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Pachter Says The Nintendo 2DS Is A Great Idea, Should Boost 3DS Sales Meaningfully


Outspoken Wedbush Morgan analyst Michael Pachter believes that the recently announced Nintendo 2DS is actually a great idea and should go someway to bolstering Nintendo 3DS sales this holiday season. The new device is lighter than a Nintendo 3DS XL, but features worse battery life, mono speakers, and screens the size of the original Nintendo 3DS. The handheld will be out on October 12th in North America.

“The 2DS is a great idea, should boost sales meaningfully. I think a lot of people don’t care about the 3D feature, this gives them a choice.”

166 thoughts on “Pachter Says The Nintendo 2DS Is A Great Idea, Should Boost 3DS Sales Meaningfully”

  1. Pingback: EVEN PACHTER LIKES 2DS0_o

      1. I can see it. All 3DS owner I personally know don’t care for the 3D, to the point almost all of them turn it off in almost every game. I’m sure they’d love to pay less for a device without this feature.

        (Myself, I don’t understand that – to me almost all games actually look worse when the 3D effect is deactivated, as ‘seams’ of the different ‘layers’ become very noticeable when you do that. The only game I can think of that manages to avoid this ‘effect’ is Resident Evil: Revelations).

        But with lesser battery life (even after the loss of 3D!), smaller screens, no ‘clamp’ design… I don’t see the value unless you’re a parent VERY strapped for cash who wants to give a Pokemon portable to your son. Every other person should not be so stingy and get the XL. Damn, I consider the regular 3DS a very bad value already compared to the XL.

    1. Am I the only one that always play in 3D here on Mynintendonews?

      Super Mario 3D Land (with 3D) >>>>>>>> SM3DL (without 3D)
      Resident Evil Revelations (with 3D) >>>>>>> R.E.R. (without 3D)
      Luigi’s Mansion (with 3D) >>>>>>> L.G. (without 3D)
      and so on…

      1. No, me to.
        I can’t get why people turn it off, for me it has twice as good picture with it turned on.
        And some games looks awful when turned off.

      2. I’ll play with it on, then turn it off, then turn it on, it just depends on the game or level you’re playing in. I couldn’t bring myself to turn the 3d off in loz oot, it looked to good in 3d

    1. Certain functions may require two cameras, like if there is a need to calculate depth or something through the camera input. Just because the screen can’t actually show 3d images, doesn’t mean the inputs aren’t useful in some other way. It’s better to keep them than alienate 2ds owners from games which could utilise dual cameras

    1. Oh, he does. $50 can be a huge price change and really change a parents mind in buying something so costly (noting that the 2DS is completely aimed at kids who are aimed below the age of 7 because they’re not supposed to even view 3D and people -do not- want to go through parental controls).

      Also, without the presence of hinges, then that makes it far less likely to break. Saying the screens themselves breaking is hardly an argument because that has been and will always be a problem from the old Gameboy to the 2/3DS to the Wii U Gamepad and onward. But this makes it far less likely to break.

      And to say that it’s clunkiness is an issue in terms of portability, that isn’t true. The old Gameboys sold like hotcakes without that and they were huge messes. Not to mention, nowadays, I almost always see the portables getting -carrying cases- (my own cousin and even others being prime examples) which completely breaks the need to stuff it in your pocket or something.

              1. Why? This is what Reggie Fils-Aime has to say about it:

                “We’re always thinking about what we can do that’s new, unique, different, and brings more people into this category that we love. And so with the Nintendo 3DS, we were clear to parents that, ‘hey, we recommend that your children be seven and older to utilize this device.’ So clearly that creates an opportunity for five-year-olds, six-year-olds, that first-time handheld gaming consumer.”

                “We’ve always been thinking about, ‘how do we approach that as one target?’ And that certainly helped spur the idea of the Nintendo 2DS. Let’s have the consumer have access to all of these great games – Mario Kart 7, Animal Crossing – but do it in a 2D capability with a device that has a dramatically lower price point. That’s just an example of how we’re always thinking about, ‘how do we get more people playing games? How do we get more people playing Nintendo games?’”

          1. Oh yeah like we need a freaking fisher price toy for the kids. Yeah Nintendo let’s give everyone a reason why this company is for kids. No wonder why why Nintendo is losing what little core audience they already had.

  2. Pacther where the hell have you been for this whole Summer? The sales on the 3DS were amazing and this will add a pinch more to those amazing sells.

    1. He’s not saying sales are low, he’s just saying this will increase them. Personally I’m not sure if the price difference is significant enough for people who aren’t prepared to buy the 3DS to buy this instead, but oh well.

  3. Its too bad that someone like me who never uses the 3D feature and would like a 2D only system has to suffer with a smaller screen when i would prefer a larger one also what were they thinking when making this portable system because i am sorry to say it is no longer portable since it wont fit into anyones’ pocket now!

  4. I don know what to think of the 2DS, it looks interesting and weird. Also, I’m guessing there won’t be a cpp for this?

    1. Wait, I think I see an infrared on it so maybe? But I think adding the second circle pad plus zl/zr buttons would have worked for this model…

  5. i hope the battery life is much better since it doesnt have to render everything twice, 10hrs on 4-5 brightness please

  6. Summary for why the 2DS actually makes sense:

    $50 can be a huge price change and really change a parents mind in buying something so costly (noting that the 2DS is completely aimed at kids who are aimed below the age of 7 because they’re not supposed to even view 3D and people -do not- want to go through parental controls).

    Also, without the presence of hinges, then that makes it far less likely to break. Saying the screens themselves breaking is hardly an argument because that has been and will always be a problem from the old Gameboy to the 2/3DS to the Wii U Gamepad and onward. But this makes it far less likely to break.

    And to say that it’s clunkiness is an issue in terms of portability, that isn’t true. The old Gameboys sold like hotcakes without that and they were huge messes. Not to mention, nowadays, I almost always see the portables getting -carrying cases- (my own cousin and even others being prime examples) which completely breaks the need to stuff it in your pocket or something.

    The 2DS is not aimed at anyone who has a 3DS already. It is not aimed at anyone above the age of 7 (unless you’re a parent for such a child).

    Honestly, though the announcement was really surprising and strange, my biggest complaint is the layout of the buttons relative to the screen and such.

    1. I’d say it’s also aimed a broke college students like me. It may be an unintended market, but I’ll bet it’s there.

      1. That is another huge area to aim at too, yeah. Completely unintended, but with having to save as much money as you can for books, dorms, classes, and everything else in the broken school system, college students would be a huge group to go for. It’s too late for me, but man that would have been fantastic. Costed so much when I had to get my 3DS and get what I wanted with it.

  7. Ok, I have to say this. Usually, I’ll defend nintendo because its my home console but this time, I’M NOT!

    WHAT IN GOD’S NAME ARE YOU THINKING NINTENDO?! I expected tricks up you’re sleeves BUT THIS??? REALLY NINTENDO, ARE THE 3DS, BEST SELLING HANDHELD CONSOLE FOR 3 MONTHS, DROVE YOU TO THIS PIECE OF SHIT??? I expected better than a revamped 3ds with a horrid name, 2ds. Seriously, this is not your best idea. There, you finally heard me go anti nintendo for once because this is not pleasing me well. IT’S LIKE YOU SQUASHED THE 3DS, MADE IT UNFITABLE IN YOUR POCKET, LESSER GIMMICKS THAT MADE 3DS…3DS, AND EXPECT ME TO BUY IT?! You’ve lost you’re DAM MINDS!! I’ve never been so PISSED OFF AT YOU NINTENDO, NEVER!! You could have done better…utterly!

    1. No, they don’t expect you to buy it. If you’d read previous posts about the 2DS, it is aimed specifically for people who don’t have a 3DS and who are below the ages of 7 (or who are parents of children who are below 7) since they are not supposed to view 3D and because they are more likely to break the 3DS swivel.

      Fitting in pockets has never been and never will be an issue, considering how many people go after the XLs and went after the old clunky handhelds.

    2. Listen. A 2DS is the SAME THING AS A 3DS. Except there is no 3D all together making it cheaper. This is NOT a new next gen console. This is NOT in upgrade. This is NOT for you. This is NOT for gamers. It’s for little kids who don’t care what they play on and for parents who want something cheap for their kids. There is NO reason to get angry.

      1. yeah fine, but in all honesty, i think most here would have expected a “3DS+” rather than a 2DS…it just feels like like a step backwards to me. As if they couldn’t improve the 3DS so had to make a cheaper model out of the price diff is quite little and not worth the purchase IMO. It should have been priced at $99 then it would have been killer

      1. Unless Super Mario 3D World is that impressive. Add Wario and Waluigi as playable characters, and then I’m sold.

  8. And the comments have spoken! Plus not only that this abomination doesn’t have a 3D (optional) slider on the side, but it also DOESN’T fold! Oh gee I sure hope you guys enjoy your “2DS” screens getting pretty scratched up during travels! Plus worse battery life? What is this handheld suppose to be anyway, some wise guy attempted to rip off the Nintendo 3DS originally but decided why not just take some of the prime features from the cleverly designed system away and give it to Nintendo to make a profit? Thanks but no thanks, even I would be more smarter enough in purchasing a 3DS XL this holiday instead as it has more reliable value.

  9. I dont get why people are so against this. 3DS,3DSXL and 2DS give people more choice. I will not get 2DS because 3DSXL is better suited for me but i can see that some people will prefer 2DS(lower price etc.). Who knows maybe they will soon release Nintendo phone with built in 3DS or 3DSU WiiU console which has built in 3DS(ok they could probably release 3DSplayer kinda like GBplayer fo GC) lol. They are just expanding 3DS family which is important for portable devices of all kind.

  10. Wow, even when Pachter says something positive and accurate, you still hate him. He says he thinks it’s a good way to boost sales, and you take that as “Shut up ass! 3DS sales are already awesome! You don’t know crap!” As if he actually implied that 3DS is a failure. Seriously people? At this point you’re hating for the sake of hating. He simply said the 3DS could become even more successful respectfully with this iteration. How is that a bad thing?

    Personally I really don’t see why this thing is getting all the flack. Think about this from an economic standpoint. There is a large market of gamers who cannot see 3D, and it simply doesn’t seem fair for them to pay full price for a feature they can’t use. Knowing they can get the handheld for less without the feature they can’t use is a major plus for that market. Also, knowing you are able to own a 3DS console for a mere $129 will make one of gamings most successful handhelds even more successful. Consumers like cheap, and cheap will draw them to 3DS. Ok, the design stinks, I’ll give you that. But most average consumers won’t really care.

  11. Releasing a 2D 3DS as a cheaper alternative doesn’t sound like too bad of an idea… but why the heck are they giving it a design like that!? Why not just a clamshell design?

  12. Wow, he finally says something positive about Nintendo for once…. I’m actually getting a 2DS for myself because well I like collecting consoles from Nintendo because one day this handheld could be worth quite a lot in the future.

  13. Oh yeah, I won’t deny it’ll help boost the 3DS sales. I’m just saying it still looks like a damn tombstone.

  14. i suppose i know people who have problems binocular vision you can still play the game and not have a function on a devise you will never use and hopefully would be cheaper. also look strange

  15. *Head-desk*
    He says it will boost the sales “Meaningfully”.
    That makes it sound like he thinks the sales weren’t doing so great.
    If that’s the case, then….
    Dafuq, Pachter?
    Did you finally lose what few marbles you had left?

  16. Honestly, I’d say it’s a good idea. I have Super Mario 3D Land, Kid Icarus Uprising, among others, and I hardly if ever use 3D.

    It doesn’t exactly help, so this is good for those who like the games but don’t care about the 3D.

  17. I absolutely love this idea. It looks and gives off that old school “gameboy” feel that sucked me into portable gaming in the first place but it is chocked full of modern features. It honestly looks like the god of gameboys.

  18. Reading these comments are making want to just not live on the planet anymore. The fucking human species is full of people that hate on things for no fucking reason. Like HONESTLY, if you have a 3DS and you are happy with it, SHUT THE FUCK UP! Nintendo is not forcing you to upgrade to this! This is SIMPLY just an option for people that don’t feel like spending close to $200 on a 3D 3DS and just want the simple 2D and are willing to spend much less! Not everybody likes the 3D function, and not everybody wants to spend 170, 200 dollars on a 3DS and not even use the 3D. And people are saying “you can just shut off the 3D”. Yes, you can, but some people do not want to spend all that extra money on a 3DS just to shut the 3D off. Especially when you can get the 2DS and get it for cheaper! Seriously people, use your heads….

  19. lol, Douchter always goes against the popular opinion. Seriously though… freakin’ mono? Nothing ever sounded better in mono… except maybe classic Beach Boys, I don’t know. But this is the 21st century, dudes.

  20. uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

  21. Mmmm…What happens for those who bought the Wii U before the price drop? Will there be an ambassador program like on the Nintendo 3DS ? At least a free game ? :o

  22. Someone explain to me how a console that is the number-one selling console worldwide and has been for more than a year and a half, and is the fastest-selling console of all time on pace to outsell the original DS which is THE best-selling console of all-time needs to have it’s sales….”bolstered?”

  23. i rarely play in 3d but that is cuz my glasses make have a bit of depth perception (without my glasses is worse, not legally blind but semi-blind) and takes a while to see the 3d


    Only poor eyed people react to 3D so blame your perabts fucked genetics not nintendo and if your effected go get dome glasses U BLIND FUCK

    As a 41 year ild male with 20\10 vision and no problems viewing 3d I giggle at sub human genetics seriously hitler had won the war you INBREEDS would have been wiped out

    Fucking retard eyed people and there eye wherl chairs GLASSES

    Im 41 have eyes like a hawk and 3ds hasnt botheted me once

    Lol u sub humans with retard vision go shoot your mothers for giving birth to genetic freaks lol

    Anyway great device if it was xl screens I wilould have got one

  25. The creature Pachter didn’t think that the 3DS was a good idea, the Wii U and the Wii but it thinks this is…

    Prove that these mainstream fools only want the same things over and over again…

  26. Last big push before they launch a new system and let the WiiU die? Stick to handheld. You’re best at that. BTW, something new….not remakes and sequels’ might boost sales…. Just say’n

  27. The 2ds is impractical. It is hardly a handheld anymore. I personally can’t see why Nintendo is so excited about this. It’s a 3ds minus the 3d that can’t close. What’s wrong with this picture? Hmm….

  28. WHAT’S THE POINT OF THIS? Just play the regular 3DS with the 3D turned off if you don’t like it. Taking the 3D aspect out of the system just makes it another DS. I’m scratching my head at how dumb this idea is.

    1. The point is to make stupid creatures like Pachter praise an experience you could have since the Gameboy era and making them think it’s a great idea…

      Our Empire is as clever as ever…

  29. I swear the internet is full of ignorant retards. Now you watch when Nintendo increases profit because of this entry level 2DS. It makes sense.

  30. Pingback: Blindsided Again By Nintendo 2DS: The Device Has Only One Screen | My Nintendo News

  31. I always play with the 3D on, it looks way better, and it makes it a better experience. I just turn it off when I have to move a lot, and this 2DS will be like the Gameboy Micro, I don’t think it will sell a lot compared to the XL or 3DS.

    1. How the heck do you ALWAYS play with the 3D on? I get motion sick after just a few minutes of having it on. It’s mostly caused from the the screen flickering and looking HORRIBLE if you just slightly tilt it or shake the 3DS. The 3D technology needs a MAJOR overhaul. It shouldn’t look so terrible just because you’re not holding the 3DS still.

  32. Pingback: 2DS Unboxing Video Reveals Sleep Mode Switch And Embedded L/R Buttons | My Nintendo News

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