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Samus Will Make An Appearance In Metroid Prime: Federation Force, Producer Tanabe Reveals

Samus will make an appearance in Metroid Prime: Federation Force – according to the 3DS game’s producer Kensuke Tanabe. Developed by Next Level Games, the multiplayer shooter was announced yesterday during Nintendo’s E3 Digital Event – though it wasn’t the Metroid title many fans had been expecting. In a recent interview with Kotaku, Metroid Prime’s producer and designer Tanabe has explained much more about the upcoming 3DS spin-off title, mentioning that the franchise’s heroine Samus Aran will appear “somewhere in the game”.

Throughout the game, 3DS users will play as a Galactic Federation soldier working through missions and fighting against a slew of space pirates in multiplayer mode. However, Tanabe confirmed you can play the title in single-player mode, though it would be “more fun” playing with four others at your side. Later, the producer clarified there would be no four-on-four player matches, rather just four players against space pirate enemies.

First off, we have three major planets. There will be, roughly, 10 different missions on each planet. It will be a way for you to go between those three planets on and off going through an adventure. I think it is closer to Hunters. There are obviously areas for you to look around and explore as well. Hunters focused more on the shooting portion. In this game you’ll be able to have other types of things you can experience throughout the gameplay.

Tanabe mentioned there would be no visor scanning elements to Metroid Prime: Federation Force either, but there is a Metroid specific mission planted within the game to appease fans’ hunger. For those Metroid fans who own a New Nintendo 3DS, you’ll be able to use the second stick for additional and smoother camera movement, though Federation Force can still be played on a regular 3DS. The interview also revealed a number of other tidbits, including the ability to arm your character with super missiles and outfit them in mech suits. Currently Blast Ball – a sports-based minigame where players use guns to target each other and shoot a ball into their opponents’ goal – is the only part of the game playable at E3.

Personally, I don’t feel like I am creating anything that is a side-story. Until now, we’ve never had a game focusing on the Federation Force fighting against the space pirates. So the main idea here is that I sort of wanted to change that focus a little bit and see it from a different view from the same universe.

So as I briefly mentioned earlier, once you play the game you’ll be able to feel that Metroid Prime universe. So it’s kind of… at this point it’s a little difficult I’m sure for both sides to get that idea …for players who haven’t touched the game, it’s really difficult to imagine that feeling you get when you touch the game. So it’s a kind of an unfortunate situation at this time, but it’s something I definitely look forward to having the users touch it and play and experience the awesomeness of it.

Thanks, Takamaru64

141 thoughts on “Samus Will Make An Appearance In Metroid Prime: Federation Force, Producer Tanabe Reveals”

    1. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, this game is gritty now but my body is ready of the final product, gimme dat co-op without voice chat

    1. Riiiight, because Samus as the main character vs. Samus making a cameo are TOTALLY the same thing -_-

      1. I think its good that they’re expanding the universe a bit, at least we have a metroid game, its not like they killed samus off or anything.

    2. Lmao…oh, that is absolutely nowhere near why I hate this game. Maybe because a very, very, very old game called and refered to above as Metroid Hunters actually looked like a Metroid game. Played like a pre-Prime game.

      This Mario-Party shit looks like it’s made of 3rd grade duplo blocks, and is a casual cash-grab trying to hid under the mask of a great IP.

      Samus never had anything to do with it. In Fact, I want them to leave Samus as far removed from this shit as possible. This isn’t good news, this is insult to injury.

      1. They Should have just remade MP:Hunters with more to it. That game was fokkin boss.

        So much fun was had in that game.

        1. Yep. Absolutely. Would it have been the Metroid we wanted? No. Would it have at least been respectable? Yes.

          1. Yah man, im not saying dont give the lady her due moment in the golden sun, just damn dont crush tha fans with junky preschool looking autobot toys.

      2. “This Mario-Party shit looks like it’s made of 3rd grade duplo blocks, and is a casual cash-grab trying to hid under the mask of a great IP.”

        This is why Japan gets the nicer things in life.
        Wait until the game comes out Then judge. Kthxbai.

  1. Don’t try to appease Metroid fans. They’re unpleasable. Just make a good game and let them fuck off to Xbox if they don’t like it. Metroid Prime is the one thing bro-gamers like about Nintendo and I’d be happy to see it snuffed out for good.

    1. Um yeah. You’re behind the times man. They haven’t been trying to please Nintendo fans for years now. They just do what they want and we’re expected to swallow.

      Don’t bother giving them advice on something they’re already doing well.

      1. You’re purely a fucking moron for calling out Prime trilogy like that. Play the goddamn games to understand why we love it and no it’s not because it’s some fucking Halo knockoff (which is not since Metroid came first and did better)

      1. It was from a cutscene where she was barfing after defeating the Mogentar at the first Leviathan cocoon. Hell, I didn’t remember why she needed to do so unless it’s because of motion sickness.

        1. it was her body physically rejecting the phazon she was absorbing… I’m REAALLY into metroid so I know these things. sorry.

          1. Thank you for reminding me, figured it had something to do with the Phazon struggling within her body. Been so long since I’ve remembered that scene and the barfing was the funniest thing ever to happen in Metroid. XD

            1. Nintendo Tetrarch Quadramus-NX

              >>>I was hoping that she would be corrupted by that time, but that dreaded hunter still got strenght>>>

    1. hahaha that’s from MP2 or MP3? I’ve just played Mp1/2, but i don’t remember that.. hahahha poor soul :(

      1. Metroid Prime: Federation Force

        I thank you for your support during my hard times. I’m being bullied by my older brother’s friends.

        1. Maybe if you didn’t pose as your older brother, you wouldn’t be getting slapped with Identity theft.

          Think before you to buy booze with his driver’s license next time.

          1. You do know Federation Force is based off the Federation Marines from Prime 2: Echo…. if you were a real Metroid fan you’d know that

            1. And you do know Metroid Prime doesn’t look this shitty nor become a polar opposite of itself. Metroid Prime mainly explains the Phazon storyline, this POS doesn’t have nor mention anything relating to that and shoving Samus into this POS carbon pretender of a superior game that is Metroid Prime Trilogy (plus Hunters). We wanted a real Metroid game, not this Nintendoland inspired garbage.

            2. I actually cant wait to play as the marines, they’re some of my favorite characters in the Prime series!

              1. Nintendo Tetrarch Quadramus-NX

                >>>Get rid off the childish style and we might have something, until then, this is an abomination>>>

            3. I absolutely know that. That’s why I’m so offended. I ‘Think’ we are WiiU friends, so I’ll go easy on you, but I’ve played every Metroid game, and them trying to pretend this remotely fits in the ‘Prime’ series is a joke.

    1. Worse, she is THE ball in Blast Ball…

      If that happens, I don’t think I’d be able to hold in all the rage I’d feel.

  2. True final boss: Samus Aran in her full glory.
    Federation soldiers: We surrender. The exit is this way miss Aran.

  3. I think I would be completely okay with this game… If ONLY THE CHARACTERS DIDN’T LOOK LIKE BIONICLE LEGOS FROM HALO or at least looked proportionally correct to actual Metroid characters…

  4. can’t also wait for another game without choso for who remembers that most important piece of lore. actually now that I think of it that is a spin-off that I would like to see a game were you are the choso. but nope chibe federation

    1. Thank you. People are so caught up in the fact it doesn’t immediately look identical to Metroid, that they don’t realize it actually looks like a decent game.

      1. It’s a NOT decent garbage that shouldn’t be called Metroid or Metroid Prime which isn’t neither of them. Change it to “Federation Force” and change that embarrassing graphics and style and then maybe it’ll be a decent game. But right now, it’s a poster child of Nintendo’s continuing ignorance and stupidity of not getting their shit together right for the sake of their remaining hardcore fans who have wasted 6 years waiting…for this fucking sadist Prime-wannabe mobile looking game?!

    1. No. Not even for that sad ass damage controlling stunt by adding Samus. It’s not working. We want Metroid 5 or Metroid Prime 4 or a successor series of Prime, not this fucking mobile game imposing garbage.

  5. “I sort of wanted to change that focus a little bit and see it from a different view from the same universe.”

    -> Exactly what everyone does NOT want.

  6. This is why no game should be demoed or viewed til very near release. People do this to all publishers. They try to show you what they are planning to release for you to play and give you the idea was some of its gameplay. The game is not finished but they want you to see it. People complain whether rightfully so or not who knows. Then people complain when they show a CGI trailer. I atleast now know or should have known why they release CGI trailers. Some gamers are very quick to judge and will not wait for the final reveal of the game to make the proper judgement. This game will be shown multiple times in Directs leading up to its release and will change some or maybe drastically. Complain and show your displeasure. Publisher do see it and do take notes. If you complain to them, please tell them what you do not like and just don’t say you ruin Metroid. Tell them why they ruined Metroid.

    1. Nintendo had one job. They knew what it was, they knew what we expected.

      3 worlds with 10 levels? Sounds like a streetpass game, LOOKS like a street pass game that they tried to pass as a Metroid PRIME game. Lmao.

  7. I’m pretty sure he said yesterday that Samus would NOT be in the game. Now after all the negative feedback she’s suddenly in it? Sigh….

    1. This is a very, fucking basic game. I’m not surprised. They can slug in a lame-ass Mii version of Samus in a short, no prob.

  8. Federation Force is a nice guy… well, at least he’s not a misanthropic basement-dwelling little cunting waste of space. Lay off him or you shall be purged!

    1. People need to stop advertising this shit. It may not be the Metroid game people want but why the fuck should they cancel it so early on. You didn’t see people pissing and moaning during the mid 2000s when Capcom focused on making Mega Man Battle Network games instead of traditional platformers. The games were good in their own right and you weren’t seeing people crying to cancel them!

      This kind of shit just further proves that Nintendo has one of the most rotten spoiled fanbases in gaming. Just look around the internet and see how bad we’re being perceived as right now. The outcry was for good measure when Capcom cancelled 3 Mega Man games or when Konami cancelled Silent Hills, it put those franchises in dire straits. The Metroid franchised isn’t in limbo right now because of THIS game and because Tanabe is interested in another Metroid Prime game.

      Seriously guys, grow the fuck up!

      1. Another fucking moron who has never played a Metroid game to realize why people are pissed. They waited 6 goddamn years for a GOOD Metroid game after Other M fucked it up and this is what those fuckers are giving us? If you played any of the 3 real Metroid Prime games, you’ll instantly grasp why this shit is immediately hated and wanted to be rebranded/renamed or canceled.

        1. Lol nice ad hominem there guy, what a productive way to try and get your point across. How would you know if I haven’t played Metroid game before? I’ve played and finished every one of them except Hunters and Super Metroid is my favorite game of all time. I know what a proper Metroid game is!

          You and the rest of the people signing that petition need to put your angry aside and look at the situation with a clear head . All this game is- is a test. Nintendo does this all the time. They release a smaller game (or part of a game) to gauge interest before dumping more money into that idea. Look at how Super Mario 3D Land influenced Super Mario 3D World, or Super Mario 3D World’s Toad Levels influenced Captain Toad. They’ve also done this with Zelda Four Swords on GBA influencing Four Swords Adventures and even with Metroid- Hunters’ multiplayer progressing into Prime 2’s. Pokemon Rumble U was basically an experiment for amiibo as well. This new game is a focus test for the next Metroid’s multiplayer or maybe co-op single player.

          I’m not against them experimenting with Metroid either. This series is easily the most innovative Nintendo has and the best games are the ones that innovate the most (Metroid 1, Super Metroid, Metroid Prime 1). Sure sometimes it doesn’t work but it’s better than getting annual releases of New Super Metroid 1, 2, 3, and 4! I’d rather love most of the games and hate a few of them than be lukewarm about the series like I currently am with Mario and Pokemon.

          As far as canceling it, what good will that do? It’s not going to get us a proper Metroid game any sooner and to be honest, it doesn’t look as damaging to the series as Other M. Sure it doesn’t have Samus or it isn’t as atmospheric, but it’s just a simple side story to tied us over while they’re planning the new one.

          My guess is that Nintendo of Japan got caught with their pants down last E3 with the whole Tropical Freeze thing and weren’t aware of the demand for a new Metroid game (similar to how they somehow didn’t know we wanted Earthbound on VC). Now their scrambling to give us a new one but it’s not far enough along in development to show and again, they gave us something to tied us over until then while testing out some new ideas. Square-Enix also does this kind of shit with Kingdom Hearts and it’s spinoffs (some of which don’t include Sora) except that Nintendo can actually get the games out the damn door!

          I’m not trying to defend Nintendo, they definitely fucked up with not anticipating that people want new Metroid games. I very much was disappointed with the announcement of Federation Force, but after thinking about it and watching Nintendo’s Treehouse demo it- I have a little sparkle of hope for the game. We have voiced our opinion and Nintendo has heard it, do we really need to continue to beat the dead horse?

          Anyways thanks for reading this if you got this far. I’ve just been thinking a lot about this the last 24 hours.

          1. Lol nevermind. I was referring to making multiple accounts to sign it but I didn’t realize wasn’t non-profit. That would be

            Btw what did you think of the post I typed above? It took me over a half hour to write that lol

              1. The long one above where I replied to your reply. I said a couple things about how this game is most likely a focus test, how this series relates to other ones (particularly Kingdom Hearts, Fed Force is 358/2 basically), and predictions. Poke some holes in my theories if you want.

                Btw when I meant innovation, I didn’t mean making the single player a squad based shooter. I want a mature survival horror Metroid along the lines of Alien Isolation with added platforming. That’s my dream game! The best part of any Metroid game is when it gets creepy.

  9. Ok, so this went from 0.5/10 to 1/10, Tanabe, if you want this to be a respectable spin-off title, then you should’ve given it the traditional Metroid artstyle to have a serious tone, fuck this.

  10. @Dj: Who’s talking about Metroid being in limbo? how about the fact that the last game we got was Other M (a big disappointment by consensus) and now here we are today with another “interpretation” of the franchise.

    Obviously the longtime fans are disappointed. and rightly so. what Nintendo has done with this franchise post – prime is a fucking travesty and utterly painful to watch.

    Sad days indeed Nintendo.

  11. Where was the hate when METROID PINBALL came out? Huh? No, you’re right. THERE WAS NONE. People just grew up and ignored it if they didn’t want it.

    1. Difference between those two games is that Pinball actually respected the lore by involving it. This game has no relations to Prime or Metroid at all. It’s a fucking travesty for a Pre-DS-graphic Nintendoland garbage to insult the fans and Metroid/Prime once again like Other M did.

    2. What Stranga said. Also, unlike this turd, least Metroid Pinball was released during a time when there were better Metroid games to actually play. With the failure that is Other M, Nintendo should be trying to wow us with a true Metroid Prime game to rinse the bad taste Other M left out of people’s mouths. Instead, they take the failure of Other M a step further & show off this shit. It’s Resident Evil 6 all over again!

  12. Doesn’t matter. It’s shit and not exactly what we wanted. Now they seriously don’t fucking care about what the fans want anymore. Well fuck you too Nintendo. I’ll just move on to PS4 and see how you fucking like it when Sony gives me what I want. Fucking ignorant ass, anti-online voice chatting, party gaming cunts.

  13. Jesus fark people are stupid incarnate when it comes to this. First off, does anyone not remember Metroid Prime Pinball? This is far more in line with the series then that spin-off was. 2nd, are you guys seriously signing a petition to CANCEL a game!? What kind of bat shit logic is that!? Its not like this is something truly insulting like, oh I dont know, a fucking Nintendo game on an iphone perhaps? You people call yourselves Metroid fans and you want to show your support for the series…by getting a new one canceled!? Also, did you people not fucking think for a second that, maybe, if this Federation Force was never thought up, we would even be getting a new Metroid at all? Its not like they had Metroid Dread and Prime 4 ready to roll out and decided to cancel them for this. Keep in mind this isn’t being designed by Retro or one of the big teams in Nintendo, this is just a side project being made by people in one of their 2nd party companies that love the series and wanted to do their own spin on it as a spin-off game.

    Same goes for that Animal Crossing amiibo game on Wii U, yeah I would have preferred a real one, but people need to keep in mind that odds are they never even had one planned for Wii U to begin with. Yeah sure it would be nice if they did focus on more main series games, but its not like they are canceling them to push out these spin-offs. Do you people get your panties in a bunch every time a Pokemon Mystery Dungeon game or spin-off gets released cause its not a main series game?

    Personally I think its neat they are delving into the idea of playing as characters that are not Samus or another bounty hunter, especially more so if the characters are not super-powered up and you need to make better use of your abilities. Besides the lack of a versus mode, this really isn’t that different then Hunters on the DS. Yea maybe the graphics could look better, but I will reserve judgement on it when we see it shown off again when they have had more time to work on it. My only hopes as of right now is that the single player mode has some meat to it, if not in length, then with multiple difficulties or some kind of mission mode.

    1. Yet another fucking fool damage controlling this shit and comparing it to Pinball when Pinball actually re-explained the lore in a different and acceptable format/style.

      1. A spin-off game that takes stages from Prime and turns them into pinball tables is more acceptable to the “lore” of the series then a spin-off game that at least plays similar to Prime and stars characters besides Samus that help to better flesh out the Metroid universe?

        I think you need to look in a mirror to find the fucking fool.

  14. Here’s how Tanabe can fix it:
    I really don’t care for Samus, after Other M she can go suck a cucumber, I don’t mind being a nameless GF soldier if I get to have the same bacis control scheme, I just want the Metroid experience, that is puzzles and a sense of isolation, NOT MULTIPLAYER HOGWASH and stupid minigames.

  15. This is nothing but fucking sad ass damage control to the millions of pissed off Metroid fans. It’s not working motherfuckers. Other M’s excuse didn’t work and neither will this fucking disaster. I’m leaving Nintendo now. They’ve just ruined themselves big time. I hope Sony, like Microsoft, adds backward compatibility to PS3 games WITH its free online play. That will win me over which should’ve been done on day one.

  16. So the question Nintendo has to ask themselves is: “Why were the Toon Link games a successful spinoff series of The Legend of Zelda?” And then they need to apply the answer to that question to this game/series for any hope of good reception. I don’t want this game right now, but I want Nintendo to make me want it.

  17. This is the problem.
    Nintendo loose a good opportunity. They are trying to do a kids FPS for 3DS, but why they didn’t use the WiiU hardware to make an appropriate Space Federation game in FPS with good graphics, mature, and everything else; something that has a good multiplayer, something like “COD” or “Halo” but for WiiU, they lack of a good FPS multiplayer in splitscreen mode. Imagine that… just imagine, don’t judge. Imagine good graphics, good setting.. a nice spaceship.. you command a group space soldiers, etc., to help Samus in his adventures.
    Yes we were waiting for a proper Metroid Prime, but if they have done a good FPS for wiiU maybe the reaction would have been different.
    What do you think guys?

    pd. sorry for my english.

    1. I think I agree with you? Sorta?
      Ah hell. I donno, but you sound smarter than Nintendo’s current execs, so sure. Great idea! XD

      1. It is, right? I mean i’m not a crazy FPS guy, i was just thinking if Nintendo has been abandon from ThirdParty, well at least create a good FPS to replace those activison games xD.
        We need blood, metroid guts and sex! (just joking about the sex).

  18. Damage control? Seems to be the phrase of the week. So I thought I’d join in.

    Seriously though, Nintendo fans sound happy as clams! :D

  19. Once again people, if this didn’t exist you wouldn’t be getting Metroid anything. Its already been said that if there is another Prime/main series game its not going to be until the NX is launched. Yes, this game probably would be better on the Wii U, but seriously people trying to sign a petition to cancel a game just because its not exactly the game they want is the most baby backwards bullshit I ever did hear. Why dont you people put effort into making a petition to get Nintendo to cancel their phone shit games, you know stuff that more then likely will be a cash grab F2P bullshit, unlike a game like Federation Force that at least attempts to look and feel and play like a legit traditional game.

    Also, keep in mind THEY JUST SHOWED THE GAME. There is no evidence this is going to be the final version of the game, hell they could completely flesh it out into a full single player experience just like Prime Hunters and throw in a versus mode before it launches.

    This bitching seems really familiar…..something about a change to a series that everyone hated at first but then fell in love with….some game about a cartoon fairy kid sailing around in a boat or something…

  20. Nintendo Tetrarch Quadramus-NX

    >>>I don’t care what they say, if they don’t change that damn childish look on it, cancel it at once, Metroid is not some childish crap>>>

    1. Yes, I would be willing to try it IF and ONLY if they give it a grittier, more Metroid-like look. Metroid is in no way cutesy like what that trailer showed.

      This kind of crap had better not happen with F-Zero, whenever we finally get that…

      1. Nintendo Tetrarch Quadramus-NX

        >>>Metroid is far more important so until that’s corrected, nothing else matters right now>>>

        1. Maybe so.. I’m just really, REALLY anxious for another F-Zero- we’ve had 6 more Metroid games than F-Zero games in the past 12 years, after all (7 if you count the Prime Trilogy though IMO that’d still make it 6 since I refuse to acknowledge Other M’s existence).

  21. What exactly about this is “cutesy”? I hope the people who are complaining about this also brought up a stink about Bravely Defaults in-game characters and how they looked “kiddy”.

    1. Compare FF’s trailer to any of the 3 console Prime games- you’ll immediately see the difference.

      Bravely Default is newer, as far as we know it’s going to be designed like that all the time. BD’s cartoony-anime style suddenly switching to a more realistic GTA style or something would be akin to what’s going on with FF after the other Prime games.

  22. Ok, then lets use the Final Fantasy 4 remake on DS as an example instead. The in game graphics CLEARLY are not what the characters are actually suppose to look like, especially since we have per-rendered cut scenes in the game of what they really are suppose to look like and the style of the world. We know what the Federation troopers look like in the Metroid universe from Prime 2, just cause this game is using a more “compact” design (I guess you could say) for the in game portions does not necessarily mean they are trying to stray away from the feel of the series.

    And yes, I would be rather disappointed to get a new Metroid that lacks the exploration and feel of the past games, IF I was playing as Samus in it and its clearly trying to be a main series game. This is not a game about Samus (even if she does pop up), you are not a bounty hunter exploring alien catacombs, you are apart of a strike team of space marines sent into fire fight situations where you need to work together to survive.

    And even if this ONE SINGLE GAME does not have all the exploration elements and atmosphere of the other games when it is released, keep these other titles in mind:
    -Hyrule Warriors
    -Wind Waker
    -Link’s Cross Bow Training
    -Four Swords
    -Paper Mario
    -Kid Icarus Uprising
    -StarFox Adventure
    -Kirby Pinball Land
    -Pokken Tournament

    ALL of these titles either were vastly different games, either as main series continuation or SPIN-OFF GAMES or used a vastly different aesthetic or feel to them

    Don’t think of this as Metroid Prime 4, its not, dont even think of it as Hunters 2. Its Federation Force, its a spin-off. It didn’t kill another Metroid and take its place. If you dont like spin-off games then dont play it. If they took the word Metroid out of the title and changed some enemies people would just call it a “spiritual sequel” to the Prime games.

    Do I hope they add a single player mode that plays more like the main Prime games? Sure. But I am not going to bitch and moan about it if they dont because there is no evidence that is their main focus with this SPIN-OFF TITLE.

    1. Nintendo Tetrarch Quadramus-NX

      >>>Metroid is not some childish family game, it’s in no way the same at all>>>

      >>>Metroid is heavily inspired by the Alien movies and no one wants a childish Alien movie, the same applies to Metroid, period>>>

      1. Ok then if we want to go by that logic then what did the 2nd Alien movie have? Space marines fighting aliens. What does the new Metroid have? Space marines fighting aliens.

    2. Nintendo Tetrarch Quadramus-NX

      >>>And when I say childish I mean games like Zelda and some Mario spin-offs, not the main games>>>

      1. What, I just call him like that, see how many times his name was mentionned before Sm4sh came out I don’t need to type it anymore, Command’ just my evil nonsensical logic ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

        1. I would think “Ridley” is less of a mouthful than “that popular dragon every fan wants in Smash” though…

  23. Yeah, I love Metroid because of its cinematic storytelling and FPS gameplay. thats all i always loved about the franchise so, i am looking very forward to this game. i always hated the fact that what it startet, was a beautiful, atmospheric 2D action adventure experience with a lot of exploration, mystery and great upgrades to collect to get stronger and stronger till the end which made you grow with each step and getting closer to the main character and the environment. who needs that shit, thats not Metroid. i am am very pleased with this new decision they made and i am looking forward Federation Force sooo much..

    a very pleased Metroid fanbweeyy

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