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Armikrog Team Are Now Officially Licensed Nintendo Developers

armikrogPencil Test Studios, the development team behind the intriguing Kickstarter project, Armikrog, has announced on Facebook that they are now officially licensed Nintendo developers. Here’s what the team had to say, “We’re getting some love from Nintendo… Pencil Test Studios is now a licensed Wii U developer.”

Thanks, Drew and ikeezzo

269 thoughts on “Armikrog Team Are Now Officially Licensed Nintendo Developers”

      1. Why, is it too hard to believe a lovely lady like myself would be following news on a videogame site? 💋

          1. I’m really getting tired of that girls can’t be gamers thing. I don’t know why guys find that hard to believe. I wish we could all just get along and just talk and play games. Just ignore them, it’s nice having you as part of the gaming community!

          1. It’s not the liking video games part that I have a problem with. It’s the whole voicing their opinion thing that winds me up

    1. That’s awesome! It’s nice to see Nintendo helping out these indie devs. I will most check this game out when it comes out on Wii U.

        1. But, Nintendo seems interested in the game so I am sure they will help get the game onto the e-shop! :D 💋

          1. That’s not the issue. The problem is they won’t get the funding to actually make the game in the first place

            1. Actually, I think the funding’s an experiment to see how many people would get the game, not how many funds they could get.

              Afterall, at least one of the devs is already an established gamedev.

        1. fatal frame would be good. oh wait…… they just bought that ip so they can never bring them west or not make a shitty gimmicked one like spirit camera. another ip ruined thanks nintendo…….

          1. Spirit Camera IS Fatal Frame you twat…. Are you mad because we all know that your bum buddy Microsoft is failing and the fact that they have ruined countless franchise? Lol, you are pathetic trash

              1. You wouldn’t know unnecessarily forced gimmick (Kinect) if it sucker punched you and took your wallet. Oh yeah. Microsoft did just that with a blindfold to you actual blind fanboy idiots who use to defend Xbox One’s BS DRM/Anti-used game policies to the death like if you’re stupid Republican’s drones defending their everyday BS too and even voted for them.

                Check yourself before speaking anything that heavily defines yourself as well. Hypocritical morons. B(

        1. I think to be a licensed they have pay some fee and if Nintendo make those fees cheaper than the when they don’t like the developer then is good.

      1. Those 3rd parties are so damn high on raw graphical horsepower fumes from next gen consoles (which explains why they have so many heat sinks in their designs) that they can’t tell left or right from a goldfish. X( Fuck them. Until their heads are cleared from the whole Justin Bieber-like fanboyism BS, don’t even bother because when Wii U picks up and then eventually outsells both powerful competitions..again, then they’re feel very, very regretfully stupid..once again, for ditching Nintendo and that potential waterfall of profit.

    2. Indie/eShop games i’ve found are the sort of things that id buy while waiting for a big release.
      This’ll be one of those.

    3. Perhaps if TellTale studios sees this, they will consider putting The Walking Dead on the Wii U eShop??

      1. That would be interesting. Maybe someone should link this stuff to TellTale’s Twitter or something. 💋

      2. Hope that they put season 2 on the Wii U which should be coming out later this year. Season 1 and that DLC doesn’t have to come out. I rather be on par than to be late in the series getting everything late like the IOS version.

    4. That’s unfortunate. I didn’t think Nintendo would be the type of company to hire homophobic bigots to work for them.

      I hope they rethink this.

        1. I doubt he has any, just another person bitching most likely. When Nintendo does get more games people will complain……………

            1. Well I’m awaiting for Pikmin 3, but until then I’m playing all those VC and indie games I bought.(Little Inferno is pretty good) I hope to one day become employed by our Empire. How about yourself?

              1. I too have similar goals, to one day be accepted into High Command’s Elite Teams to join the fun of creating new games for our future machines…

                Meanwhile I’m supporting them where it needs to…

            1. Tofutaco, you have absolutely no idea in gaming do you. Why bothering insulting Nintendo as I am not sure who “Kidtendo” are, never heard of them. They brought the gaming industry to where it is right now. You’ve no sense.

            2. Dude with a muppet icon that looks like a baby penis with hair on its head (which its definitely what you look like IRL I’m sure), you’re probably some spoiled immature douchy kid bored out of his halved mind who’s dysfunctional ass parents bought you every rehashed COD game in existence and thinking only HD graphics and FPS makes the game definitive while calling Nintendo’s games childish? Are you fucking kidding me? There’s a reason why Nintendo has survived through harsh competitions for years and still alive today. There’s a reason why their franchises are legendary and have sold millions globally, beyond more than all of COD game copies sold combined. You like the rest of the real fangirls can make fun of them all you like but its always concluded the same way: Nintendo kicks ass with innovation while your favorite companies retardedly copy from them (PS Move dildo and Kinect from Eye and Wii Remote fused) and you fangirls get pissed by being owned by some “kiddy game console” Well good. It goes to show that I’m right. Nintendo is not just for kids. They’re a family-oriented gaming company with their own philosophy that works and defines true gaming over the years. Not some fancy specs, bells and whistles and HD visuals that PCs already had ages ago even before PS/Xbox came into play and even today’s smartphones and tablets are comparable.

              So check yourself before talking like a blind, dumbass fangirl who has no clue of what the fuck Nintendo even is. B| I swear to god…I wanted to reach through that screen and bitch slap you hard for three straight minutes to get your act together since your parents suck ass at disciplining you.

    5. Pingback: Armikrog - Nintendo 3DS Forums

    6. Why not help out the shadow of the eternal devs? Their game looks way more interesting than armikrog.

      1. ohh you mother fucker i agree so very much. ME pious am waiting to come back and the bitches have been all over me. wii fit trainer has been teaching me position 69, untill i sucked all her sanity out of her…….. now i have no strippers and am bored.

      2. honestly no it doesn’t. they both look exciting. this game looks really funny and interesting.shadow of the eternal looks amazing in a completely different way

        1. That’s a stupid funny question since your brain has once again failed to see the reality. NOA is only an extended branch of the main headquarters in Japan. Same as UK even Korea. Get your 3rd grade education in check before you blow another 10% of your brain cells with illogical BS talk only the idiots from EA can pull off wonders.

        1. welcome to our empire, shadow of the eternals or eternal darkness 2, tales of graces, ni nu kuni, mother3, captain rainbow, fatal frame 4, dragon quest x, earth seeker and the rest……. oh wait thats right, nintendo doesnt care about funding good games.

              1. Not everyone likes people from outside on there business not even for help sometimes the best help Nintendo can do is just make it a bit easier.

    7. Pingback: Nintendo confirmed for bro tier - ggFTW

    8. Sony and Microsoft fan boys = “Meh, who cares about some stupid game developer anyway”

      What they are really thinking = “NOOOOOOO!!! WHY DOES NINTENDO ALWAYS GET THE BEST COMPANIES!!”

      Well at least this time they beat Microsoft to the punch and will now make these guys amazing :3

      1. what I am thinking : ” who the fuck stared this fuckin fanboys war ”
        Really can’t we just play on all consoles without bashing other consoles and their fans ??

          1. Being a fan and being a fanboy are two different things , this site is for Nintendo fans , fanboys are not welcomed in any site unless it’s made by them .

            1. Player essence is more than a fanboy or fan. He is a dedicated gamer as I have read with real perception of gaming. He more often gives better gaming break downs than even nintendo, Sony or forbid Microsoft sites do.

          2. This website is specifically for Nintendo news so of course Nintendo fans will be here and no not fanboys (which is you) so what kind of dumbass question you’re asking? But a better question will be: Why the hell are you here, in a Nintendo website, talking shit?

            You sir are the pinnacle of fanboyism, idiocy and hypocrisy.

            1. Lol. I don’t own a PS3 I only have an xbox 360 with 4 games. Tomb Raider(2013), Batman Arkham Asylum, Batman Arkham City, and CoD4. Lol calling me a fanboy when your trying to defend everything Nintendo does.

        1. No idea, but the fact that Nintendo fanboys are the minority just tells you something. I find more bitching about Nintendo on this website more than fanboying.

      2. Erm… What?

        Nintendo didn’t buy them out, if that’s what you’re thinking. They just have the tools and license to develop for Wii U now.

        The game is coming out on PC/Mac/Linux first and only on Wii U if they meet their stretch goal (Which isn’t looking good right now. :/).

        1. So it means the Game will be put onto Wii U if it doesn’t… sorry kid you can go play your Xbox Done now

        2. Even if they couldn’t afford a Wii U version now, they could make the PC version first THEN port it to the Wii U when they receive money from game sales.

          It’s not like that can’t be done.

        1. Funny thing is, I’m not a fanboy of Nintendo. I respect them but I’m not a fanboy unlike you.

          Silly fanboy, here is some butthurt cream for your ass

          1. “So it means the Game will be put onto Wii U if it doesn’t… sorry kid you can go play your Xbox Done now”

            Yeah, with those type of comments, you’re really showing us that you’re not.


        1. Wow. I’ve never seen two butthurt idiots bickering their own idiocy at each other before. One thinking its better than everyone who’s Nintendo fan here and another playing hypocrite defending and offending in a Nintendo website at the same time. XD lol Oh mercy.

        1. Nintendo commander, like Macarony64 has stated. It is their opinion. Why can same sex people dating call it something else other than marriage and have a law set for that. As it stands them copying heterosexual couples defeats all they are fighting for. Think about it.

          1. What about gay people who are christian then?…

            Should they be forced to choose between their orientation and faith unlike straight people?…

            And further still, shouldn’t the churches decide for themselves if they want to or not?…

            Here in Sweden gay marriage just passed througn last year but each church have to decide whether they want to or not…

            I think that is a win win for everybody because no side is forced…

            1. There are Christians who believe that gayness is sin, and there are those that don’t.

              Eitherway, it’s wrong to discriminate against gay people anyway, since I believe they should choose between being gay and not being gay.

              And this comes from a Christian speaker.

              1. No one chooses to be gay or not just as much as no one chooses to be straight…

                Everything depends on genes, influence and environment…

                Being gay is as much “choice” as being straight…

    9. Pingback: | Nintendo confirmed for bro tier

              1. now they are going to say you disrespect woman!!!!! hahahahhaaha, you cant win on here. its bullshit sometimes. oh and wasnt it obvious that mamajymx was a girl!!!!

            1. 1. I’m not sexist. 2. Your really calling me a fanboy? Look at you past comments. 3. I own a WiiU while your waiting till Christmas so your mommy and daddy can buy you one.

        1. By Q4 2014. Sorry Halo 5. Looks like you have to wait while Xbox One (stupid ass name and reason for it) is stuck with mostly multiplatform games that are even on the Wii U.

    10. n. not good
      i. inovation is a joke and only gets shovelware.
      n. no games
      t. two games, zelda and mario
      e. end of games, we have gimmicks
      n. no 3rd parties
      d, dont care about games, we print money
      o. one thing, please understand

      1. You sound like a hater. You must have no logic to say that Nintendo only has two games. They have more franchises than sony and xbox put together.

              1. you failed hea hea….. you said ignore but you didnt ignore (points finger and laughs) sniffs crack. YES!!!!! THATS THE STUFF!!!!! seizure!!!!!! (twitching)

    11. I just searched and found several sites confirming that one of the developers is a sexist, homophobe right wimg nutjob…

      I now officially withdraw my former statement and declare that the Armikrogs should be banished from our Empire OR force that creature out!

        1. No, I bet it is almost impossible considering he is one of the developers and Co founders perhaps…

          There were also some that said one of the others is a Nazi supporter…

          If that is true, High Command should not help them…

          Or atleast make an official statement that Nintendo does not support these evil views…

          I will never support such creatures, even if they hold the key to cure cancer or save the world…

            1. Considering what the developer said, I think his views should be justified. You saying you agree with the developer?

              1. He said his views are not being put into the game. So no need to worry about that & at least he isn’t all axe crazy about his views & trying to push it onto us.

          1. About the nazi one, that’s probably a really bad distasteful rumor. Made by some hater/troll to pull away support.

      1. He really isn’t. He just doesn’t believe in same sex marriages but he isn’t putting that in the game.

        Not only that he isn’t all narrow-minded craziness about it. It’s like asking someone about their favourite color.

        Quick & simple. That’s it.

    12. p. powerful
      s. supports games, unlike 3dshit
      v. vintage beast
      i. innovative
      t. the best handheld ever
      a. absolutely an amazing handheld, the best ever

        1. 1) I have 37 games on my Vita at the moment and I’m buying 6 tomorrow.

          2) There is PSOne classics and a large amount of PSP games too.

          3) The guy is just trolling you idiot.

          1. 1) Where do you get your games? I can’t find any games sans Gravity Rush, WipEout, and Uncharted worth owning.

            2) I can get PS1 games on my PS3. And seriously, the Vita should’ve been backwards compatible.

            3) Clam down. No need to throw insults. I know already.

    13. It’s good to see Nintendo taking interest in unique games like this. I’m generally not a fan of point-and-click adventures, but this one looks interesting. The more unique titles, the merrier.

    14. im kinda mad at Nintendo for not competing toe to toe against Sony or Microsoft in terms of graphical power, Im still a huge fan but pls consider making a console that can compete to other companies because developers are treating wii u like it`s not next gen…….just sayin, no need to get offended (my opinion)

      1. Who says the graphics are bad?

        The only thing I found that outrightly “confirms” the graphics chip and isn’t a properly confirmed leak only having DirectX 10-equivalent graphics is a forum site which apparently has a screencap of Unity stating what it can support, and the news that Kingdom Hearts 3 can’t be ported since they’re using DirectX 11, but I think Nintendo only supports OpenGL and not Directx, due to the licensing problems involved.

        Meaning, Unity support when it comes to graphics probably is either incomplete or they don’t know how to support all the features on that console, and Kingdom Hearts 3 is using Directx and not OpenGL (which doesn’t make sense, since I doubt Sony would’ve brought a license from Microsoft that would’ve allowed them to use the standards. Then again, I don’t know).

        Even if it does only support DirectX 10-equivalent graphics, the difference between the that one and DirectX 11 is unnoticeable unless you’re looking hard.

        I think that’s like comparing the graphics of the Xbox 360 to the Playstation 3 when it comes to details of the scenaries. One’s better at lighting, while the other has sharper textures. But when playing the game, you’d only notice the difference in graphics if you were to directly compare the two together. The difference here, though, is more noticeable than the comparison between Directx 10 and 11.

        About the specs being lower than the other two 8 gen consoles the Xbox and the PS4, you must remember that most PC games release today, IIRC, usually require 1-2GB RAM minimum. Part of that memory holds the OS and other programs. The Wii U reserves 1GB RAM for video game use, meaning the system requirements, if it were to be released on that console, can be lower. I even remember that the RAM might be very fast, perhaps even fast enough to rival the XBox one and the PS4.

        Also, just because the CPU’s underclocked compared to the Xbox 360 and the PS3 doesn’t necessarily mean it’s slower. It’s the age that counts, and how close the components are together, and I think the processing components (CPU,GPU and memory) are close together. That, and the graphics chip, I think, is a GPGPU (a GPU which can aid in the calculations).

        Sorry for the verbosity of my ramblings. ^.^’

    15. Proud Nintendo Fanboy

      Cool! The more third party support that Nintendo can get, the better. And who knows what games a brand new company might create? Hmm……

    16. Proud Nintendo Fanboy

      Cool! The more third party support that Nintendo can get, the better. And who knows what games a brand new company might create? Hmm……

    17. Pingback: Pencil Test Studios ya es desarrolladora oficial de Wii U |

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