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Reggie On Fun Over Processing Power: “Tech Is Small Part Of What We Deliver”

A clip has surfaced online where Reggie Fils-Aime is being interviewed by Bloomberg about future software for Nintendo Switch, third-party support and more. A question comes up and Reggie is asked about the competitors on the market and he’s asked why Nintendo stay out of the race for the ‘fattest, hottest console on the market’. He reiterates that Nintendo focuses on bringing smiles to its audience rather than focussing on processing power:

“Our two competitors believe that it’s all about processing power and beautiful graphics. Candidly, Nintendo believes in fun. Our technology is a small part of what we deliver”.

You can check out the whole interview here.


105 thoughts on “Reggie On Fun Over Processing Power: “Tech Is Small Part Of What We Deliver””

  1. I agree with Reggie.
    Console should just be fun and enjoyable ways to play your games, not something you should gloat about to your friends saying “Oh, my Console can do X and Y, I’m better than everyone!”.

    But, I will disagree saying Tech is a “Small part” of hardware as some hardware will make developing for the system that difficult.

    Still love the Switch and if I wanted amazing graphics, I have a gaming PC.

  2. A pretty stupid reply. Wasn’t it easier to say: “It’s the pinnacle of handheld gaming and you have to renounce to some processing power to open a whole different way to play”? Everyone focuses on fun. Every console experience is fun per se.

    1. Depends how you view it. Fun is a very subjective term here.

      Just to expand what Reggie means:
      Nintendo makes consoles with the games in mind and not the specs.
      Microsoft and Sony make consoles in mind for specs, rather than games.

      While yes, specs are important, that’s not the reason you bought the console. It may be easier to make a game for a higher spec’d machine. It’s also easier to over-make the game and make it less fun. I’ve seen plenty of high PC

      1. Eventually offensive, Homer Simpson gets compared to a monkey too. It’s about physiognomy. There are people that resembles dogs, other that resembles monkeys and so on…

  3. 2017: “Technology is a small part of what we deliver.”

    2013: “Glasses free 3D. 3D? 3D! 3D, 3D! 3D WITHOUT GLASSES! 3D!”

    Yeah whatever you say damage controlling troll 😑

      1. How did that defeat his comment? Reggie says tech is a small part of what they do, and Demigod gives an example where that’s not true. You even just said Nintendo are known for their gimmicks (Wii and Wii U). Switch is a hybrid. Tech is very much a part of what they do. And the 3DS being a powerhouse is completely irrelevant to the topic.

      2. Last I heard 3D was a tech that they pushed, and they pushed hard. Whether it was a gimmick or not, it was still new tech. His statement was about power, and then he proceeds to say that “technology is a small part of what they deliver” but during the 3DS they focused on nothing but the 3D, during the Wii days they focused on motion (again tech) DS days they focused on touch (again TECH.) they have always driving gaming forward with new tech, whether you consider it a gimmick or not.

  4. I really can’t stand Reggie sometimes. He just comes off as smug. And would it kill him to not be passive aggressive? Phil Spencer constantly praises Nintendo. The PS guy owns Wii U and Switch and says they are great. Reggie? “Our console is fun (implying the others are not). They focus on graphics (as if graphics are a bad thing).” Good graphics and good gameplay are not mutually exclusive. And not for nothing, but you just got your ass royally kicked last generation. So perhaps you should be a little humble and not arrogant. And I really hate when he gives extremely meaningless answers. If you can’t say anything about a new game, console, etc. just say so. Don’t throw a bunch of fluff out there.

    1. I was thinking about that just recently. Shuhei Yoshida and Phil Spencer are constantly complimenting and praising Nintendo for their work. I honestly can’t remember a single instance where Reggie said anything that sounded genuinenly nice about the other two. With him, it’s always arrogance and passive-agressive remarks, just as you said.
      Very unfortunate.

      1. Absolutely agreed with what you guys said. I’m completely confused about how so many people can genuinenly like him so much. To me, he basically gets more and more unlikeable with every interview with him that gets published. He just seems like a robot that was programmed to always say something that’s praising Nintendo and belittling the competition, whether or not it makes sense in response to the question asked is irrelevant.

        Ironically, he seems to be the opposite of the friendly and fun image Nintendo stands for. He’s not friendly and fun, he’s arrogant and passive-aggressive.

    2. THIS! I thought the same exact thing as I read this. He’s done this so many times. I hate hearing him speak when Nintendo is doing well. He did this just the other day. He was doing it back when the Wii and DS came out.

      I said in a comment a couple days ago that I’d like to see Phil Spencer at NoA. Honestly, I want it to be a straight up trade. Microsoft can take Reggie. Nintendoand its fans deserve someone better heading up NoA.

      1. TBH though, the Xbox One X really isn’t a threat. Xbox is going downhill and they still didn’t show big exclusives.

        1. Well it wasn’t so much that he said the X1X wasn’t a threat, but rather the way he said it. He put a few statements in there that suggested Nintendo was doing things better. I would have rather heard him just say “We have our niche, and they have theirs. Because we don’t cater to quite the same demographics, we don’t really have to worry about them.”

          1. I read the comments (there’s only like 7 or 8) and Sickr was arguing with some idiot and from the way they were talking, it certainly seemed that was name. Kind of like some commenters on the former used to complain about getting 3DS news.

    3. According to the likes of Brandon hardonacre, Nintendo won E3 and can do no wrong. He’s having fun with having two systems with the same games essentially, so yea, as long as people like him are blind, Reggie will get away with this bs and the Brandon’s out there will praise him like a hero.

      1. I’ve noticed your ongoing battles with him. Over time I’ve just grown accustomed to it and realize he’s not going to change his position, the same way we won’t change ours. I felt Nintendo’s E3 was decent. Not amazing. But they’ve had much worse. I wouldn’t say they won E3 because while I didn’t watch any other conferences, I don’t need to. Even if all the others were way worse, that doesn’t make Nintendo’s brilliant or a winner. Burnt mac-n-cheese may “win” a cooking contest with a turd sandwich, but that doesn’t make it a winner in my book. Not saying Nintendo was burnt mac-n-cheese, just illustrating my point. Metroid Prime 4, awesome they finally confirmed it for the fans. But they showed nothing. Mario Odysssey looks great. Mario and Rabbits looks interesting, we’ll see about that one. Metroid II remake is good, but remakes are still remakes. Not really new. Kirby and Yoshi might be fun. But we just got them like a year or two ago. And they’re not exactly the key franchises that will sell systems. Arms doesn’t intrigue me at all. Splatoon 2? We just had Splatoon like what? Two years ago? I hope they don’t start going COD and doing practically yearly releases. There are other IP. Spread the wealth. Rocket League? Port. Not new. Xenoblade with female Ghirahim. Looks decent, although not a fan of the art style. Pokken? Port. Not new. Announcement of Switch mainline Pokemon game… no footage or anything. Great announcement but nothing to show. BOTW DLC? Since when does DLC win you a conference? I feel like there’s a couple of other games, but clearly nothing of huge significance since I can’t remember them. So as I said, my opinion is Nintendo had a decent E3. Not spectacular. And nothing to convince me I need to buy a Switch any time soon. But at least there were no amiibo festivals or Wii Music low points.

      2. Man, you really are obsessed with me huh? I might not be the one with a hard on. ;)

        That said, you can deny they won E3 all they wont and continue to name call, it just shows how immature you are. And I find what Reggie said was rather rude. He could have phrased it better.

      3. And change my position on what? I play more than nintendo games. XD I am a diehard Halo, Dead Space, Dark Souls, and Half Life fan. I grew up on PS1, own a PS2 and 360, and even have a steam account. You guys seem to think that acting rationally = “fanboy.” My “position” is to act with a level head and quit acting like the smallest thing will oepn the gates of hell.

        Stay frosty. ;)

      4. Where in my comment did I say you were a fanboy or anything at all against you? I didn’t even utter the word fanboy (figuratively obviously) in my whole comment. All I said was you have your opinion on Nintendo, and we have ours, and that neither side would change their opinion. How is that even remotely a negative thing to say? As for what games you play, I didn’t say anything about what type of games you play. That’s good that you enjoy other games. I don’t hate people because they do or don’t play certain games. I honestly don’t really hate anyone unless they are literally evil.

      5. Well, that’s one thing we can all agree on. These comment chains do suck. I hate not being able to tell who a comment is directed at.It used to be better a long time ago. It’s better on desktop/laptop at least. On my phone, it’s atrocious.

          1. Discus is coming (instead of winter… that’s what Game of Thrones fans always say anyway. Haven’t had a chance to watch more than two episodes myself. And now I’ve gone on a long winded speech and ruined my joke. Bravo self. Bravo.)

            1. King Kalas X3 {Greatness Awaits at Sony PlayStation 4 & Nintendo Switch!}

              Don’t pull a Zap Brannigan (Futurama in case the character’s name alone doesn’t ring a bell) & break down into hysterical crying but you misspelled Disqus, too. (I should also start watching Game of Thrones. For purely research motives, I want to see certain female actors naked. I swear it’s purely for research! *shifty eyes*)

              1. I wouldn’t have known Zap Brannigan without the reference, but the second you said that, I knew who it was. Oops. I didn’t realize it was spelled that way. I hardly ever really look at it, so I just didn’t realize. Lesson possibly learned haha if I remember. And research is a must! How else can we grow as humans without such… research? haha

                1. King Kalas X3 {Greatness Awaits at Sony PlayStation 4; Awaiting Greatness on Nintendo Switch!}

                  Is Headache in it? If so, can I mute him? Wait! What am I thinking!? This isn’t Dumbtendo! Of course they’ll probably have a mute function! (They do have one, right? :o )

                    1. King Kalas X3 {Greatness Awaits at Sony PlayStation 4; Awaiting Greatness on Nintendo Switch!}

                      Good. I guess I’ll get around to making an account soonish. Even if I don’t use it for voice chat, I can at least use it for text related discussions. For some strange reason, even if I’m use to talking to people through text, my stupid shyness kicks in for some reason so I effectively have to get use to people a second time. Probably even a 3rd time if I ever have a chance to meet them in person. (If I’m not the only person with this issue, I wonder if they got an actual term for it.)

                      1. Thus far we’ve been texting only. But I’m sure if we do ever do a voice chat it’ll be awkward at first. I have shyness at first as well. You’re not alone haha.

        1. On phone it literally squashes everything into one column so it becomes a vertical sentence. like wtf? IMO, word press just needs to go altogether. It’s a terrible provider.

          1. We will probably never agree on much nintendo, but I really don’t have the energy to keep up a war. Been on vacation and haven’t been on here, but yea I’m down to call a truce and be civil. I used to think how you do, if you look back to like 5 years ago posts I made. We will just keep going back and forth never changing each others minds, so I am gonna just end it. I have seen you get on people and call them names just for their opinion, that is the part that gets me the most, but I’m sure I have done the same. Anyway yea. I will say that I am not anti nintendo, just anti current nintendo with a lot of their decisions. I’ve been in the game since NES and many of us since then feel they have fallen. I do still want them to be what I know they can be. Mario Odyssey gives me hope. Zelda really disappointed me as a Zelda game for many reasons. And a lot of the newer games coming out just don’t satisfy me. Doesn’t mean I hate them, I just know they are capable of much more.

            1. King Kalas X3 {Greatness Awaits at Sony PlayStation 4; Awaiting Greatness on Nintendo Switch!}

              Some people will never understand us. *shrug* Oh well. That’s ultimately their problem, not ours.

                1. Jaded Kalas X3 {Greatness Awaits at Sony PlayStation 4; Awaiting Greatness on Nintendo Switch! Just need cloud storage, add external hard drive support, & to eliminate the need for that stupid Nintendo Switch Online App on smartphones.}

                  We all were. But then we grew up out of this childish mentality that Nintendo is this friend of ours & realized Nintendo ultimately doesn’t give two shits about us as long as we keep buying their shit.

        2. Unfortunately I am on my phone more often than my laptop, so I’m all too familiar with the stupid vertical column. I hate that. Whoever designed needs to have their head examined for thinking it’s a good idea.

      6. In part he says the truth. Just think about the Xbox One X. What Microsoft focused on that console? Power, 4K, HDR and other thinks, but the real part is… Are the games fun? Is that what people want? Because for what I saw on the E3 of Xbox is’t only about 4K and a series of games that not interested on me (expect Dragon Ball and Minecraft Crossover) when people praised for having old Xbox games on the newest console.

        By the part of Sony the problem isn’t the president or the employes who is working on PS but it’s the Sonyan gamers who calls always says Nintendo consoles are sh*t and wharether.

        1. While I don’t own Sony or Microsoft systems these days, that doesn’t mean their games are not fun. You may not like what they have to offer, but millions of other people do, as both have consoles that sell in the millions, just like Nintendo. What may not be fun for you might be a very fun experience for someone else. As for Sony fans calling Nintendo consoles shit, I’ve seen Xbox fans do that and Nintendo fans do that. No fanbase of any kind is without its flamethrowers.

    4. Okay Nintendo doesn’t realize that 3rd party devs could give two sh!ts about fun. Nintendo either need to push out a dock with a gpu built in for the Switch or stop talking about 3rd parties already because I’m only seeing sloppy seconds on the Switch being announced, and not the good kind either, if there is a thing.
      Just release a goddamn gpu dock for the Switch so we can get the good sh!t on the Switch already.
      Btw does anyone find it funny that Nintendo says they are trying to create an afordable platform, but then turn around and try to sell all types of sh!t that should have came with their systems!?
      Why stop there since their motives is cash, just give the consumer what they asked for, A POWERFUL SYSTEM DAMMIT!

    5. I agree, fun is key, but you cannot declare that you WANT 3rd party support, when tbird parties has made their wants clear for several generations now

    6. You can have tech and fun, you don’t have to take a side…. Like in the old days ’till the Wii… you know… and to be honest, powerfull tech can create more complex and innovative gameplay, that is part of the fun.

    7. And that’s great, I couldn’t care less about specs, but they should price their consoles accordingly, having to pay the same price for a Switch than for a PS4 Pro or an XBOX One S feels like a rip-off regardless of how much I prefer Nintendo games.

    8. a box under the tv is OBSOLETE

      a controller without 9 axis gyro is OBSOLETE

      no hands apart controls or controller choices and abillitys and hd rumbles etc are OBSOLETE

      no touch screen OBSOLETE



        1. King Kalas X3 {Greatness Awaits at Sony PlayStation 4 & Nintendo Switch!}

          Don’t you just love it when some new guy defends someone like Bowler that everyone else knows is a dumbshit?

          1. Haha literally my exact thoughts when I read that dumbass comment. If Bowler is back for a while, this new person will realize soon enough. Although I don’t know how anyone couldn’t realize that based off any single comment from Bowler. I do kind of feel bad though. If you click on Bowler’s name, it takes you to his facebook page, and looking at his pictures, I’m not sure, but I think he might actually have some sort of mental issue. I’m not sure though.

    9. When I play Horizon Zero Dawn my jaw drops from the amazing scenery , it makes the world I’m in even better and more realistic , thats part of the reason why people game right , escaping reality for a bit, just like watching movies. Lord of the rings would not be rated 8.9 on Imdb if it was just CGI instead of all the real armor building weapons and orc armies ect.

      Breath of the wild would have been even more impressive and fun if it had looked like Horizon for me atleast.

      Besides that I usually enjoy around 10 games on my nintendo consoles and 30-40 on my playstation consoles always. Only the gamecube, snes, and Nes offered that to me. I bought my ps4 in december and already own 16 games or so and still got a bunch I gotta buy, I would never reach that number on the WII, WII U and N64 (Still a great console though with a bunch of legendary games). And I probally won’t reach that number on the Switch eather If I where to buy it.

      1. King Kalas X3 {Greatness Awaits at Sony PlayStation 4 & Nintendo Switch!}

        I enjoyed BotW’s art style. I’d choose fantasy style art to realistic art with Zelda any day of the week. I agree with the rest of your comment, though. I probably got well over 16 games on my PS4.

        1. I would like to see at least one realistic Zelda. Not the rest of the series in such a manner, but just one. Just to see what it would look like to have Link, Ganon/Ganondorf, Zelda, gorons, etc. in realistic fashion. I don’t mean like arms getting cut off and blood flying all over the place or anything like that (not that I have anything against that in video games at all, just not in certain franchises like Zelda). Just the aesthetic of it. If they gave us just one, they can go back to the fantasy style. But it doesn’t really matter much to me. Zelda has always been my favorite series, and them not doing a realistic style is definitely not something that would turn me away from the franchise.

          1. King Kalas X3 {Greatness Awaits at Sony PlayStation 4 & Nintendo Switch!}

            I think Twilight Princess is gonna be the closest you’ll get with a “realistic” Zelda for a long time.

    10. that’s the kind of mentality that keeps 3rd party far away from your console. reggie doesn’t really believe the nonsense he says. he’s just trying to stand up for his company’s precious toy, as ordered.

    11. This doesn’t reflect my opinion of Reggie (he does come across as arrogant most times) .. . As far as never praising or complementing competitors ,in Reggie’s defense … He did say he was about “kicking ass and taking names”…
      Not about holding hands and sharing kool-aid 😋 It doesn’t seem he really cares about playing nice with the competition 🤔

    12. Pingback: 【悲報】任天堂の偉い人「ソニーとMSのゲームは処理能力と美しいグラフィックだけで楽しさがない」|ブルブル速報その9|ガタ速別館|2ちゃんねるまとめブログ

    13. He has a point honestly. At least for me. Probably could have worded it a little better, but this generation is always about “my console is so powerful!”.. There haven’t been very many unique or fun experiences on PS4 or Xbox this generation. There are SOME, but not many. Most games blend together because it’s just been a competition of who can put out the prettiest looking game, and yet they all generally use the samey looking aesthetic. Uncharted 4 was a beautiful game, but after playing it once I’ll never return to it. Same goes for Horizon and many others. It’s a one-and-done experience, because the gameplay just doesn’t stack up, because it’s nothing actually new or innovative. Up until the Switch released, this has been by far my least favorite generation of gaming. But now I actually have some games to look forward to.

      1. I may get bombarded with hate comments, but the way you described the one-and-done experience of Horizon and Uncharted 4 is how I feel about Breath of the Wild. And I believe the Switch actually is the beginning of a new generation, so the last generation can continue to be your least favorite haha.

        1. I can respect that. To each their own. I’m eagerly anticipating the Master mode for BOTW so I can play through the game again. I already had started a second file, but stopped since the DLC is coming out so soon. I will say though, I have never felt overly compelled to play a Zelda game a second time until BOTW. I just love the physics, world, and mechanics of BOTW. But I understand not everyone will feel that way.

          1. Well thank you for the mature and respectful response. I may not enjoy the game as much as others, but I realize we all have different tastes. Enjoy the DLC when it comes out.

    14. King Kalas X3 {Greatness Awaits at Sony PlayStation 4 & Nintendo Switch!}

      Typical Reggie bullshit. It’s always one or the other with Ninty, isn’t it? Just do fucking both: great power & a ton of fun! Doing both is working for Sony. There is no reason these two have to be different coins as they should be two sides of the SAME coin. Don’t do tech? That’s all a video game is is tech! It’s not like you are making fucking BOARD games! Want affordability? What a load of bullshit at the end of the day. The Switch has been the most expensive console they’ve made to date. Don’t like the Joy-Cons? Buy a Switch Pro Controller. Want to charge your Joy-Cons while still playing? Buy the charging grip. Want better memory? Spend 100s of bucks on the best Micro SD Cards if you want speed & a ton of data storage because an external hard drive doesn’t work with the console yet & they cost less for the same amount of data. Want wired internet because wireless internet speed sucks for you? Buy an LAN Adapter. Want to voice chat? Get a smartphone if you don’t have one yet then download the stupid app. These things I mentioned are not as optional as the Nintendo fanatics would want you to believe. For some, these extra things actually are necessary.

      I know I’m not the only one that really, REALLY wants this fucking clown gone from Nintendo. NoA has been fucking shit EVER since this guy got into a position of power there. Honestly, I have to wonder if even a MONKEY could do better than Reggie! I don’t hate the guy, I really don’t, as I’m sure he’s a great human being, but this guy has been mostly a terrible Nintendo being for awhile now.

    15. Pingback: 【悲報】任天堂の偉い人「ソニーとMSのゲームは処理能力と美しいグラフィックだけで楽しさがない」|ブルブル速報その10|ガタ速別館|2ちゃんねるまとめブログ

    16. How is this fun when the best 3rd party games won’t come to the Switch because of its weak hardware?!
      This is not fun at all!

      1. King Kalas X3 {Greatness Awaits at Sony PlayStation 4 & Nintendo Switch!}

        “Nintendo can survive on their 1st party line up alone! *ignores the Wii U & the fact it failed in spite of the 1st party line up* Nintendo don’t need no stinking 3rd party support!” -possible quote from some Nintendo fanatic.

    17. You can have both. This is nothing but an excuse. Even if you don’t care about power, you don’t need to purposely gimp your system. It screws over third party developers. You’d think Nintendo would understand this by now.

    18. Not sure if people would categorize this as “fun” but part of my enjoyment of Breath of the Wild was just looking a the gorgeous scenery in the game. Some parts of the game, especially parts with a lot of grass, look extremely beautiful but the more I played the more I noticed the games performance tricks and it’s hard for me to un-notice them.

      For example all the pop-in with things like leaf-cover sometimes being drawn only a few feat in front of link. There’s also harsh texture filtering lines especially when transitioning between different quality shadows. And when you sail into a wooded area the trees aren’t casting shadows until you get really close and they pop in. And then of course there’s the frame rate issues. These things all contribute to why some people look at screenshots of the game and think it’s way more barren than it is.

      None of that stopped me from playing the game for over 200 hours but it’s kind of sad that there’s all this beautiful art design and sense of scale getting obscured by the technical short comings of the system it came out on. On a more capable system, it could have been much, much pretty at no extra cost to the budget of the game. They would have just had to adjust some settings.

      So, yea, I don’t agree with Reggie acting like a game can’t be fun and look technically impressive and beautiful. I can only imagine how much more impressive BotW would be if it was a visual masterpiece as much as it is a masterpiece of gameplay. Hell, I’d love to see how it would have looked in 3D.

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    23. He’s right, tech is only a small part of what they offer. That’s because they limits themselves from making truly breathtaking games. Good graphics does not equal a good game, but that doesn’t mean bad graphics does. Nintendo is amazing at creating beautiful art styles. I’m tired of that art looking so compressed. More power equals more freedom. Your fun games could look nice if you wanted them to. 3rd party support would probably be less of a struggle. I don’t get how anyone can say the lack of power Nintendo provides is a good thing. I find it to be very close minded of the possibilities more graphical power would unlock for Nintendo.

    24. Is anyone really surprised that the company that wants to keep putting out lower spec machines is trying to sell the idea that power and fun can’t coexist? Reggie used to be my favourite face in gaming, but as you live long enough to see all these PR guys during their ups and downs, you eventually see them for what they really are…and Reggie’s definitely a snake oil salesman. He’s done a good job at getting Nintendo’s base to believe as well that those 2 things are exclusive. I was talking to a 30yr old man just yesterday and he was parroting the same thing while playing his Switch. I had a Wii U, & it was RETARDED fun until late 2015 when the system died. From there I decided to go PS4 instead of Switch. I just got tired of missing a lot of key games I wanted.

      In any case, the amount of fun I’m having over at PS4 right now is the kind of fun I had with my Wii U during the 2014 to mid 2015 stretch. Any Wii U owner knows that the kinda fun I’m talking about there was off the charts. Wii U’s games were killing it. It was hit after hit after hit, and mad announcements/Directs.That’s the kind of fun I’m having right now, and guess what, it’s on a device that dwarfs the switch in terms of raw power, so how those two things can’t coexist? I’ll never know. I guess when I owned my GameCube and was having the time of my life, it didn’t apply back then…cuz GameCube wasn’t no pushover power-wise.

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