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Mighty No. 9 Signature Edition Won’t Be Available On Wii U

More news for fans of the upcoming Mighty No. 9! Comcept and publisher Deep Silver have announced a Mighty No. 9: Signature Editionwhich includes a physical copy, new DLC, a foil signature and a posable Beck statue. Unfortunately for the Nintendo faithful, according to a tweet by Deep Silver, this special edition bundle will only be available for the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 version of the game.

Mighty No. 9 will release for Wii U on September 15 in North America; it will release for Nintendo 3DS sometime later. The Mighty No. 9: Signature Edition will cost $59.99, the regular retail edition will cost $29.99, and the digital edition will cost $19.99.

125 thoughts on “Mighty No. 9 Signature Edition Won’t Be Available On Wii U”

              1. Haha, hey that would kinda be awesome. If we’re talkin the same person : ), which im fairly sure we’re same page here atm.

  1. Why does this have to be a trend with 3rd parties? Oh well $19.99 sounds like a much better deal anyway

  2. Obviously they know that they won’t make back their money on producing the physical editions for the Wii U version.

    1. Actually wii u users I’m pretty sure tend to buy more physical than digital compared to sony or microsoft fans, I could be wrong but I think I read that was the case.

      1. Link to support? I don’t necessarily doubt that it could be true, but one reason to support that is because the install base for sony and microsoft are bigger and there are more games available, so naturally the digital sales would be greater. Regardless, Wii U has the lowest install base and as much as you guys may support them, the majority of people who own the console don’t really support third parties – the devs in this case simply took into account the risks and other factors.

        1. Don’t have it lol that’s why I’m not sure if it’s true or not, just what I remember reading. So don’t take it as absolute fact or anything cause as I said in my other post I could be wrong.

        2. Nintendo games tend to hold their value longer for some reason. Even the 3rd party games that are good. It’s not exactly something one can prove but if you ever try to buy Nintendo games on craigslist or ebay you could see. The fact that Wii U owners were the more supportive and outspoken about their excitement for this game should have been enough. This smells funny and this dude seems like a douche for doing this. Now, if I get it at all it will be because it’s part of some indie bundle or I find it in the bargain bin at Target or Gamestop. I won’t reward douchebaggery

          1. They don’t ‘hold their value longer’ per se, it’s that Nintendo has a retail price fixing set for titles on their systems. Pokemon Black for instance is still almost full price. Pikmin 3, almost 2 years ol, is still 60 dollars new.

    2. Fuck are you talking about? It isn’t like PS4 and Xbox One owners are gonna buy it either, in fact I guarantee you that the Wii U version of Mighty No. 9 will be the best selling version. You watch and see

      1. You guarantee it? What do I get if it’s not true? :p

        I think it will probably sell better on PC or PS4. Not sure if I can really count PS3 or Vita since it will be cross-buy for PS systems.

        1. Of course you think it will sell better on the PS4…………you’re a pony so it’s no surprise lol

          1. Really using that term, “pony”? Really? I mentioned more than one platform. Stop being asinine. I’m basing my hypothesis off of statistics; Not unfounded loyalties to inanimate conglomerates and corporations.

      2. If it were any other 3rd party, Nintendo fans would be crucifying them for this…like if it were Ubi? Why do these money-grubbers get different treatment do you think?

    3. Still doesn’t excuse them really, they will spend more money all copies of the game. Ducktales got a physical copy on all platform and it sold like shit. They might as well since they already doing

          1. I’m hearing talks of both handheld versions going that route as well. I hope not because I actually like the little cases and cartridges for the Vita.

        1. That is not exactly true, at first yes it was a stupid code in the case (they did the same shit for Terraria on PS3 and the last top down Tomb Raider), but then later on DuckTales DID get a disc release on Wii U, 360 and PS3. I know for a fact it did because I got it the day it came out.

    4. Most Nintendo fans are in fact BIG MegaMan fans, including me. So i am fairly sure it will do fine on Wii U.

    5. Game is already paid for through kick starter and then some. Inafune is just being a dick after he stole the concept of mega man. Yes he created it, but this game is a rip of the ip that is owe’d by the company he worked for. Looks like a $10 game from what I’ve seen too.

  3. I could care less but I find it funny how the signature collection edition will be available for the Xbox One and not the Wii U when Mighty No. 9 will obviously cater more towards Nintendo fans because we want games like this. Deep Silver obviously has something against Nintendo fans, especially with that comment they made awhile back about why they won’t support Nintendo platforms this generation

    1. money talks. Its sad that backers was saying something about the project and how Inafune went about it. When him and his team realize how much attention it got we as in the fans wants and dreams became a liability to the big picture that was put in inafune heads while they was drinking wines on they little dates. with the highest funders..

      1. Trainerblack i bet you be drinking wines playing you sega tring to hustle to get more electronics and Ambino fool.

        1. first i like to be high if i play games. 2 Wine don’t have enough of a kick. but i tell you what those. My foot in your ass, if you call me a ambino again.

          1. Trainerblack I been on here A few weeks i heard you was cool but i also heard you was a big sissy…..dont make me come kick yo weal Abmino figerine playing ass….If you worker at Kickstarter Trainerblack Smokeing your weed ….i would walk up and slap you and take yo game system ….you nintendo Ambino figerine collecting 3d gamer…i bet you secretly like Pokemon 2.

              1. Sorry Trainerblack i didnt know ppl who smoked weed could play games like pokemon rpg type games i thought they could only play raceing or shooting fighting type games…my bad

          2. Trainer black looks like a Cosby Show Mii Ambinio character…i bet his wii got scratches on it….he call himself a tranier i bet he cant do 20 pushups

          3. Im going to start a Kickstarter Campigain to get Trainerblack A real Apartment and move him,out of the homeless shelter….i know yo batterys getting low trainerblack on yo tracphone but we gone help you just be nice….if you act good we might buy you a New Nintendo…

            1. really.. how thoughtful but how about i keep my shity apartment and we use the idea of a kickstarter campigain for something else like.. idk… how about a campigain for joemama to get off my dick cuz she been on it since 93 ;-)

                1. i kno you cool by me. but if u play pokemon what be your 3 types to pick if you was in a battle you can ignore if you dont play.
                  mine blastoise typlosion and chest naught

                  1. The Wii U has the best controller of any game system they just need to bring all the wii vc games to the Wii u…..I bet u been hittin that wood all i right?

  4. Pingback: Mighty No. 9 Signature Edition Won’t Be Available On Wii U

  5. I dont see why somebody would want a foil signature anyways. Makes no sense to me.. I dont want any Mighty Number Nine collectables. Not until after I play the game. It’s actually pretty egotistical for the developers to think anybody would want the “collectors edition” before anybody has even played the game.. If the game sucks, then everything in the signature edition is kindling anyways..

    1. Ridley 4 Smash DLC!

      Unless the stuff included in the collector’s edition is something that you can actually use for other stuff. Like Hyrule Warriors with Link’s scarf & that Zelda themed chest.

    1. Yeah. People are taking this as an attack on Nintendo and its fans, forgetting that there are other systems the game is coming out on other than Xbox One, PS4, and Wii U. People who want the game for PC, Mac, Linux, Vita, 3DS, PS3, and Xbox 360 will not be able to purchase a signature edition for those systems either.

  6. I can’t find it available for purchase anywhere. I think it’s gone already. Well, Wii U owners shouldn’t feel too bad about this. Because it looks like everyone else won’t be able to get it either.*cries*

    1. I dont think it even went on sale, I checked yesterday as soon as it got announced and amazon already had the CE sold out. They couldnt have sold out in the matter of seconds, right?

      Anyways, just incase anyone wanted to know, Mighty No9 is going to be a 3-way cross-Buy on the PS platforms.

      1. It went on sale and sold out on Amazon and the square-enix store. As a kickstarter supporter who spent enough to get the beta I am pretty disappointed that this was not offered to us.

      2. Unbelievable. I’m tired of missing out on collector’s editions! I need to have one! >_< It already hurts bad enough that I couldn't get Witcher 3 or MGSV's collector's edition. :(

  7. Ok, why xbone? Nintendo fans have more love for style game then that audience( no offence to people who have one) but its stupid of them not to do it your going to make that money back on it either way, since collector editions sell well enough look wind waker, majora, hell even amiibos

    1. You call yourself Retrogameinglord but all you talk about is modren games I highly dobut you are skilled in the art of 8 and 16 bit.

  8. Doesn’t sound like people will be missing out on much just buying the regular edition on Wii U. And I’m thankful it’s only going to be $29.99 instead of the ridiculous $59.99 like Splatoon etc.

  9. The good edition aint comeing to Wi U because the Damn Wi U is a Practically dead console…I like the design of the Wi U but no damn games barley any damn Vc games to play on gamepad…if you dont like this kiss my duke ho.

  10. That’s why kick starter sucks, those moron developers enjoy stealing money from Nintendo enthusiasts, i hope yoka-layle won’t go this route, destroy Nintendo fans wishes.

    1. I dont care about the Kick starter Banjo Sequel the truth is i owned banjo on N64 it was ok mediocre..why are they makeing a bootleg sequel to it…who give a shyt…..The N64 was garbge even mario on it…..The only good nintendo systems wete Snes and Nes many ppl share my view…

    2. And you probably shouldn’t be the one complaining in the first place, unless you actually backed the $60 option of the project…

      1. He probally backed the 5 dollar option and is typing on his tracphone acting like hes a valid part if the Kickstarter commiunity

  11. Good thing I took back my $5 donation to this shit. Now that this officially insulted the Nintendo fans after (I bet) they supported this game the most, I’m not buying this shit. It’s like every fucking gaming body simply hates Nintendo so much to blindly screw the fans who did nothing.

      1. Modern Nintendo fans are an insult to Videogames….Nintendo used to be cool before 1995..Niw Nintendo is A Big Pussy JaPanese Cop Company……Unfair DL policy…Last gen specs…no third party support….no hd gamepad….banning online players for nothing….they even took Swapnote off 3ds…Remember this is the same company that took the blood outta mortal kombat on Snes…..Nintendo used to be cool a long time ago today Nintendo is a Pussy Company who cant compete with Sony and Micrisoft.

        1. Maybe nintendo will quit makeing consoles…i dont,know about the NX…Nintendo just cant compete with Sony and Microsoft ppl dont want to buy outdated consoles with,last gen specs and a clever gimmick…nintendo should just make games going mobile is a bad move.

    1. It’s just a limited edition version. Not a big deal. And PC didn’t get it either so it isn’t just Nintendo fans.

        1. Even if it was on the Wii U, you wouldn’t be able to get it. I already quit looking for it because it isn’t available anywhere. These “signature” editions are extremely limited.

            1. Quit being a damn cry baby because u didnt get get soecial edition bootleg mega man game….use a damn cry baby…The Wii U Aint selling good as ps4 and xbox a steryotype of a crybaby nintendo fanboy.

    2. You took back your 5 dollar donation..white trash like you hurt kickstarter…you needed 5 measly dollars so bad u had to take it back….you must live in poverty and be white trash if u have to steal 5 dollars you swore to give to kickstarter…i guess you take your wi u to the pawnshop punk

    3. I sincerely hope this doesn’t happen with Bloodstained: Ritual Of The Night but I got a feeling it’s going to since the Wii U port was a stretch goal to begin with

    4. At least YOU aren’t wishy washy! XD I was just wondering why Nintendo fans were acting ok with this. (I don’t care, I’m totally over this cash-grab) Gunvolt gave me my Megaman fix.

    5. You took back 5 dollars take you poor ass home this posting is for ppl who pledged like 40 or 60 take your kidd money somewhere else u probally got a tracphone posting on here

  12. Pingback: ‘Mighty Nº 9 Signature Edition’ no saldrá en Wii U - TodoJuegos

  13. Well. Not a big deal to me since I planned to pick one up for PS4. PS4 needs a chance or it will become a dust collector in my room.

  14. Who the hell want a boot leg mega man just play a damn old mega man game on old console or emulator.

      1. No… it’s an original drawing by me.
        Ta fuck?
        Either people say he looks like cloud or ken.
        He’s neither.

  15. Gotta love the trend going on here…
    > Develops a game through Kickstarter
    > Says they are doing it for the fans
    > Gets bought by a external Publish just to get more money

    Seriously, what the fuck?!

  16. Funny, maybe in a few generations “console wise” most consoles will have something similar to the gamepad.

  17. It isn’t the only platform that will not get the signature edition . So I don’t see what the big deal is.

    It sucks if you don’t have another platform that will get this, if you honestly want it that badly, but again that comes with the territory. If you only have one platform you game on, you chance missing out on a lot in general.

    1. I only have Nintendo platforms, so you’re right. I miss out on all kinds of shit. XD

      I don’t really have time for multiplats tho, so it’s cool.

  18. How dare they?! I’m boycotting this game!……..Jk I don’t really care. If the signature edition was coming to the Wii U I probably wouldn’t have bought it anyways. So, Im just going to stick to the normal ver. :P

  19. Was the Signature edition only available from certain retailers? I haven’t even seen it listed anywhere, atleast on websites for retail stores. I will probably end up getting both the signature edition and the Wii U version.

  20. I am confuse, does it means they won’t release a physical copy of the game for Wii U? I thought mighty #9 was a kickstart project for Wii U and get more funding for PS4 and xbox1 after. If I am right it’s a kick in the teeth if you ask.

    Speaking about games which are on Wii u and others platform in UK one piece unlimited world is £53 whereas on PS4 is £25. I don’t know who fix the price but no wonder why people buy the cheaper version when the same person got both systems.

    1. No, not really.

      It started as a PC game, then it got Linux and Mac versions, and then had a PS3/360/Wii U stretch goal, following a PS4/XB1 stretch goal and then another stretch goal for handhelds…. So no, this wasn’t for the Wii U initially. You can check their kickstarter page for proof.

      Bottom line is: People here who complain about this are believing a conspiracy that Nintendo is being ostracized, when Nintendo isn’t the only one not getting it. I would think PC backers would be the most annoyed with this news as this game started out on their platform.

      Those who have intentions of buying it won’t be detoured by this news though, at least I think.

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