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Amazon: Re-releases And Remasters Are No Longer Eligible For Prime Pre-order Savings

Bad news for those of you who order your games from huge online retailer Amazon as video game re-releases and remasters are no longer eligible for the Amazon Prime pre-order discounts. One game that has recently been affected is Crash Bandicoot .N Sane Trilogy on the Nintendo Switch. The news was included in the Amazon pre-order conditions.



34 thoughts on “Amazon: Re-releases And Remasters Are No Longer Eligible For Prime Pre-order Savings”

    1. I know right?
      What’s with all these companies’ huge jab at the gaming industry??!
      Amazon with this; BestBuy completely destroying GamersClub; Walmart diminishing gaming departments/shelves/isles; Target also downsizing gaming shelves/isles…
      Not to mention GameStop’s alleged downfall into selling out…

    1. Yep, it’s a shame. GCU and Prime plus the Switch’s limited storage had me buying physical games again. I was actually shopping at Best Buy for the first time in like 15 years… bought a TV and a number of other things that I wouldn’t have without being there because of GCU. I was probably going to buy my appliances there when I refresh the kitchen. Now I’m annoyed with them.

      Amazon is pushing it now too. I’ll just hope people start shopping elsewhere too and force them to earn us back.

      1. Even though you are annoyed with them you should still abuse the living daylights out of the time you have left in GCU and then completely stop going to Best Buy once it runs out. I’m making it no secret that that’s what I’m doing and voicing my hope that they at least put in place something to replace it in the future. I figure if I’m nice about it in a “I’m not mad just disappointed” way the message get’s across better and hopefully has a better chance of making it to the top.

        1. Ha. Yeah I’ll certainly lock in all the preorders I can before mine expires. And I definitely won’t have a reason to go in after.

          The problem is that usually a store’s profit margin on media is 20% (at least it was when I was in retail a decade ago). So they’re giving up their profit to get you in the door/on their site and looks like not enough people were buying extra things. If sales drop, they may get scared and bring it back, then they’ll probably death spiral out of business.

    2. Probably not all of Prime but just the gaming quirks like you mentioned.
      Prime is too much apart of Amazon. With the video/music/shipping/books etc, it would be hard to see that deleting prime completely would be a smart business decision.
      Additionally, Prime has always been oddly vague about the benefits prime does for gaming, it is never promoted or highlighted as much as the shipping/Movie/Music gimmicks. I guess what I’m getting at is Amazon has always had plans to slowly kill off gaming quirks to Prime…

  1. With GCU ending there’s no need for Amazon to complete anymore, sad thing to, I’m all set to get Prim December 2, I hope they keep the discount for the rest of the pre-orders.

    1. If you had the game pre-ordered with the discount before these rules u get to keep it. If not then your stuck with the new rules, I got crash bandicoot on discount cus I pre-ordered before these rules were put in effect

  2. Oh come on, my discounts on video games was the only thing that made Prime worth it. Now I’ll be paying more for the membership than I am saving.

      1. I guess it doesn’t really matter to me these days since I’m getting a majority of my games digitally. And I’ve lost interest in most bundles, collectors editions, etc. Least the free 2 day shipping is still a thing, though. I’ve also been using my local GameStop more often so hopefully they can find a buyer that will keep the business around & improve the company because they actually care more about the customer.

  3. I noticed the Collector’s part 3 weeks ago when KH3 Deluxe Edition wasn’t discounted.

    Thanks for pointing these out. Pretty strange to exclude these as you’re paying full price. I guess with Best Buy not competing anymore, and Toys R Us gone, they don’t care anymore.

  4. Just show them how annoyed you are by spending your money elsewhere. That is the only way big companies like this hear anything. There are other options for buying games. I have over 30 Switch games and have got none of them from Amazon or BestBuy/EBGames.

  5. Pingback: Daily NOtaku News Round-Up – 03/07/2018 – NintendOtaku

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