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Japan: Nintendo 3DS Nearly Sells 80K, Wii U Sells 5K

luigi 3ds xl

This week’s Media Create sales figures are now in from Japan. The Nintendo 3DS continues to take the country by storm as the handheld nearly sold 80,000 units. This boost in sales is presumably due to the impending release of Monster Hunter 4 for the platform. However, Wii U sales dropped despite there being no planned price cut for the system in Japan. Here’s the Japanese software and hardware sales charts.

  1. [PSP] Uta no Prince-sama: Music 2
  2. [PS3] Splinter Cell: Blacklist
  3. [PS3] JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle
  4. [PS3] Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate
  5. [PS3] Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn
  6. [3DS] Tomodachi Collection: New Life
  7. [3DS] Mario & Luigi: Dream Team
  8. [PSV] Killzone: Mercenary
  9. [3DS] Disney Magic Castle: My Happy Life
  10. [3DS] Yokai Watch
  1. Nintendo 3DS XL – 60,077 (49,149)
  2. Nintendo 3DS – 19,114 (17,873)
  3. PlayStation 3 – 13,790 (20,090)
  4. PlayStation Vita – 7,314 (8,405)
  5. Wii U – 5,702 (6,741)
  6. PSP – 5,493 (6,218)
  7. Wii – 978 (1,141)
  8. Xbox 360 – 201 (177)

145 thoughts on “Japan: Nintendo 3DS Nearly Sells 80K, Wii U Sells 5K”

    1. The Biggest Nintendrone Suckass Kissass Washrag Tool Sheep Competition

      it dus not suk u retaurd
      u will regret ur remarke when da big boyz come 2 town

      jus u wait wen yoshi yarn windwaker hd bundle mario kart smash brothers n a sure to come new mario sunshine galaxy u will eat ur word n swallow them whole n choke on em & gag

      1. LMAO those are all baby games except smash bros ;) none of those will be system sellers wake up nintensheep !!!!! Ps4, xbone are going destroy the competition.

        1. Now wait Windwaker, Star fox, Metroid or DK, Pikmin ain’t baby games. They just lack imitations of real life which I prefer. Making games this way, you can break the law of nature. But if you are making a game based on real life, there is only so much you can change. That’s why most of those fighting games or FPS seem to be the same shit with a different tittle. Mario even breaks the law of how people look like and what you can and can’t do in real life. I love that.

        2. I’m guessing you are the type of person who says Call of Duty and Battlefield are “unique”…. You must be an arrogant drone yourself, much like you fake account there.

          1. Assumptions are the worst thing to do on the internet makes you look like an idiot. I hate FPS,S so you win fail of the year sir

            1. Hmmm I’m pretty you are the failure of the year seeing how you are spending a lot of time on a website built for Nintendo fans. I love how you try to cover your act, its really amusing to me.

              Plus, if you would have read the comment (Which I doubt you did) I said the word “guessing” which isn’t an assumption, more or less well… a guess. Kind of failed on that one. Another thing is that your grammar is horrible and so moronic that it sounds like Snooky from the Jersey Shore wrote it. But please go on about how much I suck compared to your moronic mind because in the end internet fights like this always ends up being stupid and since you started the whole thing my dear boy, I’m sure you’ll end it with one of your witty comments that will surely make me laugh in delight that you wrote back because you clearly have enough time on your hands to do so.

              1. A guess is an assumption and LOL pointing out grammer is stupid since you know what I’m trying to say. Oh and your insults are HORRIBLE too

              2. An assumption basically is a guess. You just failed there.

                And grammar attacks? Are you that desperate? He thinks the WIi U is terrible, get over it you little cry baby.

            2. The Biggest Nintendrone Suckass Kissass Washrag Tool Sheep Competition

              or so u type jtz sock.. woh can proof ur not lying?i can do same k watch warch..


              ok now u again.. let me guess u life in ur own basement n u has a job n ur cool n ur a the ladiesboy n u gradjuated shcool?

              1. Yep, you are basically the same person as “you thought” seeing how you made this comment right after your other comment. Just stop why your ahead pleb

          1. I can be on any site I want. Also I don’t hate Nintendo I own a 3ds and love it I just hate the Wii U right now and what Nintendo is doing to it that’s all

  1. Put a kiddy game out for Wii U it’ll sell. After Splinter Cell for Wii U never made top ten like PS3/Xbone one version. Putting a dumb kiddy Sing U. Too bad Wii U owners support kiddy BS games that W101 didn’t sell. If W101 was on Ps3 it would have sold consoles.

      1. Finally someone who agrees with me. After all if all these stupid ass kiddy non adventure like Wii U games are all that, why isn’t,t moving hardware?

        1. Because Wii U is a weak and shitty system. They force you to use a low battery gamepad and just keep giving us bull shit games. Only nintensheep will buy a Wii u this coming holiday. They should just go 3rd party for the big boys (xbone, ps4) all Nintendo games would run better on ps4, xbone anyway and vita off screen play. R.I.P Wii U

              1. Coming from the person who spends his time trolling around the internet, probably trying to find porn, just to attack innocent fans of a company they are interested in. My dear boy you have no intelligence what so ever.

        2. The Biggest Nintendrone Suckass Kissass Washrag Tool Sheep Competition

          bitch plz u aint kiddin noone
          u obviusly agrreing wit ur pathetic self cus noone else caers

          you: waaah wiiu suck yet im on a nintendo site waah it collect dust waah is ur fault i dun buy it waah everty ting kiddy baby but not gta gta not kiddy rayman not kiddy

          sock: i agree wit u ur handsome n smart n cool

          you: finaly sum1 see the troofth
          i love u

          sock:i love u too (pls decapitate me..)

                1. Yet you are on this site made for Nintendo fans, wasting time that could have been used to do something else… wow, you must not have a job then. Waste of oxygen I tell you.

                  1. He said he likes the 3DS, oh but wait, he doesn’t like the Wii U (I didn’t for several months, thought it was a hunk of junk) he must be a hater … #Logic

                    He has no job for coming on a website? More assumptions, you really are a class act. You’re about as stupid as half the fanboys on this site.

        3. Could you please elaborate on what you mean by “kiddie games” ?. I just get on why people think that if the game does not have super realistic graphics, then its meant for kids.
          Well in that case games like DK and mario are meant for kids right? WRONG.
          Here’s the truth you dumbass.. games are meant to be “fun”. If you guys want to act like a a bunch a graphic whores , well then no one cares about your stupid opinions.
          Still dont get what I’m sayin ?? do yourself a favor and beat DKCR and try to get all the kong letters…

          1. Funny thing is, I find mostly kids on CoD lobbys, wich makes me wonder how a Mature game attracts kids, but these “kid” games like mario attract mostly “casuals” and theyre mostly all adults.

    1. W101 wouldn’t have sold on the PS3, if you look at Viewtiful Joe it didn’t sell much on the PS2. The type of gamer that calls itself the core gamer aka computer gamer, doesn’t like new things or new ways to control games. Just get use to it being a real stagnate time in video games.

  2. Let’s hope Nintendo expands the price cut to Japan and brings out more good games for Wii U.

    I can’t wrong them for supporting the 3DS, but the Wii U needs love too. They were only able to save the 3DS because they were beginning to pay less attention to the Wii.

  3. That’s what the problem is. It’s not that the Wii U is weak it’s these gimmik games that ain’t making top ten like Warioware, Nintendo Land, Dance 4 u. However, Pikmin 3 made top ten an adventure game that uses the GamePad . W101 should have made top 10 but it’s too difficult for the kiddys after playing the demo. Wii U owners don’t like to try nothing new or challenging. But I do.

      1. Too bad I can’t say the same about Wii u’s version of Splinter Cell. Which has no screen tear and operates off the gamepad. Which is an exclusive feature. Yet a rehashed Dance 4 U sells better. Will duh, it’s a kiddy console. Man up Nintendo aim for adventure games.

        1. You forgot that it has low-res textures compared to the x360 and the ps3, and you also forgot that it ca 6 FUCKING YEARS LATER, it should at least run that game at 60 fps 720p, but we’re talking wii u here, forget it

          1. Hey Fuck face!!!!!! The wii u DOES have the texture pack. I see that you don’t have the game… but only talking alot of fuckery!!!!!!

            The game is 720p with NO TEARING and it’s at 60fps. So stop talking shit you shitface!!!!!

        1. Wait a fuck minute…… was I talking to you FUCK FACE?????????? I never even see you. Don’t be replying to me if I wasn’t acknowledging you…. you piece of dick licker.

          Go suck out your mother stinking dried up pussy upside down with a stray. Pussy Face!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Not sure atm but anyone can run a low detailed game like NSMBU in 1080p 60fps. And its already confirmed that the big boys are power houses compared to the baby U.

      1. Killzone Shadow Fall is running at 30fps at 1080p…. we don’t have much of an accuse either mate and I’m a Sony fan. Nintendo are doing a good job with the handheld market and Sony is keeping it nice and warm in the console front. Face it, Nintendo and Sony will be the only ones next next gen while Microsoft will go the way of Sega… oh yeah… I said it.

      2. Microsoft does not even have a first party IP worth playing. Nintendo has proven that with the 3DS alone that they can sell their consoles in hundreds of thousands with their IPs only. Pikmin 3 sold 185 000 physical copies in America. You think Mario won’t push over 1 million, you must be dreaming.

      1. In all honesty its lack of quality games, old rehashes and bad use of gamepad that the Wii U is doing shitty. There not taking advantage of the system in any way.

        1. The Biggest Nintendrone Suckass Kissass Washrag Tool Sheep Competition

          nuh uh jtz sock it dumb pepl who dun giv nothing chance n always complain n bitch bout everything i agree wit reggie wen he say all pepl do is complain n nitpick n say i want mroe i want more & dount even giv sumthing new a chance u hate rehash n also hate new becus it not familiar gtfo

        2. ” In all honesty its lack of quality games, old rehashes and bad use of gamepad that the Wii U is doing shitty. There not taking advantage of the system in any way.”

          Nope! Not at all, Pikmin 3 is no rehash. It feels nothing like Pikmin 1 or 2. Also 3D Mario World may look like 3D Land but that’s it. 3D land has peach kidnapped, 1 player and that’s it. That 3D Mario World looks fun as heck. That’s my type of Mariogame. Dk another type of game. Zelda WW HD, was redesigned from the ground up. That’s why it handles off the GamePad. I want to play it in HD. Every Zelda tittle is different. Also the Wii U maybe weaker than the PS4 but not by much. The GamePad is wayyyy better than the Vita Ps4 controller.

          1. You mean to tell me the 8 core console has to sacrifice fps just to get up to 1080p? That’s a damn shame. The way the media makes it seem how weak Wii U is compared throat console could easily get up to 60fps 1080p.

        1. 720p? Ok . Now I know. Though the graphics on my TV looks better than just 720. But OK. I’m still buying the underrated game,

      2. I’ll be the first to say countless good things about The Wonderful 101, but it doesn’t always run at 60fps. There’s numerous areas within the game with multiple enemies and multiple unite morphs where it slows down considerably.

  4. Another dumb move by Nintendo is announcing a price drop for weeks later. No one in there right mind would buy a Wii U before a price drop so of course sales will drop

    1. The Biggest Nintendrone Suckass Kissass Washrag Tool Sheep Competition

      i agree wit u jtz sock price make em lose money n u know peple will a be expectng price drop after that n they screw theyselfs in future too cus poeple wount want 2 buy nuting wit out the price drop n that bad cus nintendo loose money n anounving early is not good cus then no wan want to buy but will wait cus price drop was anounce n that a mistake cus the evry1 will be expecting n they lose money cus they anounce eaely price drop instead of wait a bit more cus then they screw theyselfs cus then in future evry1 want price drop n they wontn buy nothin till price drop cus that wat happens wen u announce early price drop evry 1 wont buy instead they wait & thet in turn make nintendo lose momey & that not good cus they make mistake of early annuncing

      1. I love how you made a fake account just to troll. Oh my god, you trolls are getting worse XD

        2013 trolls = The Next Jersey Shore

        1. Hi my name is Chris, I feed trolls but I act like I’m outsmarting them …. when I’m just feeding them and continually bring them back #Imsotuffbra

      1. Thanks Chris, xbots are in denial. Sony has taken market share away from the xbox line; reason why Microsoft share holders want the xbox line to be sold. Windows 8 sucks, in the tablet market apple and android devices are killing the windows surface. Windows phone please LOL. iPhone and android rule that realm. Then there was ZUNE LOL.

        1. Yeah, I own an iPad Mini and my Dad owns a Windows Surface… but my iPad Mini runs twice as fast and doesn’t have a clunky UI like the Surface. Microsoft should just call it quits and sale the rights of Halo, Gears of War, Forza and Rare to Nintendo and Sony. Imagine, Halo on the Wii U and PS4… I’d be shitting my self laughing at all the Xbots crying

          1. They should sale Forza and rare to nintendo, gears to Sony and let bungie buy Halo, so as it stays third party for PS4WiiU. Forza, because Sony has GranTurismo racing IP. Yes that will be great. Next generation, with the NES2 and PS5 shall be wonderful.

  5. The real wiiu competition is the 3ds not the ps3. Is realy funny when a launch title on ps3 is on the first spot just selling 50,000 copies while except for tw 101 the wiiu games debuts at 97,000. When a 3ds debuts is in the 100,000+ for both first and third party’s. I still think the wiiu have a huge advantage that developers still don’t want to use.

    1. Japanese is known for their handheld gaming whilst we Westerners are more into home gaming. So it explains why both the Wii U and PS3 are being overtaken by the 3DS

      1. Of course but when a wiiu exclusive gets released in Japan (again with the exception of wonderful 101) wiiu games then to sell more than the other consoles.

  6. I want to know why I can’t find an article explaining why Sony and developers should stop making the same games on PS3 and PS4?

  7. Xbox360 177 sold Microsoft should stop the bleeding and leave the video game market completely. They are done, xbone is the last Microsoft console. Sony is marketing the PS4 to the max in the PAL and NTSC territories because they know nintendo owns Japan.

    1. Well, Xbox One probably will not do well in Japan, but it will still do well in other major regions where it matter – like the largest gaming market, North America.

      1. I don’t really think so seeing how many consumers and fans have either moved to the Wii U or are moving to the PS4 so I’d say Microsoft should just pull a SEGA and get out of the console market.

        1. Despite the vocal cries of gamers on the internet, they’re still a minority. Microsoft still has a large hold on the general consumer population in North America regarding the Xbox brand.

          I have friends who work in various games and electronics retail stores that can attest to the fact that every day they have people coming in asking about Xbox One.

          There’s a reason the consoles have sold out. Xbox still has its loyal fanbase and Microsoft still has the money for advertising. Unless something catastrophic happens in the gaming industry or economy, Xbox One will be just as much if not more of a success than the Xbox 360.

          1. You do realize that Sony’s PS4 has taken over America right. PS3 and Wii ( the original wonder ) showed up 1 full year after the xbox360 and obliterated it to last position as of now. The PS4 a beast with DDR5 internal Ram, releasing before the xbone. Not a year later before, with third party support and Sony IPs, no Microsoft are done. Remember Titanfall is only but a timed exclusive, you say Forza, I say Grand Turismo 6 Sony and project cars for the WiiU ( offscreen play and gamepad make it definitive ). X and the Last Gaurdian alone can eclipse the whole of xbone’s lineup.

            1. PS4 might have an advantage this time around, but the playing field is still pretty level.

              That said, just because one system sells more than another, doesn’t make the system that sells less unsuccessful. Xbox 360 its ecosystem and franchises have been a huge success for Microsoft.

              We’ll see how the next gen turns out, but I’m sure Sony and Microsoft will do well in their own ways. Don’t let personal feelings blind you to the facts.

              1. The ZUNE, windows 8, Vista, windows phone 1, nokia purchase, 100 million on dollars spent on a controllerthat can’t even do half the things the WiiU pad does, DRM, tv tv tv, 80 free services behind a paywall, xboxlive 2, rare making Kinect sports 2 while double helix makes Killer instinct EA ware. Not feelings just wanting justice for abused xbox fans.

              2. The only thing that can have a advantage to Microsoft is new gamers if indications of what is happening with my Xbox live is accurate almost all my friends have abandoned and go to Sony or Nintendo.

                1. There are people have have abandoned Xbox, yes. There are people who have abandoned PlayStation and Nintendo as well.

                  There are people who have abandoned console gaming. There are people who have left gaming altogether.

                  These numbers are hardly indicative of the majority though and do not reflect the pattern of consumer spending and brand loyalty.

                  1. I don’t have any numbers lol is just that Xbox live is a waste land and all of my friend have left and Microsoft said it plans on selling 360 till 2016 with out support.

        2. Xbox One will be just fine. Saying it should pull out of the console market is as ignorant as it gets. Why reduce the competition? Here I was thinking you had some common sense.

            1. Exactly. More competition means Nintendo or Sony or whatever have to start bringing out the big guns to try and achieve more of the market share.

              Who in there right mind wants less competition?!

              1. It’s silly isn’t it? It’s ok if someone prefers one company than the other, but say that one company should die because of rivalry is a complete nonsense!
                Monopoly will never be a good thing.

                1. Anyone who believes a company should drop out isn’t a gamer. They’re a disgrace. I hope Microsoft prospers and gives it to the other two (And vice versa) so they are forced to take risks and give loads of awesome games and features to us the consumer.

    1. I think we still know too little at the moment. I see positives and negatives to it.


      – Its launch in Japan will be without the PS4
      – It will use the DualShock 3 for Vita games making those Vita games that require touch, camera, and microphone compatibility unplayable.
      – It may make some people see no need for the handheld itself
      – May make some developers forget the handheld functions and just develop for the functions of Vita TV for max compatibility across devices.


      – It’s a cheaper alternative to the Vita handheld for people who want to play those games on their TV.
      – It has the same OS and functions of the Vita, giving it those connectivity options with the PS4
      – Opens a gateway to more software sales for Vita games and thus more developer support
      – Opens gateway for people to probably get a Vita handheld down the road if they get Vita TV without one.
      – Possible to patch DualShock 4 touchpad controls for Vita games that require touch (when the PS4 comes out).

      There are other pros and cons, but I think we’ll have to wait and see the full outcome before making assumptions. Evidently Japan is excited about it though. I’m reading reports of pre-orders selling out across various retailers there.

    2. As with all Sony products I am not an early adopter. The price though has me sold, the 3DS is my handheld supreme. In fact my 3DS is my go to console until super Mario 3D world, X, DK tropical freeze, Zelda Windwaker HD, wonderful 101, assassins creed IV, splintercell two player offline patch, watchdogs WiiU, projects cars, COD GHOSTS etc arrive :).

  8. I don’t get why everyone says the Wii U is weak. It’s just as powerful as 360 and ps3 and just look at the awesome games like GTAV and The Last of us on those platforms. The Wii U is more than capable of excellent gaming experiences. Just look at Pikmin 3 for example. It’s not about raw power anymore and tbh it hasn’t been for a long time. The only thing Weak about the Wii U right now is it’s games library but that is slowly picking up pace.

    I think everyone needs to just pick up their toys, climb back in their prams and relax. Try and enjoy yourselves rather than just complaining all the time.

  9. These comments… When I was 10 I used to play with my friends instead of writing stupid comments on the internet. Of course, the internet didn’t really exist at the time…

  10. They need to bring more baby games so the Wii U does better. Wii U sales are extremely disappointing =(. Pathetic would be an understatement. Bring them Mario and Pokemon or any other baby game and they will go out in droves to buy them.

    The babies aren’t interested in a game like the wonderful 101 hence the Wii U keeps selling poorly. There was no considerable spike in sales due to the release of that game. The babies said they value gameplay over graphics but why aren’t they buying a good game like the wonderful 101. They lied. But they will make excuses saying Nintendo didn’t market the game enough, when it is obvious that any serious “Nintendo gamer” (if there is such a thing) would have heard of that game, the only ones that haven’t are the casuals.

    They also need to make a new game that appeals to the grandmas, one that is easy as the Gamepad is too complicated for that audience. The Gamepad is much more complicated to use than just waggling a Wii Mote.(or they could inform grandmas that Wii motes are still compatible with the Wii U) They could just add the letters “HD” at the end of any of those successful old Wii grandma games (just like they did with Zelda Wind Waker HD, same old game with same 10 year old sound effects). No one will notice. With these changes they will get their target audience of grandmas and babies back =).

    1. “The babies aren’t interested in a game like the wonderful 101”
      You kidding me? It’s the babies that ARE interested in that game. No offence to any cool gamers out there who might like that game.

  11. I am really surprised by the poor selling of the Wii U in Japan. I don’t get why they are not supporting the console. Maybe it’s too soon for a boom in sales, let’s see what future will bring.

    1. With the awesome games Japan gets, to see the sales that low is a clear indication of issues with Nintendo themselves, hopefully they can get it sorted.

      1. Yes, I Hope so!
        I don’t know if the issue is with Nintendo, 3DS is selling like hotcakes.
        I also find very strange the Ps3 good sales despite the coming of the Ps4.

  12. Pingback: Here’s The First Sixty Minutes Of Monster Hunter 4 | My Nintendo News

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