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Hyrule Warriors Set Its Sights On Wii U In 2014

Nintendo has kicked off today’s Direct by giving us a quick look at Hyrule Warriors for the Wii U. Hyrule Warriors – which is currently the title’s working name – is a separate project from the core Zelda series. Tecmo Koei is working on the title at present which is set to come to Nintendo’s home console in 2014. Check out the trailer above to see what the game has in store for Link.

163 thoughts on “Hyrule Warriors Set Its Sights On Wii U In 2014”

      1. Me too…..I think Nintendo is selling to the younger crowd first, seeing how kids cant create a demand via school…Zelda WWHD is a perfect sign and mario 3d…Then comes the older casual people. If you start there first and win that crowd, then you can sell to the core mature gamers. Look at the 2013 line up compared to the 2014 line up….THIS Zelda bleeds hardcore, with that said WWHD graphics for the younger, this new cross over title graphics look some what realistic, which the mature zelda fans want. ZELDA WiiU will be in the middle area, graphics that can satisfy both crowds………and i bet it will be top down HD with 3d mix

            1. ^^^^this right here, is the perfect example of current American youth…having multiple personalites, cyber bullies are the lamest bullies…remember that my friend..

          1. And if you say 80/90s were the best..that means you were around for the golden age..but it also means that your my act like it…

    1. Zelda has always been focused on combat, This is just an over the top, fantasy combat. Never have I thought that Link would do this. And with all those enemies on the screen, it’s emphhize on fantasy combat is greatly enhanced. I just hope that it doesn’t turn into a Dynasty Warrior thing.

            1. Wow you can only name one that was actually meant to be a quick pick up & play game for the casuals. Try again dickhead

              1. I only needed to name one to prove my point. Zelda games get good reviews BUT these said games are the ones developed by Nintendo themselves and follow the Zelda formula. This game is being worked on by Tecmo Koei and so far it looks like shit.

          1. This is just a conceptual concept. It doesn’t mean Zelda will actually use this. Who knows when this was conceived. It could of been tested during the time of Skyward Sword and later tweaked to take advantage of the processing power of the Wii U.

            Link’s Crossbow Train was just hoaxy. Even I passed on it. It isn’t even part of the Zelda canon either so it doesn’t count.

    1. What I like about it is it gives Nintendo a chance to utilise the huge mythology that they’ve created with Zelda. There are so many characters and bosses that have been introduced for one game, never delved into deeply and never seen again. This could give them a chance to be used again, it could give us a chance to see Giranhim (or even play as him), who otherwise would never be mentioned again even though fans love him. Same goes for Fierce Deity, Minish Vaati, Volvagia, etc etc etc. Each Zelda game has all these great characters that are just never used again. I want to see some of this mythology explored and put to use.

      Lord of the Rings didn’t just introduce Gandalf for one book and then you never see him again, he gets fully explored and utilised. Same as Obi Wan Kenobi or Severis Snape. Zelda has tossed aside so many cool ideas and concepts and this could allow Nintendo to use some of the again

    1. Acting like that’s a bad thing? Idiot, have u not played ALBW.

      This looks fucking awesome. I sincerely hope all the Nintendo hating asses never play it/

    2. And Zelda is a system seller. Plenty of people bought a Wii because of Twilight Princess, even though it was on Gamecube.

      1. Zeldas never been a system seller, I love Zelda and its one of the 2 reasons why I still buy Nintendo consoles, but even as a zelda fanboy I can admit that zelda is not a system seller.

    1. It looks better than that 20 year old snes zelda that everyone loves so much. If you don’t like it when things are improved, then don’t play the things that are improved.

  1. Deal with it assholes , if u don’t like this SPINOFF (RIGHT BECAUSE THAT’S WHAT IT IS AND IT ISNT REPLACING THE CORE GAME!) dont buy it , jeez

    I’m still buying this , if Nintendo wants to create somethig like this and add it to the Zelda Series… they must know what they are doing and i trust them

  2. So this isn’t the big game we are waiting for but instead a spin off? Looks awesome mind you :)

    Thanks Nintendo, Looks like Sony and Microsoft need to step up their game next year

  3. If you can’t play as other characters (Gannon, Fierce Deity, Impa, Giranhim, SHEIK) then that’s a wasted opportunity. Also it better not be Link’s Crossbow Training kinda thing.
    But if it’s a full game then this could be amazing.

        1. Also some random obscure ones like Shiro the invisible knight from MM, Ralph from OoA (would just flip out if he were there), Quill, Iron Knuckle.
          This would be a big part of the draw for me, big selection of unlockable (or maybe some dlc) characters I’ve always wanted to play as. Would also need some cool locations (I’m presuming its an early stage and later there will be more than just Hyrule field) and maybe one or two crossover characters like Marth or Isaac or (why the hell not?) Ridley

          1. This already is a crossover, it won’t get characters from other Nintendo franchises, most likely. Though, it may have dlc stages based on then a la Sonic Lost World Yoshi Island stage dlc

    1. Nothing bad as happened to Zelda. This isn’t part of the official story and the game looks really good.

      Cool your buns.

    2. You realize this is a spin off and not part of the core series right? The core game hasn’t even been revealed yet.

  4. This is so fucking weird, but it looks really fun.
    Glad to see weird spin off on franchises popping up.
    Also the “Warriors” part suggests multiplayer, which is great

    1. This looks like a ton of fun! Hoping for Motion plus and normal controls.
      People who are suprised by the graphics need to go and play a Tecmo koei game lol. The game has ridiculous amounts of enemies on screen and that’s the whole point. As long as the framerate holds, which it probably will because its exclusive then we have a very interesting Wiiu game on our hands.

      Day 1.

  5. If the name and video didn’t make it obvious enough already, that’s basically a Dynasty Warriors game with Zelda characters, don’t expect anything groundbreaking, they’re probably just trying to keep people waiting until they announce the true Zelda Wii U

    1. You act like the announcement of this game is a “bad thing.” This is clearly a good thing. SOMETHING NEW!!!! Also, the game looks really good and is clearly not complete.

      1. Which makes no sense, because this is simply a spin off title, and the main Zelda game that they have been talking about, still hasn’t been shown.

    1. I found it uninteresting, the graphics are not up to Nintendo’s standards and the gameplay looks like it could get repetitive fast. To be fair I was never a fan of dynasty warriors.

      1. Well of course you wouldn’t like it if you didn’t like the Dynasty Warrior games. To be honest it really depends on which one you play, some are great others are meh.

      2. It’s obviously a very early build of the game. Even thought the graphics don’t look “great” as you put it, it might not be utilising the GPU very well.

        Look at Nano Assault Neo, and that wasn’t even using a great deal of what it can do.

  6. As a spinoff it looks great, unless… you hating trolls thought that Tingle’s Rosy Rupeeland was a GOOD Zelda spinoff, is that what you faggots like for a Zelda spinoff, TINGLE?!?

  7. WOW people are really hating on this??? This game looks amazing and is a great approach to the Zelda series just because it’s not the same rehashed formula doesn’t make it bad one bit. People want innovation and this is a start.

      1. Well so far no games on the Wii U have impressed me at all and the 1st parties are just rehashed formulas BUT THIS??? This is what I’ve been waiting for Nintendo to do, actually innovate and bring some new gameplay, mechanics to the table and I gotta say im freaking impressed

        1. Innovate and bring new gameplay? It’s fucking dynasty warrior with LoZ costumes. Nothing new or innovative about this.

        2. It’s Nintendo after all. Never underestimate their skills and talents. They’ve been doing video games for almost 3 decades now. I am pretty sure they know what they’re doing.

  8. Yet another game I gotta try and get day one, man, Nintendo you’re gonna be spoiling me in 2014. But don’t worry, you’re getting my money. <3
    Can't wait for this, it's something different and that's what people have been bitching for. ;)
    Can't wait to see more on this!

    1. I said it a couple forums ago, the year 2014 will be the greatest year in recent Nintendo history. 2014 is the year of the Wii U! :D

  9. HOLY SHIT!!!! THE LEGEND OF ZELDA BEAT EM UP, this is interesting and im so hyped right now. God this is what Nintendo needs to do, bring exclusives like this!!!!!! Im not familiar with tecmo koei but i hope they dont screw this up, this game has potential. And for haters, there was a game called Metal Gear Rising which didnt follow Metal Gear Solid formula and it was fuckin awesome!!!! God i cant wait for this!!!!!!!!!

    1. Its esstentially Dynasty Warriors, if you like those games then you will surely like this. Temco Koei won’t screw up on making thier own game hopefully.

    2. Do you remember the game called Mystic Heroes on the GameCube? That was one of their games. Thoroughly enjoyed that one :)

      Their known for hack n slashers.





    As a small diversion from the main series, this looks absolutely fantastic, and do I see a souped-up version of Skyward Sword’s motion controls? This is going to colossally fun. This is going to kill in sales.

  12. looks very interesting. and this is def. a step towards the core-audiences, cause this is NO family or casual title! graphics should get some improvements until release.

    1. “Core audience” funny cause this title is actually more casual than WinWaker and other games.

      Making a game easier is actually aimed to casuals :) and hack and slash’s are easier than puzzle games

      1. But, many MANY people don’t care about the challenge. They care about the excitement. A hack and slah is more exciting to a wider range of people than a “puzzle” game is.

        Also, hack and slashes can be VERY challenging. Have you ever played Bayonetta? That game is intense, but fantastic.

    1. Feel excited that Nintendo is stepping out into new territory. Nintendo can’t always be cooped up in their little world forever. It’s time to… EXPERIMENT!!!!

      Remember, that’s how Smash Bros came to be, it was an experiment.

  13. I’m curious what exactly the point of this is….It looks like it’s basically just killing monsters in Hyrule field. I feel like that could get boring pretty quick. Maybe this is just to tide fans over until the real, full game comes. This looks like a cheaper eShop title, at least I hope it is.

    1. Nintendo has an extreme lack of games since 3rd parties are not really supporting the WiiU anymore. People like Zelda. They baisically got another company to make a “Zelda” game to try selling systems and software cause the WiiU is tanking. I’m not a fan of dynasty warriors and upon firsat glance that’s what this game looks like. This isn’t really a “Zelda” game. This is a dynasty warriors game in the Zelda universe. To me it looks like a desperate attempt at sales by Nintendo. But hey if people are excited aobut it, more power to them

      1. Obviously it isn’t a “Zelda” game.. they said it wasn’t in the trailer. It’s just a collaboration. Also, who cares if it looks like Dynasy Warriors? and Finally, obviously Nintendo is trying to get people onto the Wii U and Zelda is a perfect way to do it. So it is a negative that Nintendo are “trying?”

        I personally don’t see this as a “desperate attempt,” but even if it were one, please explain what is so bad about a desperate attempt? If a game is good, it’s good no matter how desperate a company was to make the game.

    2. Yes, judge it in it’s entirety when it hasn’t even received a final name, and probably won’t be release until one year from today.

    3. We saw like 30 seconds of gameplay on a game that clearly is far from finished. I think it is safe to say that there will be more content in the game later on. More enemies, more characters to chose from, online multiplayer, customization, more battle grounds, etc.

      This game to be a step in the right direction for Nintendo…you know, as long as they don’t screw it up.

  14. This looks really cool!!! Heres hoping you can be other characters too!! At least Zelda and Sheik! :D Day one purchase for me!

  15. Butthurt zelda fans incoming lol.

    Everyone knows that Zelda fans can’t handle change, personally I think this looks solid and will be buying it.

    1. Are you kidding me everybody is loving this so far, and I think it looks good considering there is a huge dodongo and I’m hoping for lots of big creatures to fight off

    2. lol word, they’re afraid of change that’s why they dont like this new approach which is amazing so far. If I do get a Wii U next year this is on my buy list

  16. I like how people are bitching just because it’s not your typical *Zelda gets kidnapped save her again* storyline, not to mention that it was just a trailer and is FAR from finished. You guys that are complaining are idiots and should embrace this new approach instead of bitching. Isn’t innovation what you guys want??? Or no you just want the same formula over and over again?? Just like the robot chibi game for 3ds, its good that Nintendo is actually listening and bringing new gameplay and story to there franchises AND bringing back OLD ips just like alot of Nintendo fans like me want. Its what Nintendo needs to do to get back on top like they use to be. Old Nintendo is slowly coming back!!

  17. This looks pretty awesome, this game and the Zelds WiiU game, especially those two, are the reason I’m going to need to buy a WiiU next year

  18. While I’m not quite fond of Dynasty Warrior games since they are pretty repetitive, Nintendo’s involvement will hopefully keep the gameplay fresh. But I’m glad Nintendo is doing this, we saw how popular One Piece: Pirate Warriors did in Japan. Combine Warriors and Zelda and thats all you are going to see in Japan for a while, well played Nintendo. Hopefully the popularity comes to the US as well.

  19. Kinda cool
    I hope the entire game is not like this though, then ít´s a button masher.

    I would not hate to see some of those moves in the next Zelda game, after all Link should be a master swordsman. Being the legendary hero and all.

    That Dodongo dragon looks bad though. He looks like the OoT version

  20. Out of all the Zelda spin-off games (Four Swords, Link’s Crossbow Training, Tetra’s Trackers, Freshly-Picked Tingle’s Rosy Rupeeland) this one definitely looks to be the best and most exciting of them all. I’m so excited for this game. There’s nothing wrong with spin-offs. I see it as a complete WIN for Zelda fans. We get this new, exciting game to play while we wait for the real Zelda U, which is going to be an even better game. There’s really nothing to complain about. Fucking awesome announcements today. I swear, I’m interested in most of the games they showed during this morning’s Direct. It’s a good time to be a Nintendo fan.

  21. So much retards in this article >_<

    The game looks amazing, Dynasty Warriors is amazing but having Zelda characters in the game is just pure epicness, gtfo faggot-haters, go play your knack while I play this majestry, and it's not even the real Zelda WiiU game, awesome.

  22. It’s amazing how people see this and have such negative reactions. There is still your “normal” Zelda Wii U title, that will be shown at E3. This is not that game, it’s something that is likely to fill a software gap. This game looks pretty awesome, even if it’s very early footage and clearly has some time to go, before it’s finished. I’ve never played Dynasty Warriors, but the Zelda twist, especially if you have more than just Link to choose from, could make for an outstanding spin off. I’m pretty sure people have been clamoring for a “great war” Zelda game for how long now? They get it, and it’s not even replacing their traditional Zelda title that’s forthcoming, and they still complain! If you whiners would actually read an article and learn what has been said about the game, you might know all this, and would be joining the rest of us with cheers of joy. More diversity for the Wii U.

  23. Just your regular gamer

    IDK about everyone else, but even if this game were to do not so good in reviews, at the very least it seems to be experimenting with the gameplay aspects that are traditional to Zelda games now, which will hopefully lead to further innovative gameplay aspects when the proper Zelda Wii U title is released.

  24. I’m not too sure how I feel about them turning a zelda game into a dynasty warriors formula-type game. Quite frankly, from what I’m seeing on this trailer, the money used out my pocket for this game would be better off used at the bar on drinks. I’ll keep my eye on it as it develops though. Might become more interesting and actually succeed in catching my eye. As of right now though….I’ll wait on the official Wii U Zelda title.

  25. Looks nice to me i promise if Nintendo gave them a golden triforce they would complain and say its too shiny and its for babys!

  26. So far not hyped at all. Game looks like crap, and graphics is shit too lol. Where is that eDRAM and why they aint using it lol

  27. Am I the only one who finds this combination odd? I can’t remember the last time I played a decent dynasty warriors game…
    Seems like they’re just re-skinning the same old song. Such a shame, Zelda is a top-notch franchise and doesn’t need any kind of crossovers. Especially not with a over-the-top Japanese hack n’ slash series.

  28. Honestly not trying to troll, but as someone who has not played a Dynasty Warriors game before, can someone explain what about this looks so amazing? From what I see, it looks to have sub par graphics, a lot of enemies that just stand around waiting to get hit, and there are obvious bugs shown in the trailer (go to the :35 mark and watch the enemies pop in from nowhere). I hope this is alpha footage because if not… It doesn’t look too good, even if it does involve the Zelda Universe

    1. I think that’s kind of the point. The game doesn’t even have an official name at this point. It’s most likely that it hasn’t been in development for too long.

      I look forward to seeing what it becomes later on. All the things you mentioned pretty much signal that this is beta footage or whatever.

  29. Looks like an “Open world” to me, I wonder how big is the Hyrule world and if it has online, but this game has a BIG potential.

  30. You guys see it has Dynasty Warriors, ok, but with co op and boss it could turn into some kind of Monster Hunter 4 in the universe of Zelda, imagine the sell in Japan then.. -_-

  31. Love me some Dynasty Warriors, and even more zelda so this is bliss wrapped in christmas.

    Hope they add more playable character though, but this right here looks great.

  32. i dont care if people say they dont want other companies to co-collaborate i.e. other m, some say it sucks ass, i kinda like it but i do agree on some points. anyways, this zelda game would be the appetizer before the main course, zelda u. i guess its an experiment and they should add these mechanics to the main zelda game coming in “20 years” (really its most likely late ’14). i will buy and maybe get 3 more jobs just to get the games i want from wii u and 3ds (not enough cash that im earning)

  33. Pingback: Trailer: Hyrule Warriors (Name Not Final) For Wii U | WASD UK

  34. Hah, everyone thinks this game still has so far to go. Doubt it. This game will probably be out by the end of summer, at least in Japan. It’ll probably need extra time for localization. Guess the next core entry won’t be til 2015. That, or next year Nintendo will announce it as the “Year of Zelda” kicking off with the Sonic Lost World Zelda stage dlc, then this in the summer and the next main entry at the end of the year. But yeah, this is a dynasty warriors game, it sacrifices looks for countless piles of enemies to go charging through. That said, the Zelda themed dynasty warriors game here looks to have some standard Zelda collectibles and RPG pieces, like it looks like heart pieces will be in this for health, and obviously you can find Link’s items. Though, it looks like he can have his main weapon and one side weapon attached. He had his sword and bombs as a side, as well as the fire rod with bombs as the side item again, so that should be fun. And it looks to take the best Zelda combat from the series and apply it in the dynasty warriors combat system. I personally hope they bring the helm splitter back for this most of all. I wouldn’t lie and say I wouldn’t spend all day just helm splitting enemy after enemy, cause I probably will do that if I’m given the option. I’m not too hopefully for much beyond the single player campaign, though I know there will be a bit more. Maybe a 2 player fighter mode like Warriors Orochi 3 hyper had, but I just hope they throw in some extra characters to play as, but I have a feeling not until second playthrough, since it looks to have more Zelda level-up systems then typical dynasty warriors, at least that’s what I’m assuming since hearts are still used for life in this. Anyhow, it’s a shame it probably won’t end up looking much better than this, but I kinda like the look. Link could be a bit more masculine and detailed himself, but he’s never really been a macho guy, so I don’t particularly mind this design. Whatever, it’ll be a fun game and a good way to pass time til the main game comes out. I wonder if that one will be more puzzle focused since this is a completely combat focused game? Well, I guess we’ll see

  35. Day 1 buy, it looks really neat and it’s interesting to see how the finished product is. I wonder if we’ll be able to use other characters from the Zelda series, like Sheik, Zelda (like the TP one) and Ganondorf. Would be cool.

  36. People are saying that this isn’t a part of the normal timeline. How do we know? Why the hell wouldn’t it be? Metroid Other M is a crossover, and it’s canon.

    I’ve been playing Zelda since the very beginning, and this looks absolutely refreshing

    1. i knw right i dont understand why everyones but hurt i can’t wait to play this and if its online see you on the battle field ;)

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