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Miyamoto Asks What Games Would You Like Nintendo To Make For Wii U

Kotaku recently had the opportunity to interview Mr Miyamoto during E3 last week. What’s interesting is Miyamoto asked Kotaku to ask their readers what games they would like to see Nintendo create for the Wii U. He said to Kotaku writer Stephen Totilo that if they get a really good answer then to give him a call. What game would you like to see on Nintendo’s latest home console?

“So certainly, for Kotaku readers, they know there are a lot of different hardware platforms, and I hope that they look at those as necessarily a competition between all the platforms but really that each platform has its own uniqueness.”

“One of the uniquenesses of Wii U [is that] this is a device that’s really suited to being connected to the TV in your living room, and it has a lot of very convenient applications that you can use there. We’re going to continue to design our games in a way that are suited to play in the living room—whether it’s one person playing and everyone enjoying that by watching—but we’re also working on a number of additional games that we’re designing and releasing next year as well.”

“We hope that everybody is looking forward to that and that we’re designing experiences that you can only do on the Wii U GamePad so I hope everyone will support us and look forward to our products.”

“Maybe you can do a poll for Kotaku readers to see which game you want us to make for Wii U, and, if you get a good answer, you can give us a call.”

Thanks, Kallum S


353 thoughts on “Miyamoto Asks What Games Would You Like Nintendo To Make For Wii U”

    1. Sorry to piggyback off the first comment, but the spam below is impossible to sift through on mobile.

      Anyway. Fuck no I’m not saying what game I want. Everytime I name a game, I get another Mario Brothers, so what’s the point?

      (Eternal Darkness 2 is among my top though!!)

          1. I’ll give you Mario vs. DK, tried the one on 3DS, and hated it. Compared to normal Mario games, it was just a lame game with Mario universe character models…

          1. Keyword ‘Mario-based’. I think Lazara the Last was refering to the 2D & 3D platforming franchise, the ‘core’ Mario Bros. games. Certainly, there’ll be other games w/ skins from the Mario universe (already Captain Toad & Yarn Yoshi); it’s still their cashcow, contrary to how played out it seems. Regardless of graphics & characters, luckily it’s most about the gameplay.

    2. bang your comment spamed the crap out of my sharp tv, now i have to use my pc. stop this non scene

    3. maybe a remake of one of the good final fantasies.
      i also think it would be cool if they put that game cube world on there i havent played that game yet but from playthroughs and screenshots it looks awesome!

    4. How about a NEW IP? Splatoon is cool and all but I kinda want a new single player experience. I remember how excited I was when pikmin first came out. But it’s an all too rare occurance these days when a big company tries something new.

      1. You should try w101, or pullblox/pushmo, Dillons rolling Western is good too.

        Some good new ip from last gen was xenoblade and beat the beat rhythm games. One of which is getting a new high quality instalment.

        And yes these are all Nintendo first party.

    1. Yeeeeesssssssss!!!! Exactly what I was thinking. TTYD is one of my favorite games and I think most can agree it’s the best of the Paper Mario series. Paper Mario U would be an amazing way to revive the series especially after Sticker Star, just as long as they can find a non-gimmicky way to utilize the gamepad.

  1. Harvest moon sequel to a wonderful life( or at least same art/ music style, and gameplay), sonic adv. 3. Plz thank you.;3

  2. I know most games are shooters, but I’d like to see Nintendo make an FPS. Like a good one like Goldeneye or Half Life.

  3. I personally would like a new Metroid game. I really want a shooter that plays well.

    Perhaps another Mario game like a sequel to Sunshine or something different.

    Miyamoto-san, if there is anything you can do to wow us gamers, you’re the only one that can do it. The worlds greatest video game designer.

    1. That would be great. I’ve always wanted to play that one and it’s good for Nintendo to branch out with other heroes as the main racer. I’ll definitely ready for a new Air Ride

  4. Why is this question being asked when they haven’t made the most obvious choice!
    Pokémon Snap 2. The gamepad is perfect for it!

  5. Wow, where do I start! There are so many epic games that could make it.

    1. Star Fox Assault Remake
    2. Pokemon Stadium 3
    3. Mario Galaxy 3
    4. F Zero
    5. Legend of Zelda Majora’s Mask HD
    6. Mother HD collection
    7. Old Mario collection. (Brings the original 6 games)
    8. Fire Emblem (Any game is fine)
    9. New Metroid

    And that’s just for starters!

    1. 1. nope, i done with remake scams
      2. nope that franchise needs to die
      3. yes i would love that
      4. may be so 50/50 because i never played an fzero game
      5.nope not another remake cash grab, they need to on my important stuff than another remake
      6. nope because these games were never in 3d dimensional
      7. nope if they he remade it with next gen graphics and not no up scaled 720p resolution
      8. i played the 3ds one and it game play style got boring fast espicailly with the battle field turns. didn’t like the game at all.
      9. may be if there serious multiplayer like 24-64 players
      10. no because i never liked the smash bros game neither did i ever like campcom’s fighters.

      overall you list is lame in my opinion.

        1. Nintendo is my Blood

          By the way, how’s the schnoz on Narutard? He must have snorted some serious blow to get it like that

          By the way, Nigel Thornberry called, he wants his nose back

        2. I literally watched a good portion of that video just for laughs and his dumb boring repetitive ass put me to sleep and I ended up being a half hour late to work cause of it lol. Damn you Sasori!

      1. Valve Admiral GLaDOS

        And your opinion displays how much of a poor taste of games you have since it sounded like you gave each game almost every 5 minutes of play time then gave up because you lost 20 within those 5 minutes, nor did you sound like you played most of them.
        So to sum up your opinion, its pretty damn stupid, as always.

          1. Valve Admiral GLaDOS

            Impossible, your calculations were spot on accurate, not even my advanced calculation program could determine the exact number. You are truly a human of remarkable intelligent and evolution.

            Can I preform a dissection of your body when you die if you don’t happen to find out the theory of immortal life prior to your death? :D

      2. Overall your significance is lame. Sasori would beat the living shit out of you for being an ugly piece of shit for an existence. He’d then make you his puppet servant.

        Deidara would beat the living shit out of you as well, but more explosively. He would laugh at your miserable and completely uneventful life.

        To conclude, even people you may admire, even if they’re REAL people, they can all unanimously agree your significance in life holds no meaning, and since you will not bear any children, your impact on the world ends when you do.

        1. Tallon Ridley XIII: Kalas

          xD You’re right. The characters of Sasori & Deidara would take one look at him & hate the way he looks. They care about art & he’s far from being art. Sasori might be able to do something to make him into art, though. As for Deidara, he’d blow him up rather quickly with a bomb shoved right down his throat.

      1. True. Akuma is a Beast and I’m still amazed at how well he did against Asura. Anyone who can tie Asura is basically unstoppable. The Super Smash gang may be a lot weaker than him, but Super Sonic could hold his own against most of the other fighters

        1. Valve Admiral GLaDOS

          I hate to turn this into a debate, but I think the Fire Emblem cast and the Zelda cast can hold they’re own. But, its just an opinion, thus a subject up for debate so there really is no clear answer and than what you believe.

          1. I love debates so long as they don’t get too heated. Naturally it depends at when they are and how many holy abilities are counted. It’s feasible that Link and Zelda could use the Triforce to make a wish and get rid of Akuma I suppose, but I’m not sure if they have time. Normal Akuma would likely not be able to stand up to Fierce Deity Link, but Asura’s Wrath gave him a phoenominal power up where he can now destroy planets. I don’t know much about Fire Emblem beyond the mangas, but I’m sure that they have some powerful spells up their sleeve. In a Super Smash vs Capcom match I would definitely go with Capcom, but Super Smash vs Street Fighter is a lot more fair. I would barely go with Street Fighter, but Nintendo would have a lot of wins. Samus could beat at least 80% of Street Fighter combatants one on one after all. Only falling short against the top tiers like Ryu and Akuma

            1. Valve Admiral GLaDOS

              Well in Fire Emblem, quite of few of the protagonist defeated gods and things that are considerable god-level. Your also right, they do have spells that can pack quite a punch too.
              But its really hard for me to do these types up debates because everything is practically subjective and it kind makes me feel like I’m defending something that I have some doubt in even if I believe 100% that that said character can won or lose…so and so.

              1. I really need to get into the Fire Emblem games. I’ve had my eye on the Gamecube one for some time now, but it’s so rare that the price is very high. I know that everyone’s been recommending Awakening to me so I may just start off with that one. I know that continuity isn’t super important for these, but it just feels weird to start off with such a recent installment.

                I get what you mean. There are really no definites in a fight (Except for one character who I believe is the strongest imo of course) and likewise with a hypothetical battle between characters. Either way, it would just be awesome to play as those guys in a Marvel vs Capcom style gameplay. That’s been something that I’ve wanted since I was a kid. Of course, having Sonic, Pac Man, and Mega Man in a Super Smash game is the next best thing

                1. Valve Admiral GLaDOS

                  There actually quite some FE games you may have to play in order for consideration, the rest are technically one-shot stories.

                  1. In that case, I’ll make sure to look into any FE game’s history before purchasing it so that I don’t get a direct sequel or spinoff before the main one. I definitely don’t like to skip around in the story

                    1. Valve Admiral GLaDOS

                      Real damn good franchise, you might be surprised, even considering my name, Fire Emblem is the greatest series I’ve ever played, I loved it more that Portal, slightly more.

                    2. I’d recomend starting with sacred stones, for the game boy. it’s the easiest and it’s the only one with no game based on it’s plot and not being based on any plot.

    2. 1. Star Fox Assault sequel.
      2. Pokémon Stadium mixed with Snap!/Safari.
      3. Mario Galaxy without Bowser, Tatanga would be a space born adversary.
      4. F Zero – I don’t know about this one.
      5. Yes and yes, although I had mentioned in a previous comments section on a bundled package with OOT and additional elements attached to it.
      6. Hmm… never played the original.
      7. Hells yeah, HD on the Wii-U. 6 games for price of 1.
      8. Again… never played this.
      9. Oh yea, bring it on.
      10. Yeah… no.

      Personally, I want to see an open world Pokémon game. I think that could be fun.

      1. Open World Pokemon would be great and definitely doable at this point. It would take a few years to make sure that they fully utilize the potential, but they should definitely consider it. I can only imagine how well it would sell. Even just putting Pokemon Z on the Wii U would be incredible

  6. Please oh please can we get an F Zero game and a Star Fox game. (I’d ask for Mother, but Itoi has stated he’s done with the series.) I love Mario as much as the next guy (probably even more), but it’s starting to get really bland.

    1. Sikr is the ONLY comment moderator, which makes it very easy for trolls and bullies to make fun of people for amusement. We need more than that. Trolls have crossed the line on this site and it is time someone did something about it. The revolution has started!

      1. Then I will just make another account. There are an infinite amount of VPNs, Proxies, and even the Tor Network

        1. You yourself now pointed out how these bullies can just continue doing what they do.
          Best way to deal with a bully, is to send him to the ER, but since it’s the internet, just ignore.
          Trolls starve to death, when you stop feeding them.

          1. The problem with that is that there are idiots out there who would rather feed the troll and make it worse. We need a way to be able to have spam and trolling deleted faster. More than 2 comment moderators would help that greatly. The revolution has started.

              1. But if I left, trolls would come in and start abusing everyone. We need comment moderators. The revolution has started.

                  1. The current force of moderators is unacceptable for a site a popular as this one. There are too many trolls and they are abusing members. An uprising like the one I am doing is the only way to get people’s attention about the issue this site faces. The revolution has begun.

  7. LOOK!! Get Crash Bandicoot style DLC for Mario Kart 8 in a crash team racing style mash up. As a matter of fact BUY the rights to crash bandicoot. Abe from Abe’s Odysee into Smash Bros and MK8 would be great and would also help promote that 3rd party game, and show that Nintendo does support third parties. As a matter of fact, BUY you could buy Abe and the Oddworld rights. Both of these have huge followers that also love Nintendo.

  8. More games of the likes of ZombiU, a good metroid game able to make master chief cry like a baby (joking.. I like Halo a lot) a super Mario 64 ‘sequel’ or similar, an eternal darkness type of game, a partnership with Sega to make Shemue 3 as Wii U exclusive… Buy capcom and reboot Resident Evil, rescue Megaman and release street fighter amibo figures. Make a new ip adventure based similar to uncharted or Tomb Raider and I am served :P

  9. Eternal Darkness 2 could be revolutinary. But why not a new Wave Race, F-Zero, &/or perhaps a console Golden Sun (though the 3DS entry couldn’t live up to its GBA forebearers)? &/or a game that’s not just fun to play, but sophisticated in its presentation (which is quite rare).

  10. pink0crystal0midbus

    I would like to see Nintendo tackle a horror game. Something actually scary and not Luigi’s Mansion scary.

    I would like a 3D Yoshi game and not just a 2D side scroller. Same thing with Kirby.

    I would like Pokemon Snap on the Wii U, a new Pokemon Battle Revolution/Stadium Crossover and an actual Pokemon RPG on the WIi U.

    I want a new F-Zero game.

    A sequel to Star Fox Adventures.

    A new Metroid Game.

    Pikmin 4

    Animal Crossing Wii U

    Mario Sunshine 2

    A Nintendo version of Disney Infinite where I can build a place similar to how you can in the Toy Box.

    A new 3rd person Adventure IP. Something similar to the Legend of Zelda and 3D Mario games, but with a new art style, new main character and new world to explore.

    I want Nintendo to team up with SEGA and do a Sonic the Hedge Hog game.

    I want a Kid Icarus Game on the Wii U.

    I want a new Ice Climbers game on the Wii U. It can be in a 3D world and you explore cliff sides, caverns and ice caves.

    I would like a lot of things, but I doubt many, if not any, of them will come true.

      1. pink0crystal0midbus

        and stupid. All he is doing is making it so I can’t find and read anyone else posts… goddamn annoying is what he is.

      2. Nope, not bored. I actually care about this site and this community and I am trying to get someone to make some changes around here. Trolls have officially crossed the line and we need to do something about it. The revolution has begun.

    1. i dont know, luigis mansion is pretty spooky… #2spooky4me #9spooky11me. id realy really really really slurp really love a high quality harvest moon. also, a pokemon adventure.

      1. pink0crystal0midbus

        lol! Luigi’s Mansion and Luigi’s Mansion 2 are both Mario style games with a coating of Halloween splashed on top. And I’m not talking “scary Haunted House/Scream Fest” Halloween, I’m talking “dressing up as a six year old in your favorite superhero and trick or treating at 6 o’clock” Halloween.

    2. I agree on almost all of these 1000x. However, I think Sega should allow Nintendo to be in complete control of a Sonic game. I think they could revitalize and completely reinvigorate the Sonic Adventures type of gameplay for Sonic.

      In exchange, Nintendo would allow Sega to make a Mario game. Although I’m highly skeptical Nintendo would allow anyone non-Nintendo to work on Mario. If that’s the case, I would as the should make a new F-Zero game, maybe one exploring the story outside of the racing. It may seem hard to grasp at first but with his already established move set, I would love to see him get out the vehicle in his own game from time to time.

      1. pink0crystal0midbus

        I think if SEGA can’t work on Sonic, then they can’t work on Mario lol!

        I agree with what you said before, however, I should have clarified better, but what I meant was I would like SEGA to let Nintendo have complete control over a Sonic game. I said partnership, because I consider it a partnership still to let another company design a game using your IP.

  11. This is our chance for a new F-Zero, come on Nintendo fans ask for this, don’t ask for Metroid Nintendo have already said they’re going to make a new 2D and 3D Metroid game in the future, don’t ask for Star Fox, it has already been announced, don’t ask for Majora’s Mask 3D, it’s proabley coming, don’t ask for Mother 4, we’re not getting one, just ask for F-Zero, you all want this so ask for it, don’t waste time.

    1. But…but I don’t want a new F-Zero…I would rather they spend time on a Pokemon Snap sequel or a Kid Icarus Uprising sequal for Wii U…to be honest I’m not really a fan of Metroid, Mother, or Star Fox, and I can already play Majora’s Mask I don’t need a remake for it…so I don’t like any of the suggestions you’re making.

  12. Nintendo is my Blood

    Let’s see… a new Paper Mario would be cool, maybe a Super Mario Galaxy 3? Oh and more Zelda,

      1. Your force is not enough. The trolls will be back soon enough. We need more comment moderators because too many people are being abused and nothing is being done about it. The revolution has begun.

          1. There have been a large number of trolls on this site for the longest time. You are blind if you think there are not any. The revolution has begun.

          2. Tallon Ridley XIII: Kalas

            Aw. Sasori is showing just how butthurt he is that we all gang up on him. Well quit starting fires, dumbass, and you won’t be getting so much heat.

  13. We absolutely NEED a Tales game on here. Tales of Symphonia Chronicles is great and all, but an ORIGINAL Tales game would be amazing. Other than that, Rosalina should have her own spin-off game, or maybe even a game where she’s playable but has more depth to her character. A playable Paper Rosalina in a Super Paper Mario U would be wonderful.

    1. Another RPG Mario game also? I understand people like to whine and complain about Super Paper Mario. I’d love to see Peach in RPG combat once again, alongside Rosalina~

  14. You are blind if you think there are no trolls on this site. This is for the better and you are all going to thank me in the end. The revolution has started.

      1. Nothing is being done about these trolls, someone needs to step in and we need comment moderators. The revolution has begun.

                    1. Nintendo is my Blood

                      You are autistic right? This whole rant is beyond that of a normal person, so you must be autistic

                      1. I’m not autistic, I am someone who cares about this website and its members. The revolution has begun.

                        1. Nintendo is my Blood

                          It’s just a website, only an autistic person would treat it like it is family

                        2. Stop calling it a revolution. There is no revolution. You are one, single person, who one day out of the blue (keep that in mind) starts spamming a site, a site whose readers seem to disagree with you and your way of “getting the message across”. A revolution requires support, support which you don’t have. No one asked for you to block off the readers of myNintendonews and prevent them from reading comments and giving them a very rough time in relation to navigating the site through your comments. Nobody asked you to do anything, and nobody wanted your so called “support”. Has anyone actually expressed positive vibes towards you for doing this? No, because they don’t care at all. They are only asking for your comments to stop rolling in. So good job in gaining people and support toward your cause, a.k.a., your one man bitchfest.

      2. 2D Metroid for the 3DS and an Other M style 2.5\3D game for the Wii U!

        Definitely tweak the controls to perfection and stay far away from the narrative of Other M. Story was horrible but I did like how the game controlled. We just want more exploration elements and GamePad integration of course. Oh! And inter connectivity between the 3DS and Wii U games would be sweet!

      3. Sickr needs to really ban that Spammy asshole from the site. I bet this guy gets no pussy and has no friends in the real

      4. make a real shooter or action advanture game that not rated e, may be that will convince people to take your brand serious because that terrible art styled homosexual zelda wont save the wi u because its a downgrade from the tech demo. also to this idiot that is spamming, stop it. my google chrome had slow downs like crazy.

        1. Nintendo is my Blood

          Oh look everyone, Narutard is back, I thought you left tough guy, too much of a hypocrite huh?

        2. Hooola, sasori!, i noticed you tried to add a comment bashing Nintendo and the other person gave you a very positive reason, in other words, HE BURNED YOU IN YOUR ASS without trying. “i’ll just get an xbox 360”, you mean “my parents will get an xobox 360 for me”. Accept the fact that most of the people around do not think the same as you. kudos to the person for the reply. Excelente respuesta!
          I do not have nothing again shooters, but i agree with the dude.


          1. soo how about these platformers. may be 15-30 on wii u? there only 5 shooters on wii u or even less.

            1. COD Ghosts
              Deux Ex
              Zombi U
              Call of Duty Black Ops 2
              Nano assault neo
              Sniper Elite v2
              The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct
              Star Fox Wii U
              007 Legends
              Affordable Space Adventures
              Sniper Elite III
              Project Guard
              Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2

        3. COD Ghosts
          Deux Ex
          Zombi U
          Call of Duty Black Ops 2
          Sniper Elite v2
          The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct
          007 Legends
          Sniper Elite III
          Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2
          Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag
          Darksiders II
          Batman: Arkham City – Armored Edition
          Assassin’s Creed III
          Resident Evil: Revelations
          Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell: Blacklist
          Batman: Arkham Origins
          Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate – Deluxe Edition
          How to Survive
          Watch Dogs
          Bayonetta 2
          Devil’s Third

      5. Looks like someone is finally deleting everything, but it won’t silence me. We need comment moderators stop members from being abused. The revolution has begun.

        1. I’m only going to say this once to you, and I’m going to ask nicely. Please stop posting these spam posts. I’d much rather report on Nintendo news that matters than deleting your comments every five minutes, and I assume many of our readers would also prefer this too. I understand you are trying to make a point, consider that made. We’ve heard you.

          1. Nintendo is my Blood

            silver, can’t you ban that spammy guy? and sasori while you are at it, these trolls are becoming so preachy

              1. Nintendo is my Blood

                For being such a whiny bitch “Oh I am done with mynintendonews” Yeah right you fucking Narutard

                  1. Nintendo is my Blood

                    ^^^^ Is what happens when a condom breaks and people don’t go to unplanned pregnancy

                    You give birth to preachy, autistic children like sasori and Spammy over her

                    1. I am done talking to you. With the insults you have been throwing, you should be banned from this site.

            1. Unfortunately I don’t have the necessary authority to do that, only the site administrator does. Sickr already knows of the situation, but if anything kicks off again, I will let him know.

              1. Nintendo is my Blood

                Thank you, this sasori idiot is becoming worse than iceazeama, he needs to be shut the hell up

                    1. am a human puppet. your drones while become my puppets . BWAHHH HAHHHHA HHAAA HA HA
                      also i never did anything wrong.

                      1. as i see things, you became the puppet of everybody around here. they expose you and you run crying to make a video. you make exactly what they expect of you.

                      2. Valve Admiral GLaDOS

                        “also i never did anything wrong.”
                        1. Spammed irrelevant comments about how you will buy an Xbomb but never will, repeatedly.
                        2. Attempted to start a fight between me and Kurisu, only to end up getting your ass kicked by the both of us, nice job making your plan backfire.
                        3. You wished death on Iwata for no reason other than your own dumb agenda of stupidness and try spreading it through your Church of Bullshit like an actual sick cultist religion.
                        4. Impersonating a girl who rejected you at your school who is Selina Ruiz, where you pretend that she was your girlfriend only for the real Selina to find out about your stupid impersonation attempt on Facebook to then come on here and expose you.
                        5. Insult women with your sexist comments probably because of your butthurt from being rejected by Selina.
                        6. You have an ED article. Your possibly in the lolcow section.
                        7. You asked one of your drone subscribers to attack me as anon, and its sad that he’s your subscribe because he’s way smarter than you but still failed to expose me in anyway like he claimed he did.

                        You have been destroyed, proven invalid, and exposed again. Now please smack yourself with a TF2 wrench for obvious reasons.

                    2. Say let’s don’t start that racist shit mother fucker. I don’t agree with sasori but don’t you start talking about race. Would you like if I talk about whites with booty chins or long ass noses. So when a person from a different race piss you off you just gotta bring out the race card. Grow up

                        1. Tallon Ridley XIII: Kalas

                          We know not every black person is trash but sasori is one of the few that is.

                  1. the one who can accept reality is you. leave us the people who enjoy nintendo games in peace, if you like xbox good for you we cannot change the way you are but you came here and bash nintendo and start insulting people (yes me too) because they don’t agree with you.

                  2. what is reality for you?. do you tell people that they should spend money on an xbox!. Most of them are here because they love Nintendo. you want to live in a reality where people do what you say.
                    i have been watching your actions and finally decided to comment. you are butthurt, you are a fucking retard. you get exposed and eXXposed and eXXXposed and you never learn. I would like a first person Metroid on Wii U, I never played the original trilogy and I am dying for it!!.
                    and if i am not wrong, you bashed devil’s third… you are a first class hypocrite: wants M rated games – bashes them. Homosexual Zelda???, only a homosexual labels things as “homosexual”. 2 things: you are gay or you hate gays -maybe because they do not want to be with you- anyway, equality for all!!!

                  1. Seriously. People have no clue about icy. He has more fans than haters, what does that tell you? From what i remember he never attacked anybody but nintendo, then he gets all this unbelievable hate/threats. Then we get people that actually talk shit to people in a mean ways for no reason, yet what do they get…. nothing. The fact is the people who hate him are just mad because they know he is right about nintendo. Maybe everybody is just not real nintendo fans and don’t have any damn clue about nintendo’s past. I know he always semi trolled or made fun of wii u and fanboys with his points but it made them interesting. Besides what creates a “troll” retarded fanboys attacking anybody who isn’t a drone. What made ice the person fanboys hated was the fanboys themselves. I remember before he had a gravatar picture he was just a normal non fanboy commenter. Besides i agreed with him way more than any other people on this freaking page. Everybody else is to much of a fanboy/pussy to see things straight.

                    Honestly if you are like some people and were part of the youtube smaller gaming community like, doc. tre blackbond and the rest, (not just nintendo related channels either) You could see he acted just the same towards microsoft and stuff. Yet he isn’t around anymore because of angry MNN people that clearly he owned to death, making his account taking down for no reason. So now, he isn’t there, (for now anyway) If people would just fucking pay attention they would know that he for 1 is a nintendo fan, and bashes/ makes fun of other fanboys as well. There is or was plenty of evidence and it honestly semi sucks he isn’t there because he was interesting.

                    1. I agree. He always had good posts. Maybe his language was a little over the top, but his points were grounded in reality. I for one miss him. I didn’t know he was banned, I thought he just stopped coming here. I’m a regular reader on this site, but rare commenter, so I’m not always “in the know.”

                    2. I don’t know how long Icy has been on this site or how long it’s been around, I’ve only been coming here a year or two but I must have jumped in when he was past being a normal commenter. He always seemed to love to make fun of nintendo fans any time there was bad news, and it was annoying. I don’t defend nintendo when they do dumb stuff, and definitely know they screw up quite often. I don’t blindy follow them and have days where I’m just pissed off at them. But he always seemed like he just straight hated nintendo from the posts I saw and he would call all nintendo fans idiots and such it seemed. Maybe people pushed him too far, who knows. I swear I saw him on here though within the last two days. Either way I don’t really care, I wouldn’t try and get him banned. That spammy guy who kept posting pages of SPAMSPAMSPAM however, I would probably push for being banned. Trolling can be funny, and if you don’t like the troll and don’t find it funny, you can just scroll down. But scrolling down past a bunch of pages of BS got real annoying this morning. I still don’t feel like taking the effort to complain and try to get him banned though. Unless someone was directly seeking me out and really being out of line and making death threats to my friends and family or something daily, I don’t think I would waste my time trying to get someone banned.

                      1. He was here maybe a year only but he hates nintendo fanboys not fans, since he is a fan. Even if he doesn’t like nintendo right now, he’s the same as many other people, including me. I think that’s a better thing than supporting nintendo’s failures.

                        Yes he does the same things to other fanbases if he feels like it. I saw a lot in the small youtube gaming community people go to.

          2. Thank you for your reply, I hope that we can all solve this issue of members being abused and bullied by mindless trolls.

        1. Your going to thank me in the end. We do not have enough moderators and too many members are being abused. The revolution has begun.

      6. A horror game by Nintendo would be a great idea. Eternal Darkness was REALLY good, so I would like to seen Nin to return to this genre

      7. Pikmin4 to be more like Pikmin2. Collect more than just fruit too. I would like a Mario Super Strikers Wii U, Starfox Adventures, have Capcom make a Resident Evil as good as RE4 was. A 3D Donkey Kong adventure mode. Make an all new IP for another platform game. Make a Sonic/Mario platformer adventure. I hate Banjo died.

      8. may they should give star fox to dice and let them innovative it. 6 months later it will look like battlefield 4 in space and lost planets. conquest mode with jets….. imangine that with also 32-64 players. now thats how you innovate a game.

        1. BF4 was the most rushed game ever made. 9 months later, with 10 patches, and it’s still buggy. I wouldn’t trust those pieces of shit with Star Fox if I were Nintendo

          1. I have to mildly agree with Sasori here. Not necessarily giving it to DIce, but since Nintendo has mentioned that they are outsourcing it anyway…they should go out. Wouldn’t it be awesome to play a 32 on 32 or 8 on 8 Star Fox match? Naturally, Nintendo would need to make sure that it has been quality checked before releasing it, but that would be pretty exciting. I’m just hyped for Star Fox in any form at this point

            1. Valve Admiral GLaDOS

              They should give it to Namco again, I really liked Assault, but maybe this time at least some tweaks to the somewhat stiff controls and layout.

              1. I’m all for that. Just give us those awesome intractable levels. I loved the fact that you could fight on land and in the air while on the same stage. It really made the game a lot of fun and the ground combat is one of the best to this day

                1. Valve Admiral GLaDOS

                  Agreed. Heck, back in the gamecube days, Assault was great, although the multiplayer had a little something to be desired but you could see the potential for it to be an amazingly fun competitive multiplayer if it had online and some tweaks here and there, it was sorta like Battlefield with anthropomorphic animals, considering all those vehicles that are just like laying about around the battlefield of the multiplayer matches.

                  Heck might as well spin the entire thing off and make something like it, it be called Lylat Frontline, I mean Lylat’s has had a couple of wars like Hyrule right? Could incorporate this type of team-based system of 4 players with 16 or 8 player multiplayer matches, heck even make your own furry character and what not with all these Vehicle and Foot soldier weapon/armor trees.
                  Holy shit I’m going into too much fucking detail into something will probably never happen…that’s depressing…

                  1. Assault still ranks in my top 3 Gamecube games and it’s my favorite Nintendo game aside from Smash Bros if I recall correctly. The multiplayer definitely could have been smoother, but I loved playing it with family and friends all of the time. We would love playing in the main Corneria city level and then head to the aqua level when we wanted a stealthy feel.

                    Lylat Frontline sounds like a solid name. They should definitely incorporate some large scale battles like that and it would be pretty awesome. I’m okay with or without creating a character as Fox McCloud will be the guy that I stick with. He’s just so awesome and he’s been my main for all of the Smash games because of Assault. Throwing in some more new items and Assault 2 would be incredible.

                    It is definitely sad that Nintendo doesn’t seem to want to pursue this. I’m cool with a completely aerial Star Fox game too of course, but the ground levels were so much fun. I don’t see why a lot of people that I talk to disliked them so much. It merely added anew dynamic to the gameplay and I’d say that it payed off

                    1. Valve Admiral GLaDOS

                      I know right? I’m glad I met another person who sees what I thought, I know opinions are opinions but it gets pretty depressing when most of the other people you know have an opposite opinion. I have to agree, it truly payed off and would be a complete masterpiece if they could give it to Namco again for a for sure twice as amazing experience compared to the original if nothing screws up.
                      I just hope the new star fox incorporates a similar dynamic, because when I heard landmaster, I feel a little bit excited if I get to use that blaster rifle again.

                    2. I haven’t played either Assault or Adventures, I was turned off my being on ground to be honest as opposed to being in the arwing. Plus Adventures was originally dinosaur planet and they changed it to star fox so it wasn’t even meant to be a star fox game to begin with which was a turn off. I’ve read that assault was the better of the two, is that true? And is it true that it had arwing combat (just like the first 2 I would hope) AND ground combat? Cause that I can get down with. Being able to run around like 64s multiplayer mode and than being able to hop into an arwing or landmaster sounds great, but I would still want the majority of fighting to be in the skies not on the ground. Not overwhelming majority, just majority of the time. If that’s what star fox assault is than maybe it’s better than I originally thought. After what they did with Adventures though I was turned off for a while I’ll admit. Not from star fox, but that type of star fox. If the new game let’s you run around and fly the arwing and such than I would love that. And I heard/read somewhere that the arwing now transforms into the landmaster, is that true or just wishful dreaming?

                      1. Assault is definitely much better than Adventures. (Adventures actually does have Arwing flight, but only for the final boss…which is ironic) The actual gameplay is much more refined in Assault and there are definitely many times that you will use the Arwing. In Story mode there is a nice mix of the two and in multiplayer it really depends. If you turn the Arwings on then it will usually be an air battle because everyone will scramble for it. A ground fighter really has no chance against an Arwing fighter in a straight up battle so that’s where tactics come into play. You also have the option to climb out of the Arwing during flight and jumping off so that you can sneak up on a fighter while they chase your Arwing. (It will continue to fly until it crashes into something) It’s really fun and if they ever did remake it for the Wii U with some online functionality, I’d definitely recommend it. The game is a blast! I’m really hoping that the next game is a hybrid as well. I haven’t heard about the Arwing turning into a Landmaster, but that would definitely be interesting. I’ll be eagerly awaiting more details of the game.

                        I can see why Adventures would turn you off though. The controls weren’t very great and Fox was pretty out of character. The final boss was good at least

                        1. Jumping out of the Arwing to let it crash sounds awesome on it’s own lol. If they put GC on the VC I’ll have to get it thanks.

        2. 33-63 players who will kill your ass every second, sure good luck. we know you’re the best player ever saSORRY

      9. I Would Love to play Another Megaman, but not the 8bits version, i would love a Megaman like X1-X2-X3 / or maybe with better graphics Like X4-X5-X6

      10. A new fire emblem, and a new Megami Tensei game, a port of Persona 5 would be nice as long as it comes out the same day as the ps3 version

      11. ^^^^ This one is not me, but I do thank people who believe in my cause. Your efforts will make this site better!

      12. -Metroid, but not prime or other m, try and make something in the middle, preferably made by retro again
        -Pikmin 4, After the greatness that was pikmin 3 they should make a sequel, it wouldn’t release for a while but still
        -Pokemon Snap 2, We don’t really have pokemon on the wii u and the gamepad would be perfect as a camera
        -Wii U pokemon RPG ala Colosseum/XD
        -New DK ala DK64 made by retro
        -Some sort of mario spin-off, Strikers, Baseball, Tennis etc
        -New paper mario, preferably in the style of the Thousand year door but with mario characters in your party like in Super Mario RPG, Luigi, peach, bowser, daisy, wario, waluigi, rosalina etc. Bring them all in with unique abilities letting you get to new areas using them
        -Remade and Updated gamecube games like Super Mario Sunshine, Star Fox Assult, F-Zero GX etc

        That’s pretty much all I got

      13. I’m not gonna lie, this guy kinda has a point, this site could be much better. The amount of trolls here is way more than other sites

      14. Seriously? This is directed to the Spammy fellow. You are NOT helping the comments, website, commenters, or moderators AT ALL. Instead, all you’re doing is slowing down people’s internet, and worsening the situation in the long term my inspiring people to be like you and spam this website. If you have a problem with the large number of trolls here, there’s a ‘contact and tips’ section in the website. I’m sure you can direct any complaints there. I don’t knw what ‘revolution’ you’re talking about, but it’s certainly not happening with the type of comments you post

        1. I guarantee you that if were to use the contact and tips button that I would not get a reply. I chose to spam the comments section because that was the only other way I could get everyone’s attention, especially to the person who has to delete it all. My point has clearly been made. The revolution has started.

      15. I have a few ideas, some more fleshed out than others:

        -Metroid U (In the style of the Prime Trilogy, but it doesn’t necessarily need to be “Prime 4”). Just so long as it isn’t like Other M. Should also involve exploring multiple planets like Prime 3 did. Oh, and definitely none of that “weapon authorization” stuff.

        -Starfox Adventures 2 (or at least have the already teased Star Fox U incorporate elements of both classic Starfox and Starfox Adventures. Maybe flying to and exploring multiple planets? Also have more playable characters).

        -3D Mario game inspired by the original trilogy of Spyro the Dragon. There’d be six or so “hub” worlds, each with different portals to other worlds, all of which have their own missions that award you with a Power Star at the end. Don’t make it like 3D Land/World where there are linear levels with a time limit to complete them, but more like Mario 64 where you can freely explore each “hub” world and the other worlds accessed through portals in the hub. Each world (including the hub) could have maybe 5 missions each and you’d have to complete X number of them in order to access the boss of the world, and upon defeating the boss you would then be able to go to the next “hub” world. I think this has a lot of potential. Should also allow for multiple playable characters.

        -Fire Emblem U (a separate game from the SMT x FE crossover). Create an all new continent with all new characters and an all new story. Don’t base it on any of the previous games/characters.

        -A REAL Mario and Sonic crossover, none of this Olympic Games stuff. Story could involve the worlds of the two games somehow coming together, maybe caused by Eggman’s latest invention. Then Bowser meets Eggman, and they team up to try to conquer both worlds. The two combine their resources and create the ultimate evil army. Then it is up to Sonic, Mario, and friends, to join together and save both worlds. There should be multiple playable characters from both franchises, each with their own skills and abilities. From the Mario universe we should have Mario, Luigi, Wario, Waluigi, Peach, and Toad. Representing the Sonic universe would be Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Shadow, Amy, and Rouge. That is six characters from each. Should be good. The levels would have a ton of variety to them. Some would be purely based on Mario games, some on Sonic games, and some a mixture of the two. As for bosses, there could be both Bowser and the Koopalings, as well as various robots piloted by Eggman. The possibilities for this seem endless.

        -I also think it would be a good idea to outsource some HD remakes of classic games from the N64 and Gamecube eras under the “ReUmagined” brand concept thing that was previously rumored to be in the works. Nintendo could retroactively call Wind Waker HD the first of those, even though it was developed in house. Grezzo could probably be the company to work on the ReUmagined series while Nintendo EAD focuses on new content. As for possible titles to upgrade to HD, some ideas I had were Super Mario Sunshine, Starfox Adventures, Metroid Prime, Goldeneye 007, Pikmin, Zelda: Twilight Princess (I know the fans would love that one), Paper Mario, Wave Race 64, Excitebike 64, Yoshi’s Story, Kirby 64, etc. I don’t know how long it would take to make all these, or even some of these, HD remakes, and I’m not necessarily saying that all of them should be made, but if they were then I’m sure it would definitely help to “fill the gaps” in between major new releases from the EAD themselves.

        That’s all the ideas I’ve got. For now at least :P

      16. And one more thing- this website should turn to Disqus or something, anything with a voting and flagging system will do

      17. How about a Zelda HD Collection or Kirby HD Collection. I also want to see a Golden Sun Wii U and Earthbound U with like a realtime feel similar to Kingdom Hearts

      18. EarthBound Trilogy Remastered
        A Mega Man game that doesn’t get cancelled
        Super Mario Sunshine 2
        Super Mario Galaxy 3
        F-Zero U
        Metroid U
        Star Fox U
        Pokemon Battle Revolution 2
        Another console Pokémon game like XD
        Pokémon Snap U

      19. 1. Super Mario Galaxy 3
        2. Sequel to SM3DW
        3. HD Majora’s Mask remix
        4. HD Paper Mario
        5. Anything that Sasori disagrees with

      20. Diddy Kong racing
        Clay fighters
        Battle toads remake
        Turok Wii U
        Ninja turtles
        Excite bike
        Some sports games

      21. Golden Sun 4
        Paper Mario U (something like TTYD)
        Another Fire Emblem
        A Zelda 3DS game that makes me forget about ALBW

      22. That’s easy for me:

        – Pokemon Snap
        – Project Zero (Europe Release)
        – Pokemon Red (Virtual Console)
        – Red Steel 3
        – Red Steel 1 & 2 HD
        – Super Mario Galaxy 3
        – Super Mario Galaxy 1 & 2 HD
        – Super Mario 64 HD
        – Super Mario Sunshine HD
        – Metroid Prime 4
        – Metroid Prime 1,2,3,Hunters HD lol
        – I can go on and on and on lol XD

      23. 1: invite namco for a katamari wii u game.
        2: an open world wario land
        3: A game with any character that is structured like Kirby and the amazing mirror, but plays similar to mario sunshine

      24. a pokemon wii u can be really good ^^ and final fantasy (i have a wii u and play final fantasy wii lol),

      25. If Nintendo can get their hands on Capcom a new Megaman game would be nice. It would be nice to see a new installment in the Starforce franchise.

        1. Tallon Ridley XIII: Kalas

          Too soon to ask for a Zelda like that. We don’t know what kind of story Legend of Zelda for Wii U will have. It could be darker than the artstyle would have you think. Just like how Wind Waker had a dark plot twist hidden beneath the surface of that toony look.

      26. A Kirby game that isn’t just a 2D platform game. (hint hint: something that’s like Kirby AirRide)


      27. Well.. let’s see…

        I Want..

        Mario And Sonic Adventure

        Mother 4

        Sonic Adventure 3

        Sonic Riders U

        Nintendo Kart All Stars

        Remake of Super Mario RPG from SNES

        …..And more, but those are the principals..i guess..

        Oh, i forgot one

        I Also would like a Tales of game in Wii U, i would be cool.
        …and another Paper Mario, better than Sticker Star please.
        ..and that’s one part of the list.

      28. I’d like a Golden Sun 4 for the 3DS. That cliff hanger at the end of Golden Sun 3 really made me disappointed. D:

      29. A 7th Gen Pokemon on Wii U, Pokemon Stadium U, Pokemon XD sequel, Sonic Adventure 3, Luigi’s Mansion U, Nintendo Kart All Stars, Mario Baseball U, Mario Strikers U, Paper Mario U, Super Mario Sunshine 2 and Super Mario Galaxy 3.

      30. Metroid Prime 4
        Metroid 5 “Dread”
        Super Mario Galaxy 3/Sunshine 2
        Mario Strikers 3
        Pokemon Stadium 3
        Full Pokemon Console RPG, not that half ass XD crap
        Nintendo’s own FPS game
        Buy Capcom and make Megaman

      31. I would really like to see if Nintendo could get in touch with Redigit, the creator of Terraria, to see if Terraria can be brought to WiiU, as I really like Terraria, and can’t stop playing it sometimes

      32. Donkey Kong Country 4 or Donkey Kong Country 2 Returns!
        In DKC4, you play with either Donkey Kong and a new kong, or Diddy Kong and Tiny Kong maybe? Or bring back some Kongs from DK64.

      33. I would like a Metroid game with a 3D built world but played like one of the 2D versions. I would like to switch perspectives as well, almost like in Super Paper Mario on Wii but still totally different – so you could switch from normal mode to a depth mode where you would find a different 2D game where you normally would go left/right (west/east along the X axis) and in both perspectives up/down (Y axis) and then it would still be a 2D game when going north/south along the Z axis but be built totally different – thereby creating places where you’d find hidden places, enemies and items you normally wouldn’t find in a regular 2D game but it would still be like one of the old Metroid games on NES/SNES and GBA. I think it would revolutionize the 2D Metroid game play.

        (I posted the text above on the Kotaku site…)

      34. thenintendoreviewer

        Well now that Fatal Frame Wii U and Star Fox Wii U are confirmed, I’ll say these games: Eternal Darkness 2, Luigi’s Mansion Wii U, a proper 3D Mario game similar to Mario 64, a 3D platforming Kirby game, a Donkey Kong 64 sequel, Pokemon Snap Wii U

      35. Above all, a new wii u Metroid! Then Pokemon Stadium 3, exclusive Resident Evil, Majoras Mask 3ds, Mario Sunshine 2, Mario Kart DLC, and a Metroid game for 3ds!

      36. I’d love to get my hands on a Fatal Frame for Wii U, or any real good horror game for that matter. Also I’d love it if maybe we could get some more Nippon Ichi Games like Disgaea or Makai Kingdom, tactical RPGs. The game pad would really add a new level of depth to planning out a decent strategy.

      37. F-Zero. Even if its just an enhanced GX (preferably online) just do it. I need my F-Zero fix pronto. The game pad opens up a lot of stuff too, like an intuitive track editor.

      38. Such a little amount in creativity in these mentions. Everyone seems to vote for the obvious IPs Nintendo makes anyhow, or IPs that had new entries within the past 2 years. Of course Metroid, but come on, where’re the 1080 fans? 1080 avalanche is still one of my favorite games, you can really feel the speed on it and it has a pretty sick soundtrack. Add in a gyroscopic trick mode and you’re basically set for a Wii U entry, just needs some new tracks and an infinite hill mode that let’s you free board down a hill for as long as you want. I like that Pokken Fighters idea we’ve heard about in rumors, that’s nough said. How about a Captain Falcon 2.5d beat em up. Superhero fights his way through the streets fighting crime ah la streets of rage, only falcon styled, with a comic book-like art direction I personally feel like. Yeah, golden sun or advanced wars should return to the 3DS, but let’s see the return of Viewtiful Joe maybe. A new IP to take on the Zelda tech demo asthetic, but it has to be something unexpected for that particular art style, it looks very RPG or action game fitting, but maybe that’d be a good style for the next racing F-Zero to take, or a wave race game. Oh, and team up with an American studio for a crossover with one of their more obscure titles from the N64 or GCN days. What was that one called, “Ghost” I think. That has potential to be interesting

        1. I’d love another Viewtiful Joe (sadly, I missed out on VJ 2). But unless Nintendo buys Capcom & asks Platinum to make it, or Platinum buys the VJ IP, I’m not so sure it would be as good or better.

      39. I’d love a new Custom Robo game, personally.

        I thought the two we got in North America were pretty snazzy. The GCN game in particular I think is one of the hidden gems on the console.

      40. How about a new Jet Set Radio? Nintendo practically owns SEGA, and the pad will be put to good use both as a map and an interface to spray or, better yet, to make your own graffiti. There can also be a classic mode, using the joysticks to make the graffiti, for all of the old heads who grew up playing on the Dreamcast/Xbox

      41. A semi realistic Zelda, like Twilight Princess or Ocarina of Time in HD. Less cartoony, but still colourful mixed with dark segments. All I need to buy a console :)

      42. Tallon Ridley XIII: Kalas

        Eternal Darkness 2 & Pokemon Snap U. That’s all I ask for. We’re already getting a Zelda game, maybe two if they are working on Majora’s Mask 3D, Metroid for Wii U & for 3DS, & a Star Fox for Wii U.

      43. This probably won’t be read at Kotaku’s staff, but I am a game designer in the making and I have a really great idea for a Wii U game, story and all, that Nintendo could make for the Wii U. The stylus controls would be great for the game; a rhythm based rail shooter in the land of music. If Shigeru does read this, I’m all for innovation. Nintendo did it with the Wonderful 101. I think this game could go somewhere if it were given a chance.

      44. Nintendo should get the rights to the Mega Man IP and make a new Mega Man game, seeing as he’s in SSBWiiU/3DS and looking much better on that then anything Capcom had a hand in making lately.

      45. ALl I ask is for a new type of Pokemon Stadium. Also POkemon Snap U. The Wii U can be used to adjust the camera and new pictures can be taken of all the pokemon. It was one of the most famous N64 Games, and it would be wonderful to see it return as a virtual console game of a sequel. Thank you.

      46. 1. Mayoras Mask
        2. Minish Cap
        3. Spirit Tracks
        4. Phantom Hourglass
        5. Twilight Princess
        6. Ocarinas Time
        7. Skyward Sword
        8. Four Swords

      47. Here’s a few on my wish-list…
        -F-Zero WiiU
        -Sin & Punishment WiiU
        -Fire Emblem 1-6 collection (seems far fetched I know)
        -F-Zero X HD remake
        -Sin & Punishment (N64) HD remake
        -A bunch of NGC games for VC
        -Star Fox WiiU (oh wait…that’s happening!)

      48. Ever since the Super NES, I’ve dreamed of having a game where you could put your own faces onto the characters in the game (via taking a photo). And maybe even record your own audio samples that plays back at various points in the game. I especially used to wish for these possibilities in wrestling games. I was very into creating my own wrestlers (sometimes I enjoyed creating more than playing the regular game). And I always wanted to put real faces onto my created wrestlers. This would also be cool in RPG’s. With all of the characters that appear in RPG’s, imagine putting your own face on all of those characters. It would be non-stop laughter and entertainment. I can’t believe how many years I’ve been wanting this and still haven’t gotten my wish. I thought the Mii’s was going to be the answer, but I was sorely let down.

      49. In addition to a Mario Maker, possibly also a (2D) Zelda Maker.

        Also, a game that allows you to run table-top RPGs using the TV and Wii U gamepad for character sheets, rolls, etc. It would work both offline and online and you could also make dungeon maps and scenarios.

      50. Phantasy star online episode I & II remake, Paper Mario, Harvest Moon 64 remake, Pokemon Snap and countless more.

      51. +Partner w/ SEGA & make a sequel to Skies of Arcadia, as well as a new NiGHTS, Virtua Fighter (or port would be fine), & House of the Dead.

        +Partner w/ ATLUS (I guess that also means SEGA) & make a new Tactics Ogre/Ogre Battle game.

        +Make Ubisoft develop Red Steel 3 & a new Prince of Persia.

        +Internally dev a new game in the same vein as Fear Effect.

        +Partner w/ Square-Enix & take Tomb Raider back to its Adventure roots (isolation, puzzles, &, uh, raiding tombs).

        +Buy CAPCOM, expanding your catalog exponentially, & go nuts.

          1. My 1st turn-based SRPG was Ogre Battle 64 (& my last N64 game, simply because N64’s days were numbered). I look back upon it so fondly. If it & my N64 weren’t in storage… On that note, StarCraft 64 was my 1st SRPG, but I didn’t like its real-time element.

            Anyway, Tactics Ogre: The Knight of Lodis for GBA was awesome, too, & of course made by ATLUS. None of the SRPGs I’ve played since came close to Ogre Battle/Tactics Ogre: not Luminous Arc (also ATLUS), or Hoshigami Remix, or FF Tactics: A2 (left a bad taste in my mouth), or Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume. None come close except the Fire Emblem franchise (my favorite SRPG), though it has no elevated terrain, so unsure if it should count compared to those I’ve mentioned. Whatever happened to the blocky, elevated terrain in SRPGs? It might have looked unnatural, but it sure added variations in strategy.

            Damn…all this talk of SRPGs…I really need to get into my back catalog & play Devil Survivor Overclocked & DS 2 (I bought both when they were released & haven’t started), ASH, Shining Force: Sword of Hajya, & Project X Zone…they’ve all just…been waiting for me to finish this or that. & now I want to buy Conception II… Ugh, I’ve yet to finish Soul Hackers (almost), or even start Shin Megami Tensei IV, Tales of the Abyss, Hel, Luigi’s Mansion 2. Never mind all the games on my Wii U. Damn you, real life!!!

      52. Metroid, a 3D one like Prime or even a 2D one, like Super Metroid or Metroid Fusion.
        Also Kid Icarus on WiiU.

          1. Did they? I remember them discussing Metroid, but I don’t remember them actually saying they had games that were in development. If you’re right, then it’s time to board to hype train!!

      53. 1.) Super Mario 128 2.) Mario Galaxy 3 3.) Mario Sunshine 2 4.) New Mario 3D Platform 5.) New Donkey Kong 3D Platform

      54. F Zero, Wave Race, 1080 Snowboarding, Excite Bike (Wii virtual console doesn’t count) haven’t been seen since the N64/GameCube, come on Nintendo make it happen!

      55. Fire Emblem, Advance/Famicom/Battalion Wars, the Gamepad could be used to plot/direct your units and then watch the battles play out in real time on the tv.

      56. Who decided that the Wii U GamePad was such a great idea to begin with? Now we have to keep watching Nintendo forcing it all they can to come up with something of use for it.

      57. an old JRPG or a strategy game. Since Nintendo are the publisher for monolith soft. a RPG type like Seiken Densetsu 2 or the last story or Final fantasy tactics (like the PS1) a RPJ which can support 1 gamepad and 3 wii remotes. Final Fantasy lost its way after FF9 so better specify which one :-). Wii U has to become the platform number 1 for RPG.

      58. I’m gonna go out on a limb for the most part:

        1 – all 3DS / DS titles ported to VC
        2 – Star Control 2-like game (multi-player online space melee specifically; quick 10 minute online games; retro top-down 2D with planet and gravity; full game exploring planets – boring, but the actual melee is still my favorite; sorry it’s kind of old, but game available as open-source..)
        3 – Starcraft (3 tv stations dedicated to this in Korea – it’s a sport; RTS meet touchpad)
        4 – Minecraft (I envision playable Donkey Kong within the Minecraft world..)
        5 – Star Wars lightsaber combat w/ online (work that Disney relationship, Wiimote = lightsaber = “Hai!”)
        6 – Star Wars space combat sims – update some retro Tie Fighter / X-Wing for HD
        7 – Giant robot combat a-la-MK8 (Toad piloting a battle mech, gundam, tranzor z)
        8 – Pizza Delivery game w/ Mario & Luigi opening a pizza biz vs. Waluigi-os and Papa Bowser’s Pizza. Mario is Italian and add some delivery racing.
        9 – Mario Kart needs a crash-up derby / off-road / stunts / monster trucks modes.
        10 – Ikari Warriors U? I really enjoyed playing that. Just a thought..
        11 – Not really a game. Full Chrome / Firefox browsers.
        12 – Not really a game either. Seamless Wii / Wii U integration. No separate “Wii emulator mode”.
        13 – Super Mario Bros. (NES) baked right into the OS. Turn on a new Wii U – boom! Super Mario ready to play. Maybe even to control the Wii U navigation! Hey – a game-like navigation system. BTW, thanks for making the Wii U nav screen fast now!
        14 – How about some Japanese anime crossovers – Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, Dragon Ball..still popular I think
        15 – 3DS AR Smash Bros! / Mario Kart / Fire Emblem / Tank combat. What happened to AR?? Dare I say it? AR Zelda.

      59. Pingback: Results Are In For Miyamoto’s Question Regarding ‘Which Game Would You Like Nintendo To Make For Wii U?’ | My Nintendo News

      60. Pingback: Results are in for miyamoto’s question regarding ‘which game would you like nintendo to make

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