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Nintendo Says Virtual Console Is Not Coming To Switch

Nintendo has confirmed today via Kotaku that the Virtual Console service won’t be coming to the Nintendo Switch. We have been accustomed to the Virtual Console service on recent consoles including the Wii and Nintendo 3DS, but it seems as though it’s not something Nintendo wishes to pursue with the Nintendo Switch.

“There are currently no plans to bring classic games together under the Virtual Console banner as has been done on other Nintendo systems,” a Nintendo spokesperson told Kotaku in an e-mail late last night.


103 thoughts on “Nintendo Says Virtual Console Is Not Coming To Switch”

  1. Welp, no fire emblem path of radiance on switch, no point in living anymore.

    Time to commit sudoku!!!

    But seriously, this is really disappointing to hear.

    1. Who’s to say that Gamecube games won’t be released in another way either through the online service, released individually or as remasters. No point jumping to conclusions.

      1. Yeah thats what theyre doing selling us all the remasters at a full price. So they dont bother making new games, Nintendo know we buy their shit.

    1. Remember, the “leak” said that the Virtual Console will go away, and be replaced with Nintendo Classics. They only said games won’t release under the banner of Virtual Console, not that they won’t release at all. If anything, this helps confirm the leak is real, and we will still get classic games.

    1. Even though they said “VC BANNER” meaning it wont release classic games under the VC name aka re-branding. Most likely to distance themselves from the Wii brand, again.

  2. I’m actually glad they’ve come out and said this so people stop talking virtual console all the time. It was pretty obvious that it wasn’t coming over a year after the system was released so no big surprise. It doesn’t bother me personally. The VC stopped being exciting after the Wii and I would be disappointed if Indies suffered as a result of it being introduced, as they have on previous systems. I’m sure everyone that want’s retro Nintendo games will get there fix in some way, shape or form. It just won’t be done in the same way.

  3. Ok, I know that the E3 “leak” is still just unconfirmed news, but there is something REALLY important in this quote. “Virtual Console Banner.” Remember how the leak said we will get classic games, but it won’t be called the Virtual Console? Well, this partially confirms that “leak.” You COULD read this quote as “we won’t release games under the name Virtual Console, but they may come in a new name.”

    It may sound like we will never get NES/SNES/N64 and other games on the Switch, this doesn’t actually confirm the death of classic games on the Switch. It actually helps make the “leak” more credible. If they are going to re-name the Virtual Console service, like the “leak” suggests, then perhaps this statement was misdirection, and we’ll get the proper announcement of the replacement service at E3. Nintendo isn’t stupid enough to completely end classic games on modern consoles. It’s still possible obviously, but the fact he went out of his way to specifically say “virtual console banner” instead of saying something like “we won’t port classic Nintendo titles to Switch like we have in the past” still leaves room for them to say “Yep, there is no Virtual Console, but now we have Nintendo Classics to buy and download.”

  4. Weird. I wonder how hard it would be to use the same VC service on multiple consoles? Like, why do they have to rebuild VC from scratch every generation, while PSN just kinda grows? Also, is too much effort why they aren’t doing VC, or do they think they can make more money by making the VC games available a different way, either through collections, “classic” consoles (NES, SNES), HD remasters, or through a subscription service?

    Oh well. I still don’t own a Switch, but I figured I would get one eventually. There were a lot of games I wanted on WiiU VC, but I was holding out since I figured it would be better to buy them on Switch. Now it seems they won’t be coming to switch, so I’ll just get them on WiiU VC.

    I hope GCN games come to the modern consoles in some form soon. We already have gotten a lot of them through New Play Control (and those ended up getting ported to WiiU too), HD remakes, and now 3DS ports with Luigi’s Mansion, but there are still some they can only be played on the original GCN, like Sunshine and Paper Mario Thousand Year Door. I’m especially interested in a Sunshine port, personally.

  5. Weird. I wonder how hard it would be to use the same VC service on multiple consoles? Like, why do they have to rebuild VC from scratch every generation, while PSN just kinda grows? Also, is too much effort why they aren’t doing VC, or do they think they can make more money by making the VC games available a different way, either through collections, “classic” consoles (NES, SNES), HD remasters, or through a subscription service?

    Oh well. I still don’t own a Switch, but I figured I would get one eventually. There were a lot of games I wanted on WiiU VC, but I was holding out since I figured it would be better to buy them on Switch. Now it seems they won’t be coming to switch, so I’ll just get them on WiiU VC.

    I hope GCN games come to the modern consoles in some form soon. We already have gotten a lot of them through New Play Control (and those ended up getting ported to WiiU too), HD remakes, and now 3DS ports with Luigi’s Mansion, but there are still some they can only be played on the original GCN, like Sunshine and Paper Mario Thousand Year Door. I’m especially interested in a Sunshine port, personally.

    1. Don’t get them on the Wii U just yet. Wait until after E3. The “leak” stated that Nintendo was dropping the Virtual Console name (banner) and releasing classic titles on the newly named service; Nintendo Classics. This could very well prove that part of the “leak” as being real, and we will get classic games, it just won’t be called the virtual console. I think Nintendo is doing everything they can to erase Wii and Wii U from people’s minds. No more Mii stuff, and no more Virtual Console. Time for new names and a fresh start if you ask me.

      1. shame that no one actually read the whole statement your actually right this just automatically prove the rumors are true.

  6. The exact words they used here is very important. They said that games will not release under the Virtual Console BANNER. This doesn’t necessarily mean classic titles won’t release at all. It could mean they WILL release, but be part of something that’s not called the Virtual Console.. remember that “leak” that came out almost a week ago? It said that the Virtual Console would go away, and be replaced with a new name.. Nintendo Classics. If Nintendo was going to change the name of the Virtual Console, they wouldn’t tell us this in a simple statement like this. It would be part of their Nintendo Direct video at E3, and would show the new name, price points and other tidbits.

    While it’s possible they DID mean there will be no classic titles for Switch, outside of the ones provided by the online service, that seems VERY unlikely, and this actually just helps further confirm that the “leak” could be real. Nintendo stands to make too much profit from NES/SNES/N64/GB/GBA games on the Switch for them to just throw away the concept. I mean, they are porting old Nintendo Arcade games to Switch, so why wouldn’t they port these console games again? I think this helps prove the “leak” being legitimate, as opposed to meaning we won’t get classic games on the Switch.

            1. Then you should know how this is actually very bad. Unless if Nintendo does cross saves to bring saved data to future consoles, which they probably won’t, all of your game progress will be lost along with the service shutdown. Wii’s online service is getting shut down soon and people are still enjoying virtual console titles offered by its service, and it’s evident when you see articles about it shutting down and see comments with people scrambling to get those last downloads in before they lose the chance. People won’t have the same opportunity when that day comes for Switch.

  7. Wow! Why the hell are companies moving into a trend that nobody wants as a replacement? I hate the idea of renting games, I want to download and keep my old games. What a terrible move.
    Moves like this is part of the reason why consoles are being more hacked and ROMs are being downloaded more to keep and collect. Does Nintendo really think a renting service is gonna encourage ROM pirates to use that instead? I think easy payments of games you can download and keep forever would of been best. Maybe Nintendo doesn’t care about encouraging pirates to stop lower downloads of Nintendo ROMs.

  8. Guys, this only means that the “virtual console” name is dead, not that the games are never coming. Very specific wording that the games won’t come “under the Virtual Console banner”. If anything, this confirms Nintendo Classics are coming in some form.

  9. Ultimate Super Buu

    The reason Nintendo isn’t doing Virtual Console is because they are doing something similar under a different name. According to what I heard the replacement is apparently going to be cheaper to buy from than Virtual Console was. And no I’m not referring to the free games that will come with Nintendo Switch Online.

  10. I’m okay with this. I get that there are purists who don’t want to mod games they missed out on (myself included), but I use to think Virtual console games where gonna be remakes.

  11. People are going to act like this means no legacy content will come to Switch at all. I’m not looking forward to the exaggerated response to this.

  12. “There are currently no plans to bring classic games together under the Virtual Console banner as has been done on other Nintendo systems.” It’s confusing, but the way it’s worded makes it seem like there could be ways to play GCN or something, but they just won’t call it Virtual Console. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.

  13. Worded in a very ambiguous way. The best you can really interpret from this is that the Virtual Console brand won’t be coming to Switch. Maybe they’ll find alternative ways of bringing classic games to the console, as we’re already seeing with their Switch online service.

  14. Looking at these comments, I’ll have to say this. 1. Appealing to tradition is a logical fallacy, so Nintendo isn’t obliged to continue thier Virtual Console service on the Switch. 2. Just because the Virtual Console service won’t be coming to the Switch doesn’t mean that Retro Nintendo games won’t be coming in general. That’s a hasty generalization (Another Logical fallacy). I think they made this decision to not undermine the Nintendo Online service part where they provide retro games.

    1. ” I think they made this decision to not undermine the Nintendo Online service part where they provide retro games.”

      This. They want the retro games to be linked to the online service, to compete with the free games offered by PS Plus and Xbox Gold.

      1. Exactly. I honestly don’t completely agree with the decision, but I can definitely see why they’re doing it.

    2. I don’t trust ppl who legit type out “logical fallacy”

      Just say ppl are mistaken, dweeb. Its a Nintendo arrival not your schools debate club

      1. Well, what you just said was completely subjective. You personally might not word it that way, but that doesn’t mean other people can’t. We all have different ways to saying the same message you know.

  15. This is a great literacy test. If you think he said that old Nintendo games are never coming digitally to the Switch, time to go back to school.

  16. This is a sad day. PS Now is my least favorite thing about my PS4, and Nintendo just took a page from Sony’s book. I am deeply disappointed. Better they got this news out before E3, because this would have soured any announcements.

  17. ‘Under the banner of Virtual console’ meaning, possibly, we will get Gamecube games (Grandia 2, Power stone and Sonic Adventure 2) but under a different name?

  18. I would say that this perhaps points to them releasing things in a different way, ie not under the Virtual Console banner, but in another format maybe? You can already get some of the NES and SNES gamesvia the mini versions, and also the offerings with the new online service, so who knows if they will bring retro and past games in a different format?

  19. Honestly, ppl aren’t reading the the post for what it is. They are going to have a virtual console service, it just wont be labeled “Virtual Console” as it has in the past. Hence the, “… under the virtual console banner.” Statement. We already know they are gonna have classic games for their online service, please dont think that they aren’t gonna bring more classics to that service, it will have some new (and most likely ridiculous e.g Wii) name for it, but will offer the same old experiences and games.

  20. “under the Virtual Console banner” maybe under another banner? After I read the new Nintendo Online News, I’m really disappointed to get the same NES Games like the 5th time. I’d love to play some GC or N64 Games on the Switch.

        1. If you search on Twitter someone called Dreamcastguy, or something like that, he says that Banjo will be present at E3 but as an character in Smash 5. To me is fake because this guy wrote this without specify the source of this rumour

        1. It seems that Microsoft wants Banjo in Smash. A guy called Dreamcastguy, I believe is this the name, wrote that Banjo will be in Smash. Someone else says that will be announce a Banjo game but those rumours aren’t 100% sure

  21. So is this some kind of ploy to make us repurchase our Virtual Console games instead of letting us transfer them from Wii U/3DS? What a bunch of horseshit!

  22. Pingback: Niente Virtual Console per Nintendo Switch | Videogamenews24

  23. Virtual Console kinda got a bad name from NES game miscoloring and things like DK64’s controls. Also, with many Virtual console releases having inaccessible features like multiplayer in GB/GBA games for example, the service felt lazy and unprofessional, causing me to opt for secondhand N64 and GB/C/A carts instead of the downgraded VC experience.

    I don’t own a N64 2GBCs, a GBA and a GB Player because I’m a collector, I own them because I want a non downgraded experience.

    Good riddance to Virtual Console. Hope Nintendo does N64 and GB/GBA ports right next time so i can finally cut down on excessive consoles and analog converters.

  24. Currently no plans under the virtual console banner.
    There are two clauses in that statement. “Currently”, and “virtual console banner”.
    And I bet they will do some kind of classic titles thing eventually, because there is money to be made. They might be waiting to make the money, but why wouldn’t you monetize on old games? That’d be bad business strategy. So my guess is that they’re waiting for a slump in Switch sales, and then they’ll rope in some more people by offering classic games.

  25. Here’s my question; will the games be free to all who have online? I haven’t read where they specifically said you can play the games free for being a member…

  26. Til Nintendo clears things up, I’m putting any Virtual Console purchases on my n3DS’s eShop wishlist on hold. But for the love of God, don’t replace Virtual Console with something worse like you guys did with Club Nintendo because My Nintendo has been a terrible replacement so far.

    As another pointed out, this could be a ploy to make everyone who bought virtual console to re-buy those same games AGAIN under a new name. Hopefully more information later on will reveal this won’t be the case & anyone with VC on their NNID connected to their Nintendo Account will get to redownload those games FOR FREE on Switch under the new name/service once they become available. *snickers* I won’t hold my breath for that, though.

  27. Great, another great aspect of Previous Nintendo Console’s being ditched in the Switch, it was rather much swell to have a 2nd Chance with playing these games, terrible decison it was though to let the Wii U not be backwards compatible with GameCube games for nothing, some people who did not have a GameCube in it’s days like me didn’t even get a chance to play Super Mario Sunshine, nor did anyone that did have a GameCube manage to have a 2nd chance at playing these GameCube games.

    How’s the West supposed to get their hands on Mother 3 now? It was such a relief for the first Mother came to come to the West in 2015 with the name Earthbound Beginnings, it was even great that thanks to Miiverse, Earthbound managed to come to the Wii U Virtual Console in the West after having not done so on the Wii Virtual Console.

  28. Hopefully they replace these with retro collections. Say what you will about not being able tonthrow your socks without hitting a Genesis collection, but the fact is that Sega is really pushing to give people as many options to get those as they can for cheap. I wouldn’t argue with a virtual NES and SNES mini on Switch, myself

  29. Pingback: Nintendo Says There Will Be No Virtual Console For The Nintendo Switch [Gaming News] | Double Jump

  30. Pingback: Japan: Nintendo Has Applied For GameCube Trademarks | My Nintendo News

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