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Nintendo Removes Sombrero-Wearing Mario Super Mario Odyssey’s Box Art

An eagle-eyed member on Reddit, AguirreMA, has noticed that Nintendo recently changed the Super Mario Odyssey box art to include Mario wearing a snorkel rather than a sombrero. It’s very unlikely that Nintendo will comment on such a change as they have free will to do whatever they please to their product, however, it’s still interesting to see the tweaks they’re making prior to the release of the title. You can see the change in the images below:


81 thoughts on “Nintendo Removes Sombrero-Wearing Mario Super Mario Odyssey’s Box Art”

        1. Nintendo First Order Commander Quadraxis

          ||Unfortunately we will not see a change anytime soon with the comment system, it did not function as planned with Disqus and so we’ll continue to use this current one until further notice…||

          ||A message given to me by the Chief Ambassador…||

    1. The people bothered by this can go fuck themselves with a spiked iron rod.

      Fucking snowflakes make me ashamed of my generation.

      1. I’m not mexican, but as a Latin American is fun to see our cultural references, i don’t know why people bash this tipe of thing like it was a bad thing…

    2. Ridley X3 {R.I.P. Chester Bennington of Linkin' Park. Thank you for the awesome music. You will be missed. *cries*}

      Let those minority of bitches bitch. There aren’t enough of these politically correct idiots to harm Nintendo. It’s a fucking hat! I have to wonder if maybe I am right that Nintendo really has cut off their balls if they are so terrified of a small group of people. @.@

    3. I don’t think they did this because of the sombrero. I rather think they did this to show a more varied selection of gameplay and environments on the boxart. And the fact that a sombrero upset some people is just amusing in a way..
      Im from Sweden and I think it’s awesome that we Nordic people get associated with the Vikings. I would really not mind Mario having a Viking helmet on a snow level.

      And the Vikings where not really super nice all the time so maybe I should be upset, but im not. It’s part of history and culture.

      Japan is time and time again using their own culture as theme in their games.

      There will alway be someone looking for something to complain about just because they crave the attention.
      I think these people will put themselves on the loosing end most of the time until they learn.

      1. Jag förstår för all del din poäng, men du missförstår om du tror att jag känner mig förorättad iochmed sombreron.
        Det gör jag rakt inte, och det skulle vara uppskattat även från mitt håll om så vore fallet att Nintendo bestämmer sig för att inkludera någon sorts vikingakomstymering åt Mario.

        Det jag ville framföra är att; Nintendo, som är ett internationellt företag, tjänar alltid i längden på att preventera framtida eventuella problem som kan skapa dem dålig publicitet.

  1. I hope this isn’t a result of the SJW’s whining about it on social media. It’s like when Speedy Gonzalez was under controversy, the vast majority of actual Mexicans actually loved the character.

      1. I’m Mexican, and when I saw the trailer of Mario Odyssey, seeing the skull with Mexican clothes dancing with maracas, and bright colors to the surroundings, I was very excited. I love to see references to my country and to my culture of any kind in videogames, series, or movies. In Street Fighter 4 I always chose “El Fuerte”, because it was the Mexican stereotype, I loved that even their attacks were names of Mexican food. The point is; Pinches Social Justice Warriors getting into things they do not care about. If anyone should be angry with those references, we should be Mexicans, and we are not. In video game groups here in Mexico, I can assure you that 95% of the members were happy with that Mexican mario. To all those stupid Americans who complained about that stereotype, you fucking idiots, why did they have to complain? By their fault they removed my country from the cover of the game.

    1. The only time Nintendo pays attention to social media, when fan games/hacks arent made and people aren’t using PM acronyms on Miiverse.

    1. Lol finally someone who actually knows what they were talking about they just show off the water cheep cheep kingdom today on twitters and released a Calender of it people are being retards as if Nintendo respond to that one retarded racist troll article

      1. Ridley X3 {R.I.P. Chester Bennington of Linkin' Park. Thank you for the awesome music. You will be missed. *cries*}

        If Nintendo Treehouse censored that one support conversation because some idiot falsely accused it of being gay conversion, you shouldn’t find it too hard to believe that they’d remove Mario wearing a sombrero on a cover of all things because of a few idiots crying racism.

      2. Ridley X3 {R.I.P. Chester Bennington of Linkin' Park. Thank you for the awesome music. You will be missed. *cries*}

        In Fire Emblem Fates, I mean. (I think I give up getting upset over the lack of an edit button.)

    1. Mexican here too, Speedy Gonzales is an icon i remember when warner brothers tried to censor his cartoons and Mexican told them that they that we have never found him insulting, VIVA MÉXICO CARAJO!!!

  2. Smart move. But the content will still make the news. I remember a segment about a guy throwing a fit because Portal 2 had adoption jokes and his daughter was adopted. The kid was just like *shrug*

  3. Is it all possible that Nintendo just likes that shot better? By looking at cover alone, I know that i’ll be an explorer in some dinosaur filled world , a chef in a world that seems to be made of food, hanging out in a human like city, and even run into goombas stacked three high! And now, thanks to the updated cover, I know for certain that there will be something of a water kingdom as well. I’ve seen plenty of the desert level but nothing of water. Personally, I believe this new cover is doing its job: advertising for the game in a way that people will want to buy it. This truly will be an epic adventure!

    1. I was wondering what you were gonna think about this.

      BTW did you really think I’d let you keep your squid beakons up once I found them? You might want to wait a bit after splatting me if you don’t want me to go after them right away XD

        1. I’m usually on late American midwest time (Chicago area) like 11pm-2am, sometimes earlier. Not likely tonight, though- I’ve got an appointment with friends on Overwatch. I’m afraid I don’t know what your time is during my usual Switch sessions.

          1. Nintendo First Order Commander Quadraxis

            ||Wanted to play with you a bit, but my wi-fi was useless today for some reason…||

  4. They posted art of the underwater stage yesterday. Maybe they just put the Mexican image in as a placeholder awaiting the reveal of the underwater level. I’m sure there’s nothing sinister at play here

  5. Ridley X3 {R.I.P. Chester Bennington of Linkin' Park. Thank you for the awesome music. You will be missed. *cries*}

    Nintendo, if you removed it to not upset the minority of idiots whining about this being racist when I’m sure it isn’t even upsetting the actual race, all I gotta say is man the fuck up, Nintendo, & quit being such a little bitch! If you are scared of the racists themselves, fuck those losers, too. You’re fucking Japanese for fuck sakes, so I’m sure they bitch about you as a whole, anyway. lol

  6. I’m Mexican, and when I saw the trailer of Mario Odyssey, seeing the skull with Mexican clothes dancing with maracas, and bright colors to the surroundings, I was very excited. I love to see references to my country and to my culture of any kind in videogames, series, or movies. In Street Fighter 4 I always chose “El Fuerte”, because it was the Mexican stereotype, I loved that even their attacks were names of Mexican food. The point is; Pinches Social Justice Warriors getting into things they do not care about. If anyone should be angry with those references, we should be Mexicans, and we are not. In video game groups here in Mexico, I can assure you that 95% of the members were happy with that Mexican mario. To all those stupid Americans who complained about that stereotype, you fucking idiots, why did they have to complain? By their fault they removed my country from the cover of the game. (Perdon por el inglés xd al chile use el traductor de Google, mi ingles no es muy bueno)

  7. Pingback: Nintendo removes sombrero from Super Mario Odyssey box | Antign

  8. People angry at people maybe possibly being angry at something makes me angry. These people and their angered angriness are literally ruining this country by causing men in a different country to change video game artwork. Snowy snowflakes counteracting existing non existent global warming will probably or probably not bring on the ice age or save us all from melting ice caps. Grump rage snort. Now I feel better by shouting my misdirected anger towards others into the abyss and/or echo chamber.

  9. This is just stupid. I am an Hispanic (mostly Mexican since most of my family are from Mexico) and the Mario Sombrero was not offensive at all. In fact, it’s more offensive calling it offensive. Bunch of snowflakes and SJWs getting mad about racial stereotypes. Again, me as pretty much Mexican didn’t find it offensive at all. I found it charming and funny. Man, this really upsets me.

  10. Pingback: 【話題】『スーパーマリオオデッセイ』のパッケージからメキシコ風衣装が「ステレオタイプだ」として削除される…… | ニンテンドースイッチ速報

  11. Did anyone consider that maybe Nintendo just wanted a water level on the box? That the blue might make it more colorful? That it just looked better in their opinion, or that they simply hadn’t used it before because the sombrero world was one of the first ones revealed, whereas I don’t remember the water one being revealed by the time the trailers all came out?

    Y’all here in the comments seem awfully eager to blame your favorite made-up enemy, the p o l i t i c a l c o r r e c t n e s s.

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