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Data Research Firm Says Nintendo Could Make $2.7B In 7 years By Going Mobile

Data analytic firm Super Data believes that Nintendo could make roughly $2.7 billion in seven years, if the company produced games for smartphones and tablets. However, contrary to The Nikkei report Nintendo says it won’t be bringing its IP’s to iOS and Android and will instead use those devices to market and advertise their content. You can read Super Data’s full report, right here.

128 thoughts on “Data Research Firm Says Nintendo Could Make $2.7B In 7 years By Going Mobile”

            1. The Annointed Nintendo

              Here is Nintendos Answer from the Annointed Nintendo An answer from On High to the followers of Nintendo and its denominations NES, SNES, GB(C)(A), N64, GCN, (3)DS, Wii (U) who with the Spirit of Heaven, if Luck wills it a peace from The One who was, The One who is, the One WHO is nearly here. THIS is from the 7 spirits revealed to thee faithful followers of the Anointed Nintendo a wittness that is Faithful and True… Look Wii will capture glory from every EyE even those who have peiced Us. All the Nations of Earth will tremble when Wii Appear… We will spread across the mobile nations a fire. Yes my games may be delievered to U via the system if your choice for The Annointed Nintendo is the Alpha and Omega… And Wii will establish a new covenant with you. Specialised game pad controllers with dedicated hardware builtin that will read and send ur game to any device u desire to play. Wii will released a cloud network,
              digital and game card ports akin to the Denomination of (3)DS… with graphical capabities of your current device. Wii will Evolve.

            2. how are iphones terrible and Androids so great? I’m pretty sure more people own iPhones… doesn’t that say something?

              1. Alot of people play Call of Duty, that doesn’t make it a better game than others. But hey, I guess that’s just an opinion.

            3. are you fucking serious? andriod fucking sucks major balls the only good phone you guy got is the galaxy and is still suck compared to iphone and your fruity ass os is a piece of shit filled with malware and spyware to track every little fart you lay. dude just stfu and dont say anything about phones agian!!!

              1. I’ve never experienced malware so unless you have sime sort of citation on that spyware/malware bullshit then you don’t know what you;re talking about.

                1. I would say get the phone you are most comfortable with, they all have there ups and downs. If you have an Apple computer and you really use all the software like mail and calendar, an iPhone is the way to go. If you use allot of Google stuff like gmail, an Android might be the way to go. The carrier might make your decision easier, cause there are some cheap services like Republic wireless that only use a few Android phones.

                  If you go tablet Surface (even non PRO) is the most computer like of tables when browsing the net, i.e. Stuff like Hulu just runs, no need for HuluPlus if you don’t want to pay for it.

                  Most of them have the popular applications across all three. And certain Android handsets update better and are less buggy than other ones. Some phones don’t need case they are pretty durable for Androids.

                  Ok, hope that helps.

      1. NINTENDO GOING MOBILE? I hope they didn’t mean FULL modile. they should release a miiverese APP though not just the nrowser being only way to access miiverse through phones.

        ads on phones will help but not games. they might do stuff with phones but main nintendo should be CONSOLES AND CONSOLES.

    1. They should make a 3DSPhone – a 3DS with SMS, MMS, calling, and 3G/4G enabled. Though, it would have to be shrunk to a size of a GBASP or so… Maybe even GB Micro sized…

    2. Uhh, no they would still be reporting operating losses if they didn’t layoff a bunch of people and lose R&D to this.

      Also, what about Apples 30% cut off the top on all sales, there are so many parts just not being considered here. It sounds like someone who just got a business degree wrote this.

                1. I just built a $1000 gaming PC and bought a $300 27″ IPS monitor and you say I cannot afford a shitty phone?

                  Your lack of intelligence is an insult to Steins;Gate

                  1. ahahaha you like steins;gate? :D me too but i didn’t understand it much :c im gonna watch it again in a few weeks i think.

                    1. Steins;Gate? A dumb anime?
                      It’s really intellectual and hard to understand, but if you can actually get the concept down, it’s a really good anime.
                      I’m disappointed that your Profile picture is a character from the anime….that sickens me. :(
                      Anyways, I think only smart people will actually get the anime’s concept, unlike you. x3

              1. Honestly, if you like IOS android is like the perfected version, and with windows phone is amazing. But honestly they should develop free to play “experience” based games that advertise their real games (kind of like McDonalds toys) to all OS honestly

    3. Nintendo will never do this! Unlike many greedy sellout companies, Nintendo still have pride and a reputation to protect. They don’t care about those stupid billions dollars, they care about us, real gamers, and the gameplay in their games, that’s why I love the so much. Nintendo 4 life!

    4. I wish all of this talk about Nintendo going mobile would stop. Because mobile games is CRAP! Nintendo is too good to go that way.

    5. I honestly don’t see the point. I give Nintendo money because I like their products and the fact they’re not greedy.

      Their pride in their products and their reputation is what makes them different.

      Going mobile is stupid. There are far too many mobile application developers for them to get tangled into it.

    6. My god! This people really, REALLY want Nintendo to go mobile, Nintendo please don’t let them push you down that road, I’ll be a mistake, we need you as a console company :'( the video game industry will be over if you do, just look at Microsoft >_<

      1. Making their own cell phone just to put Nintendo games on it would be just as bad. The quality would drop to simple, one-button flash games.

    7. someone answer me
      is Sony and MS going phone as wel?, cuz they are doing very much the same or worst than Nintendo, specially Sony, since they had to sell some buildings to avoid going bankrupt

      1. No, sony isn’t as controversial as Nintendo for some reason, :/ media attacks Nintendo more and seems to turn their back at the “bad” reports about sony and Microsoft as if they don’t struggle.

    8. $2.7 billion in 7 years (which is rubbish compared to Nintendo’s peak) and defunct in 10. This talking point is boring and irrelevant now.

    9. The only way I see myself supporting Nintendo going mobile is if they produced their own smartphone, but that obviously would not work out too well. The phone universe is just as competitive as the gaming industry.

    10. $2.7 billion in seven years? How is that going to help significantly? Thats roughly $286 million a year, which isn’t even close to the profits they usually make.

    11. That’s all? Seven years? They could make so much more doing other things. If they put things on platforms like windows, IOS, windows phone, and android then they should make them free to play experiences that drive you to buy their full games, on Nintendo systems. I’ll keep saying this, but they could make much more money if they make shows and movies with WB, work with US developers to make their games, work on more mature IP, focus on indie devs, make DLC for more of their games, do something Lego that relates to the “maker culture”, focus on bringing out a 500$ system next round based on X86, and a full 100$ gamepad that works as its own device (included in the 500$ price), buy Sega and platinum, and look into other venues like toys and more software.
      if they wanted to make a phone, they should do it with Nokia on windows phone. And it should have a special VC app that works like Netflix.

      1. Mario and Pokemon would be easy. LoZ would have to be dumbed down or require that controller attachment some phones use now.

    12. I was just on Facebook and noticed that Nintendo have suddenly changed the name of their official 3DS page to Nintendo Handheld Gaming. Interesting considering they’re having a briefing on Thursday…

    13. Instead of doing this they just need to worry about putting more games on the Wii U. I’m really tired of hearing this stuff. If Nintendo was smart they won’t be doing this.

    14. some day they will do this … a few days later everyone will say “why didn’t this happen sooner?”

      like adding peanut butter to chocolate … don’t mix’em … but put them together.

    15. Hmmm…the only way I could ever accept Nintendo going mobile is if they make a exclusive smartphones that is somewhat connected to your Nintendo handheld and home console Wii U. Otherwise, I do not know if I could like it or not.

    16. The original Donkey Kong was the best selling game on the colicovision (sp?) and Donkey Kong was on Atari, that didn’t make Nintendo rich nor did it break Nintendo. Whether Nintendo puts games on Smart phones and tablets will be about the same as Nintendo putting Donkey Kong on Atari and Colicovision. Nintendo will make some money, not as much as they do making console games, but more profit is more profit. Sony puts their content on everything under the sun, Sony isn’t making more money than Nintendo. Iwata just doesn’t want to dilute the Nintendo brand.

    17. Well, but then we wouldn’t have amazing 3DS games anymore, and crappy free phone games from Nintendo with overpriced in-app purchases.

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