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Nintendo Reports A Profit Despite Wii U Shifting 160K In Three Months

wii_u_console_and_controllerNintendo has just released their quarterly financial results and – despite poor Wii U sales – have recorded an overall profit between April and June 2013. The company has recorded a net sales earning of 81.5 billion yen (around £545 million), down from 84.8 billion yen in the same few months from 2012. Operating income saw a loss of just 4.9 billion (around $50 million/£33 million) compared to 2012’s results of 10.3 billion. Nintendo, then, saw an overall net profit of 8.62 billion yen (around $88 million/£58 million) this year, which is comparatively huge when you look at its 17.23 billion yen loss between April and June 2012.

Hardware sales for the Wii U shifted just 160,000 worldwide – the majority (90,000) coming from Japan, with North America second at 60,000 units and Europe and Australia trailing behind with only 10,000 hardware sales. In their financial report, Nintendo noted that the reason for such poor Wii U sales was the lack of or very “few key first-party titles”, but with an abundance of first-party exclusives set to come in the next few months – The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD, The Wonderful 101, and Super Mario 3D World – their home console should start to churn out further sales momentum.

It’s certainly clear to say, then, that Nintendo’s handheld – the 3DS – has been the company’s saving grace. In total, the 3DS sold 1.4 million units worldwide, with software sales climbing up to 11 million from the 7.39 million sold in the same period last year. Tomodachi Collection – only released in Japan – was the biggest seller reaching 1.39 million units in sales, with Animal Crossing: New Leaf just behind at 1.19 million units in North America and Europe. Meanwhile, worldwide sales for Luigi’s Mansion 2 (or Dark Moon in North America) accumulated 1.43 million unit sales.

So, from Nintendo’s quarterly financial results, we can see that there is a lot to be positive about. As far as Nintendo is concerned, they are still sticking to their goals and forecast a further 9 million units for the Wii U, as well as 18 million for the 3DS. Let us know what you think about the financial results for this quarter in the comments below.

84 thoughts on “Nintendo Reports A Profit Despite Wii U Shifting 160K In Three Months”

  1. I was one of those peeps in Australia that brought one, hope gamecube and n64 come to the console this year, my melee was lent out to a friend he never gave it back, so fingers crossed we’ll gc games, also SM3DW is stupid

  2. 3DS Rescue Squad still on the front line paving the way.

    I wonder how much these figures will improve once the floodgates open for Wii U software. We’re all too used to seeing Nintendo turn out huge wads of money when the Wii and DS were selling in huge amounts.

  3. Glad to see good signs coming at last for Wii U and its probably thanks to Pikmin 3’s release. This is just the beginning of the comeback. And I can agree the lack of good 1st party titles is part of the Wii U’s sales problems plus Wii’s continuing existence cannibalized Wii U into a shadow and the third party, once again, sending misjudgment and bad messages to the public of Wii U’s purpose and appeal by denying them great 3rd party games when in fact Wii U is already proven capable enough for them. Of all the proper and professional reasons these people can explain themselves why they’re not supporting Nintendo yet, saying “Wii U is crap” just begs Nintendo fans not to support them at all which also contributes the 3rd party problem.

  4. Well its a interesting set of results and its clear this is the reason that the Wii U currently has poor support. It has made me realise that the games are not the only problem, Nintendo selling completely nothing in Europe makes it clear that there is an issue. They need to market this holiday season with plenty of hardware ads. I guess its make or break until Mario Kart, I have no doubt Mario Kart will be the saviour above all else it will help the console sell big time.

  5. This is cool about Nintendo, everyone is makin their DoOm predictions and they still manage to make profits, remember Nintendo made more profit during gamecube era than sony with their ps2. Nintendo knows what they are doing.

  6. I will help Nintendo. I was just promoted at work and I’m getting ready for my wii u deluxe. I’ll buy it around december 2th.

    I will start with Zombiu Set (or another bundle), Zelda Wind Waker, Mario 3D World, my wii games, Nintendoland, New Super Mario U, Luigi DLC and maybe Lego City Undercover.

    Wii U…. here I comeeeee :D

      1. It depends what you are looking for in a game. I loved everything about ZombiU. First time a scary video game was SCARY and not just another boring zombie shooter like the recent Resident Evil installments.

  7. Wow at how bad the Wii U’s sales are, and yet people still think it will outsell the Xbox One?

    Not happening.

    1. Strange, because at this moment in time it is happening.

      Call it cheap, but I can’t honestly see the XO making an immediate impact, neither can I the PS4, though the PS4 may make a stronger impact than the Wii U did. Come back in 2015, that’ll give you a broader idea on where all three 8th gen systems sit.

    2. Just wait until next month. Nintendo will deliver their ammunitions to the Wii U starting with Pikmin 3 and Ubisoft’s Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell: Blacklist.

      1. These Xbots and Sonyans keep getting proved wrong report after report…

        I love the smell of Nintendo hating tears…

        1. This report actually proves them right that Wii U is doing terribly. Plus many developers aren’t bothering with even adding in online to AAA games. Love the smell of fanboy damage control.

  8. All those millions of yens but yet they couldn’t make a more powerful Wii U….. Even though I like my Wii U, there are things that simply are pathetic about it, like the poor 32GB memory…

    1. Go buy an external drive. Is cheaper to turn a 350$ wiiu into a 1t console than it is to turn a Xbox 360 arcade into a 250g console.

  9. That thing is going to be a big faillure ! But they deserve it. Nintendo is makeling failures after failtures. No advertising campagn, no hype, no games, slow OS, older hardware, high price etc etc. Admit ppl ! its over and they deserved it !

    1. HIGH PRICE?? Look I know your a troll and all, but the wii u for 300$ is the cheapest of the next gen consoles. If your going to be a negative nancy, at least be rational. (though nobody on the internet is rational.)

        1. The price is way to high for what you get in return. For example, weaker specs, no unified accountsystem, slow OS, no games etc etc. And btw I’m not trolling only telling the truth.

          1. You can’t handle the truth Infantity. The Wii U isn’t as expensive as Xbox One. ($300 [basic] >>> $500) Not only you’re still a troll… but also an Xbot/Nintendo hater. Furthermore, the Wii U is already getting some improvements via firmware. Greater customer service, and a social gaming network.

            1. I think you cant handle the truth. The U isn’t selling because the price, no advertisement, no games, no support, slow download, slow os, no real account systeem. There is way to much negativity around the system. And do you see Nintendo respond to this ? The only thing I see and hear is “Please understand ….”

              1. The only negativity comes from the western media and all brainwashed Xbots and Sonyans that never even liked Nintendo to begin with…

                And the ONLY reason to why the Wii U is not selling as it supposed to is because of all delays of first party games…

                Pikmin 3 not even considered one of the biggest system sellers has shown that it still makes a significant impact…

                When Mario comes the end of the pathetic haters will begin…

                1. “The only negativity comes from the western media and all brainwashed Xbots and Sonyans that never even liked Nintendo to begin with…”
                  And what is Nintendo reaction ? Please understand ….

                  “And the ONLY reason to why the Wii U is not selling as it supposed to is because of all delays of first party games…”
                  And who’s fault is that ? Right Nintendo …

                    1. I disagree. why ? Nintendo needs to react against the negativity. They need to take the negativity away ! Are they doing that ? Nope they dont …

                      About the delay of first party games. I blame Nintendo for this. They should know that HD development requires more man power.

                      1. Nintendo Commander

                        What a big part of the western gaming community wants is for Nintendo to become just like the other 2…

                        If they did that then there would be no reason for Nintendo to even exist which is why Nintendo does not care about their negative responses…

                        However, our Empire has still not begun to market the Wii U properly in Europe other than the UK which has me worried a little but I’m sure they will solve it aswell…

                        And I agree with you when it comes to manpower as that is a big reason to the delays…

                2. nintendocammander is right. He is probably be more intelligent then you? First thing, why even come to this site? This page is for nintendo fans. Yes, maybe the wii u is sort of expensive, but it is worth it. A bad os,really? the os was meant for hardcore nintendo fans, Not like brainwashed sonydrones or whoever you are. One more thing, hardware isn’t everything. Its about having fun. The hardware is strong enough for us to enjoy the gameplay. the wii u is acctually pretty strong so i wouldn’t really care as long its in HD. The nintendo games are fun and entertaining, and the games separate nintendo from other companies. Instead of nintendo creating mindless shooting games, they are quite innovative.

                  1. Nintendo Commander is nothing but a loser fanboy. Wii U is overpriced for what it is (I own one) The OS is fucking terrible, waaaay too slow.

                    Fucking fanboy scum.

                3. Slow download? My Wii U has not been slow since gas prices were $2.80 a gallon. It is faster than my Acer Tablet. Also ignoring the real specs in the Wii U. Whatever is inside it, it does not require as much ram. After all Infintiy you forgot Xboneone goes through 32g before wiiu since it forces you to download into the system.The Xbone neddeds 500 gigs.

          2. I’ll agree in some terms but if you think “high price” is the reason, then you need a wake up call. To date and still cheaper, nintendo is a main hitter in the respect compared to the money grabbing tirant xbox and the over priced soon to come, then fail and drop to reasonable prices, playstation. Specs? You shouldn’t even care for. Slow OS? ok, maybe. No Games? Ok. No support? Not true, as you can see, we are already getting a few games other systems will get like ghost, already have Black ops 2, getting a few others too…like Monster Hunter Fronteer G. No “real” account system? Boy, you must love paying for your tirant there. Yeah, I like free better but seeing that I do own an xbox myself and gave it to my brother, I’d say that I like it free when it comes too accounts and glad they have accounts. Nintendo’s fault? Partly, ok I’ll give you that. I think you need to check your information dude. If “done” or “nintendoooOOOmed”, they wouldn’t made a dam cent in the first place, plus they won’t go bank rupt until 2053 and that’s IF they wasn’t making a dam cent. You know what else you don’t know and I forgot to say? That they at least admit it and do tell the truth and if they say their making it (games, consoles, facts, rumors from them), then it gonna happen. If they delay, good, because that means they are making it better. As I said before man, check your information before trying to professionally troll.

      1. It’s nowhere near over for Nintendo. Yes, they may be regretting some decisions, and they will pay for being naive when it comes to when and how to release an HD console, but you are delusional if you think it’s “over.”

    2. Pingback: European Release For Bravely Default: Flying Fairy Pushed Back To 2014 | My Nintendo News

    3. I think Nintendo should put SNES, GBA, N64, GC on eShop. All libraries. In both hardwares, 3DS and Wii U. For Wii U, eShop should came with all Wii library and on 3DS all DS library. Nintendo could put a reasonable price for the titles, nothing like app store, something more likely PSN. I don’t know, but i would pay 15 dollars to play pokemon red fire on my 3DS. Just this small change would fill nintendo’s vault. Its cheaper then lunck news IPs, or new hole games, and all nintendist are saudosist, everyone would love play super mario world or donkey kong country 2 on 3DS in the way to work. This would make a lot of money.
      Talking about PSN, nintendo should have some premium service for eShop, a 50 dollars, maybe 100 dollars/year signature to have some free games, discounts e everything. This is almost a capital approach, but made from users not investors. Well, the only way i see is nintendo investing time and staff on digital distribution focused on 3DS and the expansion on america, the biggest game market on world, because in japan they are huge, its hard grown when in are big, but in america is lots of room to grow, but they need to have a really better digital service, which finally will have account. They need to lunch lots of games, included virtual console, and understand american way.

    4. they need to drop the price then or make a really good bundle so it will sell for the holidays because if they are making profit off of this shit, then they can drop the price or make a really good bundle to make it sell good.

    5. I own a Wii U, but the only game coming out the next few months exclusive to Wii U that I’d consider getting is Windwaker. But I still own the original, and have played it a 100 times, so why waste the money?

      1. I wouldn’t call it, “…why waste the money?”. Just think of it as an HD version of the original, but with newer features that’s not in the original. Remember the additional features in Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D on the 3DS?

        1. Respectably, I must say converting a game from N64 to 3DS is different from a game converted from Gamecube to Wii U.
          If Nintendo really wants to push Wii U, they’d do better to release an entirely new Zelda game.

          1. Which is already coming…

            Wind Waker HD is simply a gift to Nintendo fans first hand and works as a testing ground to see what works or not for the new Zelda game for the Wii U…

            And there are some changes withing the game itself aswell…

            1. a gift=free , so no.

              wow are you allowed to pay 50 for nintendo to ” test” their console, i lol’ed…

              cmon its nothing more then an easy cash-in, one of the versions that if ported required the least work, a gift? very far from.

              1. Well personally I will buy it, however not untill it receives a pricecut as I already own the original…

                But if it brings new players to the mix then so be it…

                After all, no forces anybody to buy anything…

                But I am dissapointed at the price as it should be atleast 30% cheaper…

              1. I see your point, your point is why bother getting the remake when you own the original? My point is, I own the original too, but I want to see the changes with my own eyes and play it to judge. HD cele shading is just right for working on the new zelda and getting the hang of HD properties. Get what I’m trying to say? WE…are the testers, WE judge if it comes out right or not. Yeah, sounds dumb to get it if you own the original but I have a reason. You can do whatever you like because you have power over yourself. I can’t change anything for you or tell you how to be you. Just making a point for you on my behalf.

                      1. I’m thinking of buying the set even though I know their fake. There is an actual place here in my town that sells the actual master swords and hylian shields, both in shadow link form and real deal. Also in keychain forms. No joke.

                        1. That is awesome. I think I did see the master sword for sale somewhere. I can’t remember where though. It might have been in Singapore.

        2. i think the wii u is an awesome console. i shall have my contribution to nintendo next month. i will not wait for a price drop( if there’s any) or another buddle because it will take it forever to get here in the middle east. i’m thinking of buying 2. :)

        3. I’ve been completely content with my Wii-u since launch but it’s always disheartening to see the console struggling and all the doom and gloom news. I currently own Nintendo Land, NSMB U, Pikmin 3, Assassins Creed 3, Darksiders 2, Batman Arkham City and Sonic All Stars Racing and have enjoyed every game apart from Assassins Creed 3. Pikmin 3 is going down very well and by the time I’m done with that, The Wonderful 101 will be out. I still would like to buy Monster Hunter U, Lego City undercover and Need for Speed, but being a father, I need to balance my game time so can’t buy everything a once.
          The console has the games now with some great examples shown above and will have a must have game every month from now until the end of the year.
          The additional features like Miiverse and the e-shop bring additional content and fun and these will only increase with time.
          If western 3rd parties abandon the Wii-U then so be it; like always Nintendo will remain small, dedicated and their consoles will be full of content that every gamer should be interested in.

          1. Yep. Pretty much we could be looking at a Nintendo-software-only console, with several well-built Indie games.

            I mean, I’m semi-OK with this, but it sucks that my brother was ALMOST sold on WiiU, but won’t by it with such a small install base. So for another generation, I won’t be able to game online with him, because He’ll get one if the other next Gen consoles.

        4. Pingback: Nintendo posts profit

        5. I’m getting a Wii U for ZombiU, Pikmin 3, Wonderful 101, Wind Waker HD, Watchdogs, and Batman! :D

          There are other games I want to, but these are going to be my first purchases.

        6. well wii u is a great console, but too long for us to see the great games on it. They said they’d learned from their 3ds mistakes but that clearly isn’t the case. They definitely suffer from the lack of constant games..

          1. Ignoring they also said they had to work around with HD. Bad memory. Also ignoring that Pikmin 3 is arriving in 4 more days yet you want to act like that didn’t happen.

          2. I blame third parties on that, but not all of them. giving some horrible ports (except Arkham City,BO2,AC3), delaying an FINISHED anticipated title( probably a system selling title) and making it multiplat(UBISOFT) taking away support for a stupid reason after making an ”unprecedented relationship”(E fucking A) and some complaining that the base is too small. if anyone is going to have a low install base, say hello to the Xbox1 for $500.

        7. lucky there’s about 4 million as of July 31st thanks to Pikmin 3. We owe our thanks to the following:Miyamoto for making a great game. Our new captains for making us hungry by getting delicious fruits, Louie for pissing us of when u did what u did, Olimar for making an appearance, and of course, the Pikmin, for helping us for three games but asking only to make sure we get u to the Onion(s) in time.

        8. Pingback: Iwata: “We Strive To Regain Nintendo-Like Profits” For Next Fiscal Year | My Nintendo News

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