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Sonic Boom Producer Explains Why We Haven’t Had A Whole Lot Of News About The Game

Sonic Boom producer Stephen Frost has revealed to Sonic Stadium why the development team have been so quiet regarding Sonic Boom for the Wii U and Nintendo 3DS. Frost says that the developers have had to work carefully with partners and things need to be planned and organized carefully. Hopefully they can break the silence at E3 in Los Angeles next month.

“I’ve been asked to chime in a bit here so I’ll do what I can to share some info with you all. I’ve said it a few times in the past, but there were key reasons why we announced the Sonic Boom initiative when we did. Along with that, there are a lot of partners involved with Sonic Boom so we have to be mindful of their timelines and requirements for their respective fields. It’s not just about a game anymore… This is a large group effort so any announcements and information shared publically needs to really be planned and organized carefully. We need to make sure that things we reveal don’t impact other parts and vice versa.”

“I completely appreciate the fact that you fans are hungry for info specific to the games, I really do. And that’s why we all work these endless late nights and weekends… It’s to get all the pieces in place for when the campaign does really kick off. We still have a ways until the cartoon and game launch, as well as the new toy line, so we need to pace all the info appropriately. And it all starts as we head into E3. You’ll learn more, for sure, but not everything. And the reveal of new assets and info should be more frequent from that point on. But trust me when I say there is no lack of effort by anyone involved with Sonic Boom. This is, by far, the biggest united effort I have personally ever seen Sega be involved in. We want to share everything with everyone because we are so excited… We just can’t… Yet.”

“So, please be a bit more patient. I’m working on screens and commenting on releases so stuff is coming. We will even have a bit of a surprise in there for you, as well as the first info and assets for the 3DS version. There is quite a bit of cool stuff ahead so hang in there.”

63 thoughts on “Sonic Boom Producer Explains Why We Haven’t Had A Whole Lot Of News About The Game”

  1. This is off topic, but i just saw that new Call of duty trailer, and i think it will be the coolest game of the year, if its not on wii u i’ll just buy a ps4.

    1. You don’t buy consoles for Call of Duty… Never. Lol. How is it even a system seller? Eh. Get it if you want, man. XD

          1. Valve Admiral GLaDOS

            Not “every other troll”
            It’s actually
            “Every other idiot who thinks being stupid is being smart.”

      1. People are allowed different opinions to you. Try remembering that your word isn’t gospel and maybe then you won’t seem the obnoxious prick you actually are.

    2. SegaNintendofan1991

      not really it just a rehashed just with a copy and paste job every single time the only thing that is new is the story but its still shit.

  2. They keep quiet to build up hype, duh. Give ’em a little taste and the Sonicfags are already jizzing themselves to add all those underage furries to their collection and do god knows what to them.

  3. even though i can careless on commenting anyone on this site, sonic boom is preety much the only wii u game i may want for wii u. not no nintendo game. kiddos drones and puppets.

    1. Yes please leave this website and stop harassing good intelligent people here. Your exit from this website will be very welcome

    2. Oh there he is, the useless nobody. Oh I’m sorry how rude of me, I meant to say “sasorideihoweverthefuckyousepllitdaraobi”. Well its all the same to you, not a dam person gives a flying 2 shits what you have to say either so we are even.

      1. In fact, I’ll give you all I want to say here…your choice if you want to look at it or not, I don’t care…because if you do look at it then hey congratz on getting a sailable of a brain…of not, just makes me look better and you even dumber. Enjoy…

        1. I love Alpha, he’s fucking awesome and is the reason why I’m still interested in gaming :D

          1. Like shokio, the guy has good arguments, shuts me up and makes me agree to his words…this is something that all trolls and fanboys/fangirls need to listen too, including sasori, but hey, I’m not forcing it, just saying what’s on my mind.

        2. BAHAHAHA, like, he has a point, but jeez, all that bloody ranting shut the hell up and stop feeding the trolls 😂😂😂😂

      1. Wow stealing someone else’s idea on the same comment section, oh man that’s as original as your precious half baked dlc add ons that you call the real games, get in N or get out of here you dweeb.

    3. Not this again -_-

      What have I told you? Be the better man and don’t bitch.
      I thought you’ve grown balls and moved away from hating on Nintendo but clearly you haven’t. *sigh*

    4. Valve Admiral GLaDOS

      The Fail Of Life has finally returned to expose more of his butthurt to the internet. How does it feel to be more butthurt Sasori? Twice as butthurt?

  4. “sonic boom producer doesn’t explain well why we haven’t heard a whole lot about the game”

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