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Nintendo 3DS: Analyst Believes That Zelda Ocarina Of Time 3D ‘Will Provide A Significant Boost To The 3DS’

We all know that The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time will be an immensely popular hit on the Nintendo 3DS. It’s the game that we’re all waiting for, even though the majority of us have played the original on the Nintendo 64 back in 1998. Analyst Jesse Divnich, EEDAR’s Vice President of Capital Research & Communications also agrees with this and accordingly gives his two cents worth.

“There isn’t a strong overlap between the handheld and home console markets. Very few consumers forgo buying one type of game over another. I don’t have any cause for concerns for Zelda as it faces little competition within the handheld sector.

“Correct, the summer months are typically when consumers take vacations and the June release date for Zelda is surely not coincidental. I believe Zelda will provide a significant boost to the 3DS platform, both in awareness and in hardware sales.”

– Jesse Divnich


21 thoughts on “Nintendo 3DS: Analyst Believes That Zelda Ocarina Of Time 3D ‘Will Provide A Significant Boost To The 3DS’”

  1. michael pachter would say it like this: “even if zelda does well, it won’t help the 3DS, its doomed along with the rest of nintendo.”

    this guy actually has it right.

  2. ya but im getting other games when i go on vacatioon but zelda might be one of them, it’s probably gonna be a 3ds game and if mw3 for the ds is out by the time i go on vacation.

    Sorry, had to say that after everyone saying how the 3DS IS FAILING REGARDLESS OF LACK OF GAMES.

  4. no SHIT Sherlock, its fucking Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time 3DS, of course its gonna increase 3DS sales and stuff

  5. I don’t know, I have a feeling the 3DS is going to be a flop. It might do well, and I hope it does (I love Nintendo and own exclusively Nintendo systems) but it just doesn’t seem people are interested in this system. It may be because the price is so steep. Nintendo needs to lower it to $200.

    1. I agree mate. I’ve got a 3DS and love it but there is nothing coming out for it. Zelda OoT isn’t really getting me excited as I’ve played loads before, if it was a new adventure then yeah. With the news of MarioKart being put back till 2012, I’m pretty peed off. They don’t seem to be pushing it like they did the DS, yeah there’s adverts on all the time, but advertising normalish games. I hope 3DS isn’t another WiiSpeak/MotionPlus waste!!!

      1. The problem with those peripherals was the time they were introduced. With the Wii 2-3 years on the market, it was too late to introduce them as the acceptance rate would be inherantly less than the packed-in Wiimote ( nunchuck coming in second) and developers made games with this in mind.

        Nintendo still has time to fix their situation with the 3DS once we’re past this “launch window.” I wouldn’t expect a change in price, though, until the next fiscal year.

        There are plenty of good looking original games being announced for the 3DS recently (most recently Square-Enix and n-space’s Heroes of Ruin), but that coming library really needs to be pushed @ E3.

    2. The way I see it, as long as we get great games I’m happy. Even if it loses to the NGP (which probably won’t happen) we’ll still get great games. Let’s just hope we get the Japanese PSP treatment but outside Japan; the PSP is dead outside of Japan, while inside Japan it’s the strongest handheld (currently). *Japan Japan*

      1. i don’t like sony but sony got ppeople eatin out of their hands even when they got hacked they still are just makin consumers happy by giving away 2 free games for everyone.

  6. Pingback: Will Zelda: Ocarina of Time save the 3DS? | Contains Games

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