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Nintendo DS: Pokemon Diamond and Pearl Exceeds 5 Million


Shipments of the insatiably popular Pokemon Diamond and Pearl have surpassed the five million mark in its native homeland of Japan.

The latest installment of the reverd Pokemon franchise has exceeded this spectacular figure within three months of the celebrated title going on sale to the general public.

The title is expected to continue its continuing sales onslaught well into the New Year and beyond, with the title being made available to ecstatic gamers in the United States and Europe this spring/summer.


11 thoughts on “Nintendo DS: Pokemon Diamond and Pearl Exceeds 5 Million”

  1. I can’t believe that Pokémon continues to be profitable even though all of its games are essentially the same in design and gameplay, except for the addition of more Pokémon.

  2. I thought the Pokemon craze would’ve died down! Especially seeing as it’s not all that good and all the games look and play the damn same. Oh well. More money in Nintendo’s pockets. Silly little Japanese kids buying rubbish! *lol*

  3. if you think pokemon is rubbish well you can shove it up your ass. me pesonaly is afended because i am a total freak of pokemon like i said early in my comment you can shove it up your ass if you think pokemon i crap

    my name is ty

    pokemon rules and screw you

  4. It doesn’t come as a suprise to me that pokemon are still a huge hit. However, in my opinion, the original pokemon were much better. The new pokemon look too machine-like. I also view them as more powerful than mew or mewtwo, which may be incorrect. I wish they would come out with more videos. It kept my interest a lot.

  5. I like the new games, and I will never get tired of them. I got my game 4 days ago, and I’ve already gotten my NationalDex, beaten the Pokemon League (Didn’t even take me an hour… Thanks Empoleon and Dialga!) and I’ve already caught 2 legendaries, and I’m well on my way to catching the other… 7 I think. So, here’s what I’m going to say, ‘Have you ever even played Pokemon properly? And if you have, have you ever really gotten into the game? Because you can’t say you hate something or you love it without trying it first. And don’t base your impression of this game, on the ones before it.’
    I hope you understand what everyone else is trying to tell you haters.

    Peace out…

  6. bonjour a tous
    je suis une abonné du club pokemon.
    j’ y suis habituée car il y en a qui sont trés fort.
    en tout cas,si je vois une carte qui me plaît,je la prend tout de suite!!!

    grosses bises,


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