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Switch Games Load Faster When Installed On Internal Memory

While the Switch’s loading times don’t see too bad at the moment, Digital Foundry has done some detective work and found out how to get games to load even quicker. Comparing which can load Breath of the Wild the fastest, Digital Foundry looked at various Micro SD Cards, the Switch’s internal memory and a traditional cartridge. While there wasn’t much difference, loading from the console’s storage was certainly the quickest. Check out the video below.

14 thoughts on “Switch Games Load Faster When Installed On Internal Memory”

  1. #*** … I invested $100 in the Physical Collectors Edition of Zelda and the Fastest, Premium 256GB SDXC MicroSD (another $150) card I could get … and these results tell me I will essentially get the worst possible performance I can get (in load times) on Both Zelda and all games I download from now on.

    … well that’s just great …

      1. WHAT? The discussion is about load times, not storage space. Please pay attention to what the topic of discussion is ACTUALLY about.

        In the N64, PS1 days, Nintendo’s argument for using carts vs disks was speed, and they were correct at the time.

        However, in this current hardware, the carts are loading slower than downloaded games (on the Switch) and “Faster” Micro-SDXC cards (like the one I purchased) are performing slower than lower rated ones, which is what I am complaining about.

        I am exceedingly familiar with Nintendo digital storage. I own Hundreds of dollars worth of Wii-Ware games (all of which fit on a fairly small SD Card), and even more on 3DS and WiiU. I only own one 3DS cart, but DOZENS of games purchased and downloaded to my SD card. I do not own a Single WiiU game disk, but a 500GB Hard Drive with Many games purchased on eShop downloaded to it. (Mostly VC).

        I assure you, I am FAR more familiar with Nintendo’s digital services than you seem to suggest … but more importantly, I am actually paying attention to what the point of discussion actually is, rather than limply jumping on a misred opportunity to fling the wrong insults.

        If my past experience is anything to go by, it will be 2 or 3 YEARS before my 256GB of expanded memory (+ the roughly 25GB still unused on my system) will be in any danger of running out. By then, larger capacity cards will be available, and the best ones to get will be more clear. Yes, Switch SHOULD HAVE had at least 64 or 128GB of internal memory out of the box (especially seeing as how playing from it provides the optimal performance), but that ‘is what it is’ until they release the ‘Switch-Pro: Lite’ or something of that nature likely no sooner than fall of 2019.

        What I am upset about is my FASTER card performing SLOWER, and the Physical Carts performing slowest of all.

        (Let it be noted, we still have no idea how these load times compare to how these same games would load on other hardware like PS4 or XB-One. We will not know that until a cross platform game with notable load times appears on Both Switch and a competitor. Only then can we truly say how good or bad Switch Cart and tech throttled SDXC load times stack up to industry standard, and even then, optimization, or lack of, could be a corrupting factor.)

        I do not know enough about SD card tech to know if SDXC cards (like mine) can be made to perform at least EQUAL to the ‘slower’ SDHC cards (as in, The Fastest the Switch can read and Write, whatever that is) with software or firmware patches … but I hope so.

        1. Hey rambler…If there was large storage space there wouldn’t be any need for SD, way to miss it.
          I’m glad you wasted your time with your anecdotal reply tho.
          Switch is optimized to work with lower spec’d cards similar to no USB 3.0. Unlike USB 3.0, it’s not updatable because it’s all in the reader so it will always be slower trying to access memory from the more advanced card.

          1. King Kalas X3 {Greatness Awaits at Sony PlayStation 4! Hopefully it will also await us at Nintendo Switch if Nintendo doesn't FUCK things up again!}

            I guess vuldari forgot not all games are under 32GB so a number of big 3rd party titles won’t be able to take advantage of quicker loading because of being on the internal memory.

        2. King Kalas X3 {Greatness Awaits at Sony PlayStation 4! Hopefully it will also await us at Nintendo Switch if Nintendo doesn't FUCK things up again!}

          Here’s how what steve said matters to the topic: games that need more than 32gb of data to be downloaded won’t be able to take advantage of this since the Switch only has 32gb of internal data storage.

  2. In all reality, all you need in a microSD card for your Nintendo Switch is read speed. Any cardbrated at 80-90MB/s, such as a regular SanDisk Ultra, will suffice. Avoid any super fast UHS-II cards since the Switch doesn’t support them at full speed.

    Write speed, however, is going to be limited by your internet connection. The fastest download speeds, roughly 120Mbps (15MB/s) don’t come close to a SanDisk Ultra’s benchmarked 24MB/s write speed. So any C10 or U1 rated cards will suffice.

  3. King Kalas X3 {Greatness Awaits at Sony PlayStation 4! Hopefully it will also await us at Nintendo Switch if Nintendo doesn't FUCK things up again!}

    Too bad shit is console locked when saved to internal memory so you can’t move it to another storage device. That & the shitty internal data storage. Once games that hit over 32GBs start rolling in (if they start rolling in), you won’t be able to take advantage of this with your digital games. Not to mention all of the updates & DLC you might have to download to the internal memory, too.

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