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Spike VGX: Super Mario 3D World Up For Game Of The Year


This year’s Spike VGX award nominations are available to view online and it’s your chance to vote for which game you think deserves Game of the Year. There’s five games you can choose from including Bioshock Infinite, Grand Theft Auto V, Super Mario 3D World, The Last of Us and Tomb Raider. It’s completely up to you which game you vote for, but it’s certainly a difficult choice as there’s been some great games released this year. The Spike VGX takes place on December 7th, so be sure to vote.

Thanks, SimplyG

311 thoughts on “Spike VGX: Super Mario 3D World Up For Game Of The Year”

    1. A retarded comment from a retarded Nintendo hater. You haters are so predictable.

      Everyone with a brain knows that every Mario adventure is completely different from each other but bubbleheads like you don’t know that.

      GTA 5 is a “rehash”, Tomb Raider is a “rehash” and The Last Of Us is not even a video game, it’s an interactive movie.

      1. He’s gonna vote for GTA5 most likely, lol. I love how he hasn’t even played the game yet and he’s still making a statement about it.

            1. Caterpie! Yesterday u thought you were a warrior of truth saving me from trolling!? Today I see your a pony in need of a beating ;)

            1. Yep. it has cutscenes and the rest is just interacting. INTERACTIVE MOVIE!!!

              Dark Souls, BioShock, The Elder Scrools, Zelda, Sly Cooper, Final Fantasy, Sonic, Metroid, Shadow of the Colossus, Street Fighter, Uncharted, Pokemon are also interactive movies.

              1. You want to know what an interactive movie is? Look at any game from Quantic Dream. Yes, I guess you could say that any video game with cutscenes is an interactive movie, but still, how the hell is Pokemon an interactive movie?

      2. beyond: 2 souls is the game you were looking for.. i love how people whip out the insults and can’t even get their facts straight first

        1. I meant The Last Of Us, not fucking Beyond 2 Souls. TLOU is an interactive movie whether you wanna admit it or not. The reason why TLOU scored high among reviewers was because of the great story and not because of the gameplay so therefore it’s an interactive movie.

          1. you can use different tactics in combat and use cover in fights and to stay out of sight
            the game also features a crafting and an upgrade system

            just because it has a good story it’s not automatically an interactive movie
            it’s no more an interactive movie than tomb raider is

            talk all you like, doesn’t change the fact that it’s a game and a very good one at that

            1. interactive movie is just a term Nintendo fanboys use because most of their games have weak stories and lacklustre preduction values.

              1. HAHAAA so true, Nintendo games gave simple save the princess storyline and no voice dialogue just reused sound effects and grunts. Nintendo games have ASS storylines. Great gameplay tho

                  1. Played them and honestly the most compelling, most detailed one was fire emblem awakening but even that wasn’t anything over the top.

                    1. But those stories aren’t ASS. Not every game needs a over the top story to be great…like metal gear 4 its story is so damn over the top near 80% of the game is cutscene, asura’s wrath has one of favorite stories but its mostly cut scenes as well.

              2. Prove that those things are necessary. And using sales stats or reviews as evidence is not allowed, because those are reactions and not part of the overall makeup of the game. I want you to prove that a game is truly more fun to play when you put a good story and good “preduction values”

                Before you even begin, here are three reasons why you won’t get very far:

                1. There are many games that do not rely on good stories and are still fun. You also have to define what a good story is, which is a matter of judgment.
                2. There are many games that do not rely on good “preduction values” and are still fun. You also have to define what good “preduction values” are, which, again, is a matter of opinion. Have I hammered your mistaken spelling into you yet? Maybe I haven’t said “preduction values” enough, I think one more time should do it.
                3. It’s a matter of opinion, though many have often confused “opinion” with “conjecture.”

                Go on. take your time.

                  1. of course the guy saying “shut the fuck up you big dumb bitch” makes nintendo fans look like bulwarks of objectivity

                    you’re pathetic

                1. I don’t think Nintendo games lack good production values (look at the Galaxy games and Skyward Sword), and I think some of them have great stories (Wind Waker, for instance).

                  There is no need to define what “story” is, nor “production value.” The terms are real and have definitions–just ask any writer or producer what they are rather than some jerk on the Internet (no offense Adarazz).

                  If you’re willing to pay $60 for a Nintendo title that is focused–almost entirely–on game play, than you’re getting your money’s worth. Nintendo could learn a thing or two about varying game play according to events in a script rather than, for example, themes of a world.

                  Creative people know–and it really isn’t a matter of opinion at all (people study theses fields as part of their higher education)–nothing is sacrificed when an element like plot is integrated effectively, but in fact much is gained.

                  Skyward Sword was a step in the right direction for Nintendo’s storytellers.

                  1. Yeah, no voice acting, clunky character movement, dated graphics. Skyward Sword sure had some high production values…

                    1. HOWEVER, I didn’t notice the character movements were clunky, and actually I really liked most of the animations (exceptions occur where characters were intentionally unrealistic because you can’t make that look good, c’mon Nintendo), and the graphics were the best on the Wii, so in that respect the polish was there.

                      Where they nailed it–i.e. where they made a “step in the right direction”–was in the orchestral music, the controls, and cinematics.

                    2. clunky character movement? seriously? show me an instance ;)

                      dated graphics are something you can’t avoid when you have to manage low hardware resources but outdate graphics don’t make an outdated game (or a bad one at that)

          2. Plenty of critics praised the gameplay you fucking gimp. It’s a VIDEO GAME, so is Beyond: Two Souls. “Interactive movie” is just a term created by idiots like you.

            1. well beyond: 2 souls very much looks and plays like an interactive movie.. just like most (or all?) of quantic dreams games
              gameplay isn’t exactly varied
              doesn’t have to be bad but it’s just that

              1. Beyond Two Souls and Heavy Rain are essentially point and click adventure games…just adapted for the bigger screen. Nothing wrong with putting cinematics in them. In fact, the “interactive movie” aspect of those games are hardly the most criminal offense committed by Quantic Dream. Their cardinal sin is making stories without sufficient payoff for the player..

                1. I watched someone playing Beyond Two Souls; the whole time I was scratching my head trying to figure out if it was on-rails just looked that way because the combat was so seamless.

                  So, yeah, it was either awesome or not from the perspective of someone who didn’t play it. Good comment here.

            2. Well Heavy Rain and Beyond Two Souls ARE classified as interactive movies. But saying The Last of Us is an interactive movie is just fanboyism.

      3. I agree with him completely, it is a rehash. I also love Nintendo, but I don’t have to be blindly accepting of everything they do.

        Anyway nuts to this crap, I’d much prefer to see Between Worlds on that list. Maybe even Pikmin 3 or Pokemon Y/X. Mario 3D World is just another unambitious party game.

        1. Exactly, if any Nintendo game is on that list it should be Zelda. Actually brings new elements to the series and has compelling game design.

    2. how could it be a rehash of new super mario bros when its direct predecessor is super mario 3d land on the 3ds? the 2 games are nothing alike

      1. first, Killzone was deemed by critics as “OK” while Mario was given a near perfect score by many critics, IGN included
        second, this Mario is way more evolved than the “New” series
        fyi, “New” series is purposely made the same on the irony of the name, as they make other mario games different but leaving same gameplay for the “New” series

      2. Mario games don’t come out year after year, at least not within the same series. And usually the most that can be said about a new game in relation to the last was that they were both platformers taking place in the Mario universe (exception: Mario Galaxy 2).

        That having been said, I wish we could leave behind the conventions of levels and worlds and flagpoles and stars at the ends of levels. It would be great to play a Mario game that didn’t think of itself as a video game.

  1. I just can’t compare mario to last of us, or bioshock, or tombraider or whatever.. it’s for completely different audience, for different purpose game

    1. Am I the only one who thought Gta had nothing to do and last of us was boring gameplay.
      Gta 5 was a disappointment. A hyped up mess, and the last of us was a snooze feat when there weren’t cutscenes

      1. Clearly, you never played The Last of Us, because a majority of the most intense, griping moments were game play segments.

      2. GTA 5 WAS a disappointment. Why? Wanted level system is broken. You can get a one star wanted level for accidentally bumping into someone on the sidewalk. You can also get one if you kill someone with a silenced pistol miles away from the nearest would-be witness. Cops are generally too difficult to take on in a gunfight = fun lost. Tank is way too easy to destroy = fun lost. You can’t aim before shooting while driving. You can’t crouch without being stuck to an object, in cover. You can’t do police missions. You can’t do ambulance missions. You can’t do fire fighter missions. Vehicle damage physics are way off, aesthetically and functionally (can’t see damage, continuous high-speed head-on collisions make little difference to your car’s “health”). Helicopter controls have gotten worse. No gang wars/acquisition of territories.

        No nitrous in vehicles. No hydraulics on vehicles. No buyable safe houses. Melee is still awful, and lacking (though I may be spoiled on Sleeping Dogs). Parkour still sucks (though, again, I may be comparing it to SD). Soundtrack isn’t near as good as it should’ve been. You get practically no reward for finding all those damned collectibles. Story sucks, mostly because I had to play as three pathetic little losers who don’t know who they want to be in life. And gawd are they fugly. Why anyone would want to play a loser in their GTA game is beyond me. Far too few heists, and too little freedom given to the player in how they want to COMPLETE said heists. Can’t set default radio stations, outfits, or vehicles for any character. No gambling in or even SEEING a beautiful casino. No jetpack! W… T… F…

  2. and the winner is, Grand Theft Auto V
    you all know this. i love Nintendo but its GTA, the vast majority of “hardcore gamers” will vote for that game.
    Mario 3D World will have been out for 15 days by this time. I think they’re just patronizing us now.

    1. Please don’t ever call them hardcore gamers. People who call themselves hardcore are not hardcore at all, just wannabes. GTA will win because of casual gamers, hardcore gamers won’t vote for GTA so please dont call them hardcore.

      1. This^ every gamer with brains will never vote for gta5 has goty last of us or tomb raider even the disappointing bioshock infinity but not gta5.

        1. Very true, two of my friends both think GTA 5 is an amazing game, and far better than the last…but neither consider it to be worthy of game of the year, simply because GTA is GTA. You run around and fuck around killing old ladies and such. GTA games are quite fun, but the best GTA will never be better than the best Final Fantasy, the best Zelda, the best devil may cry, simply because it’s a game you get to fuck around in. Nobody I know has ever 100% the GTAs because it’s just not worth it. And GTA doesn’t deserve game of the year. Why? It’s a great game, but it’s based off real cities, and real interactions. It takes a whole lot of development to make a game that good, but creativity, it takes none. Pretty much everything you do in GTA you can do in real life. You might not get away with anything you attempt in real life, (and shouldn’t attempt obviously) but mostly everything in the game is taken from everyday life. It’s gonna get GOTY I’m sure, but it doesn’t deserve it. Not even Jonah Hill being in it can justify that title. Just cause you spend a lot of money on voice actors and development, doesn’t mean you deserve to have GOTY. GTA just isn’t a creative series. It is fun, but anyone who calls GTA their favorite series has never played a good RPG or adventure game most likely.

  3. So its really going to be down to Grand Theft Auto V, Super Mario 3D World or The Last of Us.

    GTA 5 I see winning. Its overated as fuck and not a bad game but not AMAZING. Super Mario 3D World will have only been out like 3 weeks so it will be amazing if it won game of the year that would be a shock but a pleasant one. Last Of Us…Good story, but still just another apocalypse game

  4. It’s hilarious to me, seeing these violent story-centered games where you’re fighting to survive, juxtaposed with a platformer full of Mario characters in cat suits. It’s just weird.

    1. Never really cared for the spike awards its a populatity contest, a giant advertisement fair for mountain dew and Dewritos, plus they never get actually people from game industry they get a bunch of damn celebs that don’t care for gaming

  5. Never played any of these candidates. Mario 3D world would be the only one I play when it launches, so if I vote, it would be kind of unfair due to bias. I’m pretty sure a lot of people will vote on this not having played many of these, so in the end it will just be a popularity contest.

    1. That’s the option where developers trick gamers into voting for something they don’t like paying for, and since the gamers vote, the developers say “Hey the gamers love DLC! SEE! They voted for their favorite!”

    1. I’m thinking it was home console games and not portable. But yeah I would definitely agree Awakening > Super Mario 3D World.

        1. That’s what’s up my dude, let’s make these faggots and pints feel bad about there dumbass opinions (unless they’re justifiable opinions)

  6. not sure why tomb raider is in there.. that game was incredibly dull and stuffed with ridiculous QTE passages.. i was hoping those were a thing of the past but tomb raider proved different

  7. As mush as I would like SM3DW to win, I will admit that it’s up against some really solid competition. Especially The Last Of Us.

  8. How can we vote for it if we haven’t played it yet??? Also, I hope GTAV doesn’t win. It is probably THE most overrated game of all time.

    1. Well, the game comes out this weekend and voting will continue beyond that time. Yeah, it’s a little strange to start voting before all games have been released, but *shrug*. ;/

        1. What’s good you black bitch? Howsabout you come over to my place and make some love to my meat pistol with them fine lips of yours…

            1. Guess I shouldn’t have expected the average zit-riddled nerd frequenting this site to recognize the majestic mating call of the alpha male.

                  1. lol You really think that you are such a badass for coming up with a statement that’s factually wrong. You should really put this up on you resume because that’s the only accomplishment you’ll get in life.

                    You thought you were funny.

                    You thought you were cool.

                    Good day you wannabe thug.

                      1. I’m far from mad actually. Thank you for caring tho.

                        And you call that a beating? Again, don’t make me laugh.

                        Furthermore you are the one that’s mad because you’re swearing at everyone. However, it it fine, because it is obvious that your mother didn’t give you any attention when you were younger. Keep trying dude you are only making yourself look more like a fool.

                      2. Hahah Anubis is a bitch, a faggot, the kinda guy who likes to pack fudge balls deep, and take it until his butt hurts, cuz that’s what you are. Butthurt

                      3. Looks like that beating got to you more than I thought. This phase of denial you’re experiencing is an indicator that you might be suffering from severe butthurt. Might wanna see a doctor about that. I’m telling you this because I care.

                        1. *Yawn* It appears you’ve ran out of material, so you’re starting to bore me.

                          You put up a good battle though! I’ll give you that. i have nothing else to say…so

                          Later! :)

                          “Might wanna see a doctor” hahahaha

                          “you might be suffering from severe butthurt” lawl!

                        2. The trolls/fanboys on this site are so boring and forgettable these days.

                          Whatever happened to N-Dub Nation, Jellybean, Nintedward, Macarony64, Neutron, Aeolus, Iceazeama?

                          1. Nitendward is Pinwheel’s bitch now. Iceazeama, and N-Dub Nation still lurks around. As for the others, they haven’t been around in a while, especially JellyBean.

                          2. You got no comeback this time so you’re just gonna feign badassitude and slink out like a little bitch; got it. Fucking lol at this mofo who thinks he can back out and then claim he “won the battle”!

        2. All of these games are just fantastic. I’ve played all of them except Bioshock Infinite and Super Mario 3D World. These are definitely hard to choose from. For me, anyways.

            1. Despite the few plot holes, I thought the game was great. In my opinion, it deserves the GOTY nomination, and I don’t think I have said that about any other FPS.

          1. How the hell would you know, you dumb fucker? You got a time machine you wanna share with the rest of us stashed away somewhere?


          Best Xbox Game

          BioShock Infinite
          Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons
          Grand Theft Auto V
          Tomb Raider

          Best PlayStation Game

          Grand Theft Auto V
          Rayman Legends
          The Last of Us
          Tomb Raider
          At least they got nintendo right…kinda

          Best Nintendo Game

          Pikmin 3
          Rayman Legends
          Super Mario 3D World
          The Wonderful 101

              1. Nobody gives a shit. Go crawl back under your rock, you shit-eating peasant. Brush up on your manners before you dare muster up the gall to mingle with the big boys.

            1. Pokemon XY was disappointing from a gameplay perspective though I appreciate the visual uplift it brought to the series. The 3D models and animations look absolutely fantastic. As for FE:A, haven’t played it so no comment.

              I definitely agree that the 3DS was the best system out on the market in 2013, though. So many good games – especially in Europe.

              1. Not to mention it shat on the vita and even main consoles in sales, cuz every month more dynamite games were coming out. Really hurts the wallet

              1. Rayman should be considered for soundtrack of the year at least! I actually bought the soundtrack cause I love it so much. The game itself is also great. I was honestly one of those people who were pissed about the delay and said I wouldn’t get it, but I decided to get it with Wonderful 101 when target had a buy 2 get 1 free sale, and I’m so glad I gave it another chance. It’s my first Rayman game honestly, and it is honestly far better than New Super Mario U in art style, music, level design, gamepad integration WAY better, pretty much everything is better. I still love New Super Mario U, but the art style is bland, as is the music. All generic as hell compared to the classic 2D Mario games. Anyway anyone who decided not to get Rayman due to the delay, give it a chance it’s great. Only thing that sucks is getting level 11 awesomeness if anyone knows what that’s about, takes way too much time, as do the last 3 characters you unlock AFTER getting everything else in the game and beating it. Those are the only 2 things I think were bad decisions. Oh and not having the Eye of the Tiger songs on the soundtrack I bought :(

        4. lol wow this game must be very popular from the critics since it made it

          im very surprised that its voted, lol buts Last of Us is my game of the year

          but GTA V WILL STEAL IT AWAY

        5. man, I just looked at all the categories and this is gonne be a TIGHT one (that’s what he/she said)

          a lot of games deserve each one, lol also spread the word DIVEKICK FOR BEST FIGHTER XD

        6. *Silently sits in the corner and plays Bioshock Infinite.* Nothing can compare to how incredible that game is. Mario 3D world, as much as it pains me to admit it, is just not creative at all. GTA V was incredible, but no where near as good as Infinite and I’ve yet to play Last of Us and Tomb Raider.

          1. According to the IGN review SM3DW is quite creative

            GTA V will win this. It´s just a popularity contest, people will have no problem giving their vote even if they have only played one of these games

              1. Good to know that you extend your experience with a couple of levels to the game as a whole. Will make ignoring you in the future all the easier, you shit-sipping mongrel.

          2. “Mario 3D world, as much as it pains me to admit it, is just not creative at all.”

            We’re all… entitled… (Groan, twitch) t-to our opinions…
            (Facepalm, sigh)

          3. You sound like a shit gamer, posing as mature, when your really a small minded and small promised boy living in the rotting corpse of a man
            A dumb man
            With shit opinions.
            The kind of man I would smack when nobody’s looking, at the old folks home where you will wind up, and I’ll get a job there to come and smack you up for you shit opinions

        7. All you fanboys are going to vote for Mario lol even if you didn’t play any of the games but gtav is going to win either way

              1. Word up your a retard, if you think Mario doesn’t deserve to win. Maybe the others do too, just ALOT less. Where talking about gameplay here and only one on that list has gameplay cool enough to make me go out nd buy it? Wanna guess which one? OH AHIT. You got it wrong cuz your a retard

        8. aw yeah, the last of us or gtav for sure. masterpieces right there. I wouldn’t count on this cat mario game winning. let’s be realistic here.

          1. Hahah I think that an interactive movie should be at an interactive movie contest with heavy rain and Jodie and ghost or. All of them are terrible TERRIBLE games, and what can you do in gta5 that you’ve never done in other games? Not even 3 people is original anymore. Pikmin did it first, and better, cuz at least things you do in Pikmin fuckin matter, Gta is a shitstorm of a big boring map and fuckin of cars. No more no less I give it a 6/10 cuz ya know it isn’t complete trash, just overhyped and boring trash

            1. I wonder if you actually believe all the shit you just wrote. perfect example of why everyone think nintendo fans are the most retarded of the three. just shocking.

        9. Honestly. GTA 5 is an amazing game. I have to vote for that game because I haven’t even touched Super Mario 3D World yet, so I don’t know if that game is good or not. I am an Xbox, Nintendo 3DS, and Wii U fan. So don’t patronize me for having an opinion.

          1. Sounds good, just make sure to go back on another device and vote for sm3dworld. Not Gta 5 or you will not be welcomed on this site, I will higher my own moderators to patrol the sight for your ip, and give you viruses, thatlle give me your mobile location, I will track you in the streets and hit you with a brick,

            Now that’s better gameplay then youll get in any Gta game right there

        10. I don’t care who wins really, it likely will be GTA V. As long as not alot will be put off by it.

          Also, I hope casual gamers (Hardcore gamers to me are those serious about a game) aren’t put off by the soon review from [shudder] game spot.

        11. Way too early to vote for Mario unfortunately in my opinion, I’m sure the gameplay is going to be better than the other games listed but my vote this year may have to be for the last of us, naughty dog did a great job at selling us a story full of characters that had such personality. But once again gameplay seems lacking from most contending titles.

        12. im sorry but my most anticipated game is either X or Bayonetta 2
          not borderlands on steroids
          not CoD with Mechas
          definetely not South Park
          never played a witcher game even if i got the first 2
          not AC modern age

            1. But you compared them with good games and those he mentioned them with are kinda of pathetic except for the boarderlads on steroids that’s goty comparison.

        13. Pingback: NintendoRAW » Blog Archive Spike TV's VGX awards nominates Super Mario 3D World for 'Game of the Year' | NintendoRAW

                1. Yeah seriously. Honestly you’d probably experience worse just by sticking around in the comments section on this site.

                2. I’m actually a little concerned I might have traumatized the lad. Little Neweegee Jr. will never be the same after returning from these wargrounds.

                  1. That’s whats wrong with your generation. You guys are so protected and sheltered. And following the rules? What’s this nonsense? “We don’t need no education” lyrics like that are missing from you poor kids. Question authority kid. Always.

                  2. You just follow the rules? Yeah cause if you play an M-rated game when you’re under 17 the international vidoe game police come and give you a ticket. fuck the rules, you’re just robbing yourself of several great games because of your pussy attitude. Fucking gimp.

                    1. God’s gonna pat him on the shoulder when he goes to heaven for following the rules and Jesus is gonna high five him while we burn in hell lol.

        14. Mario 3D World for game of the year? Lol no! There are so many games that I’d choose instead like Sonic Lost Worlds. Mario’s good, but not game of the year material. Now if we had Mario 64 2 Wii U…..

            1. Wasn’t my intention although I’ll admit that it can be hard to keep biasedness out at some points. I’m just judging from previous Mario games as we haven’t had a truly groundbreaking platformer since Mario 64 or Mario Galaxy 1…if you stretch it a little bit. Mario Sunshine was also pretty good, still not in the same league though

          1. So not only are you judging the game prematurely, you would also pick fucking Sonic over it. The trailers for this game alone probably deserve a nomination over that blue bitch.

                1. Really? Go and make one then, I’ve already got a teaser trailer for my sprite series on my youtube page. Check it out and see if you still think that

                          1. Yeah I sprited it. The fact that you confused it for a screenshot from the game simply speaks to my incredible skills.

                            1. Hmmm….I’m just not sure that I completely buy that. It totally looks official, I’ll admit that I’m impressed if that ends up being the case…but I have my doubts

                            2. It’s cool man everybody says that when they see my work for the first time. I don’t expect anyone to just take for granted the fact that a gifted spriter like me is out there. If I were in your shoes, I’d be amazed too.

                2. Sonic has(almost) NEVER been better than Mario, fixed that for you. Mario 1, better than Sonic 1. Sonic 2 I’ll give you over Mario 2 even though I like Mario 2 better, I can’t deny Sonic 2 is better. Sonic 3 is great, but let’s be clear: Super Mario Bros. 3 is far better and viewed by many as top 5 games of all time. Sonic Adventure 1 & 2 and everything after take a seat in the far back row to Super Mario 64, plain and simple. Can argue all day, and I’ll respect your opinion, but I could never agree. Super Mario 64 alone beats out ANY Sonic game EVER made, hands down. Just walking into Princess Toadstools castle and hearing that music brings me right back to middle school and makes me feel like a kid again. Ok I’m gonna cut myself off now lol getting all nostalgic and ranty lol.

                  1. See, for me Sonic Adventure 2 Battle and Mario 64 are easily the most nostalgic games that I’ve ever played. (Smash Bros Melee would be a close third) Sonic Adventure 2 Battle is one of my favorite games of all time and Mario 64 is my favorite Mario game of all time. I actually do think that Mario consistantly beat Sonic back in the day. Mario 1>Sonic 1 and I actually think that he does the same with his next two sequels. In the 2D World, Mario is vastly superior to Sonic, HOWEVER, I have always greatly preferred Sonic in the 3D World. That being said, it’s always great to see another big video game fan who I can have a good discussion with and not make things personal. We can agree to disagree on Mario vs Sonic, but at least we can both agree that they’ve both had some excellent games! Have a good one, my friend

                    1. Indeed sir and I loved Sonic Adventure 2 (had it on GameCube not Dreamcast but still loved it). One thing I will say, GOD DAMN did I love raising Chao in my garden lol I wish I still had it to raise some today but my apartment got robbed back on halloween in 2004 so all my GameCube games from them were stolen lol.

          2. I personally am hoping Super Mario 3D World wins it because I believe it is the underdog of the list. More than likely Grand Theft Auto V will win.

            1. Everyone loves a good underdog tale. But sometimes it can be just as entertaining watching that underdog thrashed and beaten within an inch of its life, slammed against the wall with blood spewing from every orifice, as it cries pitifully for a mercy killing. This will be one of those times.

          3. That’s fair, because everyone’s played the game and everything. Just goes to show what BS those awards are. At least there’s usually one or two cool announcements/trailers we get out of this shameless exploitation of video games.

          4. But it will probably lose to something retarded like Grand Theft Auto 5 or something similar. These Spike TV video game awards are always full of crap!

          5. The Mario game it will not going to win it, regardless of if it deserve it or not. Why? because I think there are more fans of the other game out there that Wii U sold out there.

          6. We all know that this game or any other Nintendo game for that matter will not win. The only games that win these days are thug and war simulators which look like someone took a shit and smeared it all over everything. Grimy, violent and sexual are the only things that win awards these days. A game that is fun and colourful is not considered art anymore!

            Oh well! Praise dysfunction!

            1. Yea it is pretty sad lol. I play video games to go into another world and explore it, I don’t really enjoy games that are overly realistic. If I wanted to shoot guns, I would buy one and go to the range. If I wanted to play sports, I would play sports, not a sports video game. I enjoy doing things I can’t do in real life in video games. Shooting people in GTA is fun for a little while (especially if you’re on acid) but it isn’t worth my money. Not saying that realistic games aren’t good, just not my taste. We old school fans have a different taste than this new breed of teens and such,

              1. Back in 80s/90s when I was a kid almost every gamer had variety and a good taste in games. Then the Xbox came out and attrated a bunch of “dudebro” gamers who only like mature shooters and sports sims. fucking microsoft.

                  1. You’re clearly like 10 cause people from our time don’t waste time trolling as far as I know. That seems to be the case of the younger gens who play video games and have no friends or lives. Not all from this gen are like that, but most of the trolls I have come across are on the younger side. When I was a kid I would never think to waste my time trolling all day. Shit the only reason I am on here is cause the job I have is so easy I literally am at work now about to be finished. I’m getting paid to be here in a sense. Can’t beat that. But to be here for free and make up numerous accounts and pretend to be 3 people and such? I’d literally rather finger my own ass and cum from prostate stimulation than sit here and waste my time trying to act like 3 different people just to piss people off. At least prostate stimulation is supposed to give some sort of pleasure (actually a lot they say but no thanks) but sitting here on my free time certainly gives me none. That took balls to say but fuck it lol.

                1. Yup I hate them for it, and their take over of Rare and stuff like that. I’ve never liked microsoft because of Rare especially. Back in our day you had to play games and find out what you liked, half the time I would get a game as a present I never heard of and ended up loving it (Darius Twin for SNES comes to mind lol). No going on the internet and reading reviews and crossing off games from your list because someone else said it sucked.

                  1. Reviews are a good guideline for games you’re on the fence about. But it infuriates me when people decide not to buy a game they were looking forward to because, “Oh, only a 73 on Metacritic!”

          7. Probably deserves it.
            The Last of Us was pretty great, but a huge waste of potential thanks to it being accessible (sony…stop it, Mark the Jock and Timmy the Sessler lover can fuck off, make better games, not easier to play ones).

            The others are decent, but naaah

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