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Level-5 Making A “Modern Day” Game Next Rather Than Fantasy

Level-5 president and CEO Akihiro Hino has revealed that the company is planning to make a “modern-day” video game rather than one based in a fantasy setting like the company is known for. The news was revealed during an interview with Japanese publication 4Gamer. The modern day title will have the scale of an MMORPG and is sounding like it will be revealed this year.


“Don’t you want to make your own MMORPG?”


“I do. I always think, ‘If I get a chance I want to make one.’ However, I still feel the pain of having to cancel True Fantasy Live Online (Xbox).”


“Ah, for you that was enough, huh.”


“To make an MMORPG, you need a well-oiled company as well as the knowledge and skill to create online games. It’s not enough to just sort of want to make an MMORPG. Back then we weren’t able to adhere to the schedule because we prioritized our mood. Then there were certain things with regards to the platform that ultimately forced us to have to cancel the project.”


“Even after such an experience, you still felt you wanted to make one, then. I don’t know whether or not you still have such a
plan, but if you had the investment what kind of theme would you choose? Based on your past work, it seems like it would be a medieval kingdom theme.”


“We do have an idea. I’m not sure if we can call it an MMORPG or not, but were plan to make a big title on the same scale as one. Also, since were going into our 20th year, we want to make something we like. If we able to get support from talented people able to do things we can’t, then I think we’ll be able to make it. By the way, the game we’re preparing won’t be fantasy but rather ‘modern day.’”


“Oh, is it OK for you to be saying that here?”


“It was said somewhere that we’ll make a game for our 20th anniversary, so I think it’s OK. Although we say it’s a game for the 20th anniversary, it won’t come out this year. Rather, we wanted to make the announcement in the year of the anniversary. For example, Ni no Kuni was a 10th anniversary celebration title, but it wasn’t actually released until two years later.”


25 thoughts on “Level-5 Making A “Modern Day” Game Next Rather Than Fantasy”

  1. Nintendo First Order Commander Quadraxis

    ||Then there were certain things with regards to the platform||

    ||It is called corruption and abomination…||

    1. Well if you’re doing something like contemporary fantasy or even magical realism, it still feels very much like fantasy. And if they’re burned out on fantasy, I don’t think that’d help much.

        1. Right. There’s lots of sub-genres of fantasy like that. The Harry Potter books were always a fun mix of magic in a modern day, realistic setting. But they’re still fantasy… It’s kind of like when a musician releases a weird album because they were bored of doing the same thing over and over. It makes a lot of fans mad, but sometimes you just need to make something for yourself.

          1. Pokemon explores all myths, legends, & folklore as tons of Pokemon are based on all kinds of mythological creatures of a number of different cultures, faiths, religions, etc. Yo-Kai Watch, from what I’ve seen, is solely based on Japanese folklore. Hence why there are so damn many cat Yo-Kai! lol

                1. Yeah, me too. I was defending GameCube-graphics by saying it looks much better than PC-games, and used emulators as “proof” since it was too hard for PCs to run the GC-games xD Gawd what a jerk I was. I was also hating the Xbox because it “just was a PC for your TV”… XD

                  1. As we stop obsessing so much over Nintendo, we realize PC had a hard time with emulating Gamecube games because the tech between the two was just too different (exactly Nintendo’s goal when making their systems so different from Sony & Microsoft; it’s never truly been about being different (not entirely, anyway.))

                  2. I’ll probably get a base XBox or S when I see more of a reason to get it than just Rare Replay & the first two Turok games. (That plan could change if the Xbox One X is by some chance their last true video game system and they go 3rd party after this gen. I won’t hold my breathe for that outcome anytime soon, though, no matter how bad Microsoft might be doing with competing against Sony & Nintendo.)

                    1. I have Xbox One X and oh, boy it got some serious performance compared to PS4 Pro. It’s night and day on Monster Hunter World there. But Xbox is going into something, but what isn’t good to say. Giving away all 1st party titles for “free” at launch is kind of crazy. Only thing is they almost don’t have any :P

                      1. I would expect so from the “Scorpio.” It’s definitely the most powerful of this gen. But with so few games on their system that actually interest me, I can’t justify paying the price for the “Scorpio.” The Pro is another story, though. I’ll have it soon…ish.

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