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Miyamoto Says Nintendo Looking To Increase Internal Staff To Create More Projects


Revered games developer Shigeru Miyamoto has revealed that Nintendo is looking to increase their internal staff in an effort to have more upcoming projects going on at the same time. Miyamoto says that this will not only see more games produced, but it also gives the teams a chance to revisit existing franchises that the fans are clamouring for.

“We’ve been working on what we can do to increase our internal staff in a way that will allow us to have more projects going at the same time,” Miyamoto said, when I had asked him about why some franchises like Wave Race and F-Zero seem trapped in past generations. Miyamoto noted that an increase in size will allow Nintendo to not only create new games but watch over older IPs that fans clearly still want.

197 thoughts on “Miyamoto Says Nintendo Looking To Increase Internal Staff To Create More Projects”

      1. It’s about rass claat fucking time!!!! Now hurry up nintendo and make the f-zero, metroid, Kid Icarus, balloon fight, rad racer etc. We need some great quality nintendo games that are not available on other systems. To drive sales.

        I am tired of the xbots and the Sony guys them saying that we no have no games and the games we do have are baby games.

            1. I hate it when people talk about specs. I mean it doesn’t make the game any more fun. I’ll take Goldeneye over Crysis any day.

              1. If used correctly, it can actually make games more fun and immerse. I don’t know why people think otherwise.

                1. So you’re telling me higher textured grass and walls as well as bigger maps and more ash and debris floating around you and more shadows and lighting effects and quite possibly less loading times will make a game more immersive and fun?

                  1. I’m trying to post an article to explain what I mean, but this stupid site won’t let me for some reason. It explains why innovation isn’t just changing a controller, it goes into the little things.

                  2. “But it’s downright stupid to say that the next gen is home to no innovation. More powerful hardware doesn’t just mean prettier graphics, it means better AI that can act smarter, it means more diverse gameplay options that we can’t even imagine yet and it means we can run 2,000 player shooters like PlanetSide 2 that force gamers to learn to work together.

                    Online worlds, while off-putting for many, will help reinvent existing genres, and indie self publishing will bring forth waves upon waves of unique content.

                    Innovation is all around us, but because Killzone and Call of Duty took the main headlines, naysayers are proclaiming complete stagnation. For the last few years, the industry has mostly been in a rut, bar a few exceptions (Heavy Rain, Journey), but finally there is a chance for widespread change.”

                    This is the main part of the article that explains what I mean. (Hence why I said, if used correctly)

                    1. Then in that case. Nintendo has got some catching up to do. We still don’t even know the official Wii U specs.

                      1. Yes, I’m aware of the site name, but the article is spot on and was really a great and interesting read. (It’s an interview actually)

                      2. You’ve nicknamed me a “fanboy” but I somewhat agree with you. I’d play an FPS shooter, but something like COD that is doing the same stuff every time.

                        1. That was more so the attitude you took towards Nintendofan55 which made me do that :P But I see you’re an alright bloke, so I’m sorry about that label. And yeah, I mean I’ll play CoD every now and then, but it’s giving the western devs a bad rap atm.

                        1. That kinda hurt :/ Americans are just like everyone else on this planet…douchebag.

                  3. Exactly, most people don’t realize that Nintendo consoles have lower specs because most of their games don’t require them. It does “scare off” third-party developers but it does make the console less expensive.

        1. Doesn’t sound good to me at all. What it sounds like to me is that Nintendo doesn’t care as much for fan “wants” that it keeps making shit out of its efforts. Super Mario 3D World? What about a real 3D Mario game like Mario 64 and Galaxy? Pikmin 3? How about an awesome Metroid title? Link to the Past sequel? How about something in 3D like the Zelda franchise has evolved into? Honestly they’re not going to be bad games, and I understand that, but they’re not really don’t give many fucks about what the fans really want. And lately that’s all Nintendo seems to be pulling out, “it’s not excellent, but it’s good enough”, like they’re deliberately taking the easy way out of everything. And I can’t be the only one that thinks that.

          1. Some of us fans have been asking nintendo to give us a top view 2D Zelda that uses the Dpad, and now got it, just because you don’t care for it, doesn’t mean Nintendo isnt listening to its fans, hell, we are the reason why were getting the game. they can only do so much though. Now this headline right here is perfect for everyone, because Nintendo can finally cater to more just a small portion of the fan base at time.

            This right here, is amazing news.

            1. I didn’t say no one asked for a 2D Zelda, I just gave my opinion. I said they were kind of slacking as of late. It’s easier to create a top-down view game than it is to create a full 3D world with cinematics and so on. It is good news that they’re expanding, but that just means that WHEN they expand, they can take their full fan requests and probably win back some Wii U sales. Mario 3D world, Mario Kart, Pikmin, Zelda, and Smash are all going to be great games but with the exception of Smash I just gave my opinion that I think they’re just going for the quick bucks, and that just sucks.

          2. Just Shut the fuck up…You Think Metroid will sell Wii U’s???? You really think that? Dont get me wrong, I LOVE METROID, but before they do those risky games they need to increase the WiiU’s base!! And to do that they need to create these games first, because these are the games that can sell a shit load of WiiUs.Sorry to tell you but Metroid doesnt sell much, and with the current population with WiiUs doing a Metroid game will be suicidal!!So CALM THE FUCK DOWN and let them do what they need to do to survive!!!!And stop beeing a fucking ignorant.

            1. I think they need to make software that FULLY utilizes the Wii U’s inner workings, instead of games that just use the GamePad sreen for inventory. Take Black Ops 2 for example. If Activision would have utilized the motion controls in the GamePad for sniping action (looking through a scope) that would be a simple (even if small) +1, and add more interactivity to the games. Nintendoland was, in a way, genius. Using all of these “gimmicks” in a fun way. I can play The F-Zero race for quite a while, same goes for Metroid, Zelda and DK attractions. I also liked the way the camera is literally controlled by the GamePad’s gyroscopic movements.

              That’s why the Wii U doesn’t sell. It hasn’t sold it’s idea yet. Until you pick one up, you don’t see the difference between it and a Wii. “Oh they made a new controller?” Nope it’s an entirely new console, but I haven’t seen Nintendo do anything to alienate itself from Wii. This is key to convincing someone to shell out $300 at minimum for a console that looks strikingly similar to something you bought seven years ago.

              With that said I hope it does well

            2. I don’t know if you think cussing me out online makes you a badass but I hope you know it doesn’t, at all. You just sound like an angry diabetic that can’t get your dick up no matter how much porn you watch. I gave my OPINION, it’s the internet you’re free to give your 2 cents not start disrespecting others when you didn’t even read the post properly. A Metroid game WOULD bring the sales of the Wii U up. There’s many people I know who are huge Nintendo fans but don’t want a Wii U because there’s nothing worth playing on it right now. Pikmin 3 should have launched a long time ago but it didn’t. If you haven’t payed attention for corporate agendas they have many things to make them quick bucks. the New Super Mario Bros. series? A quick buck, just make a bunch of straightforward levels and arcade-type play. Nothing as complicated as Mario 64 and Sunshine and Galaxy were to make. Same thing goes for Zelda, I’m not saying the 3DS Zelda is going to suck, I loved Link to the Past, but the future is 3D, living, breathing worlds. You can’t tell me you had the same amount of fun playing 3D Land as you did playing real 3D Mario games. All the games they’re launching now are quick bucks and simple to get as many people buying this system as they can. It may or may not be the right choice, who knows? But its not amazing how they have been in the past. I played Mario Kart 8, Donkey Kong TF, Pikmin 3, Wonderful101, they’re all good games, I just felt like their quality or their effort is slacking as of late. Fuck.

              1. I understand Pikmin maybe, but MK8 and DKTF??? How were they slacking? The idea of anti gravity in a Mario Kart game is amazing. Plus the graphics. People say graphics don’t matter and I agree, but don’t tell me the graphics don’t stand out in this game. They look spectacular and beautiful. Also, you don’t see a Donkey Kong game everywhere, just DKCR and its remake on the 3DS. Other than that, you’ll probably wanna buy a GBC. I know it’s your opinion, but c’mon. Mario Kart 8 shows no signs of slacking. Absolutely no laziness in that game.

                1. Saying “graphics DON’T matter” is just as stupid as saying “graphics matter the MOST.”

                  Everything has their proper place. Graphics DO matter, but along with everything else their needs to be a proper balance. Mario Kart 8 is the first (and only) Wii U game that shows that balance. Everything unique about the game-play of MK was retained and enhanced with the power of the Wii U, and yet the graphics are clearly next-gen.

                  So their really is no excuse for anything less at this point. Especially if Nintendo is bringing on more staff

              2. Im just going to tell you one thing, go compare DK sells with Metroid sells then you can come here and say stupid things. And by the way, what you said earlyer wasnt An opinion, it was you Saying what you thought was facts.

                1. I’m not trying to compare Metroid with anything. Or better said: this has nothing to do with Metroid. The guy said that MK8 and DKTF weren’t good in quality so i stepped in. Read past posts before you comment.

                2. If Wii Fit U, Wii Party U, Wonderful 101, Game and Wario, New Super Luigi U, Pikmin 3, Super Mario 3D World, and Sonic: Lost World aren’t enough to drive sales for the Wii U I don’t see how a Donkey Kong Country game would matter that much. If DKC:TF was the only platform IP this holiday season for the Wii U then yeah, but the Wii U will be crawling with platform titles and not much of anything else this holiday season.

                  What if someone doesn’t like platformers? EveryTHING does not appeal to everyBODY. And argument can be made that Nintendo milks platformers just as much as other companies milk FPS games. I personally don’t have a problem with either. If that is what keeps fans coming back so you can get paid, do what you do. The problem is that if Nintendo is trying to ‘expand’ the Wii U install base they need to ‘expand’ their choices of IPs.

                  Yes, their needs to be more FPS games on the Wii U and a Nintendo franchise IP FPS game.

                  Yes, their needs to be more racing games on the Wii U and a signature Nintendo-brand racing simulator.

                  Yes, their needs to be more sport games on the Wii U and since EA and 2K are d-bags make your own baseball, basketball, football, and soccer leagues. Make your own unique engines for each sports.

                  Yes, there needs to be more action-adventure type games on the Wii U that involve human beings rather than furry creatures. Games with adult themes. And I need to make this point clear. Adult themes does NOT mean sex, profanity, blood and gore, gun porn, and perversion. It means games with adult issues and that adults can relate to. ALONE. Yes adults can have fun play Mario, Zelda, and Kirby, but are those franchises really ‘designed’ for adults? No. Just like a 7-year old can enjoy playing GTAV. Is that game designed for him? No.

                  The point is Nintendo needs to step outside the box. I find these excuses of all of a sudden Metroid on the Wii U would have been a “bad” idea to mirror the story of the ‘Fox and the Grapes.’ The Fox saw a bunch of grapes hanging from a tree. He tried to jump up and grab them but they were too high for him to reach. After repeated tries he finally gave up and said to himself that he never really wanted the grapes anyway.

                  I would venture to guess that the vast majority of people out there were not expecting nor ASKING for another Donkey Kong Country game from Retro. Everyone had their own preconceived notions on what it would be. Nintendo hung a big, juicy bunch of grapes from the vine and when it became apparent that it was not possible to get those grapes, people started acting as though they never wanted a Metroid or StarFox and went even further to say that choosing those games over DKC would have been a mistake despite the preponderance of data stating otherwise.

                  People in this day and age don’t understand balance. They go from one extreme to another. 5 MAJOR platformers within 5 months of each other BEFORE DKC is more than enough to spark Wii U dash to the store. Next-gen HD Metroid in place of DKC would have done just as well in the ****SPOT**** that DKC:TF is in.

                  Especially when there is a price drop and yes there will be a price drop despite Nintendo’s spin.

              1. And the last time we had a Pikmin game, good or bad, was in 2004. I repeat, we don’t need a new Metroid game this soon. Christ, give some other IPs a chance.

                PS: Other M was a great game.

                1. Yeah, it’s sorta fun if you mute it, don’t watch any cutscenes, and try to ignore that it’s thoroughly dismantling one of the coolest sci-fi universes ever made.

                2. I Agree, IDK why so many ppl hate on Other M, I think it was a fantastic game…And BTW me fav Mertoid game is Super Metroid….So dont come at me with the excuse that I played Other M before all the others….

          3. Having a sequel to the best video game ever created (A Link to the Past) is something a ton of people are happy about. But yea some of their efforts are kind of lacking. They showed fun games but nothing mindblowing.

          4. “Pikmin 3? How about an awesome Metroid title?” Are you really saying nobody wanted Pikmin 3? Pikmin 3 was probably the game Nintendo fans wanted the most since the Wii days

            1. If you never played Pikmin, only the ignorant would not treat it as hardcore and treat it as kiddy because of the colorful fruit and plants. Pikmin is my favorite Nintendo exclusive. It should have had online for Pikmin 3. Best part about Pikmin3 skipping Wii is I don’t need a Wiimote. GamePad or pro controller are must plays. Pikmi. 3 is more realistic too. In AUG., if you don’t see me much, I’m not dead, I’m playing Pikmin 3.

          5. I totally agree, buddy. They let me down too, and they continue doing it. The worst part is that I have a WiiU and a still like Nintendo games, I supported the product since launch, and I only have received a couple of games that really worth it (not MArio’s). NintendoLand, OMG, is not a competitor to Wii Sports 1 and 2. Nobody understands what the GAmepad really is to gameplay, only Nintendo. And NL, without online. They still believe in a gaming group including grandpas with games that rarely I can enjoy with a group. Just patience like Iwata has said.

          6. How about not get it? Because all you’re doing is bitching about it. Wouldn’t just deciding not to buy the game solve all of that? If your answer is “no” then you obviously still want it. If not, then…you’re welcome?

            I’m fucking pumped for their new games.

            1. I didn’t say anything about not getting any of their games.. I just said that I feel like they’re slacking. And I didn’t say there aren’t people who are happy for a top-down view zelda, or pikmin 3, I just said that me, personally feel like they’re choosing the easiest ways out of things. I’m sorry but its easier to create a top-down view zelda game, and a pikmin game than a full 3D zelda and a Metroid title. I’m still getting their games there’s no reason to bitch at someone online for dissing your cyber lover.

              1. You crazy, Pikmin 3 was delayed on Wii and delayed on Wii U twice. That shows how lazy Nintendo is. Halo 1 and Pikmin 1 arrived on GameCube and Xbox. Halo is on the 6th Franchise vs. Pikmin 3.

        2. I hear everyone wants earthbound, can someone explain what’s it like to me a little, I know it’s an rog, how are the battles, ect.

      2. I need fzero and that new mario world. I wish it had online multiplayer. This is the kind of game i really want to play with my friends but they live so far.

        1. Nintendo need to aknowledge the future around them as well as the local multiplayer imagine starfox with voice chat 4 player coop and same with 3D world. How would that take anything away from those games ? it would simply give everyone a reason to buy even more.

            1. Just Some Random Joe

              What might sound like a good thing with voice chat starfox will be long gone when everyone goes nuts on their mics screaming “Do a barrel roll!”

              1. SherlockWillFightBilbo

                That’ll be me XD! Heck, that’ll be EVERYONE who buys the game. Nintendo shouldn’t even add any dialogue. The fans will just recite all the amazing quotes themselves. “FOX, HELP ME!!!”

            2. Hell yeah. 3D Mario needed online. I’m older now and do not play multi player as much compared to when i was a kid. At the same time, not able to play nintendo games in multi player, i feel that i’m not getting all the funnist out their games. Nintendo land as an example, i would have played the game a lot more if i had access to every game on there.Ditto for NSMBU as well.

            1. Yeah it would idiot. Okay , It works perfectly local coop yeah. But if you had 4 buddies together with Voice chat online on 3D world it would be amazing.

              How would it not be amazing ? It certainly wouldn’t take away anything from the game , infact it would do the exact opposite.

              You can’t use idiots abusing Voice chat as an excuse , cus you just mute them.

          1. That would be fucking amazing.

            Also, this just in- As it turns out, Nintendo can’t please all the people all the time.

            Oh noooo

            1. As it turns out , only doing local coop in games that should have online is something more akin to the 6th generation not the 8th lol.

              I love Nintendo but there is ways they can improve.

        2. I’m not trying to be a dick here. I’m really not, but if your friends live far away then you should make some more friends locally. Get out there, man. You won’t regret it.

          1. … or maybe your best local friend has moved away to another state. How are you sposeda play together? Use your brain.

          2. Everyone around us are not good at multi games compared to online gamers! Idiot.I’m tired of easily winning in vs. mode in Pikmin 2! And it will be the same for Pikmin 3 too.

            1. And that is why I love Mario Kart. Its a real challenge in vs. Mode when playing online. Same for super smash. But I can’t get that on Pikmin 3.

        3. Not everything needs to be online, especially when the cost to maintain servers for a game like that isn’t worth it. Hell, Nintendo’s still trying to get into online functions. Why else did they get Tekken and SC developers to help them out with Smash’s online?

          1. Actually, It has never been confirmed “Miyamoto’s project” is a new IP. Retro, is working on Donkey Kong at the moment.

        1. Man, I really wish I could. I’m still stuck in college. I would have been the first one to do it, lol.

      3. Great! Really hoping for a new F-Zero or Star Fox or Metroid down the line because of this, it’s been too long.

            1. Very few people this age make home made Mac and chess. I know how to make it but I don’t like it lol.

              1. I love home made mac and cheese! Its sooo yummy when it is made with REAL and FRESH ingrediants(that is, if you use “real” and “fresh” ingrediants lol). 💋

      4. Ahhhhh i should go to a video game designer college and one day work for nintendo :P bring back Star Fox and F-Zero :D

        1. That would be awesome. They must give us a new F-Zero game at least. Kid Icarus and Star Fox as well….come on Nintendo***

          1. Balloon Fighter as well, maybe a Metroid telling us about Samus’s roots in the GF and her missions with them, that would be kinda cool.

            1. SherlockWillFightBilbo

              I want to see some multiplayer options implemented. The games are usually pretty short and they could do a lot with it. Nintendo Land had some basic party options but Nintendo could make a hardcore multiplayer mode. Even if it’s just a first-person shooter multiplayer, that’s still awesome. Unlike CoD, I want Metroid to have its story and player 1 game come first and multiplayer second.

        1. Mr. McCloud, can you please talk to Sakurai for us about getting your sexy girlfriend into Super Smash Bros? I would really appreciate that.

          Mamma Jynx. 💋

              1. Does anyone consider that a success ? Most of his videos have like 40 views average. That’s basically nothing. Successful is having over a thousand views on every video you post. And even that is like the lowest level of ”success” on Youtube.

            1. My mate in one video got more views and subscribers than that loser ever has. It’s not hard to beat that Loser Tony. I wouldn’t associate with him either …. Nintendo fans will turn on you too.

      5. I say they need more western studios to take the pressure off Retro. They could start by buying Next Level. It’s not like they make any games for other systems anyway, just make it official already.

      6. This is a really smart idea. I think Nintendo has a big future considering this combined with partnerships/crossovers with dev teams such as: The Wonderful 101, Bayonetta 2, and ShinMegamiTenseixFire Emblem.

      7. Virus really wants a Custom Robo X Mega Man...

        Nintendo seems to know what their problems are; they’re not in denial. And they’re listening to the fans ‘clamouring’, which could see epic retro IPs like Earthbound and Custom Robo return.
        Kid Icarus made a comeback… and the Blue Bomber’s in Smash 4… could we see the long awaited Custom Robo X Mega Man?! Hire some talented people for the job Nintendo!

        1. I don’t see EarthBound coming back(sadly). But there are so many IPs Nintendo can bring back to help out the Wii U. I’ll try to buy them all to help!

      8. omg there just now figuring this out after how long? I mean I know Nintendo is hard working guys but damn all these developers that want to develop games for you and you choose to support casual with more party and shovel ware. I hope now you guys get it together.

        1. Anyone paying attention (especially after the E3 Direct) knows they can’t use the ‘casual/ shovelware’ argument against Nintendo anymore. Move on.

      9. Hopefully, Nintendo would let these third party devs work on their own ideas and projects rather than shoving existing IPs down their throat.

        1. Something ‘dark’ but not necessarily a shooter would be sooo good for Nintendo’s image.
          But IPs like Earthbound or Wave Race are so old that this newer generation of gamers will see them as new. Not that Nintendo shouldn’t from time to time create new IPs from scratch. In any case, it’s good that they not only see the problem, but are doing something about it.

          1. We think alike it seems. A new IP is probably the best thing for Nintendo right now. Something hard-core, but not like madworld, where it’s mindless violence. Something mature with a great story line. They have the talent to do it!

            1. hmm I would like to see nintendo venture more into story based games as they’ve shown in the past that thye’re very good at it, the overaching story of the zelda series and super paper mario come straight to mind.

              but unless they’d think theyre onto something really good,then I think they should leave mature games to a first party studio buy a good one and let them make your mature games for you then they would have a whole line of exclusive mature games that’d lead more people to the console.

            2. What Nintendo needs are more platform 3D adventure games with eitheold IPs or new IPS. We no longer have Banjo so something needs to refill that gap.

      10. Good, maybe with an increase in size, Nintendo games that typically sit backseat (StarFox, Ice Climbers, F-Zero, Metroid, etc.) Will get a chance in the lime light for once. I personally would LOVE to see a 3D open world adventure for the Ice Climbers. 💋

        1. not to mention crossgame voice chat and a dedicated account system rather then tying your purchases to the console, seriously they need to get this fixed stat.

      11. Honestly l know multiplayer is so mainstream and takes away from the single player development but if retro made a multiplayer (online) metroid I would be so excited. And I would expect them to take a long time with the game, naturally.

      12. get a grip sony and ms casual fans

        Both nintendo and dega have a load of oldyys needs bringing back up dated id love to see both done on wiiu

      13. I hope they bring back a new Star Tropics, new Faxanadu, new Earthbound, a good new Kid Icarus game, a good new 3D Donkey Kong game (please call it Donkey Kong Planet), good new Metroid games (nothing like Other M please), and please bring out a new sequel to Super Mario Sunshine.

      14. Not counting that dipshits that have to type “first” on each post who should rightly be shot at birth, you can’t help but think this is a “no shit Sherlock” moment.

      15. Yes, Yes, YES! This is what I want to hear. I think the lack of third party support has motivated this move, and that’s okay by me. Seeing Nintendo work on new games and dormant franchise is great. Hopefully, we’ll get a new F-Zero, Starfox, some new IP’s, etc.

        1. They take the time to make a game because they want it to be high quality, not some rushed peice of shit.

                  1. Nothing. I don’t want it to exist. It is in my top 10 for the worst games I’ve ever played. Nintendo are suppose to be the innovators aren’t they? Well …

                          1. Compared to NSMB ….. No. I don’t know why Killzone was brought up either, Nintendo fanboy trying to attack Sony? Wait I’m on this site …

                          2. @ Jellybean946

                            How does that make me a fanboy? I’m simply comparing launch titles. I should of said that. Seems to me you can’t take somebody elses opinion.

                            1. Nope. I’m just replying with my opinion, and I don’t see how you can compare a launch title that hasn’t even been released yet (Unless you have a time machine?) So yeah, you’re a fanboy, bringing up a game that has nothing to do with Nintendo’s development times? (Which frankly are ridiculous)

                              Also hello real gamer, I see you took my advice and changed your name.

                              *Cue Hurr durr you’re a hater because I assume you can’t accept opinions*

                            2. It’s just a generic first person shooter. I like some Sony games just not all and the same goes for Nintendo. I agree that Nintendo have had a crappy launch line up of games. I’m no fanboy and I will call a company out if they do stuff up. Wii u is not a must own console at the moment and I don’t think the PS4 has an impressive line up either.

                        1. I hope you didn’t just NSMB (any of them) are one of the worst games you ever played , they’re all great games.If you were refering to Sonic 06 , then yes…

          1. Let’s see…
            Resource Planning: 0.5 years
            Concept: 0.5 years
            Development: 2 yrs
            Release year: 2016

          2. Sweet! Can’t wait to see Nintendo finally support the Wii U with more first party software. I hope this means it’s next launch of handheld and console will fare better early on with first party support and thus selling more systems out of the gate and thus more third party support.

          3. Some titles aimed for more mature taste plox.
            Nintendo games are fun for everybody.
            But I think they should get some M rated games too.

          4. Pingback: Miyamoto: Vi siktar på att expandera | Ninside

          5. Pingback: Miyamoto: Nintendo sta cercando di aumentare il personale interno | NintendOn

          6. nintendo did a very good job wasting the last 3 years, including a 1 year headstart on xbone and ps4..

          7. Pingback: Nintendo Wii U - Seite 194 (WiiU)

          8. Wow….it took them this long to realize that. That should have been the first thing on their mind before they even conceived of the Wii-U, this only shows how poorly disorganized the company has become. Now it’ll take 3 to 5 years for any new titles to be released given how they like to take their time and watch the grass grow. I wouldn’t be surprised if that was Shigeru Miyamoto’s new game IP, watching the grass grow. So don’t expect Metroid, Star Fox and or any new iPs until then.

            1. Yeah all that hard ass work and ;as a result, Nintendo exclusives are rated high by reviewers and arrive as top ten. Ignoring that Dark moon is on its 2nd sequel vs. Halo 5. Dark moon is still top ten best sellers.

              1. Starfox skipped Wii like Pikmin did. DCKR was the first Donkey Kong game since gas prices were $1.30 a gallon. That tells you why 99.99% of the time why when a Nintendo exclusive finally arrives it sells better than 3rd party. After all it took Retro 3 years to make DKC TF a 2D game. That game is going to be fun as heck.

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