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IGN Has Heard Rumours Nintendo Will Be Unveiling New Hardware At E3

IGN editor Jose Oter says that he has heard rumours that Nintendo will be showcasing new hardware at E3 in June. IGN co-founder, Peer Schneider, backed up the claim saying that he has heard from multiple sources that Nintendo intends to show something new. 

“We’ve heard rumors that Nintendo might be showing hardware at E3,” IGN editor Jose Otero said on the latest episode of Nintendo Voice Chat.

“They’re absolutely going to show new hardware this year,” the outlet’s co-founder, Peer Schneider added. “No doubt in my mind that something… ‘Cause I’ve heard from multiple people now. I’ve heard from someone who used to be at Nintendo, I’ve heard it from somebody on the third-party front.”

160 thoughts on “IGN Has Heard Rumours Nintendo Will Be Unveiling New Hardware At E3”

  1. Whatever it is I shall buy it :). Since Sony and Microsoft shall be leaving gaming, SEGA please make a console also.

    1. Saying Sony and Microsoft is leaving gaming is a bit ridiculous at this point, considering their success in the industry. Competition fuels improvements in quality – it’s an capitalist economy after all.

      1. if it’s real. 75% chance of being a new handheld. 20% being a 3DS revision (or WiiU), 5% being the QoL stuff.

        1. I could see a HD 3DS or a updated hardware 3DS model (3DS.5)

          Possibly a new Wii U (new name, new design, same hardware)

          But most likely its either a tablet like device or phone (with a VC app)
          Or even more likely it is their QOL device

      2. I don’t get how competition could fuel improvements in quality, ever since the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 came out, Nintendo has been having the exact opposite of improvements, which is why I will be jumping with joy if Sony and Microsoft leave gaming.

        1. Me too. I don’t want Sony to go completely out of business. Just their gaming division. Microsoft could be gone forever and nonody would care. Nobody likes Zune or Windows 8 and the only reason people like Windows phones is because Nokia makes them.

      3. While I don’t agree that they’re leaving gaming anytime soon, I also don’t agree with your comment. MS has yet to make an overall profit from it’s Xbox division (it’s still in the Red lifetime to date). As for Sony, their lifetime to date profits are a small fraction of what Nintendo’s are.

      4. Both Sony and Microsoft have been selling at loss for far too long. Sony only BARELY made any money on the PS3, and Microsoft NEVER did on the X360. Now, they’re selling at a loss again. Sales figures don’t always translate into profit. In fact, Microsoft’s investor board has been HOUNDING Microsoft to spin off the Xbox division, because it’s hemorrhaging money like a hemophiliac with 76 stab wounds. And besides, Microsoft only posted such good figures with the X360 because they turned a system defect (the RROD) into a marketing scheme. I mean, how many times did you hear about people owning 2, 3, or even 10 360’s? Sony will survive, due to the Playstation brand’s name alone, but Microsoft’s seen their last console with the Bone, if current sales figures and investor squeamishness is anything to go by.

      5. Ridley Clone XIII: Kalas

        From what I’ve heard, Microsoft has lost more money from their gaming division than gained. If this is true, Microsoft isn’t as successful as many people think.

    2. I don’t think they are leaving so much as they are becoming gaming services, loosely tied to hardware.

    3. Fuck you dumb ass, we’d rather suck shit from a donkey’s dick while getting fucked in the ass by an axe than have to deal with a shitty Sega console. Fuck you, go suck a big fat one!

  2. I really hope that it isn’t a upgraded Wii U or anything. Although Wii U accessories would be awesome!

      1. I’m pretty sure it’s gonna be a Wii u with more processing power and no gamepad. They could sell it for the same price, and a lot more third party games would come for it, because of the identical specs to the ps4 and Xbox one, plus, without the gampepad, they could keep it at a reasonable price… Wishful thinking maybe, but I think it’s a very real possibility

        1. Doubtful. They will continue on with the Wii U for a while. It might very well be for the 3DS maybe a higher resolution XL.

          1. No but they would keep the wii u in production and keep it first party/indie like its been for a while

        2. >same specs
          >same dev kit
          >no game pad
          So your idea of an upgraded Wii-U is basically the Xbox One? Nintendo would never sacrifice the things that make them so unique.

          Have you ever actually tried using one? The Wii-U is a fantastic console with more power and much MUCH more to offer than most people seem to realize.

          1. And yes, I have a wii u deluxe with ray man legends, Nintendo land, dktf, and 3d world.
            They have enough unique features to keep people interested, like Tvii and miiverse, not to mention being backwards compatible with the wii

  3. 1st Nintendo Commander Fouraxis

    Our forces are moving forward. Our goal to be back at #1 has started its first advancement

  4. Probably what Iwata said about the fitness machine? I hope so because There’s a 30% chance Nintendo changing the Wii U. Let’s not repeat the mistake Sega did, Nintendo.

    if not, then IGN better stop doing this shit.

  5. “So Wii U is selling like shit and MK8 will be released soon, so why not unveil a new console and then bury all the Wii Us in the desert?”

    Yeah, sounds like a good idea…. Come on, who the fuck believes IGN?

    1. You can’t spell ignorant without spelling IGN.

      But they are most likely referring to the handheld. I kinda hope they announce a new iteration of the 3DS at E3 if it’s true.

      1. That’s even less likely to happen. They just released the 2DS “recently” and it’s selling well. Why announce another one?

        1. It’s a common strategy that businesses do. They release an alternate version of their main product (so that anyone who doesn’t have it would want to buy it) so that the businesses can focus on the predecessor.

          Look at Apple and what they released: 3G, 3GS, 4, 4S, 5, 5c, 5c and now 6

          If you don’t believe me think of Nintendo’s consoles:

          Gameboy, GB Pocket, GB Color, GBA, GBA SP, GB micro——->DS, DS Lite, DSi, DSi XL——-> 3DS, 3DS XL, 2DS

          1. Yes, but with Nintendo, they usually give a couple of years before introducing new versions of systems, handheld or otherwise. (I don’t count the 3DS XL, because the of the DSi XL, They were just reiterating an option.)

            And mentioning the iPhone 5 was as bad an analogy as D&D or MtG. All the above have new versions come out WAAYY to quickly. With the iPhone 5, it was only 7 FREAKING MONTHS after the iPhone 4s, which was only a few months after the 4. SOOO MANY customers complained about that that Apple had to take time with the 6.

  6. I really hope it’s like a Wii U slim or 3DS lite XL or something. I don’t want a “brand new” console just yet. They need to justify my purchase of Wii U still.

      1. No, I’ve owned my Wii U since the launch of it. I just want to have a good library of games for it. I won’t feel that my purchase was justified unless there is a ton of software that goes with the system. That is why I won 60+ Wii software retail titles and a ton of VC/WiiWare downloads. My purchase of Wii was well justified. Now let’s hope they continue that trend with Wii U.

    1. Wii U slim? Dude, the Wii U is literally the smallest/ slimmest console there is right now. It’s even smaller than PS3 slim.

  7. My guesses are QoL &/or a peripheral for the gamepad (which QoL could also be, though not limited to).

    Or a redesigned housing for Wii U, something that strikingly differentiates it from Wii.

    1. QoL sounds pretty realistic, but the latter guess of yours would be pretty welcome for marketing’s sake.

    1. It becomes fact after Nintendo themselves confirm it. Thus the definition of a rumor is : Speculation of a hunch or superficial notion.

        1. Nintendo Commander Quadraxis

          So he is weak because he doens’t want to kill himself?…

          Only the weak ones kills themselves you primitive retard…

  8. I hope that Nintendo would show something amazing relating to new hardware! It better be something cool and so awesome. Please the new name for the new hardware to be catchy and capture a true gamers.

    1. true gamers play on nintendo systems. Have since the 70s. Playstation and xbox are relatively new comers to real gaming.

  9. Nintendo Commander Quadraxis

    Whatever it is, we already won E3 and this new machine will be one more headshot on the Xbots…

    Game Over Xbots, you shall not be missed one bit…

    1. Xbox isn’t going anywhere. Microsoft makes too much money off of it. They can literally pay their way to stay into gaming if they wanted to.

      1. that’s all they’ve been doing since 2001 I believe Microsoft has lost like eight billion dollars maybe more to video games

      2. Nintendo Commander Quadraxis

        Even their new leader wants to end the Xbox army…

        However they fall, just get out already…

  10. I think its either a kinect like camera, or external hard drive with video editing for the Wii U. Could be a 3DS XL with 2 circle pads

  11. Probably QOL related. Would be a bit of an overkill if they plan to release another version of the 3DS. The 2DS got released just recently, and we already got the XL before that. They can’t release a new iteration of the 3DS every single year. Or so I hope, at least.

  12. 3DS successor? I mean, the 3DS has been out for half a gen or so now, and it wouldn’t be too farfetched to announce a successor a couple of years ahead of time.

    I mean, didn’t Nintendo say they begun thinking about the next-gen handheld just a year or so after the 3DS came out? And considering Pokemon X and Y literally pushed the limits of the 3DS until framerate issues occurred with 3D on, a successor at this point wouldn’t be too farfetched.

  13. Considering that they are releasing a Wii U bundle shortly before E3, I doubt it will be a new Wii U. Perhaps a new peripheral for the Wii U, such as a 3G or WiFi adapter for the Game Pad, or a straight up replacement Game Pad with 3G or WiFi. Never know, it could be something that attaches to the Wii U that boosts its power somehow. Maybe even a peripheral that activates the Blu-Ray capability of the system. 3DS is too new to have a replacement, and Wii U is just getting started.

  14. Nintendo Commander Quadraxis

    I can already smell the immense butthurt thenXbots are going to have on E3 and beyond until their final destruction…

    Sasowhateveryournameis, are you overwhelmingly butthurt now?…


  15. It’s definitely QoL (Quality of Life), they’ve already talked about this back a few months ago, calling it another blue ocean thing.

  16. nintendos gonna make their own smart phone, everyone keeps telling them to make phone games, well there you go lol (just kidding)

  17. Why do people think Nintendo will get rid of the gamepad? That’s the whole idea of the Wii U. It’s supposed to be a new gaming experience which the gamepad provides. Without the gamepad it’ll just be an improved Wii, and that’s not what Nintendo wants people to think.

    1. I think they should keep the GamePad and just make it relevant, but they did make a 3DS without the 3D… *glares at 2DS*

  18. I’m hoping it has something to do with that patent filed earlier today. I think a new handheld with an HD screen and the swapping of controls would be awesome!

  19. Pokemon X/Y didn’t push any boundaries. Graphically it was pretty, but nothing jaw dropping for a handheld (like RE: Revelations, or Kid Icarus: Uprising, Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate). The frame rate dropped when the 3D was activated. I expected the game to have an open world structure or the areas to be a lot bigger instead of going through an entrance time and again.

    1. That’s why we need a mainline Pokémon on console. X/Y could’ve been amazing not just graphically, but considering how much stronger Wii U is than 3DS, they probably COULD have added open world. But then again, they’re only in it for the money, which is mainly coming from the handhelds, so we won’t be seeing one anytime soon.

  20. Nintendo Commander Quadraxis

    It’s not QOL because no Third Class empire would even care about it…

    It’s one of these possibilities:

    1. 3DS successor
    2. Wii U/3DS easier connectivity
    3. 2DSXL
    4. Wii U upgrade (Expansion Kit)
    5. Nintendo Computer
    6. Nintendo Hologram Phone
    7. PC / Nintendo alliance by connecting your Wii U to a PC for improved power
    8. Something nobody has guessed

    1. If the patent filings in Korea mean anything, it sounds like something with a little bit of 8, 6, and 1 mixed together. But who knows, but some kind of hardware sounds like its happening by the code that was taken out of their e3 placeholder website.

  21. I hope it’s a virtual reality I hope it’s soon not that I don’t enjoy my Wii U I play it more then my ps4 but I want them to show virtual reality first as a hold with a console and not like PlayStation as an ad on

  22. Both, next homeconsole, handheld would be just stupid and is therefore extremely unlikely. If there’s something to it, it’ll definitely be QOL related.

  23. if there is hardware it’s going to be something very minor. those clowns aren’t going to reveal anything true next gen anytime soon.

  24. What if Nintendo made a NerveGear similar to the Occulus? Imagine being in Hyrule fighting off Ganon all through your own eyes… O.O

    Very unlikely, but Nintendo would make me cry my eyes out. Sony has already approached this with their iwn headgear, why can’t Nintendo?

  25. Yes :) and this is why it’s good to wait to buy nintendo products, because they always give the patience fans the better deal. Early adopters always get screwed by nintendo XD sucks for all of people that spent $300+ for the wii U

  26. Yeah i’ve been dreading this possibility. If it’s any new form of Wii U or 3DS i’ll be pissed. Bought a Wii U day one and feel so screwed over since it’s gotten a price drop and several better bundles since then meaning I payed at least $150 more than if I waited, and I FINALLY bought a 3DS XL (my first 3DS) about 2 weeks ago. If a better 3DS or Wii U comes out i’ll be thoroughly pissed. So my fingers are crossed that it’s just a 3rd pillar/QoL situation. :/

    1. Heck yes! You bought a 3DS XL recently, too? Welcome to the club! :D (Got mine in March) Watcha been playin’? :)

      1. Lol thanks *fist bump*. A lot of Super Mario 3D Land ’cause i’m a bit of a completionist and there’s a lot of little things to do there, New Leaf which is easily the best AC (or at least the most customizable so far) and Pokemon Y. It’s a really good system, been playing it more than my PC, Wii U and 360 lately.

        What about you?

        1. I play AC New Leaf everyday. And Pokémon X is my first game in the series and favorite 3DS game so far. I also got Zelda ALBW (huge zelda fan :p) and it’s awesome. Looking foward to playing Kirby Triple Deluxe tomorrow and especially SMASH! :O

          1. I REALLY wanna play ALBW but i’m making myself finish ALttP first (got it on Wii U VC) just to compare and appreciate more since I never got the chance to play it back in the day. Also Smash coming out on 3DS first was the deciding factor in me buying one lol. I love SSB (Hence my username). If you have room you should add me on whichever consoles you have cause I plan to buy both versions, plus it’d be cool to have someone to play ACNL and X/Y with. 3DS has so many games lol.

            1. Yes, definitely getting both versions of Smash! :D And feel free to add me on 3DS whenever you’re ready to get my code my code. Playing Animal Crossing is addictive as heck and even gets better with friends. :) (I expect this place to be overflowed with comments by the time you read this, so if you happen to want my friend code, I’d suggest giving it to you on a newer post if that’s ok with you. XD)

    2. i agree. i want the zelda gamepad. i already have all the download titles that come with the purchase of mariokart8 so i guess i get nothing for being loyal. makes no sense. they constantly give the UK amazing rewards on club nintendo just because their products don’t do as well over there. it’s like the opposite of logic.

      1. In a lot of ways Nintendo in it’s entirety is the opposite of logic. :/ The last couple of big videos from them made me think they were getting back on track, and for people who haven’t spent a lot of money on Wii U and the few games it has, sure, they’re giving great deals and incentives but all the early adopters just keep getting the middle finger…

          1. Nintendo Commander Quadraxis

            Sorry but that’s how things are always…

            No matter if it’s our empire, the Toshibas or Starbucks, the first ones will always be the experimental ones…

  27. My Guess: QOL hardware or a WiiU as we know it with a more appealing design + better gamepad battery + improved and extended gamepad signal.

    That would make WiiU better because:

    – the console design (not the gamepad) feela a little bit lazy and not iconic at all.

    -WiiU already needs extended battery life coming straight from the box.

    -with a signal extender or in-gamepad better antenna you could take your gamepad to other rooms as expected without the lag it may cause giving people freedom to use the console in every spot pf their houses.

  28. Its going to be the quality of life thing Iwata has been talking about i guessing its going to be an add on that the 3ds and WiiU can both use

  29. pink0crystal0midbus

    Just a correction, his name is Jose Otero, the article forgot the “O” at the end of his name. Also, I wouldn’t put it past Nintendo to have a Wii U “Mini” where the gamepad is not required and is wicked inexpensive and all the games that require the gamepad have been patched to work with normal controllers.

    I can see this happening.

  30. Guys its not going to be a new console. Developing new hardware takes years these days, I doubt nintendo could pump it out under a year. Nintendo’s hotest selling ips are coming to wii u(smash, Zelda and mario kart). And nintendo has tons of investment in the wii u right now. Most likely its going to be a redesign of the wii u, they might change the name(maybe) and maybe add new things like bigger memory, internet port, ect..

    1. Nintendo sweats bullets to get a first party title out the door. Yeah, no way in hell are they even capable of getting a new console launched.

    2. I just wanna say, even though I doubt Nintendo will come out with a successor to 3DS or Wii U this early, that unveiling a console is not the same as showing off a fully developed hardware. So, yeah it takes more than a year to develop a console (and I’m sure Nintendo’s been working on their new console since the before the Wii U was even finished), but it doesn’t take more than a year to come up with something to show off.

      It’s a long shot, but is something to consider nonetheless.

  31. New hardware, yes, new console, I doubt that. QOL products, most likely. Some new fun toys around the house, I’ll take it. Wii U successor can’t come around til 2016, otherwise Nintendo will be in big trouble

  32. Oculus rift Wii U. 1080p 60 FPS for all games all while using the U-Vision. Ya’ll herd it heer folkss

  33. thenintendoreviewer

    Likely some quality of life thing. Too soon to unveil a new home console or even a new hand held. And that’s assuming this is even true.

  34. We do not have any new hardware to show at E3, this patent has to do with future Nintendo products.

    Here is a look at a demo version of this new hardware on a Nintendo DS Lite, note how you can change the layout of the Dpad and the experimental circlepad.

  35. Don’t get too excited guys. I’s probably just a souped up wii u or the QOL thing. My money’s on the QOL thing.

  36. I am from Brazil and Wii-U is very expensive in here, but I buy it. I spend in it a LOT of money. Now If Nintendo will gave up about Wii-U and release a new console to replace so early the Wii-U I never buy another Nintendo Console again in my Life.

  37. Infinite_Rubix_Cube

    If it is the QOL product, whatever it may be, I just hope that they don’t spend the majority of their E3 presentation on it and make it a repeat of 2008; E3 is about games after all.

  38. I think is a overclocked Wii U. It makes sense and is why Watch Dogs got delay on Wii U in the first place because they want to optimize it on the new revise more powerful Wii U.

  39. I knew it! xD
    10% chance Wii U revision
    25% chance 3DS revision
    50% chance “Third Pillar”
    10% chance next handheld in the DS line.
    4% chance QoL
    1% chance Ultra Hand 2

  40. All BS rumor windmill spin again trying to get the public to think Nintendo is abandoning Wii U WAY too soon and ending up just like Sega.

    No fucking way this is 0.000001 percent true.

  41. I actually believe a new home console could be mentioned at this year’s E3. If they announce now, they could release it in about two years and keep the Wii U going for a little while. I actually think this might be the solution for Nintendo. Ditch the “Wii” brand, and go balls to the wall with a powerful new system.

  42. I think it’s going to be some kind of accessory, like a new Wii Fit U board or something similar. I doubt they’ve had the time to develop a new console since the Wii U, so if it’s a console it’s most likely a handheld.

    If I didn’t think it was a completely ridiculous idea and highly unlikely, I would be rooting for a Nintendo mobile phone.

  43. Pingback: MCV And VideoGamer Also Say Nintendo Will Reveal New Hardware At E3 | My Nintendo News

  44. It is so OBVIOUS what this will be!!
    A few weeks back Korea APPROVED a new Nintendo piece of hardware code names WIS-009 and the description was a COMPACT VIDEO PLAYER!!!!
    It will be a new revamped Wii U Gamepad!!

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