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Capcom Says Monster Hunter World For Other Platforms Is Basically Monster Hunter 5

One disappointing piece of news for Nintendo fans was that Monster Hunter World would be skipping Nintendo platforms and would instead be coming to the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. Many were confused where this entry sits in the established Monster Hunter series. Capcom has come out and said to Dengeki that this is all but basically Monster Hunter 5. They were originally going to call Monster Hunter World that, but they decided they preferred the name Monster Hunter World. Here’s more details:

  • Monster Hunter: World has been in development for four years.
  • Originally, it was going to be called “Monster Hunter 5”, but the development team really liked the name, “World” (Japanese ワールド).
  • The Base Camp spawns in random places. Each time a hunt starts, hunters will be at a different Base Camp.
  • Hunters can change weapons and armor midhunt by going to the Base Camp. This feature was added due to there usually being multiple large monsters in an area and from each having a different strength or weakness.
  • Hunters can now hunt freely without being held back by the main objective/quest, even if the quest is complete. Hunters can hunt freely without any limits now.
  • Hunters use Scout Flies as guides to help them navigate the area if they can’t find the monster and to find certain items, including drool and footprints.
  • The monsters can easily change the environment you are fighting in with certain attacks and destroying certain objects.
  • Each large monster in a location has a territory in a certain part of the area. In some cases, hunters may need to lure another threat into their territory in order to get their target to reveal itself.
  • By hiding from monsters, hunters can avoid fighting them or prepare for a silent escape from the battle.
  • Capcom thought about giving the monsters health bars due to a majority of people. Globally, fans requested for a way to see how much damage they were dealing, so Capcom decided to add damage numbers to the this game.
  • The Quest Giver was fully voiced in English, and she sent the hunter on a quest to hunt an Anjanath, the T-rex-like monster shown in the reveal.
  • Hunters can quickly pick up resources as they run by, meaning you don’t have to stop and wait for foraging animations.


61 thoughts on “Capcom Says Monster Hunter World For Other Platforms Is Basically Monster Hunter 5”

  1. Pingback: Capcom afirma que Monster Hunter World es básicamente Monster Hunter 5

    1. You would probably categorize me as a Nintendo fanboy. I don’t care. Never really saw the appeal of Monster Hunter. The only other way I would care is if I thought it would effect Switch sales, but I don’t. Monster Hunter isn’t a colossally huge seller outside of Japan, where Nintendo will do just fine by virtue of having a monopoly on handhelds.

    2. This was actually part of a big rumor where everything seems to have come true so far except one part which was about a portable Monster Hunter for Switch. And no, it’s not XX. Capcom would be brain dead to not release a MH game on Switch as Japan has the biggest fan base for the game and they heavily prefer portables over home consoles.

    3. All this means is that I buy the Monster Hunter on my PlayStation rather than my Nintendo… I can see where some would be upset if they don’t have other consoles, but Capcom didn’t shit anywhere near me.

  2. “Thank you for your continuous support of the Monster Hunter franchise, now here’s a game that we are not making for you”

    1. “I’m going to whine because a good game that’s been held back by the inferior hardware it’s made with for years can finally be refreshed but I’m just going to play the brand loyalty card.”

      1. Nothing stopped them from putting Monster Hunter Tri on both Wii U and 3DS, even though 3DS is obviously inferior. I don’t see why that reason should stop them from putting this on both XBO/PS4 and Switch.

      2. “I don’t care if fans of the original concept get fucked over for the sake of casual cattle like me”

  3. Capcom just gave every Nintendo Switch and 3ds owner the middle finger. If I was Nintendo I’d black ball Capcom. That is some traitorous shit right there. Right as Nintendo is trying to get their new system up and running Capcom stabs them in the back

  4. I already knew this Yesterday or the day before but was waiting for the right topic to discuss this. This is a huge let down since this was one of the few major third party titles left on Nintendo. Can’t blame them though the player base is much bigger on other consoles cause they offer better quality games.

    Rocket League , Xenoblade , Zelda DLC , Yoshi 2d, Kirby 2d , Mario , Metroid (no Footage) , Pokemon (no Footage) , Arms , Splatoon 2 , Fire Emblem


    God of War, Horizon DLC, Days Gone, Uncharted, Shadow of the Colossus , Monster Hunter World, Detroit Become Human, Destiny 2, Cod 2 , Spiderman as for Microsoft : Metro Exodus , Assassins Creed, Anthem (!!!!!)

    I’m probally missing a bunch but these are just the ones I like most of those Nintendo games don’t even come close , I’m fairly sure most of these will get 9’s or even 10’s as far as rating are concerned and will sell loads. As for Nintendo probally just Mario,Metroid,pokemon,Splatoon (ill take other shooters over this any day of the week but thats just personal) the rest remains to be seen.

    1. It sounds like this is just your opinion. Based purely on historical data and past reception, Assassin’s Creed, Destiny 2, Monster Hunter, CoD, and Metro are all likely to receive agregated scores below 9. The only games on that list that you can almost be guarenteed to get above 9 are God of War, Uncharted, and Shadow of the Colossus. You did miss some games, such as Last of Us 2, which should be received well.

      Days Gone, Detroit, and Anthem are still WAY too early to tell. They can easily end up like The Last Guardian. Spiderman is a coin toss. If it’s anything like the Arkham games, it’ll probably be received extremely well. However, past Spiderman games haven’t been in the 9 to 10 range.

      1. Anthem is probally going to be one of the best games of 2018 it’s bioware (the last mass effect was made by there second team) it looks amazing , and it will be better than Destiny wich got good reviews. Assassin’s Creed looks like a reboot it will probally be great. Destiny 2 well it’s Destiny. After the last CoD they won’t fuckup again this one is going to be great. I haven’t seen anything of last of us 2 this E3. The ones you mentiont will be a succes and the rest will be a coin toss indeed.

        That said the reviews don’t matter these are all great games that most people will have in there collection I can’t say the same for Nintendo’s list besides most of there games don’t even compare to these. And even that isn’t the point, the complete lack of any of these games on the switch is. If you would combine those 2 lists minus the exclusives , you would have a real Nintendo console that competes with the rest and offers great exlusives.

      2. “, and it will be better than Destiny wich got good reviews. Assassin’s Creed looks like a reboot it will probally be great. ”

        You’re judging these games, literally, based on your imagination. You’re comparing one list of games that aren’t complete, and calling them objectively better than another list of games that aren’t complete.

        This is beyond absurd. This is how people get hyped for Daikatana and No Man’s Sky. When Nintendo releases another Mario game, it’s just another Mario game. When Playstation gets Assassin’s Creed 5936: Copy/Paste edition, that’s a really awesome edition! lol. The bias in your posts is just off the charts. You even list that there was no footage of Metroid as a consideration in quality of the final product.

      3. I could not care less about sales i’m just looking at great game. The Wii has great sales but even people in my local pub that never touched a console in there life played on it because they liked Wii Golf. May I remind you that 80+ Million people bought a PS4 and Xbox for these kind of games vs 13 million WII U owners out of those 13 million your just a small % that doesn’t care about these games. I never said this is just the next mario infact I said thats the only real Nintendo quality game they have shown and i’m exited for it. I never cared for Assassins Creed eather but this one looks exciting besides it doesn’t matter what I think the majority buy’s it. I never said anything, about the quality of Metroid. It’s one of my all time favorite games, for crying out loud. I just said you can barely count it on this list cause they haven’t shown us anything yet.

        1. LOL I don’t understand. Am I talking to a brick wall? Did you even read my comments? Look at past games in those series. Look at the aggregated review scores. There is absolutely no evidence to support your claim that AC, Destiny 2, or CoD will get scores above 9. History is against them in that regard. Days Gone, again, has absolutely no basis for us to judge the game right. It is impossible for you to say with any certainty that it will most likely get scores above 9. Horizon is just going to have DLC, not a full new game. I’ll give you that Anthem has the power of Bioware behind it, so the expectation is for it to do well, but even that’s not a guarantee.

          If you don’t get it at this point, then there’s nothing more for me to say.

      4. This whole discussion is’nt about scores though. The snes is the best console in gaming history according to many cause it has a big library. (around 800 games in US and EU alone)

        This combined + previous releases like GTA, Witcher ect. would rival that:

        Rocket League , Xenoblade , Zelda DLC , Yoshi 2d, Kirby 2d , Mario , Metroid (no Footage) , Pokemon (no Footage) , Arms , Splatoon 2 , Fire Emblem
        God of War, Horizon DLC, Days Gone, Uncharted, Shadow of the Colossus , Monster Hunter World, Detroit Become Human, Destiny 2, Cod 2 , Spiderman as for Microsoft : Metro Exodus , Assassins Creed, Anthem

        I have been here for 2 or 3 weeks and you people are always talking about Nintendo not needing that kind of stuff but I don’t see how anyone would be against having all those amazing games

        1. The discussion is about scores. You started off by saying that almost all the games you mentioned would be in the 9 to 10 range and my response directly addressed that statement. Then, the discussion continued from there. If you want to stop talking about scores though, I’m happy to oblige.

          Never say “you people… always” unless you can clarify who exactly you’re talking about and provide proof of whatever statement follows. The people on this site are not all in 100% agreement. There are plenty of opposing views.

          Having said that, I doubt anyone on this site would really be “against” having those games. You must understand though that wanting a game and needing a game are two totally different things. When people say that the Switch doesn’t need these games, they’re either saying that the Switch has plenty of other options to offer gamers, which is a very debatable stance; or they’re saying that the Switch is more than capable of being a financial success without these games, which is much easier to argue. I personally tend to agree with the latter arguement, but not necessarily the former one.

          If you’ve only been here for a few weeks, I have to assume that you either came to get on board with the Switch, in which case you must have at least one other console where you’ll be playing all these other games; or you are just trolling. Either way, I don’tsee why you are on this site complaining. In both cases, you are already in a position to play the games you want. So what’s the problem?

      5. I got a PS4 i’m not onboard with the switch and I’m not going to buy it ever. I’m arguing cause the Nintendo I know and love is dead , and I wish it wasn’t like this. Nintendo used to be all about the games, but you can’t say that anymore when your missing half of them, cause they refuse to put out a normal console. Saying that Nintendo doesn’t need these games cause it has other options doesn’t cut it for me the more games the better. But your right this discussion is useless allot of people around here live in there own world and don’t care about the majority of games, there happy with just Nintendo games. Its like telling someone here you can have a 100k car and they are like no i’m fine ill drive my mediocre 800 dollar car cause i like it allot. People settle for less than they deserve I gues. It’s oke if everyone shouts that company’s are to lazy to release there games on the Switch so I might aswell turn that around and say Nintendo is to lazy to make a descent console that plays the full range of games. Maby there afraid that there first party titles will suffer because of this.

        1. Well I’m sorry, but I think it’s time for you to move on then. I was hoping for a powerful, “normal” Nintendo console at one point too, but that stopped toward the end of the Wii U. At this point, I think it’s highly unlikely that we’ll ever see anything like that again. Nintendo has found a niche that can work for it. They’re in a position where they have little direct competition, and can attain great success. Nintendo has no reason to butt heads with Sony and Microsoft. The Switch has the potential to be a huge financial success and in the end, Nintendo is going to do what’s best for them as a company. I personally own multiple consoles, and so do most of the regulars on this site. That’s how it is now for people who want Nintendo’s exclusives along with whatever is offered elsewhere. You simply can’t get everything all in one place anymore.

    2. “the player base is much bigger on other consoles cause they offer better quality games.”

      That really isn’t a consistent basis for which system has successful hardware sales. Even if it were, Most of the games on your “not nintendo” list aren’t historically great sellers. Many gamers love Shadow of the Colossus but it isn’t exactly relevant to sales decisions.

      Trends being what they are though, Microsoft is on the path to retaking their place at the bottom of the console market, a position they’ve held for most of their time in the industry. This makes the last part of your list a little ridiculous.

      1. Again I could not care less if Shadow of the Colossus sells well it is considered as one of the best games every created thats all that matters to me as a gamer. Wii golf probally got played more but that doesn’t make it a better quality game. I can’t say much about Microsoft, never bought one, and probally never will, but pretty much every website and gaming television program in my country says they won the E3 hands down around 42 games shown 22 exclusives , will it sell? Who cares its all about the actual games and there quality.

  5. So I guess the question from here is what’s going to happen with further support for the 3DS and Switch? I have a feeling that after XX, we’ll still be getting games, but they’ll still be in the format that they’ve been for a while, less open-worldy.

    I’m hoping we’ll effectively be treated like the PSP was way back when.

  6. I still hope we will get a port one day. Otherwise I’ll consider buying a PS4, which I hope won’t be necessary. Or, there is another option – we can hope that it will be disaster and sell bad :D

  7. good and bad news… yes i did like the recent nintendo exclusivity, but not sure I’ll like the changes of this game. from the trailer, its becoming more of an action/mmo feel, where i liked how it was feeling more like an action fighting game, with arena, etc. and i dont like numbers damage, makes games feel mathy and less immersive, so hopefully we can turn it on/off. losing portability is a huge minus, i have local groups that get together and hunt on 3ds, looks like thats a no go… well, i’ll aways have mh3u – mhgen.

    1. Yeah, the damage numbers is actually awful. They removes the entire point of it
      Also, the foraging. They really shouldn’t do it the way they are saying they do because there is a reason there were slow foraging animations. It gives weight to every action you perform, even if just foraging. Now, not anymore

  8. I wonder how Japan will take this because let’s face it that’s the place mh really sells. Seeing as they game mostly mobile that’s going to be interesting. Switch is getting the 3ds port so that will probly sell pretty well but its a risk because maybe now customers will go to ps4 instead since it’s the better experience. But it could be the opposite and less ppl buy it since it’s not portable. Who knows Japan is a strange market lol I think sales of PS4 and Xbox are going to determine their future support for those platforms since it always sells on nintendo handhelds and there should be no reason not to have some form of monster hunter on there

      1. Actually, they pretty much confirmed that this version will be more Western World in design than Japanese World Design. So really, this game is going to be more dumbed down compared to the Monster Hunter games on Nintendo.

        So basically, you’re getting Monster Hunter: Babies First Game Edition.

  9. Pingback: Capcom Says Monster Hunter World For Other Platforms Is Basically Monster Hunter 5 | 1 Man 1 Game

  10. btw, technically “world” isn’t “ワルド” in Japanese. That’s just a japanese way of saying “world” that many game titles and non-specific uses of the word use. The actual Japanese word is “世界” (sekai). It’s not really relevant to bring it up but i’m bored so i thought i’d give a tiny lesson ;)

  11. King Kalas X3 {Greatness Awaits at Sony PlayStation 4 & Nintendo Switch!}

    “Hunters can change weapons and armor midhunt by going to the Base Camp. This feature was added due to there usually being multiple large monsters in an area and from each having a different strength or weakness.” This is by chance the best thing they could have done. This should make hunting another large monster while putting the quest’s target on the back burner less of an issue.

    1. King Kalas X3 {Greatness Awaits at Sony PlayStation 4 & Nintendo Switch!}

      Well I should have kept reading. All of these new things are great! :D

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