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UK Head Teachers Will Report Children Playing 18+ Video Games

A recent report by the BBC says that head teachers in Cheshire in the United Kingdom will report parents to the authorities if they find out that their children have been playing 18+ games like Grand Theft Auto V and Call of Duty. Schools have sent out letters warning parents of the risk of them allowing their children to play unsuitable video games.

“We are trying to help parents to keep their children as safe as possible in this digital era.

“It is so easy for children to end up in the wrong place and parents find it helpful to have some very clear guidelines.”

98 thoughts on “UK Head Teachers Will Report Children Playing 18+ Video Games”

        1. I asked my dad to buy me Art Academy, bought it and AC3 (it was on sale). In October, I asked him to get Bayo 2 for me, and got Bayo 1 with the money I had left over in my account.
          Before you rage, i’m 16. From what I know, AC3 is only an 18 because of a few choice words, and Bayo 1 is only an 18 because PEGI and ESRB wanted a field day. It should have been a 16, and they (as well as Pgames)agreed on that afterwards.

          1. “AC3 is only an 18 because of a few choice words” Nah, there’s also blood, sexual themes, strong language, use of alcohol, violence… And Bayonetta? There’s no way that could ever be 16 with that much blood and sexual themes.

    1. I think the implications of this are much bigger. I agree that, generally speaking, kids shouldn’t play mature games, but geez, let the parents parent their children, not the school system. The state exists to serve the people, not the people to serve the state–at least that’s the theory.

      A more effective strategy would be for teachers to report TO parents, not to report the parents to the authorities.

      1. Then the parents will of course shake their heads, say they understand, and turn around and let the cycle continue. In this world, one of the reasons why there are so many cases of child abuse unchecked is because many parents are never held accountable for their actions, because everyone believes a parent’s domain should not be infringed upon by any outsiders.

        1. That doesn’t mean we should have a “big brother” society affecting everyone just because of the minority uneducated parents who abuse their children.

          Though I fail to see how allowing kids that play mature games has anything to do with child abuse.

      2. “kids shouldn’t buy mature games” pokemon,portal 2 (it’s rated e10+),majora’s mask,super paper Mario, and fnaf(not rated anything)

    2. Well kids playing games that aren’t for their age is the reason the media does these sensationalist stories blaming all video games for someone shooting someone. They’ll have no argument if kids play games for their own age.

  1. There’s two sides to this to be honest…

    I understand that the teachers want to help, but to be fair, it’s none of their business. Not in a bad way of course, it’s just that they aren’t the kids parents. It’s up to the parents for their kids to decide if they play GTA, Call Of Duty etc… Some parents do and do not care what their kids play and the teachers/school should respect the parents’ choice.

    1. Yes truly indeed, I go with your opinion, because the teachers are not the parents of the kids, so the REAL parents should be careful. And plus, if they do this, it will just teach more kids to keep on hiding, because if you tell them that they are banned from this , they will play it even more, so that is my side of your opinion Nintendo gaming impacts

  2. So teachers will tell parents about the dangerous video games that the children play at their homes, their PARENT’S homes and for them, the parents, to not buy the games they probably bought for their children themselves…

    The logic is not strong in these people…

  3. At least someone is doing something about it, since most parents are either to busy or too lazy to care.

        1. Nintendo Tetrarch Quadramus-NX

          >>>No one, the human world is lost for all eternity, only logical step now is extinction>>>

  4. Wow. That’s absolutely unacceptable. While I do think parents should respect age certificates on media products, it’s ultimately their choice if their kids should be allowed to experience these things or not. It’s not like alcohol and cigarettes and stuff – I’d take my kid out of any school that thought that this was an acceptable practice.

  5. Wow… they managed to beat Sweden in ridiculous practices. No mention of reporting parents who let their kids watch 18+ shows, movies or music. Maaaybe it’s good to force parents to see some of the content their children are consuming is inappropriate? But targeting only games is stupid.

    Better watch out UK, if you let your kids play GTA or CoD they might wanna level up with some grill years later.

  6. My little brother plays +18 games, but of course hr does it while been suppervised so…yeah, am I a good big brother?

    1. The whole 18+ thing is more of a supervision thing… If you think someone younger than 18 is mature enough to understand the themes in certain games without being scarred for life, then yes, it’s fine. There’s really nothing wrong with portrayed violence, and the media has blown up about games “causing violence” because they want more people to watch their stuff, including people who don’t agree with them. (Time and time again, mental disorders are usually to blame with games, which leads me back to the whole 18+ being more of a SUPERVISION than a set in stone thing. People with mental disorders shouldn’t be allowed to play games with certain themes, as they are a bit more unstable than the average person.)

  7. Nintendo is My Blood Reborn

    I am not condoning that parents allow children to play unsuitable material but frankly it is neither my nor the teachers concern, violence is everywhere in and out the virtual world and simply preventing kids from playing violent video games will not simply solve problems like school shootings.

    It is the duty of the parents to handle their children in way they see fit for their benefit, if they believe that there child will stab another student because he saw it in GTA V, it says more about how the parents SEE their own child as being unable to know right from wrong, it is THEIR fault, not the video games.

    This is such a problem with humanity, people always want to find a scapegoat to excuse any and all actions.

      1. Nintendo Tetrarch Quadramus-NX

        >>>The Xbots need to be annihilated a long with Electrons for that to stay true forever>>>

      1. Nintendo Tetrarch Quadramus-NX

        >>>Unfortunately, most parents are the original idiots and lacks any intelligence so they cannot be better role-models when they are just as judgmental, lacks any morality and forces things into others by force>>>

  8. What’s so bad about GTA? The shit that happens in that game happens in real life all of the time. Why are they making a big deal out of it?


      (im joking)

    2. There is a different between knowing that things that happen in a video game happen in real life, and being the person who makes those things that happen in real life happen in video games. However, a video game is still just a regular distraction from real life, that I also acknowledge and agree with.

    1. Well the person who runs this site is from the UK, plus it’s Sunday. But yeah I do agree with the Elementary school part.

    1. Nintendo Tetrarch Quadramus-NX

      >>>They should blame the parents and this stupid world, not entertainment, regardless of how pathetically disgusting it is>>>

  9. It is illegal to “supply” a game for “reward” to an individual who is under the stated age rating. It is not illegal for a parent or third party to purchase a game for a child who is under the stated age.

  10. I'm a Boss Ass Bitch

    In that’s none of their fucking business. Those teacher ratchet ass teachers have no right to tell what and what they cannot let their child play. I Would smack a bitch if they told the authoritie.

    1. Nintendo Tetrarch Quadramus-NX

      >>>That’s it? I expected a little but more from some little human thinking its a boss>>>

      1. I'm a Boss Ass Bitch

        I was playing for glory while typing that. And you have no fucking room talk. Getting fucking mad because Nintendo went mobile and changing your name in the most dramatic way possible is so fucking childish and down right pathetic. Commander my ass. No commander will ever surrender, only little broken down bitches surrender. You sir are a little broke down bitch who have lost all respect.

        1. Nintendo Tetrarch Quadramus-NX

          >>>Who said I surrendered? I just got upgraded to something even better, you peons assumed so much garbage while I was in a stasis cell it was hilarious>>>

          1. I'm a Boss Ass Bitch

            Is that it? I expected more from a Tetrarch QuadramusNx. Maybe you should downgrade. Back to the loser you where. At least in that state you were brutal. I don’t know what the fuck you are now.

            1. Nintendo Tetrarch Quadramus-NX

              >>>Human cattle always imitating higher lifeforms because you cannot do anything alone>>>

              1. I'm a Boss Ass Bitch

                What the fuck does that have to do with anything I said. You must know what I’m saying is fucking correct.

                  1. I'm a Boss Ass Bitch

                    Go eat an asss. Oops I’m sorry I forgot you can’t get any. How very terrible that must be for you. Such a shame

                    1. Nintendo Tetrarch Quadramus-NX

                      >>>Typical western, mainly American expression, that sex is the most important thing in the universe, how primitive you apes are>>>

                      1. I'm a Boss Ass Bitch

                        Your Intel is highly fucking inaccurate. Eating ass is insult, and those who do it is fucking disgusting. The more you know bitch!

                          1. I'm a Boss Ass Bitch

                            I’d rather be ADHD than have symptoms of a fucker who thinks he’s a mixture of Nintendo, samus and some other shit.

                                        1. Nintendo Tetrarch Quadramus-NX

                                          >>>Of course you couldn’t, that’s what you apes are, a sad pathetic joke>>>

                        1. It’s not against the law though? It’s only against the law for the underage to buy them not for them to play them




                        3. NOT GUILTY IN SEPT 2005 FOR NON EXISTENT ABUSE

                          apparantly the uk goverment owned my child I PROVED OTHERWISE

                          sadly the damage was done my son after the sick social services got there demonic claws into him became a weak drunken fool with chavvy tatoos and no job


                        4. Wait, it’s illegal in the UK for kids to play 18+ games, even with parental permission?? I didn’t think the government mandated that sort of thing. I guess mom and dad aren’t mom and dad any more, the government can handle raising us.

                        5. If the government controls the youth, they control the future. Little things like this may seem like they don’t matter, but it can only get worse from here.

                          Big Brother isn’t your Dad.

                        6. This is exactly what the game companies want. More attention for their products. The government is getting played by them. If you know what I’m referencing :)

                        7. This is really pointless in my opinion. Basically, the only thing this rule does is stop children and teens from talking about their gaming habits. School serves to teach society. I don’t believe school should be able to limit what you can do in your free time since that is determined by each individual. It won’t stop people from playing M rated games and this rule is ludicrous. Furthermore, I find it ironic that they only target video games as the root of problems instead of other sources of violent media and even literature. So you could watch R rated movies, but not play M rated games? Finally, I do believe children shouldn’t play M rated games, but it should be ok for young adults. This is just my personal opinion.

                        8. I just want to make sure this is clear… In the UK it is not in any way illegal for the underage to play 18 rated games…

                        9. The UK should spend better time solving child murders, particularly the kind that look like they jumped off a cliff (except they really didn’t) with blood from their fingers after hugging a trusted man and almost being coaxed into intimacy with him after skateboarding down a street after fighting with a former friend in a town where everybody knows each other.

                        10. I think this is good for middle school and elementary school kids, but not high school since most high school students understand what they’re playing and can differentiate what is right and wrong. Most parents will buy a kid a game so that he/she will leave them alone and be entertained, but don’t even look at what they are buying their kids. While I don’t think parents should be reported to authorities, they do need to be more educated not only on video games, but social media, and the media in general so they can be more responsible for their kids. I’m sure (or at least hope) that if they knew half the things their children were playing/watching they wouldn’t allow it, or at least teach them what’s right and wrong, fantasy and reality.

                          1. How is this good for anyone? Reporting the authorities over video games? Seriously? It’s none of their business what people play.

                            1. Nintendo Tetrarch Quadramus-NX

                              >>>If they reported to them that these Xbots and Sonyans play GTA then maybe they would get the attention considering those games are all about being a criminal, but then again, most of the police forces around this overestimtated world are just as criminal>>>

                        11. HEY! TEACHERS! LEAVE THEM KIDS ALONE!

                          All in all, they’re just gonna end up watching some Scandinavian retard on YouTube make stupid faces (and no, for once I’m not referencing Commandweller) while playing the game, bereaving them of at least the added motor skill practice of doing it themselves.

                        12. Well I just have a few questions; what happens to the kid or parent that gets found out their kid is playing 18+ games? To what extent and will this interfere with their school attendance? If so, why take such measures to this extent?

                        13. Wtf!?! Maybe teachers should just worry about their own kids and the kids in their classroom , this must be a public school. What you’re going to call protective services and try to break up families because some younger kids are playing more mature video games? Who here learned a hell of a lot worse at school than they learned in front of a television?

                        14. well done, at leats teachers start to have some balls. Fed up to see those kids at the exit of CEX buy GTA or COD and the kids does not look like more than 12 years old.

                          Most of the parents in UK are rubbish (to stay polite) they can’t even see their kids becoming obese, nevermind checking the approrpiate age group for a game. No wandering why video games had bad name and the all UK society is so f*** up. No cause of video games but lazy parenting….

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