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Warren Spector Says ‘The Ultra-Violence In Gaming Has To Stop’

Epic Mickey producer Warren Spector says that the ultra-violence that we saw displayed in a number of games at this years E3 event has to stop. Spector believes that developers are now fetishizing violence and combining it with an adolescent approach to sexuality.

“This is the year where there were two things that stood out for me. One was: The ultraviolence has to stop. We have to stop loving it. I just don’t believe in the effects argument at all, but I do believe that we are fetishizing violence, and now in some cases actually combining it with an adolescent approach to sexuality. I just think it’s in bad taste. Ultimately I think it will cause us trouble.”

“I left Eidos in 2004 because I looked around at E3 and saw the new Hitman game where you get to kill with a meat hook, and 25 to Life, the game about kids killing cops, and Crash & Burn the racing game where the idea is to create the fieriest, most amazing explosions, not to win the race… I looked around my own booth and realized I just had one of those ‘which thing is not like the other’ moments. I thought it was bad then, and now I think it’s just beyond bad.”

“We’ve gone too far. The slow-motion blood spurts, the impalement by deadly assassins, the knives, shoulders, elbows to the throat. You know, Deus Ex had its moments of violence, but they were designed – whether they succeeded or not I can’t say – but they were designed to make you uncomfortable, and I don’t see that happening now. I think we’re just appealing to an adolescent mindset and calling it mature. It’s time to stop. I’m just glad I work for a company like Disney, where not only is that not something that’s encouraged, you can’t even do it, and I’m fine with it.”

136 thoughts on “Warren Spector Says ‘The Ultra-Violence In Gaming Has To Stop’”

  1. i’m all about violence. grand theft auto, resident evil, gears of war. fuck yeah. but the violence is getting a little out of hands.

    1. Exactly. Litlle bit of violence can create another gameworld, but it has gone waaay too far to enjoy it.

    2. There’s always a happy medium. I love Mario, but I also can’t wait for Assassin’s Creed III. The bottom line is, watch what your kids consume, and consume what you like. Just because I’m a beer snob doesn’t mean you’re wrong for liking Budweiser. Consume what you like. I’ll never jump on someone for enjoying violence. I won’t buy those ultra-violent games, but I there’s a place for them.

      1. There is people who appreciate games for the gameplay whether it is Mario or Assasin’s Creed but there is also people who call themselves gamers who are obsessed with bloody games. To then gore=mature=hardocore=gamer yet most have never even played the classics and therefore cannot have the title of gamers.

        1. Last time I checked… playing as an obese italian plumber does not make you a gamer.. then again this world is as screwed up as it is so I might be wrong.. -_-

          1. Being obese and playing a game where you shoot other people doesn’t make you a gamer last time I checked…

              1. I think they meant to be a gamer you should at least play more varieties of games than just point and click shooters… perhaps not every “hardcore” gamer has to only play games centered around war?

                Just saiyan…

                  1. Not a valid point though. Of course I’m more fond of RPG’s than of shooters, yet people who play shooters are still gamers.
                    Gamers who play different games than we do.

      2. I don’t think he’s saying it’s a matter of whether it’s appropirate for children. I think he’s saying that people seem to game for the piont of blood and gore rather than looking at the real “meat” of the game. people’s priorities seem a bit all of the place is what I get from him, and I agree completely.

    1. “I think we’re just appealing to an adolescent mindset and calling it mature.”

      I think this statement is the most accurate one. Sums up how I feel
      about violence in video games, in general.

  2. Violence itself in a video game isn’t necessarily a bad thing. If the game is fun and replayable, who cares. Saying violence is bad is like saying there should be no R rated movies just because they’re not appropriate for kids

    1. He’s not saying violence is bad. He’s saying that the kind of violence we’re now seeing in video games lately is tasteless.
      …You can’t really compare the movie industry to the video game industry based off of what Spector is trying to say, either…

      1. Violence, Ultra-violence, it doesn’t matter. As long as a game is fun and replayable, the amount of violence doesn’t matter. The whole point of the rating system is to prevent kids from buying the game. Does it always work, no, but that shouldn’t mean people aren’t allowed to create violent games.
        And why can’t I compare it to the movie industry? If a movie is too scary, to violent, or too inappropriate, its rated R. With that rating, you can expect one of those things from the movie. You cannot complain that the movie is too scary, violent, or inappropriate for your kids because its rated R, kids aren’t supposed to go see that movie. Its the same for the games industry, you can’t complain that its “appealing to an adolescent mindset” because its rated M. Adolescents aren’t supposed to play it.
        If your complaining about tastelessness, then so what? Its a videogame, its supposed to be fun. One of the big things people love about all video games is that its stuff you can’t do in real life. That applies to all games, from Mario to GTA. Its a great stress reliever to get your anger out by shooting or running over a fake person. If this was happening in real life, that’d be another story. Also its not like these games are actually influencing people to do this. People aren’t that stupid and know there are repercussions for doing something like that in real life.

        1. the issue is though, that developers, gamers, and most people who support the industry want it to strive more towards becoming a respected artistic medium. Since all the games are “appealing to this adolescent mindset and calling it mature” that makes the industry seem like it is run by a bunch of immature pre-teens who simply want blood, guts, and sex.

          1. Hit the nail on the head. That’s not to say that violence can never belong in art (it often does) but this adolescent approach is what keeps games from being taken seriously on an aesthetic level. The progression of visual effects alone will not move gaming in a more artistic direction. In fact, making ultra-violence look dazzling and pretty might have the opposite effect.

          2. ‘Gamers’ dont want the medium to become a ‘respected artistic medium’, ‘gamers’ want any given game to be a good game mechanically, and want to compete or complete said game and hence play it until dawn breaks.
            Selfrighteous, pretentious assholes who like to mimic some sort of intellectual superiority by ranting on about artistic merit and their views on how things should be done and what to think, on the other hand, frequently write articles like this.
            Also, not to burst your bubble, but most of the industry is, in fact run by a bunch of immature (not pre-teens) people who wants blood, violence and sex, a good step might be to shatter that illusion you got right away and look to support the exceptions that appeal to you instead of trying to tell the rest what to think, like and create.

        2. “People aren’t that stupid and know there are repercussions for doing something like that in real life.”

          You give people too much credit.

          Also, the part about “appealing to an adolescent mindset”, I think he’s saying that even though the game is rated M, it’s clearly geared towards adolescents (and we all know that a lot of parents buy their kids whatever game they want).

    2. R rated movies does not necessarily mean they have violence in them. Often, even for a violent game, sometimes the level of violence is just plain unnecessary, especially when the violence is done without needing to fulfill an objective. You’re just doing it simply because you have the option of doing so. It’s unnecessary and redundant.

      1. I believe to decide if a movie is R rated or not is #1. showing images of private areas. And #2. The f bomb at least 3 times.

    1. +1

      if he’s gonna start, he should start with these parents, Like it or not gaming is a bussines Deves cater to what sell. Take away the bussines and it changes.

      1. Developers should cater to making good games, not violence. Violence doesn’t necessarily mean the game itself is good. Most games today would probably be better off if developers focused on more important things.

        1. Yeah and that is exactly is what they are doing.

          They are making good video game to cater to people who would like these kind of game, since you know there are adult who plays Video Game.

          Warren Spector is just bad mouthing these violence game just to make his game look better hence why he didn’t say violence in the media need to stop.

          It’s just sales platter to shine Disney and his game in the spot light.

          Furthermore even violence Video no longer exist it will still exist in the real world.

          1. I don’t know, a lot of the COD games seem to have become pretty mindless killing games, along with a lot of other franchises I used to enjoy. Maybe they should be focusing making better plots/gameplay…

  3. god does not excist earth=proof

    no support i love vionlence games it are games those are unreal and only retarded ppl/or not 100% brain ppl use the violence of games irl

          1. “no support i love vionlence games it are games those are unreal and only retarded ppl/or not 100% brain ppl use the violence of games irl”

            “I don’t agree with Warren Spector. I love violence in video games! The games are unrealistic and only retarded people or stupid people become violent in real life after playing these games.”

  4. I have nothing against violent games but some games are just violent to be violent and the story is just about some pissed of dude that must kill shit.

    1. Seriously. I only have a Wii and people always bugged me about not having.hardcore and mature games. I was recommended madworld. Was $5 at gamestop, so I figured, whatever, maybe it’ll shut everyone else up. But that game’s just beyond anything I’d want to see, let alone play. Killing people for a TV show. That’s the story of it. What the Hell is wrong with people? That’s just messed up

  5. That’s why they have games rated M, dumb ass. They have video game ratings. The problem isn’t the violence, the problem is idiot parents who buy their 8 year old kid Call of Duty or Mad World.

    1. I agree with everything you just said, but that’s not the point. The point isn’t that there’s violent games it’s that there’s too many violent games. I mean seriously tell me how many games at E3 weren’t “I’LL KILL YOU MOTHERFUCKER RRRAAWWRR >:(.” proceeds to bash in someones face. You could count them with one hand. I enjoy assasins creed and bloody violence, but also like games like mario.

    2. “I think we’re just appealing to an adolescent mindset and calling it mature.” They arnt making mature games for mature people they are making it for like 12-17, because they know that’s who will buy it simply because of the M rating hence the issue.

    3. again, spector’s issue is not whether it’s approriate for children, it’s that games try and be “mature” for the sake of adolecent enjoyment. it’s becoming unnecessary and repative now. might want to read more carefully next time.

  6. While I respect a game designer like Warren Spector, I do not agree with his sentiments here. Deus Ex is an excellently crafted game that’s incredibly fun to play in its own right, but not all games should try to imitate the style of violence it presents. The idea of a video game is to create a world where the player can control the impossible, to do things he never would in real life. There is something satisfying in crunching someone’ bones and making them vomit all over the place in Mortal Kombat, and running around Liberty City (New York) with a chainsaw, massacring civilians and cops alike is just plain entertaining. We need games like Assassin’s Creed to let us live out the violent fantasies of different eras and we even need games like Call of Duty (gasp) to let casual gamers enjoy what video games have to offer. Of course, the best designers take this suspended belief to the next level to create a totally immersive experience *coughcoughNintendocough* but personally I think crazy violence is acceptable in video games.

    1. I agree with you completely here, but I would also like to point out in Deus Ex, you are given a choice to what approach you take, it doesn’t HAVE to be a bloody massacre of everything in your path… Same with Assassin’s Creed to an extent, but not even remarkably similar to the games like COD and DS3, which is, simply a detailed and glorified point and click shooter.

  7. Interesting point. Violence is ubiquitous in video games, but so it is in cinema as well. I read something in a magazine a while back that suggested that violence, such as the violence found in MW2, is desensitizing us to violence and death.

    Originally I wanted to say I whole-heartily disagree, but after writing the latter portion of this comment, I must say, I half-heartily disagree.

    I play games like CoD, Red Dead Redemption, GTA, and so on, but just because I play those games doesn’t mean I am desensitized to the act of violence and even death. In truth, I can’t handle violent images; I can’t even handle violence on animals.

    In support of this man’s thinking, however, I will say that sometimes elements of violence are added just for shock value. That, to me, is what is dangerous about the violence in video games. For instance, there is a scene in Dead Space 2 that is so over-the-top, I could hardly watch while I played. It’s intense, but almost too much so. The infamous “No Russian” chapter in MW2 has to be one of the more grotesque uses of violence in a game ever. MW2 may not have desensitized me to violence, but I wouldn’t trust that that is true for everyone.

  8. He does know that it will never stop and he is also making people not want to buy his Epic Mickey game because his company is owned by the same people who own the Batman Arkham City game which is extremely violent.

            1. No because some parent are too stupid to fully grasp that a game rate 18 isn’t the game for their little 12 year s old son no matter how hard he cry.

  9. Don’t stop one mood/tone/genre of writing to then make the others seem to include a higher proportion of the total types of games – instead make a more range of games while keeping the violent games to increase a range and a choice in videogames. Only when we as a piece of entertainment can maturely realise the worth of different types of media and that everything doesn’t have to be either completely violent or completely grown-up will other media take us seriously. The truly adult thing is to see that there is a worth in all kinds of writing and games and that we shouldn’t typecast them or limit them to what we think they can talk about.

  10. He’s right, no discussion from my part. Violence in games is ok but pulling someones face off with a meathook in almost every game is a nono. It certainly is a maturity/intellgence thing, only juveniles and ‘less intelligent’ people talk about the awesomness of gore games. Mortal Kombat is something completely different, because it has much more humour in it, it’s violence for violence but different, hard to explain.

    1. Mortal Kombat isn’t so much about violence that it takes away from the game, as opposed to games that slow everything to a halt to say “hey check out this guy’s blood everywhere”

  11. I think violence in games isn’t bad if it’s part of the experience and not the main aspect of the game. A game about an ancient war or something has to have violence, but it is part of the whole thing and as long as the focus isn’t on how violent the game is, but how the shown violence fits the setting, it’s ok.

    I just can’t stand how it’s so obvious that the whole focus of some games (not gonna name any specific ones) is the extreme violence. There are shooters and other action games out there with such a ridiculous amount of violence/gore that you know the game wouldn’t sell without it, because it’s the main focus and it’s aimed at pre-mature kiddies who think violence is oh so cool.

  12. Anonymousssssssssssssssssssss

    because all the companies that make those kinds of games just want money. they generally dont really care what they do to their audience. we need mature people to make mature games

  13. Shouldnt he be bothered with the REAL VIOLENCE going on instead of pixel violence?

    Now i agree that some games are just ridiculously violent for no other reason then to be violent. But pixels are pixels…

    1. His point is that many video games fetishize violence, I think. Which is a completely unrelated issue to what you’re saying, really.

  14. I don’t think it needs to stop. We should have games that are ultra violent, but I think it needs to stop being a focus, unless it’s important. For instance, in the last of us, a game about two people surviving in an apocalyptic society, you have to get violent to survive out there because there is no other way. But glorifying violence for the sake of violence is being seen in too many games and we just need to step away from that because games should be about the gameplay mechanics that hold a game together, not about the amount of blood on the screen.

  15. I mostly agree with him, but there’s plenty of exceptions. Hitman is not one of them. I don’t like violence for the sake of violence, like swearing you have choose your moments otherwise it looses all value. And a few years back there was a serious overload of violent games, that were not good at all and were cashing in on graphic themes.

    The truth is games don’t need to be graphic, very few all time favs are, besides some FPS, and they all I would say are violence in good taste….As is Resident Evil…Nothing wrong with a good scare!


    I really don’t like violence in video games. I just can’t find it as fun. When there’s blood in slo-mo and tons of it you’re killing humans… I just can’t see how anyone finds it fun.

    Disney, you’re doing the right thing.

  17. Violence is fine so long as it’s used for an actual purpose that makes sense. The guy mentioned Deus Ex (I’ve never played it, so I can’t be sure), but another game where it works is Madworld. It makes sense with the actual plot, though even that can be toned down a bit. Ninja Gaiden is ridiculous now, with finishing moves transitioning breaking up the flow completely just to show close-up shots of blood flying.

  18. It’s funny because over 90% of people repling doesn’t understand want he said. There are people talking like he said: “Violent games make people violent irl”. Man, did you read what he said? He isn’t saying that violent games are bad or shouldn’t exist. He is criticizing how violence is being approached. To make it clear in a simple way, it’s like sex in a normal movie and sex in porn. In normal movies sex should be motivated, there must be a reason for it to be there and it will, likely, have some effects on the story. But in porn you have sex just for sex, it doesn’t matter why it’s there.

    Some games would be meaningless without violence, like Red Dead Redemption or GTA (I play it just to kill random people on the street), but some games use it way too much. Another interesting example is Mortal Kombat, it’s on the top violence, but it’s done in a way that is possible to laugh about it, something like Kill Bill, too much blood that makes it unreal. I’m not saying that there souldn’t be violence in games, I really enjoy a lot of violent games and I wouldn’t like any changes in them. The question is: Aren’t there some developers using more violence than necessary just because it pleases some gamers, aka, a lot of annoying teenagers that says “There’s so much blood, this game is so cool” and makes the game more profitable?

    1. Haven’t played the sequel myself butthe violence (and pretty much everything else) in NMH is supposed to be satirical, so it can sorta get away with it…

  19. I love Warren Spector even more now. His quote, “I think we’re just appealing to an adolescent mindset and calling it mature” is just excellent.

  20. “I’m just glad I work for a company like Disney, where not only is that not something that’s encouraged, you can’t even do it, and I’m fine with it.”

    *cough* Old man stabbing himself in the chest with keyblade *cough*

  21. YOU PEOPLE DISSAPOINT ME EVEN WHEN YOU’RE NINTENDO FANS , AND SHOULD LOVE GAMES DISSAPOINT ME A LOT , I MEAN violence in SHOWS isn’t that bad at a point , like animes are good , because they make kids more corageous and all but what the fuck i mean North america is really fucked up in mind, they BANNED animes which were GREAT , censor them for STUPID things , but then they let the KIDS play a videogame in FIRST PERSON which makes them kill other people, WHAT THE FUCK , i mean they’re supposed to be soldiers or that shit??? , what the fuck is with the ARMY OF THE UNITED STATES ADVERTISING IN XBOX LIVE TO JOIN THEM , WHAT THE FUCK THIS WORLD IS FULL OF IGNORANT FUCKERS, you all can SUCK A FUCKING DICK AND DIE IN HELL , NINTENDO , XBOX , AND SONY , NINTENDO YOU SUCK ALSO FOR ALLOWING GAMES LIKE ZOMBIE U JUST TO GET MORE PEOPLE IN YOUR SYSTEM , fuck you all.


  22. I agree, I admit I’m not too high on non fantasy violence (outside of LA Noire) but it seems like most non nintendo games these days are just shooting, hacking, and blood, it’s very ridiculous

  23. Warren Spector need to shut his stupid mouth.

    How dare he says that ultra-violence needs to stop in games when there are far worse problems in the real world.

    Just because Warren Spector doesn’t like ultra-violence games doesn’t means that he has the right to deny people who like these game or take away people right to make a ultra-violence games.

    If Warren Spector doesn’t like it then he doesn’t have to buy one or make one.

    God the man is stupid no wonder his game is fucking crap.

    1. How dare you complain about Warren Spector when there are far worse things to complain about in the real world.

    2. He’s not saying ultra-violence needs to stop, he’s saying it’s fetishized to the point of being an unhealthy obsession in many games.

      The fact that you managed to misconstrue this article to that far of an extent is amazing.

    3. I think it’s just plain RETARDED when ppl say there are so many other worse world problems. Every time we mention and tackle one problem we can’t solve it because there are OTHER world problems we should solve rather. That’s why we never solve problems. But if you don’t like his opinion, dude, ignore it.

  24. Unreal how true this is, violence in video games is okay to the extent of just killing people is fine as long as its tactical, but having violence as the core element of a game is just not right

  25. My opinion of this guy has just became one of deep respect. I completely agree! It’s so bad, that now games rely on gore just to sell themselves. They no longer care so much about gameplay, it’s all about the gore and sex. If you actually make good games(Like Nintendo), you don’t need gore, action, or sex to sell your games. In the FPS industry, you almost have to in order to sell enough to make a living.

  26. I do agree that violence in games are going to far. I do not mind some violence, like Halo-like violence, but I do not ever want to play a gore-fest or tear off body parts, etc. I do not believe violence to go too extreme.

  27. I will not lie: I love over the top, visceral, B-movie levels of gratuitous violence. However, I do agree it is out of hand. The entire industry should not be built on these games. The word “mature” when referring to games these days means nothing.

  28. He makes a good point. There is a place for these ultra violent games but it’s becoming too much. If those kinds of games were few and far between, it would be another story, but they’re everywhere. The key is to find a balance. That’s another reason I love Nintendo. Their games are ridiculously fun without having to be ultra violent. Leave luck to heaven.

  29. Some games focus on excessive violence, and I don’t really find that to be a bad thing. Would Dead Space be so great without its gruesome concept and sequences? Probably not. I think the problem comes from the target audience of games: adolescent teenagers who couldn’t care less about the features that actually make a game good (gameplay, lore, style, etc.).
    People get the idea that games need violence to be good, when that’s not actually true. I think that games like Minecraft are really helping people see this as well.

  30. Games are games. Just leave it at that.

    If you want to play a violent game then do it. You’re all big boys and can decide what you play. As for the kids, here is something… monitor what they play???

    I’m not pro violence or against, I’m just a gamer.

  31. Anyone remember where T and M-rated games were rare? Now they’re all over the place.

    I completely agree with Warren Spector.

  32. He is correct. The “so called” core gamer believes that if a game doesn’t have violence and sex, then it isn’t a good game. Just like the Wii mote and even the upcoming Gamepad have been called gimmicks, so are many games that unneccessarily include sex and violence, or excessively use them.

    1. Anti-semitism? Walt Disney has employed Jews throughout his career and donated to various Jewish charities. The anti-semitism charge arose when he hung around with Nazi propagandist Leni Riefenstahl (who was revered due to how she revolutionized documentary filmmaking) and associated himself with dozens of anti-semites. Disney was a staunch conservative who dedicated his life to root out the perceived Communist threat and influence in the entertainment industry. Most anti-Communist activists were anti-semites who held conspiracy theories regarding Jews being the architects of undermining the United States and democracy in general, and Disney was willing to court with them. Other than that, there was no evidence that Disney nor his company were virulently anti-Semitic, compared to Ford.

    2. If Disney was an anti-semite he wouldn’t have hired the Sherman Brothers to compose so many movies for him. Two of the people he worked most closely with during his movie career were Jewish.

  33. YES!

    I agree with him 100%. I’m not totally against violence, but I like it to be justified. What I saw at E3 was just…glorifying it.

  34. Pingback: Warren Spector dice, “La Ultra violencia en juegos tiene que parar” – TecnoGamers

  35. Pingback: Spector: The Ultraviolence In Videogames Has to Stop

  36. Well for me, violence it totally fine if it advances the plot, even ultra-violence. I mean, if the plot is grounded on it, it’s cool, right? But then sometimes people make games just to be violent, and not to make games. It’s like, “here, people, we made a game which involves people dying bloody deaths to entertain you. No, there is no gameplay and plot. Just gore lol.” Then…You people don’t seriously need a video game just to watch people die, do you? O_O Geez, get a life. Dying isn’t exactly a good thing, you know.

  37. every game has blood once in its life
    ever seen CoD for distance most of the time it doesnt have violence until you find some guy against you!
    Same with star fox 64 YOU CAN KILL YOUR OWN TEAM MATES
    Lets see ocarina of time FREAKING ZOMBIES!
    um dragons quest and pokemon YOU KILL ANIMALS JUST TO FINISH A JOURNEY
    and lastly wario land YOU HAVE TO STEEL GOLD

  38. It’s propaganda in my opinion. Don’t really want to get in all of that. But I totally agree. But i can’t see that happening.

  39. Honestly, one of the biggest things you can do to help eliminate the “violent” look in games is too eliminate blood completely. Just look at Avatar: The Last Airbender or Super Smash Bros. Brawl, those two things should technically be filled with blood, but there isn’t any in it, and it doesn’t seem as bad. Let me show you what Smash. Bros. looks like with blood.

  40. I may be mistaken, but didn’t Epic Mickey have a story where in order to proceed you had to steal the color from certain objects and characters, which ultimately resulted in killing the disney character? Is that not violent? But I agree that some of it needs to stop, but its never going to. I hardly believe that games like Just dance are ever going to overcome games like Skyrim.

  41. Hes right I cant stand the sight of blo*d and even saying it. I cant stand all the little kids and the teenagers at my school in love with COD. Im one of the only Nintendo Fans in my school.

  42. Pingback: “Nintendo Has Always Been Gaming’s Spiritual Leader” | My Nintendo News

  43. Let me condense the whole article; I think games should be like mine, and I think you all should agree.
    End of.

    What an ass.

  44. Talk about someone that has no clue what the hell he’s talking about.

    There is nothing wrong with senseless violence in a video game (which has not happened yet; there has been no senseless violence in the GTA series, not even San Andreas; there has been no senseless violence in CoD, which there was none even in the airport level, which was amateurish at best, mind you; even Manhunt had no senseless violence). There is nothing wrong with hardcore gore, either.

    I don’t even like the typical first-person shooter, but not because of what it has – but because of what it doesn’t have, and that’s because what I do like isn’t part of the FPS genre. Maybe you should think more carefully about what each genre consists of instead of being a total fool. Everyone and their grandma knows that FPS is about killing everything in sight without any skill needed. There should be blood, and plenty of it in an FPS.

    Maybe the problem is you should be looking at parents, not the video game industry. Call of Duty sells, why? Because you lot don’t ever put the blame where it belongs – with the parents. The buck is supposed to stop with mommy and daddy whom get asked by Lil’ Georgey to go buy him the latest CoD game, and they don’t bother saying no lest the idiot kid decides to cry.

    And, credit to most of these games you don’t like, unlike Mario or whatever the latest Nintendo IP is, they’re actually showing the dirty side of death and war. Nintendo and other “family-friendly” developers do nothing more than sugar-coat the realistic aspect (not that any game is realistically emulating war or death, but you definitely will not ever learn of the bad side of war by playing family-friendly games).

  45. Video Gaming is a seclusive hobby. When i go out the door into the real world i go by its rules and expectations and act.
    When i come home and turn on whatever system i turn i am taking a rest from reality and all the conforming, correctness, politeness bullcrap it shoves down my throat in all transparency and irritating obnoxiousness.
    I game to do things i can’t in real life, this is a universal reason i believe i can speak for all of us gamers in this world. And as this is the entertainment industry i expect variability.
    What does that mean?
    That means i expect different genres, different games, different ideas, settings.
    Unfortunately gaming has gone down the drain and into crap. Generic FPS’s (CoD/HALO crap and wider audience crap and copy paste crappage), Hack&Slash generic RPG’s and MMO’s dominate the industry.

    That also means i want varying boldness. I want to at one moment be able to play a balanced game, at one moment an innocent game and at some point an over the top game based on my mood. At one moment i want normal females with realistic clothing and looks and at another i want oversexualized/sexualized sexy armor (that reveals more than protects), etc. again according to mood (and also a little bit of nature).

    So mr. Warren Spector, even though you won’t ever read this and even though i agree that this years E3 has been the crappiest of all (for different reasons) portraying the death of gaming as it showcases movies rather than games and the biggest crap ever to hit the industry, social integration (to hell with that, i want games, not socializing, if i wanted to socialize like a rational person rather than a degenerate i would go outside my cave and i want start buttons in my game menu’s, not facebook buttons),
    i kindly ask you to shove your opinions where the Sun doesn’t shine.

  46. Pingback: Warren Spector: “You Don’t Have To Do What Everybody Else Is Doing To Be Successful” | My Nintendo News

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