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Bayonetta 2 Director Says “Please Continue To Look Forward To What’s To Come!”

Bayonetta 2’s director, Yusuke Hashimoto, has tweeted to Bayonetta 2 fans and has thanked them for their support this year. Hashimoto also says “Please continue to look forward to what’s to come!” It is unclear whether he is talking about another entry into the Bayonetta series or alternatively if he’s talking about the projects which Platinum Games is currently developing, which include Star Fox, Nier 2 and Scalebound.

37 thoughts on “Bayonetta 2 Director Says “Please Continue To Look Forward To What’s To Come!””

  1. Could it be that Nintendo green lighted the development for Bayonetta 3 or could Jeanne be getting her own spinoff game? Either one would be awesome but I’m praying that Hashimoto-san is referring to Bayonetta 3. Her first two games were masterpieces so she deserves a 3rd go round

    1. I got the Bayo 1&2 discs, what’s funny, is I LOVED the first one so much. I never got around to the second one yet. The controls didn’t feel as tight as the First Bayo, but maybe I just needed a break. I’ll go back and play it if I can tear myself away from X. ;D

      Bayo 3 would be awesome, and I can’t wait for Scalebound!

    1. Is it the gameplay, or do you find it offensive? Either way, it’s you’re right as a gamer to like what you like! I’m sure Starfox will end up being fun. Really looking forward to that.

        1. Jaded Ridley X3 {I'm not whining, you suckers... *cough* ..poor souls! I've just been driven insane by Nintendo failing me one too many times this gen!}

          *enjoys killing angels while using a strong female woman using stripper like motions & guns to fuck them up* I don’t see what’s so “highly offensive” about it.

          1. Obvious jokes are obvious, some people have morals and standards still. Why joke over something that you don’t feel is important, more imports at him.

            I agree with him.

            Idk, it just feels unnecessary to me.

            1. Jaded Ridley X3 {I'm not whining, you suckers... *cough* ..poor souls! I've just been driven insane by Nintendo failing me one too many times this gen!}

              More like some religious people need to quit being so prudish & remember it’s just fiction. This is why we have filthy muslim & christian extremists. No sense of humor or get offended so easily by fictional stories like little babies. I bet even God is shaking his head & laughing at how serious some of you people are over nothing. If we’re so created in his image, I think it’s safe to assume he has a sense of humor & a sense of when to not take something so serious as a fictional story.

            2. Jaded Ridley X3 {I'm not whining, you suckers... *cough* ..poor souls! I've just been driven insane by Nintendo failing me one too many times this gen!}

              But hey! If you overly religious people want to get offended & whine about it on the internet or at home or wherever, that’s your opinion & your problem. All I’m saying is lighten up a bit & quit getting so offended over miniscule things. Instead, you people need to place your priorities in the right places & be more concerned with people dying or getting hurt or getting raped/molested instead of going on a raging tantrum about fictional stories & characters.

              1. Jaded Ridley X3 {I'm not whining, you suckers... *cough* ..poor souls! I've just been driven insane by Nintendo failing me one too many times this gen!}

                (Replace characters with stories in that video.)

                1. Jaded Ridley X3 {I'm not whining, you suckers... *cough* ..poor souls! I've just been driven insane by Nintendo failing me one too many times this gen!}

                  Not upset. Just pointing out how close minded you overly religious people are over nothing when there are far more worse things happening in the world than a fictional story about angels being evil. Like I said, fix your priorities. Or don’t.

                  1. Yes, because it was so necessary to do I’m sure. Worry about your own priorities and insecurities before other’s, unless you wanna hold me and pay my bills you’re pissing into the wind here.

                    1. Jaded Ridley X3 {I'm not whining, you suckers... *cough* ..poor souls! I've just been driven insane by Nintendo failing me one too many times this gen!}

                      You talk about something being necessary when none of this is really necessary. Yet here we are because we want to be. So what’s your point?

                      1. Reaching a little much aren’t we? Being here has nothing to do with you belittling one person through mocking what one person believes to be wrong. My point was set several posts ago, not sorry you couldn’t see that.

            1. Jaded Ridley X3 {I'm not whining, you suckers... *cough* ..poor souls! I've just been driven insane by Nintendo failing me one too many times this gen!}

              Oh well. While the religious prudes complained over a fictional story & fictional characters, we were enjoying ourselves kicking some fictional angel ass! I bet if the angels had been named anything other than angels, some of these guys wouldn’t be upset. Then again, some of them would just piss & moan about the sexuality of Bayonetta instead. *shrug* Oh well. Their opinion & their problem.

              1. Nintendo Tetrarch Quadramus-NX

                >>>They shouldn’t even play games at all because it’s temptation and is a sin, but primitives will be hypocrites and continue with their selfish evil agenda>>>

                1. Jaded Ridley X3 {I'm not whining, you suckers... *cough* ..poor souls! I've just been driven insane by Nintendo failing me one too many times this gen!}

                  Careful. Religious extremists don’t like being called evil. They think they are doing God’s will. In reality, they are just using His name to control people for their own evil, selfish, greedy, egotistical, superiority/inferiority complexed riddled minds! Disgusting cretin!

    2. Jaded Ridley X3 {I'm not whining, you suckers... *cough* ..poor souls! I've just been driven insane by Nintendo failing me one too many times this gen!}

      Bayonetta 3..? If so, I will definitely continue to look forward to what’s to come! In fact, I want to play some Bayonetta right now & fuck up some angels & demons!

      1. Jaded Ridley X3 {I'm not whining, you suckers... *cough* ..poor souls! I've just been driven insane by Nintendo failing me one too many times this gen!}

        Speaking of, when will Bayonetta be available for Smash 4 again? I can’t wait to use her & Cloud!

          1. Jaded Ridley X3 {I'm not whining, you suckers... *cough* ..poor souls! I've just been driven insane by Nintendo failing me one too many times this gen!}

            Why are you upset about Bayonetta getting into Smash? It’s not because you hate her games for religious reasons, is it?

            1. Not really upset, I just don’t care for the games. They just feel like button mashers to me its all, its also the same reason why I don’t like the DMC games.

              Just not my type of games, so I won’t support what I don’t like.

    3. Pingback: Bayonetta 2 Director Says “Please Continue To Look Forward To What’s To Come!”

    4. I hope people don’t blow this tweet out of proportion. I read it as ‘stay on your toes for more Platinum news’, nothing necessarily related to Bayonetta.
      Also, I alway forget they’re helping with Nier 2. That’s crazy.

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