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Wii U GamePad Displays Nothing In Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

When Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze is being played on the TV, the Wii U GamePad‘s 6.2-inch display remains blank. Similarly, when the platformer is being played on the controller – via its off-TV play feature – the TV screen shows nothing vital to gameplay. The game can also be played with a Wii Remote, Wii Classic Controller, Wii U Pro Controller, or Wii Remote and Nunchuk combination. Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze arrives February 21st for Wii U.

202 thoughts on “Wii U GamePad Displays Nothing In Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze”


    But little do people understand that it is a 2D PLATFORMER!! So yea this isn’t really a big deal

    1. Really, that’s not much of an excuse, they could have tried to think of ways in which to use the gamepad. be a little creative since that is suppose to be one of the selling points of the system.

      1. Honestly, I mean I already planned to buy the game. At least add something. I mean I’m glad they at least gave it off tv play, but really? At least Mario had 2 screens running the same thing. If they just added even a timeline map of the level….

        1. To be honest, I’m refusing to buy the game, I don’t think it’ll be bad, but I think retro is working on too many DKC games now. one was enough, but this is their second in a row, pretty lame since they are capable of much more than just a 2D platformer.

          But I agree with what you say, they could have atleast used the game bad to interact it the environment, like moving branchs or rocks that have something behind them, or utilizing the gyroscope in the game pad, or just any little thing really. this thing is suppose to enhance the way we play games and the edge that the wii u is suppose to have on the other consoles.

            1. Not really the point I was trying to make, but after rereading my comment I can see how I left that as a possible interpretation.

              I didn’t mean working on 2 games of the same franchise in a row is lame, but working on 2 DKC games in a row when they could have been working on games that could be far superior such as games like metroid prime 1 and 2 (and 3 for that matter), then that is what I find to be lame.

              1. i just want them to make whatever the fuck they want, so the creative proccess doesn’t get decimated by making something they don’t want to

                1. Oh, I don’t want their creative process to be hindered either, but I was hoping for something much more than another DKC game. Thus my disappointment.

                  1. They made three metroid games, and they were released pretty closely to each other. And you’re okay with that. So basically what you should say isn’t that you don’t like them making two dk games in a row, but that you don’t like dk and metroid would make you happy. Don’t make yourself look like a douche by pretending it’s about the timing.

                    1. um..I was fine with one donkey kong country game, but I would say that I prefer more 3d exploration type-ish games as opposed to 2d platforming type games. If it was a 3d donkey kong I would have been much more enthusiastic about that.

                      I would say it’s a matter of timing and type of game. if they made a game that had more 3d exploration, sort of an open world type thing going, then make a donkey kong country game after that I wouldn’t have been disappointed.

                      Also, douche? I’m just stating why I’m disappointed and find it lame at what a company choose to work on. I’m not the one flinging insults.

          1. I guess DKC is more challenging than Metroid Prime that might turn some people off.

            They already said they chose DKCTF due to many ideas they couldn’t fit into DKCR. Would you have wanted them to take their leftover ideas from Metroid Prime and NOT make 2 or 3?

            It’s a two-way street.

            DKCTF won’t be an immersive game but it will be a challenging, fun one. Don’t punish yourself and Retro by NOT buying it due to silly reasons.

            1. I don’t hate donkey kong country games, I am just disappointed that retro was working on a 2d platformer instead of something grander and more immersive.

              If this was the exact same game made by a different studio, or if retro had atleast said they were also working on a new game that was more open worldish. Then I would be cool with this game.

              Donkey Kong is a series I like, it’s cool and I enjoy the challenge. I never really got upset at the games but I have also never gotten so into a Donkey kong country game that I ended up losing track of time and playing until 3 in the morning, and I love games that do that to me the most. This is rarely the case with 2d platformers, I find, so they never end up my most loved game, though like I said I do enjoy them.

              I can understand the point that they wanted to do more so that was one of the things making me reconsider. but on the other hand, I’m partially skeptical to that being just PR spin since saying “returns did well financially and we want to capitalize”

              I mean, unlike metroid prime that kept having endings which suggested continuation (except after the 3rd since prime was dead), returns ended closed loop. so it makes me wonder about this quite a bit. If they really did have more stuff, why didn’t they tease it at the end? That’s why I’m a bit skeptical.

          2. Saying you won’t buy a game because you want them to make bigger and better things is invalid because if their projects don’t sell well (or at least as well as a wii U game sells) they won’t be given any other projects, especially bigger ones.

        2. Please don’t be that retarded, the game isn’t even out yet, they will include that later, i dont think streaming content to the gamepad can be that difficult so they obviously leave that in the end

          1. The game’s being released in a month. It might be in it’s final, very late stages of bug testing, but they’re probably getting ready to ship it to all the retailers. If it isn’t implemented yet, I don’t think it’ll be implemented this late into development.

      2. Why would they need to though when this specific genre and game DIDN’T need it. They could have done something but that would have just been a waste

        1. What genre of game NEEDS a touch screen? If I recall, most genres were doing fine before touchscreen controls came around.

          Sure, a 2D platformer doesn’t need touchscreen controls, but here’s the deal, many people view the gamepad as a useless gimmick and this is just showing how right they are in that assessment when even nintendo is not bothering to even try to use it to enhance the gameplay of their own titles. albeit a 2D platformer or not.

          1. How is this proving them right? That a game that would never benefit from it unlike say a 3D Zelda? That is not doing anything, you are all blowing this out of proportion because this isn’t anything

            1. And why couldn’t a 2D platformer benefit from using the gamepad?

              you know what, it doesn’t matter if this proves them right or not, what matters is how people will perceive having to buy a system whose selling point is a gamepad that isn’t even used in one of the bigger titles coming out. Hell, it’s the biggest title for the wii u thus far for 2014 and there’s not even a realease date for any other big game for the console after this game, so what do you think most people will think?!

              1. People will think its one of few games that don’t use it. So what? I bought it for the Nintendo games and the few third parties that I know that I was gonna get

                1. They could think that, or they could think that the thing that they are spending money on won’t be used for many games to come, and they’ll be wary to buy it.

                  And your reasons for buying the wii u are your own, and those are good reasons (I bought a wii u for nintendo games too…not so much for third parties but that’s what my PC is mostly for). But what is at stake here is the average consumer, and their interpretation is what matters most. Honestly, we can go back and forth on this all night, but it won’t make a difference, some people will see it your way, others will see it mine. What will matter is which group has the majority.

                  1. If you say it like that, why did you bring them up in the first place cause I was gonna say the same thing and question why you brought them up myself

                    1. I…didn’t think of it until then I suppose…oh well. Actually, wait, I sort of strayed off from my main point didn’t I?

                        1. Something about whether it was good or bad that they left out the touchscreen. I think, too lazy to check.

                          How about we just say this.
                          Touchscreen controls are not necessary for this game, they there could have possibly been some cool things added if it did support such controls?

                            1. oh yeah, well im still of the opinion that they shouuld at tried something, but at the end of the day, it’s not necessary and the game will still be fine without.

                              1. Exactly, that’s what I am trying to say. This is the one game that doesn’t really use it and its not like TV play is gone

                  2. In fact, no game really “needs” that extra screen, but it is the main feature of the WiiU, so it is very well the least to expect from a WiiU game to make use of it, especially if it’s a game made by Nintendo themselves. It’s ridiculous how people suck up to Nintendo even when they pull moves like this.
                    And I don’t know what you mean when you say there’s no use for a second screen on 2D platformers, because I think all the 2D platformers on the DS/3DS would like to have a word with you. So stop making up silly excuses and accept the fact that Nintendo fucked up majorly on this. They had to think about things like this before deciding to integrate a second screen to their new home console, they can’t just leave it out whenever they feel like it and use it when they think it would be convenient. It is an essential feature of their console, so they should do with it what they have promised everyone. Though, it wouldn’t be the first time they don’t keep their promises, would it ?

                    1. But you fail to see that Retro is working on it, they are not directly Nintendo, what they choose to do with the game is their choice. This game was built as a 2D platformer. Yea its a draw of the console but that doesn’t mean every damn thing has to use it. Its like the Kinect 2.0 but to a lesser extent. It comes with the console but they don’t have to use it all.

                      Noone is making excuses for the Wii U, its the fact that people are gonna make this something bigger than it is. Nintendo didn’t fuck up anything and the fact that you think they did is rather astonishing

                      1. Retro Studios is a first-party developer for Nintendo, so I would call it a part of Nintendo.
                        And no, the WiiU’s gamepad definitely is not like the Kinect. The Kinect is an optional add-on, not necessarily required. The Gamepad, on the other hand, is obligatory for the WiiU. Yes, I do realize that it’s possible to use the pro controller or the Wii-mote on some games, but that doesn’t change the fact that the gamepad is required for the WiiU. It is what Nintendo markets the WiiU with, it is the key feature. Yes, a feature, not an add-on or an extension. It’s what makes the WiiU “innovative”, and it is what the Wii-mote and Nunchucks are for the Wii.
                        And I can see people make up excuses, whitewashing mistakes Nintendo makes, and it’s a little sad.
                        I also don’t know why you conceive it as astonishing, DK Tropical Freeze is one of their “bigger” WiiU titles of 2014, and it’s more than weird that they allow themselves to make mistakes like that.

                        1. Its a 2D PLATFORMER, you continue to bring up this ONE game that didn’t use it in an interesting way. DK, the ONE GAME and this is your only excuse for calling something like this.

                          And yes it is like the Kinect because the Xbone at one point wouldn’t work without it and while it is an add-on it is still there for the developers to use. So like I said to a LESSER extent.

                          You fail to realize that this game/series/genre DOESN’T NEED it but when they do use it they use it in fun ways like with Rayman which was built with it IN MIND. This wasn’t, why? Because its a 2D PLATFORMER

                          You are clinging onto one game that should be common sense to most people

                          1. I still don’t understand why it would be relevant that this game is a 2D platformer. It is a WiiU game, and that alone is reason enough why they should use the second screen.
                            And no, you can use the Xbox One without even having Kinect plugged in. It is not mandatory to make the Xbox work at any point.
                            You seem to fail to realize that basically no game/series/genre needs a second screen, but okay. Even I can think of ways it could be used in Donkey Kong Country. And as mentioned before, there are a bunch of 2D platformers on the (3)DS that use a second screen, so why not this one ?
                            And I’m not quite sure what you mean with the last sentence, sorry about that.

                            1. What are you talking about? Wouldn’t the alternative of shoehorned gamepad features be worse than none at all?

                              A second screen is not in the Donkey Kong Country schematics. It’s a series from SNES.

                              If Retro hade made a new IP or rebooted an old series in a new way, there may be more of an argument of not trying to use the Gamepad.

                              1. That doesn’t justify not making use of the gamepad. Not at all.
                                Windwaker HD was remake of a Gamecube game. The Gamecube didn’t have a second screen either, now did it ? But they still found ways to use it with it. And it was a direct remake.
                                Tropical Freeze is not a remake or anything. It is a new game. Exclusively for the WiiU. Even if if wasn’t, it still wouldn’t justify not using the gamepad. A game doesn’t have to be of an entirely new franchise to make use of the Gamepad. Multiplats use it too, after all.

                      2. retro has become lazy, DKTF doesnt have any gamepad functionality other than off-tv and it isnt even 1080 native, what the hell were theyve been doing this entire time? and none of that this game doesnt need it bull shit, rayman did something why couldnt they? Nintendo has become dull over the years and theyve disappointed me once too many times, im getting close to selling my wiiu and pick up a ps4 if they keep this only reason im keeping my wiiu is ssb but my patience is wearing thin..

                        1. Idk what you talking about? You know nothing of development, this is their first time with an HD console, you can’t just expect everything to be 1080p and 60 fps and run amazing like they have been developing it for years.

                          What have they been doing? They have been working hard on making a great game with great design, new ideas and making ANOTHER great DKC game.

                          Nintendo hasn’t gotten dull, its just not what you may be looking for anymore. Your patience is wearing thin, then fine dood. Its fine, don’t threaten to buy a ps4 to some random internet stranger. Just go do it if you don’t wanna wait. Just know that Wii U has the highest rated exclusives of any next gen platform out.

                          Everyone just seems to forget who they are talking about

                          1. I bought the damn console for the exclusive and yet they cant even do that, they cant even bring out the full potential of the wiiu even after a year has passed, does nintendo tend to make us wait even more before they catch up to where everyone is? FUCK THAT! they shouldve put out games where they take FULL advantage of the gamepad cus you know its the wiiu selling point, but they cant even do that, not evening retro, this is nintendo’s own 2 party developer so they should know how to handle HD, they even said it’s easy to develop for i guess that just PR blowing smoke again, what’s the next thing are they gonna tell us, ssb wont be native 1080p?
                            “They have been working hard on making a great game with great design, new ideas and making ANOTHER great DKC game.”
                            What new design? its the same FUCKING game with different backgrounds, ive played the DKR and so far this game has nothing that appeals to me, please take that fanboy goggles off it seriously effecting your judgement..
                            Nintendo HAS gotten dull they havent put out new IP in a LONG time instead always riding on the same franchise over and over again and quite frankly they are getting boring. There will come a time where everyone will get tired of their games then we’ll see what happens then..

                            1. Design means level design sir and I have played it and if you didn’t like DKCR then that is YOUR opinion. Im not a “fanboy” just because I don’t care that ONNNNNNNNNNNE GGGAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMEEEEEEEEEEEEEE doesn’t have a real use for it

                              Take off your hater goggles and see what the situation! Its ONE GAME by a Developer who didn’t want to use it. That’s all this is and the fact that you keep clinging to this is sad.

                        1. They didn’t fuck up the Wii U, they fucked up Marketing and having a huge ass drought for the console. That’s not fucking up the console, that’s fucking up the image and its library size.

                          1. thus fucking up the console’s image, fucking over the console’s user base. basically fucked up the wiiu.

                            Look at the sales nr’s, the shit software, the lame excuses they make, only catering to casuals…they done fucked up…

                            1. That is not fucking up the console itself, the image is fucked up but fucking up and fucking over are completely different things.

                              Also why have you not bought any games for your Wii U if you have it, there a plenty for you to get

                  1. That is one advantage, but couldn’t you turn it off and just use a pro-controller or wiimote+ nunchuck control and therefore have more batterylife already?

                2. Nah, they shouldn’t add gimmicks that don’t organically belong there just to say they used all the features. That was a huge drawback of DKC Returns, they felt they had to include motion controls so rolling became imprecise and was sometimes frustrating. If there’s no proper;y innovatie use for the screen don’t throw in some half baked use for the hell of it.
                  Plus it’ll make the battery last longer. It’s fine.

                  1. Not really. Its like the Zelda HD tech demo. Having your health and stuff off the TV screen frees up clutter on the screen. Makes your game better. Makes it feel like the whole game is a cut scene your playing.

                    1. Well I don’t think it was necessary for this specific game in this genre, people need to realize this is the only if not one of the only games that don’t use the gamepad

              2. That’s a horrible example! What about NSMB Wii U? They somehow made use of it and allowed a player to add blocks or help in levels. They could have incorporated a map of some sort or even have the playable characters displayed on the second screen. This is poor development by Nintendo, who is trying to sell the GamePad to new customers, yet THEY don’t even use it. Shame on them…

                1. This is ONE GAME in a team that isn’t directly Nintendo, its RETRO not EAD TOKYO. Like I keep saying and people keep ignoring, its ONE GAME and its 2D Platfomer

                1. That game was built with it mind, I don’t really consider that a fair example to use against me :/ I also love that game

                1. Sorry dood, your the 3rd one to say it to me :/ sorry and like I keep saying. That game was built with the console in mind, this game wasn’t.

            2. Good! I mean, the main appeal of the controller screen to me has always been being able to use it as a screen instead of the TV. It’s nice when a game does do something convenient with it, like inventory in games like Wind Waker HD. But maybe this will show other devs that they don’t have to force a reason for us to use the second screen.

                1. Because one of the other big points of the Gamepad that they advertised incredibly early on was being able to play the game that was normally on your television on your Gamepad instead (like for when someone else wanted to use the television to watch a show or the like).

                2. You can say that about nearly every Wii U game so far and all 3rd party games. It doesn’t need the Gamepad screen, but it also adds that something to it that makes it feel more Nintendo like to me and the controller is nearly half the cost of the system, so use it for something!

                      1. No you can’t, this specific game and genre don’t need it but certain games like Rayman Legends does it well. And Indie games would find great uses for it

                        Like I said, no you can’t

                            1. I’m not a hater. I just don’t get what your saying. Yes the game dosen’t need it but then the Wii U dosen’t need the gamepad.

                    1. @LazyAnmtoR

                      Stop Damage controlling. Second screen is the Wii U’s selling point. They could have at least shown your inventory.

                      1. I am not damage controlling, THIS IS ONE GAME! ONNNEEEE

                        People keep blowing this out of proportion when its ONE GAME that wouldn’t benefit from it.

                        Some people just don’t seem to get that this is one of or is the ONLY ONE that doesn’t use it. Its not like its a 3D free roaming game or a puzzle game. Its a simple 2D Platformer

                        1. ok everyone knows your opinion, stfu now…

                          this is just a poverty move from nintendo…face it…look at everyone’s comments..nobody thinks this is the way it should be done..

                          Only you, also quite annoying how you’re trying to be a nintendo rep and as someone else pointed out already trying to damage control..

                          nintendo fckd up again…just be real.

                          1. Hey sir, why don’t you calm your tits and stfu yourself if you can’t use appropriate language to talk to someone

                            How is this a poverty move? Like I keep saying its one game and that fact that they are clinging to this ONE game in particular is just strange.

                            I am not trying to be a rep and I am not damage controlling, its one game that doesn’t need it so why the fuck would you care when every other game uses it some way

                            that is overexaggerating

                            1. ok i wont exaggerate anymore

                              the fact that nintendo can’t even incorporate the unique and main selling point of the wiiu in one of their own main franchises should tell you enough

                              I bought the wiiu on launchday and expected innovative fun stuff with the controller, the nintendoland tag game was good and some other minigames displayed some good potential for the gamepad.
                              They already barely release anything for the system and when they do now they apparently don’t even use the main feature their system is build around.

                              maybe not a big deal to some, maybe to some it isn’t.
                              I guess we can all agree its definitely not a pluspunt, and overall kind of a bad look for nintendo.

                              1. They just wanted to put the second screen convenience of the ds into home consoles, this made it seemless plus they thought it MIGHT make the casuals think of it since its kinda a tablet

                                I bought Wii U in the launch window as a sign of me growing up as a gamer and to be one of the first with the console.

                                This may be one of their main franchises, but it really wasn’t made with it in mind. I am certain that it wouldn’t have done much, maybe a match of progression or maybe inventory even if you hold like 1-2 items. However the game will be fine on its own

                                That’s why its no big deal to me

                  1. The system was 350$ (was) and Nintendo said it cost 100$ of the system price so that would be 1/3 just saying. But then again the Xbox one would have bin 400$ if it weren’t for the 100$ Kinect.
                    I’ll admit I’m disappointed they did not make a 400$ system. I mean in reality the Wii U, Xbox One and ps4 are all being sold for a loss, if it weren’t for that people would be praising the Wii U, but Nintendo never sold a system at a loss before so they need to sell at least 4 full priced games to recover the cost, and with very little games out their this has made most gamers one have 1 -2 games. That’s why all the doom and gloom.

                3. And therein lies the question everyone has been asking Nintendo all along. In what universe would you need a screen on a controller for any game!? Let alone a 2D platformer….

                  1. Plenty of games could use a second screen. Games like Darksiders 2 were much better on the Wii u in my opinion. Using the map was an essential thing in that game, and just looking down at the gamepad was much better than pressing a button and waiting for the map to load up. Don’t say things without thinking them through. There are tons of ways the gamepad can make gaming much faster and better.

                4. Because the gamepad is surposed to be a selling point. And should make up the lack of power. Why have if it’s never used?

                  1. its a 2D PLATFORMER!! Plenty of games use it in good ways and idk why people think it was gonna be used in a revolutionary way

                    1. Uhhh…because Nintendo said it would be revolutionary….that it would change the way we play games. I get what you’re saying about it being a 2d platformer though. But even games that do utilize it just make it awkward (for me personally) to play. The only game that has utilized it the most is Nintendo Land. And that game was basically just a demo to show what it can do.
                      Dude, I’m just waiting for X, Kart, and Smash Bros at this point.

                      1. The game that used it the most was Zombi U and it used it in good ways, its supposed to revolutionize the way we play by making something as simple as a map or items seemless

                        people expect SO much from the bottom screen of the DS

                        1. All I’m saying is that gamepad cost a decent amount more than most controllers and when Nintendo says that this is the new way to game, and they come out with a game that doesn’t use it at all. I feel like I got ripped off.
                          I saw in the trailer for this game that you can do like a high five thing and all the enemies on the screen turn into coins. They could have had like a bongo or something appear on the gamepad that you hit that makes that happen. I don’t know…Just having it be completely black while you’re playing makes me feel like it’s a waste.

                    1. True it was just a port, but all the same its still Nintendo and they could have done just like Mario 3D and add a duplicate view or they could have shown a map of the level, or even show you what collectables your missing from that level

                      I am happy that you can make game recordings of some kind

                      1. Its not Nintendo though, Retro and a different much different developer from Nintendo did this, you could call them 2nd Party if you want

                        Even then, it wouldn’t have benefited the game at all

            3. If future games don’t use the Gamepad in ways the other 2 copycats can’t use then just pull the plug or lower the price…

            4. Hmmm, disappointing. I mean, the gamepad is THE reason why the hardware doesn’t have bells and whistle’s it could. I agree that it’s a 2D platformer and not a huge loss, but even if you don’t care at all at the very base level of PR this makes Nintendo look bad. They should have used the gamepad screen for something! I’m not too concerned as this isn’t a game I plan on buying anyways, but it’s just not sitting right in my mind and it is feels lazy on their behalf to not utilize it for anything at all.

              1. Indeed…

                And that it’s a game made by Retro is even more disappointing…

                We expect more from them…

                1. @Nintendo Commander, retro studios is showing the other devs that you dont have to use the gamepad to implement whaterver they think they need to add so its their choice, only when its convenient like wind waker hd, watch_dogs, mario 3d world.

                  1. That’s just putting a positive spin on things. If people wanted to, they can interpret it as a lack of creativity.

                2. Exactly what I was thinking. I thought since it was retro they would make full use of the gamepad. Really disapointed.

                3. I was already disappointed when they decided to work on a second DKC game right after returns. DKC is a series that needs quite some time between releases, plus I was hoping retro work on something more with an open-world feel to it.

                  1. It does? I don’t remember how long it was between the 3 game releases on Super Nintendo, but I loved all of those. (Though I will admit, #2 was my absolute favorite.)

                4. In a way I think they realized that soon after they made the Wii U that they needed a in house T or M rated game and then decided that they needed to force retro to finish what they were working on and get to making a metroid or starfox. And if you think about it the evidence it their. No second screen support, the talk about changing business strategy, and retro hiring new people for HUD, art, sound and a few other things.

                  yes all games have a HUD of some kind, but they clearly wanted someone with some good ideas and experience (why elce hire someone specific for a life bar?) what 2 games by Nintendo would need a good HUD? starfox or metroid. I’d say Zelda but that has already bin underway since 2010 so they say ( at that rate they might as well already work on the next next Gen version now)

            5. With all the crap that nintendo is going through right now, you’d think they wouldn’t be so stupid as to pull a stunt like this, I mean, ALL they have is the GamePad, use it whenever you can instead of lulling the haters to a peaceful sleep =.=


            7. If the gamepad is not being used for display and only for control then could that extra processing power be used in the games instead? More power for more detail or effects?

                1. I’m not talking about DK, I’m saying in general that if Devs wanted more power for the game itself could they do something like this to get it?

            8. I seem to be the only one thinking this is a good thing, this is actually one of the things i would like to see more of: an option for turning the screen off to save power.
              Most of the time, i end up having the screen display on the darkest setting possible, otherwise im pretty much stuck with the cord plugged in, which sort of defeats the purpose of a wireless controller.
              Use the gamepad where it makes sense, dont do it because you feel you have to.

            9. I will see this as Retro saying “If we do not going to use the screen we will not make you waste the battery life of the gamepad”

              But I will also see this as another prove that the gamepad should have been a option sinces the very beginning and the thing that actually put a different price point between the white and black Wii U instead of “alittle more memory flash inside” and the “e shop promotion”

            10. Hmm…’d think by now that all companies would be trying their best to utilize the Gamepad in any way that they can.

              1. They have already said that they well use it “in a surprizing way” for smash brothers. After all its being made for the 3DS and Wii U both have a second screen they can’t just put something on 1 version and then not do something on the other.

            11. they’re preparing for WiiU Mini … it won’t require a gamepad but it will allow you to purchase a gamepad separately.

              purchasing a gamepad separately? … that’s right folks, you heard it here first … this will also open up the possibility of purchasing 2 gamepads. You heard that right … i said 2 gamepads.

              1. Why are you broadcasting this like it’s been confirmed? If Nintendo did this, they’d basically just be killing off the Wii U themselves.

            12. I think if Nintendo is starting to also ignore the gamepad they should atleast release a bundle with just the Pro Controller and update some games like ZombiU to be able to run without the gamepad.

            13. This is actually kinda good news. It shows that Nintendo isn’t going to force gamepad controls, like they did with motion controls on the Wii. Donkey Kong Country returns on the Wii had some of the worst controls in platforming history. Why? Because they forced the motion controls so freakin’ hard that you couldn’t roll, slam or blow without shaking the stupid Wii remote. It was ridiculous. I’d rather see them not utilize the gamepad than force bad controls on us, cause they want us to like the gamepad.

            14. If nintendo are smart, they’ll release a new Animal Crossing for the WiiU AND finally a console version of a new Pokemon game, both would use the gamepad to some extent much like the 3DS’s touch screen is utilized for those games and both would be major system sellers seeing that the fan base of both franchises are HUGE and they would HAVE to buy the console to play them. They’re not my preferred games of course, I don’t even like Pokemon, but I do see the potential of both of them becoming system sellers.

              1. Indeed…

                If things do not become better this year, the only salvation left is a real Pokemon game for the Wii U…

              1. No really, look above you… a lot of the so called “Fanboys” are expecting the gamepad being left blank…. I’m sorry you tried soooo hard to insult people seeing how Sony is dying (in terms of Financial woes) and the only thing keeping them alive is the PS4.

            15. Nintendo, please! Drag some potentials of gamepad! Now I can imagine, that, Nintendo as a third party. Wow, I believe Rayman is better than this rubbish milking bull! I’m deeply in shame as a Wii-U owner.

              1. yes because dk comes year after year. rayman legends was great, but compared to dk game design, dk destroys rayman and even mario

                1. I respect your opinion. But I don’t see why not release on other consoles too. Perhaps, Nintendo should follow the absurdity of Pachter. Or better yet, stay as a third party.

            16. So even Retro Studios couldn’t think of a way to use the Gamepad in a new and cool way? Really? I put this in the fail tally for Retro. Currently they are in the negative. With 2 points in the Negative and 0 in the positive.

              1. they probably didn’t want to change the flow, since the game offers different control options. If they used any gimmick on game pad it would make the other control options kinda pointless. So its done to avoid control issues.

            17. Even Rayman Legends uses the second screen. As does NSMBU. I don’t believe DKCRTF doesn’t use the screen on the Gamepad. I reserve judgment and wait to find out if this is true. It’s getting hard to justify buying anything on Wii U.

            18. Seems so pointless to make this game without any function on the gamepad besides off-screen play. At least put the amount of bananas and other collectibles on the bottom screen. Seriously, that’s just lazy and kinda makes me feel like the gamepad is useless.

            19. a rather strange move – esp. because this game is a first-party-titel, and we heard vom third-party-developers that they have been forced by nintendo to use the gamepad’s functions heavily in their games. on the other hand it’s positive that they decided not to include some kind of pseudo gamepad-functions like many other wii u games do.

              BUT of course by release of the game the media will jump on the wagon and we will read everywhere that the wiiu’s gamepad is useless and even nintendo itself (or it’s studios) don’t make use of it anymore. and to be honest even in super mario 3d world the use of the gamepad functions have been rudimentary.

              it seems like nintendo is taking a step back from the gimmicks they’ve included into their hardware recently, with the release the 2ds (and practically dropped the 3d-function) and now they begin to release wiiu games without (or with very few) additional functions.

              sadly enough even hardcore-nintendo-fans (like me) have to start questioning why they even included the gamepad when there obvisiously have been not many ideas how to use it in future games. if the gamepad would be used usefully in games it would be ok, but we now have a situation where the gamepad prevented nintendo to use better and more advanced graphics-technologies and on the other hand we don’t really get games that prove why we need such an expensive gamepad?! even from ninendo itself!!!!

              1. it just doesn’t bother me not every nintendo wii game used motion control. (smash, xenoblade, ect).Its not that big not every game is going to use it. I’m pretty sure X, possible yarn yoshi, FEXSMT, and other titles in the future some we are not aware of

            20. Whybare people bitching about? Will smash use the game pad, orwill mario kart use the gamepad, Its not the end if dk doesn’t use the gamepad, I mean what could they do with second screen? They could use it to display game status, and leader boards nothing much. They are offering different control options, plus retro was focusing on more core platformer experience

            21. Man, there is nothing but really slow and dull news about Nintendo lately. For the last several weeks, we haven’t heard anything new to get really excited about. Nintendo needs to have a Direct soon to build momentum for 2014. Once again they are dragging their feet.

            22. Wow Nintendo, the MAIN selling point on the system and you are not even going to try to use it in your games?? What in the world do you want people to think?? I know it’s one game but I feel like a first party titles should be making use the gamepad be it something innovative or something simple as items being collected. What are developers gong to think when they see that even Nintendo themselves don’t want to bother with the gamepad? You should be leading the way and be the example.


              2. Well true, but not every nintendo game used motion control on wii, its not like smash will do anything with game pad besides off tv play.I gamexplain said a logo appears on bottom screen’ i’ll rewatch. Wonderful101, game and wario, nintendo land, pikmin 3, windwaker, and3d world use the gamepad wellnothing mind blowing yet. The point is not every game is going to use gamepad, some will be minor like off tv play.

            23. You really can’t do much with the gamepad for 2D platformers aside from what NSMB U can do with off-tv play and boost mode. The best way to show how the gamepad can be used is with 3D games. Hence another reason why the Wii U needs another 3D Donkey Kong game and more 3D games in general on the system.

            24. Nintendo strategy: make overpriced gimmics and dont use them. Just like the NFC in gamepad. 3x more expensive than the whole 2gb ram.

              1. Don’t you mean this:

                Microsoft’s Strategy: make an overpriced weak console with a gimmicky Camera which is more gimmicky than the Gamepad (which wasn’t much of a gimmick in the first place) and let the camera take up HALF of the GPU power.

            25. I don’t give a fuck about Donkey Kong, good or bad. I don’t care about Retroid Prime either. What’s with all the developers trying to pull a Call of Duty? Braverly Default had a second game in the pipeline before it was even released. Wtf is that about Squarenix? I bet Retro already planned to make this Donkey Kong after the Wii game.

              Hey let’s continue making the same game if the first one sells well.

              We already have to deal with Call of Mario, don’t try to pull the same shit with Donkey Kong, Retro.

              1. You do know that last Donkey Kong game came out 5 Years ago…. you are failing so badly right now, also, just because Bravely Default 2 is on its way doesn’t mean its going to be released anytime soon. Face it fail troll, you’ve failed at your job because you can’t take the fact that the Wii U is actually getting better games and the PS4 is Sony’s last hope since they are finical crisis is WORSE than Nintendo’s (Who is loaded with cash).

                Try again later

                1. Actually Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D came out last year, so yeah try harder at damage controlling for Nintendo please.

                  And Braverly Default’s 2nd don’t have to come out anytime soon, the fact that Squarenix already had the game in development before the first game even got released tells you that they’re trying to Call of Duty the franchise before it even left the womb.

                  You can’t stand the fact that Nintendo is fucking up and what the fuck does Sony have to do with anything I posted?

                  Typical Nintendrone, gotta bring either Microsoft or Sony into an arguement that has nothing to do with them in order to feel better about damage controlling for Nintendo LMFAO

            26. Pingback: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze - 6 Zitat von ysglnd und den -

              1. … Yes because having to have the PS4 wired up to the modem whilst at the same time has to be synced with the PSVita WHICH needs your account on it for it to work but ends up still being a laggy mess is TOTALLY better than the Wii U’s smooth Wii U Gamepad gameplay which hardly lags and comes WITH the console.

                Seriously, are you trolls damage controlling now?

                1. Laggy complicated mess? It is pretty obvious people like you never used remote play or if you have, you honestly have no idea how to set it up. Speak for yourself, your own laziness and your slow internet.

                  I can be in another city and play my PS4 games flawlessly without ever touching my PS4 to do so.

                  Everything you said has never a problem for me, once the Vita is set which every device has some initial setup, you can literally control your PS4 from anywhere and the Vita never has to be set again, there isn’t any compicated and even setting the Vita prior for remote play is a very simple process, like setting up WiFi. It is as simple as turning on your PS Vita and turning on remote play, you can then power on your PS4 automatically from standy, you don’t need to even touch the console. I can be out of state, simply whip out my Vita and play PS4 games with ease.

                  I own a both a Wii U and PS4 & PS Vita, I enjoy them both thouroughly but comparing Remote Play to off TV Play is just stupid at this point. They are not even in the same ballpark, so why bother comparing them.

                2. My internet is not even that grand to begin with either, so it amazes me seeing anyone having trouble with remote play, you must have very slow internet if that is the case because mine is borderline and I still never experience the crap in which you speak of.

                  So if you know your internet is seriously that bad, why would you expect anything related to WiFi to work that well period unless you are in your own home? Even then I have to question how well your internet works because again mine is only 12Mbps fiber and even with that little, I never experience lag out of town when using remote play or at a friends place.

            27. HAHAHA! Like I have said countless times. Nintendo has no idea what to do with the gamepad. And to the babies saying that a 2D side scrolling game doesn’t need one, just look at Rayman. Nintendo built this toy console with the idea that the gamepad was essential for games and that it would bring gaming to a new more inmersive level but over one year after launch they still have no idea what to do with it.

              But the real reason why the gamepad doesn’t display anything while playing this game is that as we already know this lame 2D side scrolling game is running at 720p. Their underpowered running on 7 year old hardware excuse of a baby toy console isn’t capable of running a pathetic 2D game at 1080p. Just like their rehash already seen that in the 90’s launch Mario game was. Not to mention the huge loading times present on this baby 2D game. Their underpowered toy console must be running at max for this baby 2D game so using the gamepad was out of the question lolololol!

              1. Except that it’s not a 2D game, it’s a 3D sidescroller.
                Also, you can’t just use one example for the Wii U’s processing power. You have to look at the entire landscape.

            28. Woooooooooow. Nintendo is doing a great job of selling the gamepad as an innovative feature that adds to the gameplay experience. -_____-

              Seriously, this is pathetic. They need to abandon these stupid gimmicks.

            29. Pingback: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze aparentemente no le da uso al Gamepad de Wii U: permanece apagado | Atomix

            30. That’s a good idea as long as the gamepad is shut down, when playing the game on TV, because I don’t need the gamepad to play DK and it would be much better, if the gamepad is shut down, while playing, because you can save more battery.

            31. It doesn’t matter whether or not someone cannot find a use for the gamepad in this moment, but you have to remember that the gamepad is the selling point of this console. The fact that Retro, a dignified first-party developer, cannot find a use for it is a waste of developer potential.
              To be honest, they should release a separate package at 250 dollars, bundled with a Pro Controller. Because if this trend continues from internal developers, then what’s the point of having it to begin with other than wasting potential?

              1. Yes that’s true, maybe someone want to play it on TV with the gamepad, but for me it’s better without and a shut downed gamepad. But I hope for the next games, that the gamepad will be more usuable, like in Assassin’s Creed, the gamepad has the good function to display the worldmap and the lives you have. In my opinion, I don’t see a reason (at the moment) to buy a pro-controller, because, by games you don’t need the gamepad, you can use the Wii-Controler (f.ex: New Super Mario Bros U/3D World). But I must agree, because it’s a bit shitty, when they don’t have uses for the gamepad.

            32. They could’ve done what Monster did in DKCR3D and have the GamePad display how many lives, banana coins, and puzzle pieces you have.

            33. Great news, they finally got that 90% of us dont give a sh*t about the 480p uncomfortable piece of plastic. Looking forward to the game, though Im a bit tierd of the 2d platformers, theyve pumped out quite a few the last years.

            34. Pingback: Nintendo Plans To Enrich The Wii U GamePad’s Value | My Nintendo News

            35. Pingback: Nyhet: Wii U Gamepad visar ingenting när man spelar Donkey Kong - TeknikHype

            36. Pingback: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze - Wii U Gamepad-Display bleibt leer! |

            37. Pingback: Nintendo Releases Introduction Video For Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze | My Nintendo News

            38. Why not on another game?

              You forgot to mention that the gamepad does allow sounds to come through when you collect banana’s, coins, and when you slap your hands on the ground.

              I think it is ridiculous. Whats the point of even allowing the gamepad to be used? Having both displays work on multiplayer is why I like a couple of games. I was very disappointed and I hope that they fix it with a software update or something.

            39. Pingback: How the Wii U Gamepad Could Redefine Couch Co-Op - CDM

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