to be a launch titles, and they pushed it back to Feb for POLISH.

          This push back is nothing more so they can do a simultaneous release… The game is finished for the Wii U and they are going to sit on it for 7 months. Doens’t make much business sense when the release schedule of the Wii U looks pretty barron the next 3 months… Ubisoft could have owned the next 3 months on this console.

    4. So much foul language in this comments section! I must hide it all!







































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    5. So much foul language on this page.








































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    6. So much foul language on this page.








































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































      1. Sickr, for fuck sake, will you staet banning people straight away with no warning, i shouldnt have to scroll through TWO THIRDS OF A PAGE BECAUSE A FUCKING CENTIPEDE!!

        1. My thoughts exactly. People that post spam or nothing but garbage that takes up half the space on here should get banned. At least if there was a certain limitation of characters per comment, that would prevent SOME things like this.

    7. you know what? FUCK YOU ubisoft you have became garbage to me like EA i ain’t buying another game from your cheap ass company.i hope you go bankrupt mother fuckers for the fans they say wish you were like that towards nintnedo with your other games as well like fking FARCRY nintendo’s community want that game on their wii u WHY THE FUCK DONT YOU DO THE SAME MOVE THEN? mother fuckers.

      you jelly? YEAH IM FKING MAD

  2. Im fine with it being on other systems. But I don’t see why they wouldn’t just release the game now for the wii u…

    1. Probably because of how Microsoft handles business. I believe it’s their policy to not have multiplatform games published on their system unless it’s around the same time as the release on the competition’s.

      Only reason I can think of right now. I was ready to get it for Wii U this month. Really sucks…..

      1. Just another reason I wont be going Microsoft next generation. If I didn’t have monster hunter and pikmin on the way I would be a lot more disappointed. But I feel bad for people that wanted this at launch. Has nintendo made a statement about this? Im curious if there going to publicly state anything or take any kind of action.

      2. i know. now i probably wont get it, seeing as it’s coming out in september, the time of the year most blockbuster games come out. god what a seriously retarded move by ubisoft lol

      3. But if Ubisoft REALLY did this out of care for their fans they would still have released it on the Wii U and kicked the ball to Microsoft whenever or not they want it released on their conditions, just saying.

  3. And we all know it is because of the big pile of money Micro and Sony offered them… Whyelse would they delay the Wii U version?

    1. Because what Simply G said. Microsoft wont allow content on their system if it launches that long after the initial release.

      1. Yepp, the money bag. I think Micro could swallow their pride for once and actually let a game be released on the time it should initially be released, if the fans would have a problem with it then the fault would be on Microsoft.

      2. Then it would have been better for them to threaten MS with forgoing the 360 altogether with that kind of limitation imposed, and release it on the Wii U now, and PS3 later. Trying to compete with GTA V in September is pure folly

        1. Yes skip the number 1 console for the last place console that may not even make it through the rest of the year. Did you read what you wrote? How stupid can you been. Sorry you bought the worst console ever made. Sell it while it still has value. Next time don’t buy something that’s for a child and expect to be treated like an adult.

          1. Perhaps it is the best selling console right now, but it’s not better than the Wii U, I like both, but to be honest, I prefer the Wii U.

            Worst Console? I don’t think so, it’s better than both the 360 and the PS3, and, Come on, it’s Nintendo’s console we are talking about, it will live far more than you stated.

          2. although i am annoyed by this move. I wasnt getting this game anyway. Beautiful art, but based on the demo, the gameplay wont come close to touching Super mario bros wiiu.

            I dont mind this game being multiplatform. It just should have been released on the wiiu first.

            But what really annoys me is Ubisoft pretending like the game was getting delayed all the while just stalling long enough to announce that they are waiting till it can be released on all systems. I think they should have been up front about their intentions; its a high profile game, and nintendo could have adjusted its release schedule a bit, had it known this drought was stronger than expected with the loss of an Exclusive game.

            who knows..maybe nintendo was aware and figured they didnt need to do a thing

  4. kid that cried when he found porn

    hahahahahahaha hey why bother getting a wiiU now FANBOYS?!?!??!??!??!

    fuck you all hahahahahahaaahahahahahaaa

  5. #BoycottRayman #BoycottRayman #BoycottRayman #BoycottRayman #BoycottRayman #BoycottRayman #BoycottRayman #BoycottRayman #BoycottRayman #BoycottRayman #BoycottRayman #BoycottRayman #BoycottRayman #BoycottRayman #BoycottRayman #BoycottRayman #BoycottRayman #BoycottRayman #BoycottRayman #BoycottRayman #BoycottRayman

    1. And make it look like multiplats can’t sell at all at the Wii U? If you want any future 3rd party games for the Wii U you better support the good ones that comes.

      1. “And make it look like multiplats can’t sell at all at the Wii U?”

        Nailed it. Like it or not, that’s the main reason why Rayman Legends is not a platform-exclusive anymore. As well as Resident Evil Revelations, Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor’s Edge and, as Konami hinted, probably Castlevania Lords of Shadow: Mirror of Fate too.

        And you know why? Because RE: Revelations sold 1/8 of Resident Evil 6 and probably an even smaller fraction of any 3DS Mario game’s sales. Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor’s Edge probably didn’t do well, too.

        I’m not dissing on Nintendo. I’m just pointing out that it’s not worth it for third-party publishers to make platform exclusives anymore. This will also be true of the next-gen consoles from Sony and Microsoft, too. But it’s been a reality for Nintendo since the Wii and everyone who likes Nintendo platforms needs to be aware of that. Unless Nintendo publishes it itself, like with Bayonetta 2 and Wonderful 101, you can bet it won’t remain a Wii U or 3DS exclusive.

      1. You make me laugh. You must really really dislike nintendo. I am trying to figure out where all this hostility comes from though.

  6. Why don’t they justify delaying the Wii U version as well? You answered the PS/Xbox fans, now it’s time to answer the Nintendo fans, Ubi…

    1. I know right ? ”We care about people who love their 8 year old consoles more than the people We have promised this game was going to be released this month” That’s all I hear.

      1. Uh, then you’re not hearing correctly. They are a company. And companies want to make money. And since 3rd-party titles usually don’t sell well on Nintendo consoles, they’re making it a multiplat. And logically, there are more PS3/Xbox360 owners out there than WiiU owners, so actually their decision is understandable. They want to make money with their game and the way they decided to do it is the best way to do it, it’s as easy as that.

          1. I can’t remember saying anything about the sales of Rayman on PS3 and Xbox360, but thanks for the info anyways. Though I don’t know what it has to do with all this, because everyone knows that 3rd-party titles usually sell very damn well on PS3 and Xbox360.
            And just because people say they are anticipating the game it doesn’t mean all of them will buy it. Other WiiU 3rd-party titles were “highly anticipated” as well, but did they sell well? No.

            1. Everyone is excited about Rayman because it was an exclusive that was made for the Wiiu. Blops 2 , ZombiU , Monster Hunter have all sold excellently well so far for a new system aswell.

              We didn’t buy the Wiiu for Batman arkhum city , we bought it for new innovative exclusives like Rayman. So instead of 100K people buying batman , 500K would of bought Rayman legends in it’s first month on sale . Guaranteed.

    1. i know right? who in there right mind would buy this game in september when every huge game is coming out? they did the same thing to rayman origins. what a dumb move

      1. Like I understand the multiplatform thing… U can get it on wii u and have a whole different experience… And the game gets around for everyone to play…. But delaying the wii version that was supposed to come out in 2 weeks Is so stupid! I was actually looking forward to getting this.

      2. Well, most Releases of epic games are from september to November, but most tend to end up on October or November.

        Rayman will be fine, and who cares about GTA V, when we have Watchdogs on the horizon as well?

  7. Guys. I love the hell out of my Wii U. But you have no right to bitch at Ubisoft as though this was some seedy deal done with Sony/Microsoft. Those two companies really couldn’t care less about Rayman being exclusive to Nintendo. It’s not a big enough game for them to care – thus, the conspiracy theories about such deals are bullshit.

    The obvious reason Ubisoft have done this is because the Wii U’s install base is simply not large enough to justfiy keeping a game exclusive. They’ve learned this via the sales of ZombiU and other titles that they have already released.

    It’s unfortunate when a once-exclusive game goes multiplatform – but gaming is a business. Ubisoft need to be sure they’ll make back the money they’ve spent developing this game, and they simply won’t be able to do it by sticking to one platform.

    1. I have no problem at all with the game going multiplat, what I however do have a problem with is that it is delayed.

        1. $10 dollars ? fuck off troll. And I love my Wiiu. I will never sell it. Unless its successor is backward compatible

      1. Are you kidding? 400k is NOTHING these days. It’s not a disappointment, it’s an abject failure. A “disappointment” for the big publishers these days is to sell between 1 and 2 million.

        Studios get closed for selling “only” 1 million (re Kingdoms of Amalur studio). Darksiders II got DOUBLE those 400k on the first MONTH alone, went #1 in physical sales in the US on launch, and even then no publisher felt the need to make even a small bid to try and get the franchise during THQ’s auction a couple of weeks ago. The studio was dismantled and the franchise, for all we know, is dead.

        You have just showed one more fact that proves what Mr XBob said: if ZombiU, one of the games that best showcase what the WiiU is capable of, sold so poorly… No wonder Ubisoft is going multiplatform with a game from a series that already *was* multiplaform to begin with.

        1. 1-2 million is bad on a console with a big instalmentbase indeed, but there is so few Wii Us in the world right now so 400k is pretty good considering that. If any of you seriously belives the 720/PS4 will sell better at launch you will feel very disappointed.

          BUT STILL I see no reason for them not to go multiplat.

        2. No you idiot . 400K for a LOW BUDGET game in a brand new system is very very very very satisfactory.

          400K on the combined installed base of PS3 and 360 (150M) is a flop.

    2. Good point!We don’t want another good publisher going out like THQ just did.Ubisoft has to do what is going to make them the most money If the game sells now we will likely get a Rayman Origins 2!

  8. Wait to release them all simultaneously? I’m sorry, but I smell bullshit as the game was originally meant to utilize the functionalities of the Wii U GamePad. I’m sorry, but the people who complain about exclusives in this day and age are not gamers, at all. I hope you guys are happy!

  9. In so many words Ubisoft is saying the Wii U is an awful console that does not deserve a great game like Rayman Legends to be exclusive.

  10. Yeah well “the fans” it’s all about that already own a Wii U and know the game’s ready for it want it next week, not in six months. I’m okay with the multiplatform decision, but not with the multiplatform release : this is very uncool for Nintendo.

  11. The day World of WarCraft comes out … I created my Human Paladin. Paladins was an exclusive class to the Alliance, and Shamans for the Horde. 2 years later when the expension Burning Crusade come out… Horde and Alliance could create both blood elve Paladin and Draenei Shamans.

    I was pissed… extremely.

    I didnt have the choice .. I started killing every single blood elves paladin I found for the next 4 years … I killled millions of them .. until they feared my fucking name forever.

    Ive stoped playing WoW 2 years ago … and I’m sure they remember me .. all thoses fuckers.

    1. But the last rayman profitable something that mite not have been happened if they released this now for wii u.My guess is not enough people reserved it and they ran the numbers and said screw this we aren’t going to make any money or even lose money.Nintendo fans will support first party platformers but third party is always a huge gamble nomatter how how great the game due to having to compete with nintendo themselves.Plus nintendo’s able to sell their games for 5 years at full price.Something no other publisher still gets away with.

      1. Since when did the amount of preorders have to do with determining how well a game sells? And they know there is an audience from the Nintendo fans as Rayman Origins sold the best on the Wii. Plus, they could’ve made it a timed exclusive by sticking to the Wii U release date and releasing the PS3 and 360 versions later in the year.

      2. And sometimes 3rd party games don’t sell on Nintendo platforms either because they’re shitty, or the company makes bad business decisions. Example: EA’s decisions about NBA Jam and Mass Effect 3, and half-assed Wii/U ports. Ubisoft’s Wii launch games such as Far Cry: Vengeance.

  12. Ubisoft has been a solid supporter of the WiiU.

    Of course my initial reactionis all, “Rawr! What are U doing Fuckers!! Bwaa!” But as long as they continue the huge amount of support they have been providing Nintendo, well, OK then.

      1. Ubisoft is only supporting the Wii U short-term to make a quick buck. Once PS4 and the next Xbox comes out, Ubisoft will use the Wii U as nothing more than a dump for shovelware.

  13. Delaying it for the Wii U is no valid reason!

    I was interested in buying this game but no more, I will buy my REAL games thank you!

  14. It’s business for Ubiosoft at the end of the day. It’s the best way to maximise their sales. Let them do it.

    Doesn’t bother me really. You’d put your software on other platforms if it increased sales wouldn’t you?

    Microsoft and Sony won’t get the same experience that Wii U will offer though.

    1. I don’t disagree, but I think the point is, don’t promise exclusives, then pull them. No matter what your business rules are, don’t make deals you’re going to break, or promises you can’t keep.

      As I’ve posted, Ubisoft has done a great job supporting Nintendo, so this will likely only be a small ripple in the relationship.

      It’s not about being a multi-plat developer.

      1. ItsAMeMario: “Microsoft and Sony won’t get the same experience that Wii U will offer though.”

        DieNintendoDie: “Like playing the game on the toilet with the touchpad?”

        That made me laugh more than it should have!

  15. I really don’t care about this, I don’t like Rayman games but then does this means that if WiiU owners feel disappointed that any other Ubisoft game only goes for PS3/360 they will make it for WiiU too?

    1. I’ll drive this home on this article.
      It’s not about dinging Ubi for being a multi-plat dev.

      Don’t make deals you can’t follow through with.

      1. This is my problem…it should be about honesty and integrity, and clearly most of the large developers think ‘honesty’ is a foreign word meaning ‘how can we make more money?’ They wanna go multiplat, fine. They should learn how to have some integrity though. First, its gonna be exclusive. Then its gonna release at launch. Then it gets delayed(very bearable issue), but then it gets delayed 6 months to release simultaneous with the other 2? Unacceptable. They went back on their word not once, but twice, and totally shafted Nintendo fans who have been pining for this game. Total BS. There are no other words for shady business dealings. Like others have said, are we gonna see Watch Dogs delayed so they can do a Wii U version? No. LAME. ASS. EXCUSE.

  16. well they need to released fry cry 3 if they want to give fans what they want. i guess lots of people have to comment about it to get what we want.

        1. your trolling here doesn’t change the fact that people will still buy Nintendo consoles/games over whatever rehashed bs you’re into. So what’s the point?

  17. Nintendo fucked themselves using 2009 hardware and the small HD’s. Ubi did the right thing. Nintendo will be out of business by the time this game releases. Why do you WiiUtards always mention the same 3 played out ass nintendo games? What the fuck new can they do with washed up Mario and Zelda? A new Mario Kart. Please. What will that do really? IMO all you WiiU owners need to sell it while the thing is still worth some money. Because when MS and Sony brings out the next gen consoles WiiU will be $50 dollars all day long.

    1. My PC is already 8x more powerful than the PS4 and 720, so please tell me why I would justify myself to buying either one.

  18. I will purposely NOT buy this game now. What the fuck is the point of saying “exclusive” if it isn’? You have a partnership to boost not only game sales, but sales of that particular console. Ubisoft are a bunch of scared vaginas.

  19. I´m not mad that they put it in the other consoles, what get me mad is that they say it that “it will be a Wii U exclusive” and then say “Not”; the fact that the Wii U version is already finish and they are hold it just to get a simultaneous release is not helping Ubisoft in putting him in the grace eye of the Nintendo fandom

  20. How can it be for the fans if one version is better than the others? They should try use the ps3 and vita combo, microsofts smartglass I think is hard to use, and probably just make it a much worse game…

    1. Good question. Why don’t they?
      Answer: A small percentage of PS3 owners have a Vita (going on the ratio of PS3 / Vita sales)
      They would have to create two game control schemes for PS fans. Probably not undoable, but not likely profitable.
      Then there is the whole, exactly how well does the PS3/Vita interface work? Dev’s not leveraging it communicates to me that it’s either not that easy, or really can’t be done effectively.

  21. If they decide to bring Watchdogs to Wii U then I will forgive them, otherwise you are making me not like you Ubisoft and at E3 last year was the first time I liked your conference.

  22. I’ve been thinking about this, and now I understand why Nintendo implemented that horrible update on Miiverse yesterday. I believe Nintendo already knew this and they limited Miiverse so people couldn’t complain about them or Ubisoft. As a Wii U owner, I feel that I’m entitled to an explanation as to why they are delaying OUR version. Shady business practices like this, are the real reason the gaming industry is losing money. However, I’ll let my money do the talking, and KEEP IT!!

  23. Whoa, what a dumbass move Ubi, I was 100% sure that I was going to get this game because theres not many games being released in Feb or early march for WiiU so why not. By the time it releases I will have 0 interest in it lol. First AC3 and now this, I smell a Ubisoft yard sale coming…I wonder who will pick up the AC series? Im guessing EA.

    1. Ubisoft is not going out of business anytime soon. Only delusional butthurts such as yourself would believe something so ridiculous

      1. Ac3 – fail
        Farcry 3 – medicore
        zombiu – ok
        Rabidsland – fail
        Ac3 liberations – fail
        Marvel Avengers – fail
        Ghost recon FS – medicore

        See a pattern?

          1. Well, what was amazing about farcry 3 then?
            Was it:
            – The repetitive side quests, if you can even call them side quests.
            – The amazing selection of weapons and equipment? oh wait, hardly anything.
            – The challange? umm no
            – The epic story? oh wait,
            – The unique gameplay? yeah…

  24. You mean like how people want Far Cry 3 and Splinter Cell on WiiU?
    And Crysis 3, MG Rising, Bioshock, Dead Space 3, Watch Dogs, Dark Souls 2, Resident Evil 6 (not that i want it), Final Fantasy, and all those other games?

    Is it kinda like that Ubisoft? -__-

    1. All these fucking developers giving excuses like “oh the game is too far in development and we’re too stupid and lazy to make up anything unique”. Really? But you’re perfectly fine with delaying a game by SEVEN MONTHS, and actually DOWNGRADING IT.

  25. So when PS3 and 360 players complain about not getting a game, “We must quickly satisfy them!”
    and when Nintendo players complain about not getting a game “Ah, fuck them who needs them anyways”

  26. I don’t really get why they need to explain this, the reason is plain and simple. As a business they want money.

  27. This is just awful besides why not wait to release the other consoles soles and release the wiiu version now? We have to wait for aliens

  28. I was really looking forward to this game this month…. Why couldn’t Ubisoft just delay it only a few months for Wii U THEN announce it for other platforms to come out later? Why screw over us Wii U Gamers with another ridiculous delay just so PS3/360 can get a release. This game was already delayed to February (was supposed to be a launch title).

  29. “all of the people that have both the PlayStation 3 and 360 were really disappointed”
    You mean those COD fanblorbs were really disappointed? Please. It’s clear that they did it for more profits.
    I don’t disapprove of the game coming to other platforms. I just find it wrong to delay the Wii U launch so that all the games and ports are launching together. That’s a low hit. If this PC didn’t have facebook blocked, I would have been sending stuff on Ubi’s facebook as well. That’s a big disrespect to all the people who preorder a Wii U and were hoping to play the game on JANUARY!

  30. Fuck you Ubisoft. Make ZombiU a multiplat to why don’t you. Why not from now on just make multiplats no more exclusives period. My God developers are getting so fucking stupid.

    1. YEAH! How dare they want to make more money! BASTARDS. They obviously lack intelligence for wanting more money and better sales!

  31. The bad part about this announcement was the delay, the game going multiplataform is not a big deal, it was gonna happen anyways and that’s because now a days there’s no such thing as a 3rd party exclusive game. If there is please let me know of some. The only exclusives are 1st party and 2nd party games and no one has better exclusives than Nintendo.

  32. Putting the game off till September definitely pisses me off more than the game going multiplatform. Now I have to wait till Aliens comes out till I finally get a new Wii U game, and it doesn’t even have a set release date!!!!!!!! >:(

  33. Seems like a lot of Nintendo exclusives get “not exclusive” anymore. It’s sad and really crap. THe console is new of course, and if you release game on it it is risky – if you profit, it is going to be growing, like with Zombie U. Im sure in future it will become obviously platinum, but 400k for a console that sold 4 million units is amazing.

    They shouldn’t delay it for Wii U, it’s bullshit

  34. First the game was originally designed for the wii u so when they port it over it will make it crap.

    secondly its funny when people say that the wiiu is a kiddy game system then sign a petition to get their games over to their system

    third instead of releasing it in just 2 weeks now it will be up against bigger games that are coming out for the other systems at the same time

    epic micky was a wii exclusive ( not a good example ) and as soon as it went to all systems well we know how that turned out….

    what goes around comes around

    I still prefer the wii u over our xbox and ps3

    1. Although I understand Italian, if you want most people to understand you here you better start writing in English. Sorry if this comes off as trolling, it’s not. Just stating the facts…

  35. Nothing against a PS3 or Xbox release, but this is dispicable behaviour from Ubisoft,
    Pre Order cancelled and won’t get it at all now even though i loved the demo.

    Ubisoft can suck a dick up and hickup!

  36. Pingback: Rayman Legends is no longer a WiiU exclusive. « World Daily Gaming

  37. I was thinking about getting this game when I played the demo the other day, since no other big games are really coming out for the Wii U that I wanted at the moment, but I’m not going to buy it if it’s coming out in September. I guess they just lost a customer, lol.

  38. Your Worst Nightmare.

    I love how the wannabe trolls are talking shit about Nintendo, yet they’re talking about themselves LMAO!!!

  39. What really pisses me off is why not release the game in February 26 for the Wii-U like promised? No need to push the release date back. Now we have to wait till September, very dissapointed in you Ubisoft.

  40. This was a HUGE deal for Wii U buyers and now it just goes down the toilet cuz it isn’t “special” anymore for our system. Anyone can get it… REALLY LAME Ubisoft! I thought you guys were the good guys too! I really hate this decision A LOT!! I WANT IT TO BE AN EXCLUSIVE! It gives people a reason to get the Wii U. What reason is there now? Pimmin 3 isn’t enough anymore.

  41. “It’s really about the fans. It’s really about having a very interesting universe, a mix of craziness and poetry mixed all together. We are very happy that we can bring that to many, many Rayman fans and the more we can, the better.”

    In other words we want more money

    so… well… ummm… lightning effects will look worse on Xbox/PS3.
    Xbox 360 Murphy on Smart glass and PS3 Murphy on Vita?
    Besides this game looks like a kid game for the “hardcore” PS3/Xbox fans. Right? “hardcore” fans.

  42. Great, so another so-called “Nintendo exclusive” goes flying back to the other consoles too. And yet Sony and Microsoft are allowed to have their exclusives and have the developer go “olol Nintendo, lyk yea rite”.

    And yet somehow this doesn’t come as a shock at all, anymore.

  43. Pingback: Ubisoft Pledges Support For Wii U, Says They Have More Wii U Games Coming | My Nintendo News

  44. Ubisoft pretty much screwed themselves. No competition in Feb with a Wii U release date. So that wouldve been instant sales and wouldve made it do better than origins which bombed in sales. Instead of guaranteeing success with the Wii U release in Feb,again with no competition.

    They decide to push it back to September for the sake of multiplatform. Now I get why they did it, they want the extra money,its a business and honestly no one can fault them for that, but honestly it does the complete opposite for them, they now release in September.. against GTA V.

    Not to mention, what incentive will people have to pick this up because this will be after E3, after people see what the PS4 can do and their games look like, after people see what the 720 looks like and what their games can do and after fans see new 3d mario,smash bros,retros game,etc. Why the hell are people going to want to buy Legends now? xD

    Ubisoft dun screwed themselves over

  45. Question: why the hell is Ubisoft delaying this til September? Don’t they know GTA V is gonna be out that month? Just release the Wii U version already and let the other two wait until September to get it.

  46. Guys. Nintendo fans and trolls alike. Please chill out. Third party devs like to have as big an audience as possible. I had a feeling that this game would go multiplat eventually. Is it an excuse to delay the Wii U version so long. No. However that being the case the Wii U version will have higher expectations to look and play the best. And Ubisoft shows dedication to quality. This game going multiplat is not that big a deal so there’s no need for such harsh reactions. And all of you trolls who love to spread your Nintendo hate need to grow up. Saying “Fuck Nintendo” does not make you mature. It makes you sound like a 5 year old you knows curse words. So again, everyone, calm down. Just play games to have fun. Stop throwing mud at each other, don’t sell your Wii U’s out of some kind of cynicism about the future, stop preaching crap about Nintendo, get a life. Just play games and leave it at that.

  47. lets translate “We are very happy that we can bring that to many, many Rayman fans and the more we can, the better.” translation “we are happy that we are doing this so we can make sheds loads more money” they are so grabby lol

  48. Unfortunately, it’s a move like this that will cause Wii U sales to not go up :\ Having good 3rd party exclusives like Rayman Legends is what the Wii U needs…. yet, they gave in to the Xbox/PS fans for the profit of it. It’s tough, the Wii U needs GOOD 3rd party support to increase sales, but developers only want to make their GOOD 3rd party games for successful systems. The only thing holding Wii U from sales is 3rd party developers will to risk putting a game on the Wii U. It’s like a paradox D; The sales will never increase because of the choices of the 3rd party developers… which in return makes the Wii U look “not worth it” which makes 3rd party developers not want to put games on it. It’s an endless cycle of bad luck D;

  49. “When we saw all the comments when we announced the game would be focused on Wii U, all of the people that have both the PlayStation 3 and 360 were really disappointed. ”

    So, Nintendo fans…… just let Ubisoft know you want Watchdogs, Far Cry 3 and other Ubisoft games… let them know that. We will se if Ubisoft are just hypocrites or they do care what Nintendo gamers want.

  50. Pingback: New Rumour Reveals Why Rayman Legends Was Ported To Xbox 360 And PlayStation 3? | My Nintendo News

  51. Pingback: Ubisoft Welcomes Mobile Gaming, Says Wii U Is “A Great Machine” | My Nintendo News

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