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Bethesda Says “The Time For Convincing Publishers & Devs To Support Wii U Has Long Passed”


Critically acclaimed development studio Bethesda believes that the time for convincing publishers and developers to support Wii U has long since past. Bethesda VP of PR and marketing Pete Hines explained on the Bonus Round that Nintendo needs to be doing what Sony and Microsoft are doing for them to give support to the struggling console.

“The time for convincing publishers and developers to support Wii U has long past. The box is out. You have to do what Sony and Microsoft have been doing with us for a long time.

“And it’s not that every time we met with them we got all the answers we wanted. But they involved us very early on, and talking to folks like Bethesda and Gearbox, they say ‘here’s what we’re doing, here’s what we’re planning, here’s how we think it’s going to work’ to hear what we thought – from our tech guys and from an experience standpoint.”

“You have to spend an unbelievable amount of time upfront doing that. If you’re just going sort off deciding ‘we’re going to make a box and this is how it works and you should make games for it.’ Well, no. No is my answer, I’m going to focus on other ones that better support what it is we’re trying to do.”

“So you’ve gotta spend more time trying to reach out to those folks before you even make the box, when you’re still designing and thinking about how it’s going to work.”

250 thoughts on “Bethesda Says “The Time For Convincing Publishers & Devs To Support Wii U Has Long Passed””

    1. Sure convinced them with Skyrim on the 360…

      Oh wait, sorry Bethesda, “you couldn’t get it to work on PS3”.
      Sure, we all believe you.
      So i hear you’re getting rid of Elder Scrolls online for Xbox One players who have to pay for Xbox Live. Isn’t that nice?

        1. Funny thing is that they are not even trying to port fallout 2 and 1 on the 3ds even though that would make them tons of money.

                  1. “I know but it would have made tons of money on portables.”

                    Yet you’re using that sarcastic tone against smashninja about coming from the future? Someone else come from the future too?

                    1. I think I used the word “would in a Wong context but at least I did not said ” I’m sure”

    2. Wow this is a huge blow for Nintendo. All those amazing Bethesda franchises that previously appeared on Nintendo platforms like… erm… Wheelspin and… erm… struggling now… oh wait, Star Trek Conquest, are all gone in the future.

      1. Or Elder Scrolls and Fallout, and their published games like Dishonored, Evil Within, ect.

        Stop purposely naming ones nobodies heard about.

        1. As I just said to the other guy, you can’t lose what you never had.

          Those games that nobody has ever heard of represent almost all of Bethesda’s output on Nintendo platforms since the NES era.

        2. It’s not a loss in this case though, Bethesda hasn’t been on board with Nintendo before. My friend works for Bethesda, from hearing his opinions about relevant future console hardware it was clear they were only interested in working on PC and PS4/XBox 1 many moons ago, this news didn’t come as surprise to me.

        3. “Massive blow” is an extreme exaggeration.
          Stop kidding yourself, bro; this isn’t going to matter in the long run.
          Like any third party company, Beth will go where the money is, and once the holiday and early to mid 2014 lineup has rolled out and increased sales, Beth will likely be doing a double take.
          If they don’t, then that’s their loss for being a bunch of stubborn assholes who are too proud to be doing the approaching, instead of sitting on their high-and-mighty “console makers should come to US!” throne.

          If they couldn’t support Nintendo well in the past, then it’s stupid of them to expect Nintendo to go out of its way to beg at their feet for IP’s that Beth never actually wanted to consider for Nintendo systems in the first place.

    3. Sorry jelly bean, I’m gonna squeeeeeeeeze in here and say this…

      “The time for convincing publishers and developers to support Wii U has long past. The box is out. You have to do what Sony and Microsoft have been doing with us for a long time”.

      I disagree…BIG TIME! If the time was truly up for devs to say ok, then why are we still seeing them slowly come back? Idie devs are, as of right now, the main thing for nintendo. Just because you don’t want too Bethesda doesn’t mean they want too. I believe you are on the wrong track if you’re thinking this I MEAN LOOK AT YOUR PLANS FOR SKYRIM!! 15 DOLLARS ONLINE???

      1. Agreed, bethesda r talking shit, the reason why they are not supporting nintendo platforms is because they know full well that none of their buggy glitched out mess of a game would ever pass nintendo’s certification! LMAO at these clowns who make some of the biggest amazing games but which are some if the most glitch filled bugged out pieces of software ever released! look at skyrim on PS3, i was unfortunate enough to have bought it, and even to this day people are having problems with it because bethesda were too damn lazy to optimize their engine for the ps3 architecture.

        Its a shame because the least they could do is port oblivion,which in my opinion i enjoyed better then skyrim, anyway if they ported oblivion,skyrim and fallout and used all the 1gb of ram,lets not forget 360 ran these games fine and it had half the ram of the wiiu!

        imagine skyrim or the afore mentioned games using all the 1gb of ram and using the gpgpu properly, surely the wiiu version could run much better! and the game pad alone would improve the game so much, no more cumbersome menues, its a no brainer!

          1. he’s saying that if a game sucks the community can at least fix it on the PC… or at least try to
            however that’s only true if it’s mod-able

          2. Let me be more clear.
            Alien colonial marines PC= fix in days by players
            Skyrim on ps3 = screw for a year by the developers.

      1. the fact alone that it was in the state they released it in was an insult.. mods don’t change that
        and just take ONE look at the interface and you know what platform they’ve actually been focusing on.. consoles
        that includes the PS3 btw which also didn’t deliver what developers wanted.. not even close
        but guess what.. bethesda didn’t seem to care as much about it when it was about the PS3

        1. I actually didn’t encounter any major bugs :S I guess I was the lucky one.

          Skyrim was designed for 360 if I’m not mistaken, then ported quite terribly to the rest. But oh boy, those mods made the game worth it. Plus I clocked about 80-100 hours over time. So in the end it was well worth my money :D

            1. well that didn’t keep them from releasing it anyway.. the greed was probably stronger than the common sense not to release a buggy version of their game

              and now he’s actually telling us that they’re not developing for the wii u because they’re not alright with the hardware? hardware that is much more accessible than the cell CPU was? really?
              this guy is so full of it

              the reasons are probably that it wouldn’t sell enough pure and simple.. but he can’t even come out with the truth…
              considering what kind of sloppy wii u port they’re likely to deliver i’m willing to agree

          1. yeah but those fixes didn’t come from bethesda.. aren’t you tired of bethesda trying to sell you a half finished game and letting the community fix it up? because i certainly am
            and he can just keep elder scrolls online…

            1. That’s the thing. I’m sure there are massive game breaking bugs in there and I’m sure all of you have suffered from it. But I’ve yet to actually find massive bugs :S

              Needless to say I always find the weirdest bugs with Ubisoft games though.

              1. it’s not only about the bugs (tho some were indeed bad) it’s about the textures that looked like they’d been pulled out of a horse’s ass, the interface that was reminiscent of the 90ies, the controls that, when used on a keyboard, felt more at home with a c64.. everything

                this game had console version written all over it and they tried to sell it as a PC version.. with free bugs as the icing on the cake

  1. But for Nintendo’s point of view, it’s never too late. Once they get their own hardware going then I’ll listen to what they have to say about WiiU.

  2. I don’t even like Bethesda as a developer they release buggy ass broken games that the fans have to fix how is that respectable? I’m not saying this because they are hating on Nintendo I’m saying this because it’s true Fall Out New Vegas, was an unplayable mess of a game at launch and Skyrim had it’s share of issues as well.

  3. ““The time for convincing publishers and developers to support Wii U has long past. The box is out. You have to do what Sony and Microsoft have been doing with us for a long time.”

    giving you a rimjob maybe? because i can’t imagine what else they might have been doing

    seriously what has sony been doing with the PS3? he’s trying to tell us they were listening to developers? really?
    i doubt it very much

    and guess whose company’s games were still released on the platform
    so much for a dipshit argument

    this man should better just shut up i’m so sick and tired of these ridiculous excuses why people are not supporting the wii u

    1. Normally game developers release games on console to make more money, since when was it the other way around… that VP needs to get his head out of his ass, bringing the next fallout on Wii U would be cool, but it would benefit only them, since it’s not a system seller…

    2. Well, everyone has their own reasons for why they cannot get behind something. I don’t think Bethesda’s goals are the same as EA’s, for instance, so even if EA’s goals happens to be concurrent with Nintendo’s, that doesn’t mean Bethesda’s is suddenly going to be concurrent as well.

      It seems we overgeneralize the third parties a little too much, even if they are very different from each other in terms of goals and identities. We keep saying it’s Nintendo versus the third parties, when in reality it should be Nintendo vs. Bethesda, who is against Capcom, who is buddies with Sega, who despises Ubisoft, who owes money to Crytek, whose hand is still cuffed to Sony, who’s trying to ink that deal with Atlus, who really wants to be with Nintendo but is settled with Sega, who both really want to be together as one company against Gearbox, who doesn’t like Bethesda, etc. All unlikely scenarios, but it goes to show that relationships between companies keep them all from being a part of some generalized category.

      1. well i wasn’t trying to generalise but what this man is saying is obviously bullshit.. plain and simple
        he should just come out with the truth and be done with it but this is a fucking disgrace

  4. Is he intentionally trying to make Bethesda look closeminded? He’s not very good at his job, is he?

    I love Bethesda games, and though I seriously doubt I’ll ever see them on Nintendo consoles, this guy should not be making it look as if the door is closed completely – there’s no telling what will change in the future.

  5. Just like Sony talked to you guys about the PS3’s tech right?

    And enough with the crap, we already know the Wii U tech is build somewhat like a 360. You guys could have ported over the game. A lot of Zelda fans like Skyrim.

    Pete Hines just comes off as an excuse making ass.

  6. Translates to: “We don’t care about non-PC architecture, which is why we’re not developing for it any longer. We prefer PC architecture to minimise porting costs. Sony and Microsoft have listened. Nintendo have not.”

    My verdict? I think I went past caring several years ago.

  7. Okay thanks, Bethesda.

    I look forward to my DLC on PS4, arriving on time, at the same time as everyone else, and not 6 months later.

      1. still, convinced
        if a console gets a bit of attention and they add a couple of thousands, they get convinced
        look at EA: easy to make games with the ability to make ingame transactions
        that’s kinda the same imo

      2. Yeah but i imagine Platinum are actually reasonable, and are used to developers saying “No”, or SEGA saying “ermm, sure, here’s…some money i guess”.

        Platinum are unfairly treated in this industry, yet they’ve made my 2 favourite games this year.

    1. They have their own needs, Ubisoft, Activision, and Platinum have their own. You’d have to be nuts if you think those three companies all have the same reasons for working with Nintendo on the Wii U. It’s not like every third party is mandated to work on a company’s product just because you really think “any third-party” should work on the Wii U. Lumping them all into the “any third-party” bandwagon would be counterintuitive for them, especially if they really do have their own goals and objectives to accomplish as a company.

  8. SherlockWillFightBilbo

    Honestly, it’s this kind of thing that I was expecting Nintendo to do. Talk to the third-parties and developers AS YOU’RE DESIGNING the console and ask what the developers would want to see/would want to work with. I’m not saying they shouldn’t have created the GamePad, but asking about what sort of horsepower they were looking for would’ve been smart.

    1. Yes. So thought I. It might be that Nintendo never talked to them much about what they were doing. While Xbox and ps showed them everything. I mean. If I have a product that customers wants then I’d expect the “shop owners” to make some sort of interest in my product and see how they can help me sell it to the customers. Especially when their next door “kiosks” has half their shopping area revealed to me.

      All in all we don’t really know what Xbox/ps/Nintendo has or hasn’t done to them.

      I might understand them….. If Xbox and ps is licking their butts and Nintendo isn’t.

  9. Nintendo —> We believe gaming is getting stale for the gamers so we developed this amazing Gamepad that will give the players more interactivity and you will also able to include the wiimote + nunchuck for advanced control and accuracy in your games, if you see fit.

    Bethseda —> uhh whatski?

    Microsoft —> The Xbox1, well it has electrolytes…..Here have this bag of money!

    Bethseda —> You like money too! We should hang out.

      1. True. But they did expect more 3rd party support in the begining. Pikmin is great and 101 is pretty good. Im sure DK and 3D Mario will be good as well, the games will only get better moving forward.
        They do need some new franchises though and start taking some risks with their current ones and they absolutely need to have their games include online coop/mp.

  10. The only thing that I could agree with this asshole is that Nintendo always makes consoles that best suit THEIR OWN games… But maybe not very suitable for someone else’s games. Yes, Bethesda are just bitching and talking just because they have a mouth, but the truth is that Nintendo has a long story of consoles that are kinda “only suitable for Nintendo games”. I think that’s going to make PS4 and maybe Xbox One successful: hardware friendly for any kind of developer. But still, Namco Bandai, Ubisoft, Tecmo Koei, Rocksteady and Platinum Games have made a remarkable job on the Wii U, so if they “can’t” bring their games to the console but others could… I guess Nintendo is not the one doing a bad job at all…

    1. If you’re talking about the Arkham City port, that wasn’t Rocksteady. It was WB Montreal (the ones making Arkham Origins).

  11. Bethesda couldn’t have said it better. you want devs to work on your console you meet their terms, they don’t meet yours.

                    1. Yea I usually do that now a day. I found it that reviews are just people’s opinions and some games are not even my cup of tea either. Sure Call of Duty get 9.5/10 but that doesn’t mean all gamers like that game. I am not a big fan of FPS at all.

                      I got Demon Blade, Dragon’s Crown, Baroque, and couple of other games that may got bad reviews but I love those games.

              1. demon blade WAS HORRIBLE!!!!! the reviews also were bad.the best 3rd party was the last story and pandoras tower. there was also fatal frame 4….. oh wait thats right. nintendo doesnt think its worthy to release west but thinks carnival games is!! nintendo doesnt get taken seriously for a reason

                  1. yeah funny im pretty sure that america has the most core and biggest video game market too.

                    im not really hardcore because i dont play games all the time, but no way casual, i want games like fatal frame eternal darkness, xenoblade last story no more heroes on nintendo. not the shit they have been givng us! all the other consoles have bioshock and everything, so many good games that arnt casual pieces of shit like wii party and stuff.


                    stupid asshole reggie. im glad gamestop and xseed exist.

    1. Just saying until Bethesda produces their own console id say they work for the console maker and should create games for said console. They do not get to decide what a console maker should or shouldn’t do that’s just retarded way of seeing thing.

  12. Just think about all the people, who will comment on this just on the title, not really knowing what they’re talking about. Oh the rage, oh the ignorance, oh the humor <3

  13. “…‘we’re going to make a box and this is how it works and you should make games for it.’ Well, no.”
    Then make your own system.

  14. As I see it, there are 2 Problems:
    1.Nintendo being out of touch with other publishers and studios, especially western ones. They dont design their console FOR them, are not in permanent contact with them and dont try everything to bring them on board. The playstation and Xbox are third party machines, while on Nintendo consoles the big attraction are Nintendo games. I mean, if I were Nintendo, I would have send Reggie with a basket of goodies to Rockstar, the moment the first line of code was written for GTA5.
    2. Publishers only being interested in short term profit. Instead of supporting Nintendo’s consoles to have a third pillar, they can rely on to sell their games, they dont even try because the short-term loss for steady support is not worth it for them. Look at Cod, Sonic or Rayman, those third parties have, through continuous support, built up a relyable fanbase on Nintendo consoles. I remember that statement from Activision, where they said that they bring cod and their other games this year to the WiiU/Wii/3ds in order to built their fanbase. That way, many third parties could make big long-term profits.

    Ultimately, it’s Nintendo’s job to break that circle of ‘no games, no sales, no games…..’ by incorporating them into their plans. Like what they did with Indies, they didnt just come out of nowhere, but they had to entice them first.

    1. i kinda agree with the first part. But then again, Nintendo do more with their system than third parties, unlike the other two. The second part is totally true. Those franchises, along with the ones Ubi also have,EA,2k Sports, and other companies have recently came or have been on Nintendo systems are enlarging their fanbase, which is good for business.

    2. Though I agree that Nintendo is being out of touch, I think we wouldn’t see a huge change in third-party support even if Nintendo designs their console for other publishers and studios.

      After all, unless I’m building my fanbase, why compete with Mario, Zelda, or other Nintendo franchises almost every year when all I need to do is worry about MS/Sony exclusives every 3-5 years?

    3. Ninty tried to break that circle with Wii with games and sales. Still, 3rd parties didn’t do much, except a few like Ubisoft & to a lesser extent Activision (gotta give em props for cod on wii).

      Even if WiiU sells good to ok even if better than PS4/X1, sure some games may be ported over to Wiiu. However, overall, I think WiiU would still be neglected.

      A lot of these 3rd party guys have already made up their minds once they saw they were not going to get what they wanted (online infrastructure, hardware and especially business policies.)

      I think the only thing Nintendo could do is turn WiiU into another Wii success but more successful. And PS4/X1 would also have to sell very bad, to the point large AA/AAA 3rd party games become profit starve from low PS4/X1 install base (relative to WiiU). It needs to be like GC/XB vs PS2, but PS4/X1 vs WiiU. But the chances of that from happening is very very slim.

      1. I agree with you that the Wii showed that even if Nintendo’s console’s are a huge success, third parties dont automatically run to their console…..wait, in the first years of the Wii, third parties did exactly that, they released all kinds of games on the Wii. The problem was, they were all ‘test’ games or party games. Remember dead space extraction? Those test games werent advertised and in the end it was the third parties fault that the Wii’s audience only bought party games and Nintendo games, the only quality games that were well advertised. Of course that is also partially Nintendos fault because they mishandled the situation imo (the last 2 years of the life cycle one big drought). And lets be honest, the Wii’s power was also a big problem, otherwise third parties would have released bad ports of their normal mainline games, at least :P
        And one important Thing; Why do Indies out of the sudden flourish on Nintendo platforms? I thought they can’t compete with Nintendo’s own games, or with the quality of Shin’en’s games? And isnt Nintendo’s online infrastructure much worse than on Playbox? So, I wonder why they all come out on the WiiU….yeah, right, because Nintendo actually DOES something on their own to entice them!

        1. Indeed Nintendo is catering to indies and indies are giving praises, but that positive situation has very little to do with Nintendo Network.
          Indies are not really “flourishing” per say on the eshop. It’s just eshop isn’t as flooded as on PSN or LIVE, so there is less competition compared to other ‘shops’.
          Porting to WiiU has become really easy, quick, and cheap with the help on Unity3D and Nintendo Web Framework, thus lower risk for devs to put their content on the eshop. Even if their games sell little, they will still profit or lose very little.
          Also, Nintendo is doing what they can to help out, they are giving loaning out dev kits.
          Those are why Indies are giving praises. Some of them have criticisms on how Nintendo should setup the eshop and about the miiverse. It’s all here read this, it’s interesting.

          Well, anyway, I meant big 3rd parties, especially publishers. Nintendo’s policies are very consumer oriented and lean conservative. Kinda opposing what big 3dr party publishers, such as EA, want. They want to limit the use of purchase content/games. This is happened when Xb1 was first revealed, you saw restrictions of used games and restriction to borrowing games. Basically protecting publisher profits at the cost of consumers rights.

          Also to be clear, i wasn’t saying 3rd parties didn’t put games on Wii (they certainly did). It’s just that a lot of them neglected it by holding back their good IP/franchises. I feel they will do the same with WiiU, well some already are.
          Oh, CoDs sold well on Wii, btw, and i’m pretty sure Activision made a respectible amounts of money. But maybe that’s an outlier, ‘cuz we all kow how big CoD is. Still, could other big franchises do the same?

          1. for the last question: certainly, but third parties have to be trying (which pretty much brings us back to the ‘test’ game point :P)
            And you said it: ‘Also, Nintendo is doing what they can to help out, they are giving loaning out dev kits.’ They have to be as helpful to other, bigger third party studios and publisher’s.
            Oh and not every publisher is like EA (or not AS bad :P)

  15. I guess Bethesda, is not tallented enough to develop a game for the Wii U…. Other campaniles seem to be, as is nintendo…. Also I doubt Nintendo would allow Buggy Bethesda games on Their (ninteno’s ) systems , they have Higher quality conteol standards ( usually ) …

  16. I think a company like Bethesda or Gearbox wants to have as much freedom as possible to make their games. Everything they want/need is more power and easy controls. That’s the reason they don’t adopt a new “crazy” controller or a less powerful console and that’s the reason we have not seen a Bethesda or Gearbox game on a Nintendo console. I think it’s sad to see this. You can say whatever you want about the games but the worlds they create are great. Allot of zeldafans love to play Skyrim and allot of Metroidfans love Borderlands and Mass Effect, so it would be great to have the games on a Nintendo console.

  17. Who cares. Not me. I’ve never played one of their games, have no interest in them and they’re time to convince me to care about their company has long passed.

  18. Third-parties are short-sighted. They always focus on short-term profits, with no fucking regard for the long-term. I usually buy most multiplatform games for the PC, but still, this shitty attitude makes me want to avoid Bethesda altogether.

  19. No. Nintendo doesn’t need to do anymore then they all ready had done for third parties. Nintendo had left the entire beginning of the year open for third parties to sell their games on the Wii U, and they didn’t take advantage of it. Why should Nintendo babysit third parties? It is the third parties job to make sure that their games sell on Nintendo’s platforms; it is not Nintendo’s job.

    All of what third parties is looking for is more and more power over the gaming industry. Sony, and Microsoft are giving them that power with less and less restrictions. There is a reason why Nintendo had been very strict in terms of third parties, and their games back in the day. Nintendo knew that this is going to happen. If third parties fully support Nintendo with their franchises and games, then Nintendo will regain most of their power that they use to have in the gaming industry back in 1983. Third parties want the freedom to do whatever they want, whether to release a bug filled game that required numerous patches, or by making lackluster, and expensive DLC, etc. Third parties knew that Nintendo won’t allow this kind of BS.

    A great example of this is EA with the origin fiasco. EA, and many other third parties publishers wanted Nintendo to implement some form of DRM requirement, but Nintendo declined. The reason why I confident that this has happen is because EA completely bash the Wii U the entire beginning of the year, and drop support for the platform. However, when Microsoft announce that their former strict DRM policies is true, then EA announce a “great partnership” with Microsoft during the Xbox One reveal. It goes to show you that most of these third parties companies, especially EA, doesn’t have their consumers at heart. All they care about is money, power, and much more of both.

    This trend had backfire against them in a number of ways, from layoffs, to millions of dollars worth of debt, and many more. Bethesda and Gearbox complaining that the Wii U is too different to develope for shows just about anyone that the majority of third parties want to find the easy way out. With the Xbox One and the PS4 being so similar tech and feature wise and using tech that are similar to PC’s, third parties doesn’t have to spend crazy amount of money adapting and optimizing games for different type of hardware. In other words, third parties doesn’t want a repeat of the last generation of console development with the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3.

    In conclusion, and in my opinion, third parties don’t want to support Nintendo because they just don’t want to. All of the excuses that the majority of third parties use in order to not develope for the Wii U are complete BS that just so happen to come out of their behinds during the time where these “journalists” ask them the question. At the same time, Sony and Microsoft are giving them buck loads of money for exclusive/timed exclusive content, and games. With all these reasons and more, third party companies just don’t see the benefits of developing games for Nintendo, their fans, and their hardware.

    1. This is disgusting. Nintendo does everything possible to please third parties, yet it still doesn’t do much. The third parties themselves are the problem with the Wii U, not Nintendo. Third parties need to change their minds and get their shit together or they’re gonna have a hard time turning a profit.

    2. You sir should be a journalist and write more of such informative opinions like this to have these brainwashed drones to wake up about such subjects.

      As for what you said, let those greedy assholes continue their fun soon-to-be failed cash cow run while it lasts because like you said, gaming right now is entirely focused on raw power by fans and money by corporations. That combination will be there imminent doom while Nintendo will last another 100 years of their video gaming life because they’ve been there and done that long before Sony and Microsoft were building their first branded motherboards.

  20. The time for your games on a dualshock is long over

    Lol this companys games would he enhanced so much on wiiu this is a INDUDTRY DEV shiwing its true

    Press x gamer game dev mentallity typical nintendo haters hating on the profits idiot ea like mental health symtoms

    There games with wii remotes and plus and gamepad excuse me for not wanting your buggy rushed out pop up long loadtime freezing clitching online lagging piles of unfinished shite

    Its typical we carnt do well there so we blame there instead of are selfs


    And there games sell well and we all butt hurt n shit

    Rpg swardsmanship maps spells etc

    Derp gamepad wii remote

    Give it a rest you unworthy fools 2ds and wiiu price drop news followed by the TYPICAL HATE CAMPAIGN

    Every single fuking time

    Im not 12 im not a triangle dualshock button masher IM A GAMER

    Fuk of you buggy game making jelous cunts

  21. Lol pc game dev supports 3 pcs pc xbond pc4

    It then crisicises the only TRUE NEXT GEN CONSOLE

    Industry gamer much lol I see you fool and I see thru you

    Open platform its nintendos fault blame them not us IV HEARD IT ALL BEFORE

    The wiiu is the mist obvious platform there gsmes would be better on

    Common flaming sense

    Its hatred of success its BUTT HURT 3RD PARTY SYNDROME

  22. I love it when these 3rd rate companies with a few successful games judge Nintendo.
    The truth is if Bethesda took this year-long drought/opportunity to release a Wii U game (Not a quick & dirty port- a Game, there is a difference), they would have been successful on Wii U. Its funny how twisted he has it, like Nintendo needs buggy Bethesda games, lol.

    “If you’re just going sort off deciding ‘we’re going to make a box and this is how it works and you should make games for it.’ Well, no. No is my answer.”
    What an arrogant fool. No one’s kissin’ your ring, guy.

  23. Just saying, I HATED Skyrim, I’m so glad it came with my 360 for free. And these quotes by Bethesda really make me hate them as much as their games. They just need an excuse to not develop for the Wii U because it will not make them as much money as they want. Thats all they are, and will forever be – MONEY.

          1. Well not fanboy perse but the line you walk is blurry now lol also I don’t know why being called fanboy is an insult.

              1. I like this guy since he spoke the truth! :D

                I seen a couple have a intelligence talks on site though regardless of their spelling or grammar mistakes. No, I am not being sarcastic either.

            1. I’d rather be called a hater or troll than fanboy.

              Fanboys have no common sense. They blindly defend a company and never criticize it when they actually do wrong.

  24. Could this guy be right? I’m not a fan of Skyrim though, so I won’t miss his games. Still, the Wii U needs some support and fast! At this point I think it may be too late, but Nintendo will have another console up and at them within 5-10 years

    1. Yes and no. It is a bit too late to get a experiences on the Wii U in term of competing with 3rd parties for the spot. Don’t forget that all the 3rd parties and 1st parties share the same industry. But it is never too late to develop for the system once the install base get bigger. The real questions for those developers will be like “will the Wii U install base get bigger in the future?”

      I say take a chance while they have it. After all they are in the same shoes with the Xbox One and PS4. I don’t know why everyone expected PS4 to be a big hit at the moment. Probably because they have couple of the best selling consoles which is PS1, PS2 and somewhat PS3. (Yes, I know PS3 have a very, very, very badly launch.)

  25. Bethesda, seriously, if you’re not supporting the Wii U and just going to make statements like these, do us all a favour and SHUT UP.

  26. I would’ve looked forward to playing a new Fallout game on the Wii U. Using the gamepad as a pipboy would have been great.

  27. It’s a good thing that Bethesda games on consoles are basically crappy ports of PC versions of the games, and are invariably buggy as hell in ways that cannot be properly addressed on consoles in the first place. Truly, Nintendo will be seriously wounded by missing out on their next blockbuster sandbox title.

  28. And not a fuck was given bethesda. Who would even want to buy/play any game that doesn’t even work properly from the get go anyway. I only buy high quality games so owell to your decision not to develope games on the wii u or 3ds.

  29. and not a fuck was given bethesda. Who would want to buy/play games that dont work properly from the get go. There is no way that i would put up with a game that constantly needs to be patched up in order to be able to play it. I only buy high quality games so bethesda, your decision not to develop for wii u or 3ds does not bother me. Go ahead and keep the trash

  30. and not a fuck was given bethesda. Who would want to buy/play games that dont work properly from the get go anyway. There is no way that i would put up with a game that constantly needs to be patched up in order to be able to play it. I only buy high quality games so bethesda, your decision not to develop for wii u or 3ds does not bother me. Go ahead and keep the trash

  31. yep. the dusty road has only begun…….. the thing attracts so much dust, my house has became a dust bowl. my lungs are full of dust. *cough* it hurts.

    ive been sleeping outside, motels, anywhere that isnt what that thing it created in my house is*cough* (dust flies out) *pants*

    nintendo couldnt even convince them during launch, and now they wont get anything because the wii u will be to week to handle the 3rd party games *cough*

    that stupid gamepad wasnt worth it, they havnt done anything remotely interesting with it, and now the shitty wii will repeat with wii u…… that is just great nintendo!!!!!! really is!!!!

  32. I think it is more of an issue of Nintendo not maturing. Think about it. How many of us started in the Nes/snes days? Most I’d reckon, I certainly did. Nintendo had it down tight back then. Simple, Fun, and Challenging/awarding. Plus, they were kid friendly and fresh so to say a lot of us were just getting into games or settling for home over the arcade. Well, they haven’t adapted to the times. They lost the challenging factor, still kept it simple, but the fun got bland because we’ve played it so many times. Over and over and over.

    To put it simply, Nintendo needs to grow the fuck up with its fans. I feel a separate, devoted team, composed of a few of the nintendo vets with some fresh young, brass talent that have a feel for current demands from the masses, to take the big titles like LoZ and Mario, and branch a separate version off and evolve them for a mature, experienced audience. Take LoZ as potential example. Make a gritty, mature, complicated game. Without breaking the core puzzle mechanic game play that makes it what it is.And no, I don’t mean lets take a current title, slap some gore on there, have everyone having sex and other such debauchery. No, not at all, It doesnt need a paint job, it needs a re-imaging. Not to say I wouldn’t mind seeing link having a relationship with a girl that you as the player had to cultivate and nurture, or cutting ganon’s heart out and torching that s.o.b. just to be bloody sure he wont be back for a while. Perhaps something like putting an arrow in an enemies eye or leg would cripple that enemy, maybe even making some actions almost essential to defeat an enemy, but by no mean obvious or apparent. And speaking of that puzzle mechanic, how about some serious brain twisters, like say a hidden objective on a sliding box puzzle. Lets say another pressure plate hidden under the ice, which would have to be melted to just find it, and nary a clue its just there. Just as few more matured aspects that I think could be made to work. And further more? bring back the challenge, and not that crap from skyward sword with awkward controls being the thing that made the game hard at some points

    And not just darker more complicated game play. A rich, vibrant storyline, perhaps an interactive one. With a real cause and effect system going for it. Perhaps you get sloppy and Zelda dies, maybe you’re an opportunist and you took a risk and it paid off with injuring Ganon early on. Weakening him physically and causing him to do something drastic as revenge or maybe he even gets defeated and dies, And someone else gets his power, a drastically different hidden final boss? Or may be it that you actually fucked up and made him that much stronger. Thus making your end goal that much harder. Real character relationships, like lets say a Midna or fi like character that would be with you a portion of the game. If you played your cards right, maybe you could convince that person to stay. What if you had to earn zelda’s trust, and maybe it was a failable goal. Fighting ganon without light arrows? Yikes.. Just things to really grow and mature the stories E.i.: Different endings? Hell why not really throw things around and let us the evil? Let us be ganon in another game. Let us take a crack at destroying the world. You know, something fresh?

    Just a few thoughts, Im talking to you nintendo..

          1. Probably because he like the way Zelda is right now. I don’t think Zelda need to be darker than Majora’s Mask, Ocarina of Time, or Twilight Princess. But I do agree to put in some of relationship in the games. It is just seem silly when every girls in the game hit on you but you don’t make a move on them. :P

            I think they trying too hard being difference like using the wiimote plus or gamepad on the Wii U. Everybody like the Zelda games with traditional control and why change it? Although I like those event ideas that infiniteechoes states. Make the game interesting and it is very similar to Majora’s Mask time element.

            1. A winner’s mentality right here, one who thinks he needs an option to hit on bitches on games that aren’t about hitting on bitches because he doesn’t have the balls to hit on bitches on real life; no wonder you think that paying for online play is ok.
              Once someone said, Nintendo doesn’t make games that substitute your life, but games that complement it, so if you need to hit on bitches go to the mall, nobody plays Zelda to get self-insert sex fantasies.

              1. 1) I’m engaged and have a kid. So I’m pretty sure I had the “balls” to hit on “bitches”.

                2) Sorry for wanting the game to become more immersive, I’ll just keep playing the usual slash and run borefest. Also, why only mention the relationship part? I agreed with many other of the ideas he said about actually putting in challenging puzzles? Cherry picking right there ….

                3) I can afford online play with ease, If they re invest that money to improving online play, I’m all for it! That’s why I’m happy Sony is starting to do it. XBL is amazing, and PSN will become amazing too! I hope Nintendo starts charging eventually as well.

                  1. And you’re apart of the group that is holding back further advancements in gaming. Sorry I can actually afford stuff …

                      1. Because I accept paying for online gaming I accept all? Have fun with crappy Networks then.


                        I don’t like the 32GB bullshit with Nintendo. I don’t like there being no unified accounts. I’m annoyed with Sony that I’ll have to rebuy all my digital content pretty much I had on PS3. The games are drying up on Vita. I hate that Microsoft 180’d there policies and have dumbed there console down.

                        I accept anything huh?

                      2. What further advancements? Bedding a Zora?
                        Wow, yes, such philosophically charged advancements, totally not just pandering to basement dwellers.
                        Sorry man, but that’s how it is, you play a game to do stuff you can’t do in real life, if I play Zelda to slice goblins that’s because I can’t do it in real life, if you’re playing Zelda to fuck Malon then just apply the same formula.

                        1. “I hate that Microsoft 180′d there policies and have dumbed there console down.”

                          Too much stupid in that comment.

                          1. Care to explain why it is stupid? Or are you only capable of labelling someone stupid and not giving reasons? X1 was basically looking to turn itself into the steam for consoles. And steam is a fantastic service with great sales. It would of implemented cloud gaming, which even internet in my area can run (and it’s pretty terrible). Oh but wait, can’t buy your used games which are killing of developers huh? And don’t go on about the DRM. It has been around FOR YEARS.

                            You’re probably going to start irrelevantly bagging out the PS4 now though (knowing you). And yet you claim you aren’t a fanboy? Lol. People like you are what holds the industry back. Microsoft would of implemented new ways to add more to our games, but nope, people whinged like the little crybabies they are.

                      3. I think he is directing it at me and not at you Jellybean. Yea, it is funny that he is cherry picking right there when I making a joke about hitting on ladies.

                        To be honest I kinda hoping they don’t include online payments for game consoles. This is one of the reason why I don’t play my Xbox 360 at all.

                        People always assume that people can’t get a date or laid on the net for some reasons. -_-

                        1. I’m not cherry picking, I just kinda have this little obligation called College, so I can’t spend hours here waiting for people to respond so I can bitch them out, if you can well, that just makes you more of a basement dweller, no wonder you think that paying for online play, wanting self insert sex cutscenes in Zelda, or getting dates on a place that can get you killed or raped is ok.
                          Each time I read one of your responses you dig yourself deeper.
                          I’m out, not cherry picking, i just have class, if you have the nuts to reply and give me another example of your lack of a functional social life expect a reply in at least a day, not ten minutes.

                1. you guys act like nintendo ISN’T trying to breath some fresh life into zelda. Eiji Aonuma, the producer of zelda, already stated that the new zelda will be less linear with more freedom, as in there won’t be a set order of dungeons to complete. He also mentioned co-op play, and having experimented with ideas based on that.

                  I can agree with more challenging puzzles, but any of the other suggestions (mature feel, dating elements?, multiple endings?) would effectively not make it a zelda game. It’s a great idea for a new game i’m sure, but not zelda. zelda already has this established feel, and anything that drastically changes that style will no doubt cause some backlash from the fanbase, among other things (ex: dmc).

                  And then there’s this misconceived notion that nintendo needs to mature or adapt to the times. You already pointed out how you grew up with the nes, and enjoyed nintendo’s classic kid-friendly style because (i’m assuming) you were a kid yourself back then. But now you want them to be more mature? Aren’t you the one here who has grown up and had a change in taste? It’s not fair to nintendo to say that they need to change their games to better suit what “mature” audiences want because you all grew up. That isn’t nintendo. They make games for ALL ages to enjoy, and they’ve been doing that since the nes. Making it mature is not their target audience. Nintendo fans from back then may have grown up now, but there are still kids being born every single day that have yet to experience zelda, or any of their games. They make games to capture the hearts of those children and turn them into gamers, the next zelda fans if you will, just like how they turned us into fans back then. They obviously haven’t forgotten about us fans of course, and that’s why they still try to entice us by adding new elements in each iteration, while STILL being able to appeal to the young ones. To me, thats the hardest part of game development, creating a game that would both satisfy fans and create new ones at the same time, young and old. That is what nintendo aims to do in every one of their games, and as far as i can tell are the most successful at it. There’s no need for zelda to be mature-ized. But there are some good ideas, i must admit haha.

          1. I know, dude, I mean, if they don’t want to develop for Wii U then there’s no reason they should, but what’s up with these bullshit statements? They just want drama, like any other attention whore.

          1. You will be surprised. A lot of people pay Xbox Live and Phantasy Star Online monthly fee. And they do it the same thing again for Xbox Live and Phantasy Star Universe as well. People buy Xbox 360 for Call of Duty with Xbox Live when you can get it for PS3 with free online.

          2. Well I’ll be purchasing PS Plus anyway because it is one of the best service out there in the gaming community currently with the heavily discounted games / “free” games.

            $15 a month isn’t bad. I hope it has options like WoW does. I’d preferrably just buy a 3 month or 12 month subscription.

        1. Dear Bethesda,

          Show me a game that interests me and I will listing to your rants as something other than whining Bethesda. Don’t get me wrong, you and every other big dev out there supposedly make good games from what I hear. But from what I see, they are all the same at the core with very little innovation and more importantly, staying power.

          Thank you,

        2. While I agree with what was said, the source saying it can go kick rocks. The time has passed for Nintendo do convince 3rd parties to jump on board with the Wii U.

          I would take it a step further and say that the time has also passed where it is NECESSARY for Nintendo to convince 3rd-parties to jump on board. Of all the ridiculous excuses which have all been proven bogus as to why 3rd parties (mostly western) have not jumped on board the one I hear that is the most absurd is “we don’t want our titles going up against Nintendo’s 1st-party titles.” Well you had a full year to make hay on the Wii U Sherlock, and you blew it. Now, the Wii U is going to be saturated with robust 1st-party material.

          The 3DS doesn’t have hardly any 3rd party support. How’s it doing? Fastest-selling console ever and number one selling console worldwide.

          The DS didn’t have a lot of 3rd party support. How did it do? Best-selling console ever.

          The Wii didn’t have a lot of 3rd party support. How did it do? 5th-best selling console of all time.

          The only major problem the Wii U had was the lack of content from Nintendo. Now that it is finally arriving, it will sell just fine. Especially with a $50 price drop and clever bundles.

          If people think the PS4 and XBOX One are going to sell much better than the Wii U did in it’s first few months AFTER the holidays they have another guess coming. While games may be easier to develop for on those consoles than the previous generation, that doesn’t mean those consoles are easy to develop for, or cheap. Over 150 studios closed down in the 7th-gen because of increasing costs of game development. It doesn’t make much sense to say it will be easier in the 8th gen.

          I think that this will be the age of the independent developer. Which ever of the big three fully-embraces indy games will be better off for doing so. Just like the Wii U, very few games we see from the XBOX One and PS4 will be 100% ground-up. Most will be ports from 7th-gen games that have a fresh coat of paint that makes they look a litter better than their PS3 and 360 counterparts. While the XBOX One and PS4 are struggling to build a library, Nintendo will be dropping bombs. There is a lot of things Nintendo hasn’t told us about yet that is coming.

          As critical as I have been of Nintendo in the past (and the deserved it) I give credit where it is due. I still think Iwata needs to go, but I have to give credit for them ‘finally’ doing what they should have done in the first place. You have to crawl before you can walk. Price drop, 2DS, Pokemon X & Y, Windwaker HD bundle, a host of first party titles, Nintendo will have a busy, lucrative holiday.

          1. But if it doesn’t work, Nintendo could always leave game development and instead look into developing general purpose software

          1. I know, right? When I was reading this I was thinking “Overhyping consoles so they can release to a shitton of controvery and three exclusives each?”
            Oh yeah, PS4 and XBONE are gonna be a grat market for this fantard, because PS3 and 360 sold so well.

            1. It’s worked for forty years. Not stopping anytime soon. The notion of Nintendo going 3rd-party needs to die a horrible, painful, screaming death. I know just like to repeat things that sound smart without actually looking at the facts, but that is beyond absurd.

        3. Every game that people here mentioned that Bethesda has made are either games I’ve never heard of, or games I care nothing about. When I hear a company talking like this, it makes me glad when I don’t care about them.

            1. Completely forgot that game, it is so good, that cant believe Bethesda’s behind it.
              Cant remember any major bugs either.

              1. Yeah Dishonored is good, but it didn’t feel like a buggy Bethesda game when I started playing it. Much too smooth and polished. Made perfect sense when I found out it was developed by Arkane Studios and not Bethesda.

        4. What a joke this underpowered baby console is. No mayor 3rd party will support this underpowered excuse of a console. Let the shovelware baby games influx begin. And don’t forget the Nintendo baby games. Only ones that will be playing this baby console are the babies and their grandmas.

          1. Dude, your comment itself screams “Here everyone who’s a baby that plays Mario! I’m a mature fanboy who plays PlayStation and I don’t care if I spent $600+ on a 20GB PS3 with no games like Metal Gear Solid 4 until late 2008 like a real dumbass”

            Plus, I haven’t seen any shovelware invading Wii U shelves yet so put your hate thong away please because nobody wants to see an utter fool doing a dancing monkey routine in an underwear for a free Xbox One that even a lower class moron like you can never afford or would be stupid enough to buy and go gaga for something that will potentially suck even worse.

        5. Like a backwards flying dragon, oops, did I offent Bethesda? Maybe if their games weren’t such shit bugfests I would take their opinions seriously.

        6. Hey Betheda!

          Right here buddy:

          …………………./´ ̄/)
          ………………..,/ ̄../
          …………./´ ̄/’…’/´ ̄ ̄`・,
          ………./’/…/…./……./¨ ̄\
          ……..(‘(…´…´….  ̄~/’…’)
          ……….”…\………. _.・´

        7. Bethesa, you really need to STFU and focus on making games that isn’t another glitch-plagued POS like Skyrim on PS3.

          And they also need to relax about the opportunity window being missed. Its only been 9-10 months of the Wii U’s life for god’s sakes. It did even better than PS3’s launch window but nobody bitched about that did they? So shut up. It hasn’t even been a full year or two yet and already they think they’re the almighty magical crystal ball thats never wrong about any possible prediction sorta like the Mayans believing they’re never wrong about their future readings out of stones..or wait. 2012 didn’t happen so I guess Wii U’s ultimate confession of failure like the Virtual Boy hasn’t happened yet either so calm the hell down

          As much as I like Nintendo, I can disagree with some things they’ve done with Wii U if proven with facts and none of that IGN or FOX news inspired BS from Nintendo hating third party. But ultimately its both sides of the equation that plays one big role of anything in the end.

          Stop being so “EA” butthurt Bethesa and just do your thing like making another buggy garbage software. If you don’t want to develop for Nintendo, thats fine by us because who the hell wants another incomplete Skyrim at full price on Wii U? Unless you have something more professional to state about Nintendo, just STFU right on the spot and turn away before looking like another blind Sony/M$ fanboy ass kisser who has no clue of what they’re talking about.

        8. Nintendo does reach out to devs they want to work with. It sounds like they weren’t interested in working the Bethesda… and from the sounds of this guy, I can understand why.

        9. Does no one F’ing understand that nintendo was almost the only company that made money consistently last generation?!?

          Why the hell are they going to consult third parties that dont know anything about proper game development or rewarding level design who depend on ‘navpoints’ to do the thinking for the player when theyre designing their hardware to be different than the other stuff?

          Ms and bugthesda can have eachother. It’ll be fun to see what this jaggoff says when his mmo tanks.

        10. So basically Bethesha isn’t making games for Nintendo consoles because Nintendo wants them to make games for them? What? And they’re unhappy with the console for what reason? Because it’s not Microsoft or Sony? I am confused.

        11. Everyone is bitching here because bestheda sells half-finished games but they do so because this games are not on their shitty console… I havent seen none of you complaining about the major bugs on zombie u… Fuck you fanboys

          1. I’ve played Fallout 3 on every platform it has been released, and in all those it was a bug filled crashing every 30 minutes mess.
            On pc they have somewhat been able to make it playable, after 4 years of its release, so fuck you bitch.
            Wet is the only Bethesda game I’ve been able to enjoy (even though it had a shitty gameplay mechanics), since its the only Bethesda game that didnt crash or freeze on me.

            And if you havent seen complaints on Zombi U, you must have some special kind of glasses on, but thats on Ubisoft, not Nintendo, retard.

        12. Pingback: Bethesda afirma que es tarde para que Nintendo convenza a nadie con Wii U. Explican sus motivos |

        13. Bethesda wants a console to cater to the developers of which there are hundreds maybe thousands of, all using different technology. Isn’t it more practical that the developers of games in which are more flexable to develope for the console instead of the other way around?

        14. Okay, I’m just going to call all the bullshit right now. Nintendo have given in to piratically every demand third parties had.

          Want a more traditional controller? Wii U Gamepad is that. Sure, there’s the screen, but you don’t have use it, it’s there if you need it.

          More power? Boom, Nintendo’s strongest system yet that runs a fuck-ton of game engines and is scalable and easy to port too.

          Online? Nintendo Network is perfectly fine. The online play lets you do all the basics that you might think of and more.

          It’s all there, everything that devs wanted is there. Everything is there so you can make your games easily. Nintendo bent over backwards to give them this and they still act like something is wrong. Bethesda, EA, Square-Enix and everyone has been given exactly what they want and they still complain and ignore it like children.

        15. The time for supporting a console has never ‘long passed’ until long past the successor being released… Heck, games are still being made for the Dreamcast and PS2.

        16. Honestly, I think Bethesda games are too buggy for consoles. I had Oblivian on PS3 and it was fine until the end of the main quest when the sound cut out. My PS3 version of Fallout 3 had a bug that would fail to load after trying to leave a building. So I switched to the PC version and now if I have a problem I can fix it with the console option. I’d perfer not seeing Wii U versions of these games unless they can get all the bugs out.

        17. “Yawn” Next…
          Bethseda go back and sit on Sony/Microsoft’s overinflated cocks!
          I am so sick and tired of hearing all of these lame ass excuses and opinions.
          Its about games, not politics that these overinflated game developers have been playing.

        18. Name available only for DLC. We apologize.

          Bethesda vs Nintendo… which side should i pick.. that’s a difficult one… NOT.

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