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Rumour: Bravely Second Swaps Out Native American Headdress For Cowboy Hat


Multi-platform news site Destructoid has received a very interesting news tip suggesting that in the localisation of Bravely Second, the new Native American class called Tomahawk will be swapped for a Cowboy class in the western version.

Apparently, the image that sparked the rumour was spotted on a “Spanish store” and then reposted on Imgur, however the validity of this claim is still unconfirmed.

It wouldn’t be the first time that Nintendo has made changes in localised versions of their games. What do you think of this rumour? Let us know in the comments below.

127 thoughts on “Rumour: Bravely Second Swaps Out Native American Headdress For Cowboy Hat”

  1. Nintendo Tetrarch Quadramus-NX

    >>>Typical, but what to expect from that Xbot homeworld and the corrupted branch known as NoA>>>

    1. Cultural appropriation. I was surprised that when she knew the job class was there in the JAP Tumblr didn’t make a fuss about it. With is dumb because it really looks like Square Enix make the asterisk weilder a native american and not a white college girl so yeah, it’s fucked up.

  2. It’s still a cool outfit and now it doesn’t offend anyone during a time when portrayal of Native American culture is being scrutinized. It’s attention NOA didn’t need and they be avoided it ahead of time.

  3. Just like the whole scenario with Team Fortress 2, they fear that this stuff would come off as offensive for those who are of Native American descent. Are these people really that common anymore?

      1. Rogue Master XenoRidley X3 ~*Proud Owner of the great PS4 & the great n3DS! Oh & I guess the dying mediocre Wii U is okay, too!*~

        “We have to get offended for these people! Otherwise, they’ll think we are racist white people!” That in itself is racism.

    1. Sorry? TF2 has a whole wack of Native American related items, and is racist to a point of comedy in general, that’s what’s so good about it. It’s more been the fashion industry than anything that’s been taking the brunt of the supposed “offensiveness” of things like headdresses, or any piece of clothing commonly worn by traditional natives.

      1. True, though the peyote cactus item that caused hallucinations were removed for the reasons you mentioned. Still glad that the headdresses stayed and you are right about the stereotypes being too over the top to be seen as mean spirited.

  4. Rogue Master XenoRidley X3 ~*Proud Owner of the great PS4 & the great n3DS! Oh & I guess the dying mediocre Wii U is okay, too!*~

    *facepalm* Oh look. Another censor rumor that will most likely be true because Nintendo of ‘Murica are huge fucking IDIOTS!! In before the Nintendo Defenders defend this bullshit with bullshit excuses.

    1. Rogue Master XenoRidley X3 ~*Proud Owner of the great PS4 & the great n3DS! Oh & I guess the dying mediocre Wii U is okay, too!*~

      Ooh! I know! Fatal Frame 5 and Xenoblade Chronicles X! More stupid censoring so as not to offend people. Of course, the only people offended by this are ones that aren’t even Native American! lmfao

        1. Rogue Master XenoRidley X3 ~*Proud Owner of the great PS4 & the great n3DS! Oh & I guess the dying mediocre Wii U is okay, too!*~

          Nintendo has the power to stop this bullshit. But they won’t because they had their balls chopped off many years ago.

          1. No, I pretended to quote an imaginary someone from another thread about localization changes/censorship.

            Is that same sentence in Plage of Shadows? Huh, funny coincidence.

      1. How?
        Are there, like, no black people or anything in the game?
        Is there hate speech? Verbal or action-based bigotry?
        It’s a costume that was changed from an indian to a cowboy.
        People are turning this into a huge deal when it’s just a costume.
        They did the same thing with Lin, and it’s making me sick.
        At this point I’m hoping they change it back solely because IT’LL SHUT PEOPLE UP and make them just play the damned game instead of care about all of this Social Political Bullshit.

    1. Rogue Master XenoRidley X3 ~*Proud Owner of the great PS4 & the great n3DS! Oh & I guess the dying mediocre Wii U is okay, too!*~

      So what will be your excuse when they censor Fire Emblem Fates & remove the same sex marriage, hm?

      1. Trying to deflect into a different topic, hmmm?
        I don’t give a damn about it; if they add it, fine, and if they don’t, fine.
        I don’t honestly CARE.
        Just like I don’t care about the boob slider.
        And btw, the comparison between the two is so stupidly unbalanced that I can’t take it seriously.

        1. “I don’t honestly CARE.”
          You’re on this comment section trying to police what people dislike about game localization. You’re going to get the game no matter what, no matter the changes, if playing it is what you’re so concerned with. If you don’t care either way, you shouldn’t even be here.

          “instead of care about all of this Social Political Bullshit”
          This, however, makes me think you care.

          1. I care about the sales of the game, not about the changes to it.
            It pisses me off when people don’t give a really great game, on ANY system, fair credit and consideration outside of the few flaws that piss them off.

            1. None is doing that. I personally am not putting the quality of the game in doubt since I haven’t played it. All I’m saying is that the version with the least amount of changes from the original release is going to be the best version. Just because something is good doesn’t mean that constructive criticism can’t be made to make it even better.

              1. I agree, but there’s a difference between constructive criticism, and ignoring the good for the bad.

                Most of the people here who are upset over Xenoblade’s changes, for instance, have completely ignored the fact that we’re getting all the DLC that Japan had to pay for, for free, at the very start of the game.

                I’d say that the extra content more than makes up for a missing boob slider and an edited costume.

                1. I disagree, if only because it’s not really fair for Japanese consumers either.

                  If I had it my way, I’d rather have a global release of the three versions featuring the same content on disc. I know that’s impossible and inconvenient for the company, but it would be the fairest thing to do.

                  1. I think it’s fair, because they got it a lot earlier than we did.
                    Ours probably needed that extra DLC just to sell better anyways; we’re getting more than enough people griping about it as it is without yet another group complaining that the DLC didn’t come standard.XD

          2. Rogue Master XenoRidley X3 ~*Proud Owner of the great PS4 & the great n3DS! Oh & I guess the dying mediocre Wii U is okay, too!*~

            This is the reason I’m being a total asshole to him right now: I can’t stand the fact he’s trying to police what some of us feel is a very big deal because he doesn’t share our opinion, shooting it down as just us whining over nothing. I really hate doing it because I’m a really nice guy at heart but I spent a great deal of my childhood being nice & effectively letting people walk all over me & my opinions. And I spent an even greater deal of my 28 years of life letting people walk over other people & their opinions. When someone is being an asshole, I tend to go into beast mode & be an even bigger asshole. Yeah. I sadly got a lot of pent up rage so I intentionally let my anger get the better of me. Why? Because I don’t want it to build up & have it flow out all at once on the wrong person that is just trying to express their very own opinion and isn’t even trying to be a dick towards me.

        2. Rogue Master XenoRidley X3 ~*Proud Owner of the great PS4 & the great n3DS! Oh & I guess the dying mediocre Wii U is okay, too!*~

          Cared enough to respond, though, didn’t you? Hypocrite. If you care so little, why are you even here? Just to whine, is that it? Face it, bub. You’re a Nintendo White Knight whether you believe it or not.

        3. Rogue Master XenoRidley X3 ~*Proud Owner of the great PS4 & the great n3DS! Oh & I guess the dying mediocre Wii U is okay, too!*~

          Or maybe you’re just another bitch that can’t stand other people’s opinions.

          1. When the opinion is “Waaaaaah my boob slider! Waaaah, my Lin swimsuit! WAAAAAH! ALL THAT GAME-RUINING CENSORSHIP!”, then you bet your stupid little ASS that I can’t stand it.
            You’re like the censorship version of Anita sarkeesian; blowing up tiny things that don’t make a big difference to the whole picture into bigger deals than they actually are because it fits your petty little agenda, and putting a good game down into the same category as games like The Letter in the process.

            Far as I’m concerned, you can take your “pro censorship” bullshit and shove it where the sun don’t shine.
            This game deserves sales, and people with an open mind, unlike you, will be more than glad to adopt it at the same time as they protest against the changes.

            Get back under your bridge, kid.

            1. Wanting to play the games as the devs originally intended is having an “agenda” now? The one that’s pushing an agenda here is the localization team with those changes, not the people opposed to them.

              You seem to think that the opposite sides of the argument are one and the same when they’re fundamentally opposite. Being “anti-censorship” is not an agenda in the same way being atheist is not a religion.

              1. Skipping the game entirely over those changes, when they are minimal in importance to the game as a whole, easily protested against without skipping, and outweighed in importance by all the extra things being added in their place that we would have had to originally pay for?
                Yeah, I’d call someone doing that someone with some sort of agenda.
                There’s a difference between “anti-censorship” and “extremist” of the same variety.
                There’s no need, none whatsoever, to kill off a game’s sales over changes that don’t cause a huge negative effect on the game as a whole.
                Boob sliders and changed costumes are not a good reason to skip this game.
                They’re a good reason to protest until Nintendo is sick and tired of hearing it and change the game due to that, but they aren’t a good reason to ignore the game entirely, especially if someone loves everything else it has going for it.

                1. You are projecting. I never said I wouldn’t buy a game (not even the most alarming cases like Fatal Frame) over something like this, you’re putting words in my mouth now.

                  Besides that, the importance of things like this is completely subjective and it depends on things like your very definition of videogames as a medium, so arguing about it with someone that doesn’t share a similar view is a moot point. To me, the extremist is the person that doesn’t have the little amount of self-respect as a customer to be treated like an adult, but I don’t go imposing my opinion over those who just say ‘eh, I really don’t care either way’. I am really not militant about it at all (because voicing my personal opinion is not being militant, really)

                  Which is what surprises me about the people that just keep saying ‘stop complaining about these things!’, because they have it easy. They can ignore the comments that complain about this change, and they aren’t concerned about the localization, so why bother complaining about those that do express their disappointment like that?

                  1. I wasn’t trying to put words in your mouth. If I came off like that, then I apologize.

                    Anyways, you say that we have it easy, but what part of watching a game you love get lower sales and thus less chance of surviving as an IP is considered “easy”?
                    If anything, we have it the hardest; we’re stuck between supporting the series so that it can survive into the future, and dealing with having to protest against mistakes that might not be changed no matter how much we protest.
                    And on top of that, we have to then deal with people calling us “pro censorship” simply for picking up the game, when that’s not the truth of the matter at all.

                    1. You can still buy the game even if you complain about the changes, I don’t see how those are mutually exclusive. I do think that if this kind of changes on location (if not outright censorship) continue to go on over the next entries in the series, then it’s totally justified to drop the IP support altogether before the rot spreads to other franchises. It’s one of the reasons I’m still on the verge about FE Fates.

                      And it’s hard to not see people saying that this is a silly complaint as people with no real position about this kind of things. Not being bothered by this means you are ok with it, hence the pro-censorship label (not so much in this case, though).

                      Your position comes off as strange because you’re going to buy the game even if you’re bothered by the changes, but you’re giving the people that are complaining a hard time. From outside perspective, it looks like you have an ulterior motive for doing so. You should try to state your own position on the matter before anythig else next time, or things can get confusing quickly.

                      1. Rogue Master XenoRidley X3 ~*Proud Owner of the great PS4 & the great n3DS! Oh & I guess the dying mediocre Wii U is okay, too!*~

                        “Your position comes off as strange because you’re going to buy the game even if you’re bothered by the changes, but you’re giving the people that are complaining a hard time.”

                        THANK YOU!!! But apparently I’m just a troll now. Well there is no point in me talking to the asshole any more. If he wants to pretty much say “fuck your opinion” to me by calling me a troll, I can do the same. Fuck him AND his opinions.

                      2. Okay, then for the sake of clarity, here’s my position:

                        I have no issue with people who are not okay with the changes.
                        I myself am not okay with most of them, even though they don’t bother me on a personal level, because they affect the sales of the game in a negative way every time they take something out or change something too drastically for one region over another.[hence why I sent an Email or two protesting against these things.]
                        The only people I have issue with, are those that are canceling their pre-orders of the game over these issues, because I see a fine line between protesting small changes, and IP endangerment over issues that could simply be protested without hurting the game’s sales.

                        As I’ve said before; every lost sale is one more small step towards Nintendo thinking that this IP doesn’t sell well enough to revisit.
                        Which would be a bad thing, because every good new IP that comes along helps combat the dry spells that consoles across the board have to deal with.

          2. Rogue Master XenoRidley X3 ~*Proud Owner of the great PS4 & the great n3DS! Oh & I guess the dying mediocre Wii U is okay, too!*~

            just another little bitch*

          1. Rogue Master XenoRidley X3 ~*Proud Owner of the great PS4 & the great n3DS! Oh & I guess the dying mediocre Wii U is okay, too!*~

            Ya’know what they say. It takes one to know one, right?

          2. Rogue Master XenoRidley X3 ~*Proud Owner of the great PS4 & the great n3DS! Oh & I guess the dying mediocre Wii U is okay, too!*~

            Referring to the fact you’re whining yourself.

      2. There’s been three instances of costume changes during the past month and a half in three different games. This is starting to become a common event. Don’t come crying when something more significant gets changed.

        1. There have been plenty of other times when events happen closer together.
          It doesn’t mean anything.
          The slippery slope is just paranoia.

          If it ever comes down to Nintendo removing crucial plot elements or changing around character personalities, then you can bet I’ll be right there beside you guys telling them it’s wrong.
          But I’m not going to lose my mind over a boob slider or a couple of costumes.
          They aren’t worth skipping the game over, and just FYI, I still did my part by sending a letter to Nintendo regarding reversing this issue.

          Just because I don’t care whether or not these things are in, doesn’t mean I don’t see how stupid it is for them to keep doing this to themselves.

          1. Such as?
            And are you aware of the changes in dialogue during the location of Fire Emblem: Awakening? Because that’s exactly what happened (with Ricken’s backstory in particular if I recall correctly)

            1. Rogue Master XenoRidley X3 ~*Proud Owner of the great PS4 & the great n3DS! Oh & I guess the dying mediocre Wii U is okay, too!*~

              Wait, what!? *twitch*

            2. There’s a lot of text there; can you give me a summary of sorts for the worst stuff?
              My best friend is a fire emblem addict, too, but if the changes leave gigantic plot holes and inconsistencies that ruin characterizations, then I think it would be best if I had a short list of stuff for him so that he’ll know to avoid the game in the US and just pick up the JP version.

                1. Okay, I read through the bullet points, and the end point caught my attention the most; “(Probable conclusion topic) So Which is More Important? Respecting the Origin Culture or Selling the Work to the “Target” Culture?”

                  That tells me that a lot of this stuff was changed in order to sell the game to the target culture via changing stuff to be more familiar/understandable to a western audience that might not get all of the subtleties of many of them.
                  I do disagree with the changes to their characterizations, though; making some characters meaner or adding unnecessary sub-text does do a lot to mess with the experience.
                  If you know about the original experience, that is.
                  I assume FE will sell well regardless, but I won’t pick it up until it’s used, and only after I’ve read a proper translation of the game so that I can do a comparison.
                  I just hope someone does one soon.

                  1. And we go back to the original point in which you said that the slippery slope is just paraoia. It’s not a thing that might happen in the future, it’s something that has already happened to what was considered to be a pretty niche release (remeber that Nintendo was ready to kill the series if Awakening didn’t sell well).

                    Back to the present again. Three changes of minor stuff in localization in the span of roughly a month and a half. How much longer until we have another Awakening situation?

                    1. Hopefully not for another few years, at least.
                      My hope is that the changes really are just being overblown and that they don’t affect the plot too heavily, but as I said, I’m going to have a long road of investigation ahead of me for that.
                      If nothing else, I’ll play my friend’s copy if he gets it.
                      But I digress; Nintendo’s shown that they don’t do any worse than a bit of sexy cover-up for most of their games. Awakening seems to be an unfortunate exception to what Nintendo usually does.
                      For me, everything’s on a case-by-case basis.
                      If Nintendo really does start going down the slope full tilt instead of Awakening being just an exception, then I’ll stop supporting imported Nintendo games that do things that drastic, too.

                      But as far as Xenoblade goes, it’s not a bad enough case for me to ignore the game.
                      Protesting is the best route, but I’m not going to contribute to the death of the IP over it.

                      1. The sexy cover ups are still unacceptable in my opinion, if only because I can make my own decisions about what I consider offensive or not (especially in the sexuality department, where most of the Western countries are much less conservative than the USA).

                        To be fair, localization changes can improve the game sometimes (Super Mario RPG and Xenoblade, ironically, come to mind), but I find that it’s not the most common outcome.

          2. Rogue Master XenoRidley X3 ~*Proud Owner of the great PS4 & the great n3DS! Oh & I guess the dying mediocre Wii U is okay, too!*~

            For someone whining about us whining, I find it hard to believe you even bothered telling Nintendo a damn thing. Probably just saying that bullshit so we’ll back off.

            1. Rogue Master XenoRidley X3 ~*Proud Owner of the great PS4 & the great n3DS! Oh & I guess the dying mediocre Wii U is okay, too!*~

              If you truly told Nintendo to reverse their decision, why are you here shooting down our complaints about it? So yeah. I call bullshit.


              If you need a picture of their response once it comes in before you’ll stop accusing me of lying, I can do that, too.

              I want Nintendo to add the stuff back in, and sent an email to them to help get it back in, because I recognize that it’s not good advertisement for the game.
              Unlike so many others, I can properly protest against flaws in games I like without killing off the sales of the games themselves.

              I own up to my word.
              Let’s see if you can do the same.
              If you can’t, then just sit back down, because the game as a whole won’t concern you until the features are added back in anyways.

    2. HollowGrapeJ (A.K.A. Shampoo- Destroyer Of Girl Type Ranma & Akane Tendo And Soon To Be Married Wife Of Boy Type Ranma Saotome Of The Anything Goes Martial Arts School)

      Next thing you know, Nintendo will be censoring shoes.

    3. Rogue Master XenoRidley X3 ~*Proud Owner of the great PS4 & the great n3DS! Oh & I guess the dying mediocre Wii U is okay, too!*~

      Guess what will be next, guys!? Fire Emblem Fates! Expect for them to remove the same sex marriage when the game finally is close to releasing stateside! Fair warning, guys!

    4. I suppose the “West” is more about cowboys, I wouldn’t say this is censorship, just making different things for that region, this has happened before and nobody freaked out, like Splatoon getting the Squid Girl costume in Japan cause it’s a Japanese manga. They don’t have Cowboys in Japan so in a way you get something they dont. Either way a hat for a game I don’t plan to get anyway doesn’t bother me.

      1. That was more of a rights thing than a form of cultural censorship. It’s the same reason the vast amount of sponsored Monster Hunter DLC doesn’t hit the west, and why many of the sponsored Animal Crossing items take so long to be localised.

        1. Rogue Master XenoRidley X3 ~*Proud Owner of the great PS4 & the great n3DS! Oh & I guess the dying mediocre Wii U is okay, too!*~

          It’s bullshit, really! Most Native Americans don’t even give a flying fuck! It’s the white people wanting to not be racist getting offended & complaining about it!

    5. Pingback: Rumor – Bravely Second: End Layer To Have An Altered Class? | Bringing you news, reviews, rumors, screenshots, trailers, and more around the world of Nintendo games!

    6. It did indeed look better with a headdress.

      Hm, weird thing is, had this not been pointed out, I would’ve never associated that job as a native american costume. I thought it was just a Monster Hunter costume with flowers on her head. (Without any context of course, maybe they blatantly say it in the game.)

      1. Yea, it’s ironic. They see a girl with a bikini and say, tsk tsk, too much skin for those kids in Murica. THEY make a big deal about it, then it becomes headlines in gaming media. If they would just leave shit alone, nobody would care, fuss, or even notice these things to begin with… That’s why NOA are dumbass’s. I like Reggie, but he’s a dumbass. These decisions are his, and he alone can stop them from happening. He does not respect that people want to play the content in it’s original state. Imagine if they censored the Mona Lisa for showing too much cleavage or something.. Lol. Censorship is so fucking stupid, no matter the format.

        1. Rogue Master XenoRidley X3 ~*Proud Owner of the great PS4 & the great n3DS! Oh & I guess the dying mediocre Wii U is okay, too!*~

          Sadly, Nintendo of ‘Murica will always have their little fanboys shooting our complaints down as simply whining. “Oh he’s mad they censored this or removed that! He’s whining! Get ’em!” They must have us confused with themselves. You know true whiners when they complain about OTHER people complaining.

      1. Rogue Master XenoRidley X3 ~*Proud Owner of the great PS4 & the great n3DS! Oh & I guess the dying mediocre Wii U is okay, too!*~

        You are what NintenD’OH of ‘Murica calls a sucker. Why? Because you don’t realize the ones getting offended aren’t the Native Americans but everyone else. Just a bunch of far left & right morons trying to be politically correct which is the real offense. No real American wants to be called Irish American, Native American, Latino American, etc.

        1. Funny comics happen because of “apologists”? If you can’t figure out how localization works, you’re a complete idiot. This might shock you, but not every part of the world understands Japanese customs, and not every part of every game is suitable for every part of the world.

          1. Very noticeable discrepancies between the setting and plot/characters happen because of unnecessary localization, which is what that comic portrays.

            Yes, not every part of the world understands Japanese customs. Now tell me, what does Ace Attorney have to do with Japanese customs? Because other than the fucked up legal system (easily understandable for foreigns), some architecture, food and folklore here and there, there’s nothing that’s confusing about them.

            You can’t claim that the general public not understanding customs is a valid excuse when we get shit like yokai or the yatagarasu in the most recent game. Either you go all out and change every asset remotely Japanese or you leave it like it is. This weird middle-ground creates discordant atmosphere and tone.

            1. Is not only customs. Language is also part of it, there are words that either cannot be translated (if you don’t believe me, I dare you to translate the word “vaina”) or that when translated, they lose their meaning or don’t even make sense (Or do I need to remember you Metal Gear? or half of the NEs Library?), heck some games wouldn’t have been as well received if they weren’t localized (Earthbound is a good example, when localized, the jokes were changed so people could understand them).

              Localization is important, it’s a part of the Videogame Industry and it shouldn’t go away, because not everybody is interested in other country’s culture, or doesn’t even know them, if the games weren’t localized, they wouldn’t be as succesful as they are today.

              1. You seem to think I’m opposed to localization when there’s nothing further from the truth. I’m opposed to unnecessary changes in localization. This isn’t the 90s anymore, Japanese culture has become much more widespread.

                    1. Rogue Master XenoRidley X3 ~*Proud Owner of the great PS4 & the great n3DS! Oh & I guess the dying mediocre Wii U is okay, too!*~

                      Sushi… Mmm… Barely cooked raw fish tastes great with some hot sauce.

                      1. No wonder it’s so popular everywhere.
                        Seriously, it’s the definitve proof of the internationalization of Japanese culture. I can’t walk across the street without finding a sushi restaurant every 500 steps.

                        1. Rogue Master XenoRidley X3 ~*Proud Owner of the great PS4 & the great n3DS! Oh & I guess the dying mediocre Wii U is okay, too!*~

                          Sadly, not only do we have puritans regarding nudity who act like it’s unnatural & will burn off their skin if they so much as see a side boob or some cleavage but puritans regarding culture as well. Oh wait. That’s not being a puritan! That’s being a fucking racist scumbag! My bad. I got the two confused… Then again, the biggest racist group in America claim to be “Christians.”

            2. This happens because of localization? im sorry but thats bullshit. If anything they should’ve left the Native American job to suit the west. Explain to me how Native Americans have any custom significance to the east and not to the west, or America to be more specific.

              1. Rogue Master XenoRidley X3 ~*Proud Owner of the great PS4 & the great n3DS! Oh & I guess the dying mediocre Wii U is okay, too!*~

                If they really wanted to cater to the West, namely the United States, they should have kept the indian class & just made a cowboy class to go along with it! Worried about people claiming it is racist? Easy fix. Have it to where the indian & cowboy class users that you get the classes from are working together as a team with the indian as the leader & the cowboy as the subordinate. Boom! Problem solved! Instead, Nintendo & Square Enix decided take the path that involves chopping off their balls. Not like Nintendo had any to begin with & it seems Squeenix has already chopped off one of theirs.

        1. Rogue Master XenoRidley X3 ~*Proud Owner of the great PS4 & the great n3DS! Oh & I guess the dying mediocre Wii U is okay, too!*~

          Another typical fanboy response. “Don’t blame NoA who have control over what stays & what goes but the SJWs! After all, the minority of SJWs are pointing a gun at their heads telling them to “Do it or I’ll blow your fucking brains out!” NoA are the victims!” These SJWs aren’t terrorists. The only thing they’ll do is bitch, moan, & create little petitions. And even if they were terrorists, fuck them! They should be wiped out with the other filthy fucking terrorists of the world!

            1. Rogue Master XenoRidley X3 ~*Proud Owner of the great PS4 & the great n3DS! Oh & I guess the dying mediocre Wii U is okay, too!*~

              Not really. I effectively told you NintenD’OH! of ‘Murica has no balls because they act like the vocal minority is going to bury them like the scared little chickenshits that NoA are. If the SJWs are as bad as you blindly think, how come they haven’t destroyed Sony & Microsoft which do have the balls to let games with bust sliders, a lot of skin, etc into their gaming libraries? SJWs, like terrorists, only have power when you listen to them & quit doing what they don’t like. It’s time NintenD’OH! of ‘Murica grows a new pair of balls to replace the ones they lopped off years ago & ignore the little vocal bastards. I mean, NoA has no trouble ignoring their fanbase half of the time, so why should those non-gamers get better treatment than those of us that actually buy their products? NoA’s line of sight on who to please is very ass backwards.

      1. Welp, this comment section ended up EXACTLY how I expected, Stupidity has no limits, if I ever make a game, I will make a character one way and then at the last moment I will change it to something else, and see how everybody starts raging on about it, and I will be there watching and enjoying the fireworks while they give me free advertising.

        I think I’ve figured out Nintendo’s and Square’s plans all along.

      2. Not a single mention about the bikini? Seriously?

        Did the puritans finally go extinct this past month or were the people that approved of XCX’s censorship ok with it just because it was Nintendo?

              1. Wasn’t that in the original Bravely Default? Any way, weren’t the looks of the character more important? If Lin ‘looked 13’ what age does this character look like?

              2. And besides that, how’s that a valid excuse now all of the sudden? I was the one saying that the easy solution to XCX’s censorship was to bump the age of the character, but many people said that it needed to be censored anyway because it was immoral or whatever. Now changing the age of a character is a valid solution? Where does this backpedaling come from?

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