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Watch Dogs Apparently Won’t Be Playable At PAX East

Despite the Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions of Watch Dogs releasing on May 27th, Ubisoft has revealed that there won’t be a playable demo of the delayed game at this year’s PAX East event. Either development isn’t going as well as hoped, or alternatively the company didn’t think PAX East is a large enough event to create a new demo for. We already heard yesterday that Nintendo won’t be attending the event this year.

Of all the games Ubisoft will be showcasing at the event, Watch Dogs was the only one in which the company failed to mention “hands on” time with the game. So we reached out to the company, and a representative confirmed to us that it is indeed a “hands-off demo.”

93 thoughts on “Watch Dogs Apparently Won’t Be Playable At PAX East”

    1. PAX East? Smartphones rule the world now, they know everything we say, read, and our location at any given time, do we really think our Tyrants will let us enjoy video games, no, they want us on themselfs (smartphones) and nothing more

    2. I know I’m getting out of topic here and I don’t want to start a riot but have you ever stopped to think that Watch Dogs being delayed on the Wii U might have been Nintendo’s fault/doing. Think about it, Watch Dogs comes out on the others systems on may 27th. Two days so that the attention to the game dies a little, then BAM! Mario Kart 8 attention.

      But lol, Imagine Nintendo calling ubisoft and going all like: ”Hey, can you do us a favor and delay the game. Just tell them that it was to amplify quality or something, they’ll prob suck it up”

      1. It wasn’t Nintendo’s fault though. Ubisoft said so themselves and why would they lie? Stuff like that always makes it out to the public. Companies know better not to create skeletons in the closet.

          1. Says Deadrising 3, Call of Duty, Battfield, Rayman and Tomb Raider ports, Madden, Thief which is a remake, Infamous Second Son, Titanfall; COD clone, shall I keep going hypocrite?

            1. Lets see, 3D world
              Wind Waker
              Mario U
              Luigi U
              NES Remix
              Hyrule Warriors
              3D World
              Smash Bros.
              Mario Kart
              Donkey Kong

              I could list more, but the WiishitU barley has games. Have fun with another game drought!!!

              1. another set of mario and zelda games. most of my friends stoped caring about nintendo swtiched to xbox 360 or ps3. nintendo failed because of there cocky actions with wii and wiiu. the think they can copy the ds sucess on the 3ds by rehashing games from ds

                1. Man stfu I like sony and Microsoft as well as Nintendo let people like what they like dont be a fucking hater get off nintendos dick and enjoy gaming

              2. I like how you list loads of games and say that you could list more before stating that the Wii U has no games. Are you just trying to find things in life to complain about???

          2. Yes we know your mom buys you only that one system and you need to talk shit about other systems to justify the system you will get. Sad thing is you have nothin better to do than write shit on internet.

            1. Um I pay for my own shit ignorant fool.

              And why is my mom relevant to this? Is it because you don’t know were you mom is, you adopted piece of shit?

              Awwww. Don’t worry, i know were she is. She’s revisiting the place you were born…the highway because that’s were most accidents happen.

              1. Your supposed to be in troll prison. For many, many charges. Don’t worry people, he’s a rare ignorant species.

              2. You remind me of this one kid who I use to attend school with. He always tried to be funny by trying to insult others, and the result was that he always failed at it, making himself look like a major tool bag. And it’s funny how you were talking about Nintendo rehashing old games yet, here you are, rehashing old jokes just to try and make it seem like you’re above others. You need to do something better with your time than trying to belittle others with your childish insults on a fucking Nintendo blog. Lol

  1. besides nintendo wont be there. wiiu is still geting the inferior version of watch dogs with no achievements system.

    1. Again, how does achievements matter besides showing off badge that doesn’t truly reward shit anyway? Just play the fucking game to have fun, not being obsessed with being the best player at games which makes you a jokey no-life.

        1. Gawd, they’re so superficial! I have never been motivated to play a PS3 game just so I could get trophies! If you play just to get achievements though, I guess it says a lot about yourself…

        2. Hidan, worshipper of Lord Jashin

          So you want an achievement system so you won’t feel bad about your small dick and be praised like a child for doing mundanely easy tasks? Sasori, you are such a pussy, no wonder your my bitch.

        3. You mean clearing the first stage OH an achivement, Oh you got your first kill ACHIVEMENT!!!! you cleared the game on easy ACHIVEMENT!!!!, you got two kill in a roll for the first time ACHIVEMENT!!!!, You cleared the first chapter ACHIVEMENT!!!, you used stage builder ACHIVEMENTTTTTT, you saved your replay video ACHIVEMENT!!! You customized your character or weapon ACHIVEMENTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!

        4. Oh you mean getting an Achievement for clearing the game on easy? Getting your first kill ACHIEVEMENT!, Saving a clip of your game play footage ACHIEVEMENT!, Customize your character or weapon ACHIEVEMENT!, Connecting Online ACHIEVEMENT Killing someone with a grenade ACHIEVEMENT! using Stage builder ACHIEVEMENT! Clearing the Tutorial ACHIVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEMENTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!

    2. That is true. No achievements, and the graphics will likely not be as good. At least it’s still coming.
      At first, I figured that you were just trolling the comments, but after actually reading, I see you have some actually valid points. You express them rudely and do so to annoy people, but you make sense.

      1. wii u needs achievement system but saddly nintendo is too fucking lazy to even do anything good for gamers. sony and microsoft listen to gamers

        1. Trolling Bureau Of Investigations

          Troll Alert! We have a 288, a civilian spreading bullshit from his mouth regardless of his safety. Heading to the scene as we speak. 10-97 over.

          Sir, Off the chair and step away from the keyboard, internet is not safe for you, it is for your relative safety!


  3. Fuck this site, seriously fuck it im done. Fanboys everywhere, fuckin Sony,MS and Nintendo fanboys arguin the same ol´ bullshit day after day. Fuckin losers one system owners talkin shit about systems they dont own, most of you trolls are probably just a bored teens with nothin better to do than fight over a piece of plastic and sadly some of you are adults. Fuck you all.


    Here’s why it’s important:

    Have you ever imagined playing an old classic that you loved and wanted it to be online to show off your skills or even play with friends and family that live to far away to play the game with them. Imagine Super Mario World with online and voice chat, Mario kart with online and voice chat or even super smash bros! from N64 with online multiplayer and voice chat the list can go on and on this can be something that I know will be a hit! We together can make this happen if we show nintendo that we really want this! This would be amazing!

    1. Yea I am still bummed about SM3DW having no online, it amazes me people still make local multiplayer only games.. I haven’t used local multiplayer in probably over 10 years now.

      I am out of the way for everyone I know so online is my only option. I think it is ridiculous a lot of the time we don’t even get that option. Local is great for people without internet but what about for people who can only use their internet? I don’t get it or why people are so reluctant to add online to their games or maybe they are just too cheap.

      Having online adds replay value also, what if you did play locally and you were just bored of playing with the same people over and over or your friends in general were just tired of playing the game but you still want to play with people. I don’t see how that is fair or a good way of going about things.

      1. I 100% agree with you ive been waiting for so long for nintendo to embrace online and it just doesn’t happen :/

      2. Hi there, here my point of view on this subject. I am one of those who is glad to not have online features on certain game. Adding online features will increase the cost of the hardware, the cost of the software,fees will have to be pay on monthly basis and then Nintendo will fail even worth cause fan will not pay and want it for free.Don’t take it the wrong way but don’t you have any friends or family to play with? Also Nintendo motto is togetherness where mum, dad, son, daughter and optional grandpa and grandma play together ( i know it stuck if you are alone). For me I like Nintendo cause they are doing something different and online games suck cause you have a lot of people going offline after they lost one or two games (mario kart players I am looking at you)

      3. Also can I just add that like the present CEO of Sony stated in one of his comment about the 24H online feature of the xbox1. The world is not as well connected as the MS/North America think it’s.

  5. I have the xbone, ps4 and the Wii u. Im on the Wii U a lot more than the other 2. The games are far better that keeps me coming back for more. Not like the other 2 systems were the games are meh.

  6. Pingback: NintendoRAW » Blog Archive Watch_Dogs’ PAX East demo is hands-off | NintendoRAW

  7. JesusChristYouFanboys

    The following companies will NOT be attending Pax East.
    EA Games
    Warner Bros Interactive (Turbine WILL be in attendance)
    Deep Silver
    Mad Catz
    Frima Studios
    Twisted Pixel
    Perfect World
    CCP Games
    Creative Labs

  8. I have this nagging feeling the game won’t be that great. I mean it’s been plagued with problem from the beginning, and now they aren’t showing it less than two months til launch…

  9. “Either development isn’t going as well as hoped”

    Uh, wow, talking about spreading lies and gossip? Just because they don’t show a game doesn’t mean its development hasn’t been going as well as hoped. That’s how rumors start and you have no source to say development isn’t going well that’s why they are not showing it.

    They’ve showed it everywhere else, why would suddenly some development problems arrive and not show it?

    That theory is just stupid and a lie, they maybe want to show something new about the game somewhere else and showing it there will take attention off it.

    And I know that development for this game has been very long, but saying a crazy idea why they don’t show it just shows how this site likes to start rumors and they didn’t even say why and to start guessing why with crazy ideas is just not professional journalism. Maybe they don’t have anything new ready to show but that’s way too different to say development isn’t going well, people can take that as very bad, and it’s just this site guessing not something they said.

    1. “Just because they don’t show a game doesn’t mean its development hasn’t been going as well as hoped.”

      actually it’s already a fact that development hasn’t been going as well as hoped.. thus the 6 months delay

  10. Pingback: Ubisoft’s Games Line-up For PAX East | Gamers Sphere

  11. Pingback: Watch Dogs Season Pass Information | Gamers Sphere

  12. Pingback: Watch Dogs no contará con demo jugable en el PAX East 2014 - Tierra Gamer

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