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Reggie On The NX: “For Us, It’s Not About Specs, It’s About Content”

Reggie Fils-Amie spoke about the NX in an interview with Bloomberg at E3 2016. Reggie says that for Nintendo “it’s not about the specs [of the console], it’s about the content”. He continued, saying that “whatever Microsoft and Sony are doing in terms of talking about new systems, that’s for them to fight out”. We embedded video of that part of the Bloomberg interview down below, but if you want to see the whole interview, you can find it here.


151 thoughts on “Reggie On The NX: “For Us, It’s Not About Specs, It’s About Content””

      1. It’s sad when even Microsoft’s Xbox Division’s head gets it and actually listens to their loyal customers! :/

                        1. Couldn¨t agree more, Nintendo apparently learned nothing with the Wii U. At least the competitors this time around are staying current gen and games will be made to work with the original PS4 and Xbone so porting to NX because the PC architecture they’re going with probably ain’t gonna be the biggest problem, but damn. The Wii U missed out on a train of multiplats mostly because the system was too underpowered and devs weren’t interested in downscaling their games for the Wii U only. Management at Nintendo should’ve been booted a long time ago.

                      1. Yeah and you won’t get the content if your specs aren’t good enough. I love Nintendo, but come on, don’t pull a Wii U again, we got games few and far apart, this is the first time ever that I’ve gotten just about every game I wanted to get from a console and within its gen none the less. It’s crazy to think that the Wii got way more support than the U. I’m not asking for the best technical machine, just good enough to get the same content as the other two along with your games.

                        1. I don’t know. I wouldn’t just assume that this means the NX is going to be what the Wii was to the Gamcube. It might very well mean what you desire: “Not the best technical machine, just good enough to get the same content as the other two along with [Nintendo’s] games.”

                          I’m looking at the statement through the lens that the NX was probably made as powerful as the XBOX One and PS4 but not Scorpio and Neo. Her question was directly targeted towards the “new” systems from Sony and Microsoft.

                          With that being said, I hope to god it is at least as powerful as an XBONE. I want third party support too.

                      2. I hundred percent agree with this statement. I have an Xbox One PlayStation 4 PlayStation Portable 3DS Wii U excetera. Content-wise Nintendo always has the best. Most franchises rehash the same thing over and over like Assassin’s Creed and Call of Duty. Some of my favorite games are on older systems that have way less power. Sure specs help but if the game isn’t any fun who cares about the specs. You’ve seen what Nintendo could achieve with Zelda breath of the wild was on the Wii U it looks way better than a lot of games and other systems that require a lot more space. What’s the design of games nowadays you do need specs so I hope Nintendo does take that into account and get some specs. But I also hope that other game companies will take a leaf from Nintendo and worry more about the content rather than stupid DLC and patches.

                      3. Before people start people start jumping the gun AGAIN, this is standard Nintendo practice as they hardly ever brag about their specs even when their systems are very capable graphically. When the GameCube was the second most powerful console behind the original Xbox they didn’t really brag about it being more powerful than the PS2. I think this time around Nintendo should be upfront about the capabilities of the NX as there a lot of gamers who are interested about it’s tech. Nintendo doesn’t have to have the most powerful hardware in the world but they shouldn’t hide information about it’s specs either. Kimishima-san did say that they would share the specs of the system when they reveal it so I wouldn’t worry too much about it being ” not a capable” console

                        1. dont be so sure that the NX will be fully function up to 90% once they revealed it this year i said 90% means that if they dont get third party support then the NX will fail completely big time in there markets. and the Wii U is up to 25% of hardware dying out of the nintendo company and the Wii U will be out of there markets very soon.

                      4. I’d like to point people’s attention to the favor Microsoft did us by announcing continuous support for the XBO even after the Scorpio arrives. If they don’t plan to drop support for the XBO after the more powerful machines enters the market, the NX only needs to be as powerful as the regular XBO model to get the (admittedly lower settings) version of whichever multiplatform game that comes out.

                        Both Sony and Microsoft have declared that they are not going to publish exclusive games for the Neo and Scorpio. By making the console market more similar to that of PCs with their multi-setting games, they are allowing Nintendo to play catch-up faster spec-wise. As long as the NX is port-friendly, there’s no reason for those games not to appear on Nintendo hardware, no matter the specs.

                        1. I like your point. Let’s just hope the NX uses compatible architecture and is at least as powerful as an XBONE. I can’t imagine a world where it wouldn’t be……wait yes I could. :D

                          1. The architecture type is the one thing I fear about the NX, especially if it turns out to include this rumored “portable hybridity” which I believe it does. Power is a non-issue. If Microsoft can make an Xbox One with 4K capability and all the functionalities Xbox Live includes, and sell it for $299, then Nintendo shouldn’t have much of a problem making a console of similar power without increasing the price that much due to the portable component.

                            1. Not unless they put in required “gimmicks” and extra features that drive up the price. I mean, if you want to allow them, sure, but I’d prefer them to be kept low-cost and/or optional.

                        2. Getting 3rd party support transcends being port-friendly and having decent horsepower. PS3 and X360 were so different architecture-wise, and yet they got almost equally all the 3rd party games released during their generation.

                          The real question is whether or not Nintendo will money hat. Microsoft and Sony have been doing this for ages. The industry works this way today, like it or not. But it does seem Nintendo definitely refuses to pay for ports.

                          So… Let’s wait and see what happens. In my opinion, the NX will have a catalog of 1st party titles and some 3rd party casual games here and there. Nothing spectacular.

                          1. That’s a good point. Another possible scenario would be that in which, if people transition en masse to the Neo and Scorpio, developers might optimize their games to run with that hardware in mind while leaving the lower-res versions of the games in the dust when it comes to optimization. Think Hyrule Warriors Legends on 3DS vs N3DS vs Wii U.

                            Wii U = Scorpio/Neo
                            N3DS = PS4
                            3DS = XBO/NX

                            1. In the long-term that will plausibly happen — this is like when one gives you the keys of a Ferrari and tells you to drive it strictly under 30 mph: in the beginning, you follow the advice, but after some while… Oh, yeah, baby, you rock and roll.

                              So, XBox One and PS4 owners will have to move on if they want to get the best games out there.

                              This early migration to more powerful consoles is pretty sad since the 7th generation lasted (and is still lasting, to some extent) 6 or 7 years before the current boxes became available.

                              1. Nice analogy. Altough to be fair, it’s also possible that most people won’t migrate, or at least not early. I don’t see the 40 million PS4 users dropping their 3 years old machine to get the beefier hardware. That’s the installbase that matters the most right now. And don’t think of the new consoles (Scorpio-Neo) as another gen, it’s not exactly that. If these new way of doing things catches on, we’ll swap the current hard-stop system of dropping the support for a console almost immediately after a new one comes out for a better paced, slower substitution.

                      5. TRANLSATION:

                        “NX will be slow as fuck again compared to Sony and Microsoft consoles, maintaining Nintendo’s tradition of being at least 1 generation behind in terms of specs”

                            1. ds 153.8 million > psp 80.7 million
                              wii 101 million > ps3 86 million/360 85.5 million
                              3ds 57.9 million > psvita 13.9 million
                              wii u 12.9 million < ps4 40 million
                              its a tradition alright

                              1. I love your response, but maybe the thing you aren’t realizing is that it pretty much means that times have changed and Nintendo can no longer get away with the way they used to do things. That’s how I see this.

                      6. In an ideal world, yes, content is what matters. But in our reality, specs are more important because it will attract content in the short-, mid- and long-run.

                        Simple as that.

                      7. This is very disappointing. I agree that content is important, but, as someone else pointed out, if your system is lagging behind in specs then who is going to make content for it? I was so looking forward to a Nintendo system that was more powerful than XBox One and PS4 Neo, but it seems Nintendo may even struggle to accomplish that. They better be downplaying the specs or Nintendo NX is not going to succeed. Not with Scorpio ready to strike.

                        1. Scorpio is not a problem. It’s a high-end PC for those that can’t be bothered to learn how to build one. Nintendo would be in trouble if the Scorpio was part of a new generation of consoles, but it’s not. It’s just a way of playing the games the XBO will get at higher framerates/resolution. As long as the weaker machine (XBO) keeps getting games, so will the NX.

                          1. You have an incorrect understanding. Scorpio is not a high-end PC for those that can’t be bothered to learn how to build one. I know how to build (or buy) one and that has no impact whatsoever on my decision to buy a Scorpio or not. A gaming console is something that you have in your family room and play together with family members. A PC is what I have in my office at my desk. Yes, I sometimes play games there, but it can’t replace the experience of playing in the family room with family members.

                              1. So, then I do my development on my PC in the family room? Um…no. And no I don’t want a separate monster PC sitting in my family room. It just doesn’t work like that. Consoles have a place and PCs have a place. At least for me, but I suspect most others would agree.

                                1. Again, I’m not interested in that debate. That’s not why I brought the PC example to the table, it was a way to indicate that the Scorpio (and the whole Xbox family, it seems) won’t have any exclusives whatsoever from now on, which is the fact that’s relevant to the discussion.

                      8. So… People understand that to be in a graphics pissing contest, it is almost futile because there will always be something better down the road. Create a classic game within the spec confines of a system, while also exploiting those specs utilizing to its utmost, will make those games able to transcend gens.

                        I will have my NX right next to my Wii U because there are games there worth playing down the road. Sure the Wii U had mistake, mostly bad marketing and a wrong turn when it comes to the architecture for more seamless 3rd party ports, but other than that, they got a lot of out of a system that is “under powered”.

                        With that, if they make it powerful enough and push as much content as possible, that I think is what Reggie is saying. Content is what sells and while a powerful system attracts more content, just putting the most powerful system possible out there is not the answer.

                        I think they can and certainly hope that they will find the right balance to move consoles, attract 3rd parties and make us all happy.

                        Well, not “all” of us, I am sure

                          1. For sure. And there are plenty on the WiiU that will stand that test in my opinion. The biggest reason is that with the WiiU, as opposed to the Wii, it is upscaled to 1080 so it still looks sharp on all TVs. They just should have billed it as the Wii HD as that is pretty much what it is. With a gamepad. It seemed to make way too much sense

                              1. profit-wise anyway… I think a lot of us are happy with the system. Just could have been a bit better. And so we turn to the NX… A New Hope if you will

                      9. ||Set forth our newest scientists…look at Splatoon and Zelda…our problems will decrease by 78.79%…my logic is undeniable…||

                      10. So what do you guys think… if the NX fails… is that the end of the nintendo home console?! or will they do what they always do… listen to the fans after the fact, and then give them what they want…. a big, badass, spec-filled nintendo console, that blows away the competitors, but ALSO has that spark of nintendo creativity and gimmick?! Cause that COULDNT fail. that’s what I dont get. they could create something so big and badass it couldnt fail, but they dont. they keep this attitude of well we’re not about just specs. well fans are. so why not appease them, while still appeasing the nintendo crowd looking for something different. why are the two mutually exclusive big N?

                        1. ||It will not be the end of them…it will be the end of them on this current specs infected era…as they are rendered irrelevant…but everything falls in the end…or takes a new form…which we will…unlike the disease…||

                      11. Omg. Is Reggie on drugs today. He’s been saying stupid shit all we. It’s not about specs? Content? Really, Reggie. Where the fuck was content on the Wii U then?

                      12. Without specs, you won’t get 3rd party content and most Nintendo games in recent years just feel like they have been being rushed with no love being put into them to make up for lack of content. I liked the Original Wii because it was about quality over quantity but the Wii U thy put quantity and cheap gimmicks before quality and I don’t mean graphics when I say quality I mean the charm and magic that past Nintendo games had such as Thousand Year Door, Mario Galaxy, and so on. Is the NX only going to have rushed Nintendo Games with no love or effort put into them and no 3rd Party support?, I really wanted to buy the NX too, I wont if it turns into another Wii U :(

                      13. Ha did you really think the NX was gonna be that powerful? I can see it ending up slightly more powerful or slightly less than the PS4. Get used to it. This is Nintendo.

                        1. Can you really blame Nintendo for this though? If the NX is close in power to the PS4 that means that Nintendo did learn from their misyakes and designed it with the idea that they needed a more modern, powerful console. The only reason it’s gonna be underpowered is because Sony and Microsoft announced upgraded systems one year AFTER Nintendo announced their new system. Nintendo couldn’t have known that Sony and Microsoft would upgrade their systems.

                          1. Playing catch up mid gen isn’t learning. It should be more powerful. Buying two Nintendo consoles in the same gen to be on par with the others is ridiculous. And Sony/Microsoft players won’t have much reason to buy. And I don’t wanna hear that those players would never buy Nintendo cause that’s not true for everyone. They announced NX and didn’t think Sony and Microsoft would retaliate? Seriously? They should have expected at least the possibility of it if they were announcing the NX so early.

                            1. This is why Nintendo not thinking of their competition as such will be the real ultimate downfall of Nintendo. :/

                      14. I’ve truly enjoyed my WiiU. I never had to pay for online play, and being the very cheapest of the three top consoles I’m happy we still got 1080p 60fps games. The problem with the WiiU was that it was difficult to port to so the 3rd party devs all bailed, especially after Ubisoft bailed. Seems like they are branching into a new consumer product not specifically modelled around gaming if Reggie is saying crap like that (again) + very sure NX has two screens based on the sheikah tablet. Reggie could be just trying to throw the scent off, as when NX was first being announced Sony and Microsoft decided to upgrade their systems to ore-empt a competition. Nintendo, while they are innovative, have lost their competitive edge. It’s too bad! Reggie I feel is a Japan lapdog that doesn’t fight for what the north American market craves. Which is FPS bloodshed, and GTA carnage.

                        1. Personally I dont crave for that but i would like the option to have my NA games on a console released in the NA region WITH my nintendo games and other interesting IPs other devs might make exclusively for nintendo. Lets not have a nother Devils Third where the game wasn’t bad but wiiU made it worse than what it would be

                        2. dont be so sure that the NX will be fully function up to 95% once they revealed it this year the Wii U is up to 25% of hardware dying out of the nintendo company and the Wii U will be out of there markets very soon.

                      15. Okay this is just too easy for me to hate on. I’m almost disappointed.
                        “It’s not about specs, it’s about content”. This is what every Nintendo fanboy says whenever the PS4 or Xbox One is compared to the Wii U, AND LOOK WHERE IT GOT NINTENDO! For the love of god, stop acting like Sony and Microsoft don’t freaking exist! Whether you like or not, Nintendo, THEY ARE YOUR COMPETITION and the NX will be compared to their console line-up.

                          1. Not sure what this has to do with what I said, but thanks, now that song is going to be stuck in my head for a week XD

                            *Added to playlist*

                      16. I would say that this surprise’s me, but I called this a loooong while back. Nintendo hasn’t been in the Spec wars since GameCube era ended. I’ll stick around and read what the happs is on the new system/s. But this completely pushed my virtual self over that line. I’ll enjoy Zelda on Wii U, it’ll be OK. :° [

                        And then! In zee FUTURE! When they make Cubivore 2! NX, I’ll consider it….

                      17. No one is asking for a console with a GTX 990!!
                        we want a GC/xbox/ps2 level gap! ps3/360 gap! just don’t make it as useless as the wii U or wii compared to the other consoles in it’s gen!

                        the ps4 and xbone are the same price range as the wii u. if nintendo didn’t spend close to $100 on the gamepad, the wii should have had just about the same specs as the other 2.

                        this is 2015… it will be suicide if the NX is not AT LEAST up to par with the ps4 and xbone! let everyone get a chance to develop for the console which in turn gives gamers a chance to have more content.

                        i’m honestly tired with all the bad vibes nintendo itself is giving…. let wait till spring.. smh

                      18. Reggie, shut the fuck up already! Someone please shove a god damn sock in his fucking mouth! Every time this little puppet bitch opens his mouth when his masters pull his strings, I want to slit my own fucking throat at how much of a little bitch he is! Reggie, your the leader of Nintendo of AMERICA!!! How about you fucking speak for the country you are supposed to speak for, not speak for what NINTENDO OF JAPAN wants? We need someone in NoA with some god damn backbone! Reggie clearly isn’t it!

                        If this was in reference to the Neo & Scorpio, so? You should at least try to reach that level of power or at least hit a middle point between the regular PS4 & Xbone and their upgraded versions! Quit trying to be as good as CURRENT FUCKING GEN! It’s this fucking mentality that fucked the Wii U as they strove to be as good as the PS3 & XB360! Honestly, I don’t think they even reached that kind of level since the PS3 & XB360 had shit the Wii U was too stupid to have like a universal account system, cross save, cross buy, cloud storage! Sure you had to fucking pay for it but it’s better than fucking nothing! If NX is just Wii U 2.0, I hope it fucking fails so bad that Nintendo commits seppuku because they might as well be fucking dead!

                        TL;DR: Reggie’s gotta go because he’s too busy being a cowardly dick rider jerking NoJ’s dick off instead of speaking for American customers like he should. And Nintendo is stupid for trying to be as good as current tech that is out because it fucked the Wii U because it was only as good as PS3/XB360 but lacked stuff like a universal account system with cross save, buy, and the like which helped those consoles keep up with Wii! Just die in a ditch with Sega & Konami, Nintendo, if you want to continue doing what you want instead of what we, the people that pay you for your shit, want!

                          1. Originally, my comment was going to start off far more harsh than it is now. Instead of putting a sock in his mouth, I was tempted to say “slit his throat without killing him & damage his vocal cords so he can never speak again” but I thought better of it. @.@ Yeah. That’s how annoyed I’m getting with Reggie. I wish he’d be fired already before I do start to really wish the man harm. And that’s not a good mindset to be in about another human being. :/ Especially one who doesn’t seem like a bad guy. Just a bad business manager. The manager should be there to tell the owner that this or that is not a good idea and that they should listen to the customers. But he’s not doing that. He’s being a big fucking “Yes Man” and I fucking hate it!

                            1. Would I have the wish to slit his throat too? but then we won’t have stupid comments like My Body is Ready or Reggie sexy voice. :3

                      19. Infuriating. All the excitement & hype Zelda: Breath of the Wild gave me for NX just got all swept away by one interview from Reggie the Puppet Bitch!

                      20. heres the twist the nx will have worse graphics than the wii u, why? reggie said its not about the specs of the console, they also said the experience on the nx and wii u would be the same the only difference being the graphics, they never said the nx would have the better graphics.And all of that would make sense if the rumours about the nx having a tegra chip (the nx being a handheld/hybrid console) is true. hope im wrong.

                      21. I’d like to point out that you slandering negative Nancies who keep jumping to conclusions with these interviews are part of the problem. That and the fact that you claim the specs need to be on the same level as the PS4 and Xbone, the same consoles that developers had a hard time making games run at 1080p 60fps for the first few years.

                        I’m not saying the NX shouldn’t be more powerful than those but that alone aint gonna do it.

                        It still baffles me as to how gamers were retarded enough to make the PS4 such a success when it launched with jack shit, only has one or two good exclusives, the aforementioned 1080p problem and the fact that all they’re banking on, if this E3 is any indication, is the super realistic shit that I’m getting tired of because its flooding the market and it overtakes the more important factor: gameplay. (coughTheOrder1882coughcough)

                        Sony needs to go back to what made the PS2 a success and its library so great instead of making the same mistake that crippled the PS3 for the first half of its lifespan. But it won’t because this time you people actually bought into their facade and keep doing so.

                        1. All I really heard, or read if you want to be all PC about it, was a bunch of excuses for Reggie & the other dinosaurs in charge of Nintendo. This is why death is a good thing. It keeps old farts from holding the rest of the world back with their stupid ideals.

                          1. Uhhh I’m sure this isn’t what tou were trying to say but did you really just suggest that old people have nothing valuable to pass on, no wisdom or anything? Do you think that ideals change with each generation and that everything we can learn from past generations should be left behind.

                              1. As I told RidleySlayer in another conversation between him & me, exactly why I want him to either be fired or for him to outright quit. Precisely before I start to have those kind of thoughts. I’m not having them yet but if I have to deal with 2 to 3 to 5 to even 10 years more of Reggie’s bending over for NoJ instead of breaking his back to listen & try to give us in America what we want, I’m seriously gonna have to rethink my feelings for the puppet. But seeing as NoJ likes him sucking their dick and since he’s too much of a puppet to actually quit… *sigh* Maybe I’m wrong & there is something we don’t see boiling underneath the surface of Reggie’s “Yes Man” crap and that he’s just really good at showing he’s not happy with what Nintendo is doing and will explode at any minute.

                            1. That’s not what I meant. I was referring to stupid ideals like “Why should we include online multiplayer? Just play locally with your friends and family like in the 90s! Hurr durr!” As long as it’s not something that holds us back from evolving for the better, I’m fine with it. So yeah. You’re right. It wasn’t EXACTLY what I meant to say. I sometimes forget to be exact with my words for people that don’t really know the kind of person I am.

                      22. Bought a GBA this week, next console I’m planning to get is a PS2, I don’t have a PS4 either but I like the content on the PS2 so I’m going to get a PS2.

                      23. This entire comments section is disappointing to me. People are now more worried about specs than the graphics themselves now. Am I saying the NX should be another “underpowered” console? Not at all. All I’m saying is low specs does not equal no content, that’s just absolute nonsense. Look at the ps2, weakest console in terms of specs of its generation, yet it’s the most popular, and arguably one of the best consoles ever, with a HUGE library of games from a huge variety of companies. The higher the specs the more work gets put into simply making the game to take advantage of those specs, yet we’ve reached really obvious diminishing returns. Many wii U games look graphically beautiful (Occasionally rough around the edges in some games) and the NX is going to be more powerful than the wiiU. Can we go back to whining about the graphics themselves instead of the spec numbers attached to them?

                        1. ||Except graphics are connected to the specs…they are not exclusive to one another….||

                          ||What Nintendo needs….are more weapons…designed to be the best they can be…with the machine in mind…just like Splatoon and now Zelda…||

                        2. The problem with your thinking is you think people didn’t care about power then. Quite the contrary. You think the N64 & GCN lost because people didn’t care about power. That’s just not true. Those consoles lost because one used cartridges while everyone wanted discs and the other used mini-discs while everyone else wanted bigger discs that hold more data. Oh not to mention what Quadraxis & Sylux said. Now that I think about it, I don’t think I should have even take your comment seriously. @.@

                      24. Pingback: ปู่นินเตรียมเปิดตัว Nintendo NX เร็วๆนี้ และจะไม่แข่งกับ PS4 NEO , XBoxScorpio | เว็บแบไต๋

                      25. Pingback: Nintendo: El enfonque de NX se trata de su contenido

                      26. Without specs that appeal to the dozens of developers out there, there won’t be content. This would be the third time in a row, third parties would under-support or won’t support a Nintendo console. Nintendo only puts out great first party games but they can only put 1, perhaps 2 games out a year… 8 all-new, great games (HD remakes aside) a year is a very limited experience. If they won’t have (don’t care about) third party support then they need to hire more muscle, bring more people on board, train them, make them understand the Nintendo way so they can create great games, quality games ,at least at twice the rate they are right now.

                      27. Pingback: Rumour: Nintendo NX As Powerful As PS4 Neo And Announcement Due September – My Nintendo News

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