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Kit And Krysta From Nintendo Explain Why They Started Nintendo Minute

The loveable duo Kit and Krysta from Nintendo Minute have taken some time out on the official Nintendo Tumblr blog to explain why they decided to start the popular series. Krysta says that “we love Nintendo games and we wanted to share that with you guys!” while Kit says it has been a fun way of documenting his various facial hair styles. Here’s what they had to say! Check out the full post, right here.

Kit: Today we’re going to cover a question that we get fairly frequently from Nintendo Minute viewers, which is “how the heck did the two of you get started doing this thing anyway?”

Krysta: I sometimes ask myself the same question but I think the number one reason (at least for me) is we started Nintendo Minute because of one thing and one thing only; we love Nintendo games and we wanted to share that with you guys!

Kit: Yes, I feel very lucky that throughout my life I’ve been able to have friends around me who are also into games, and that I can talk to about games, because let’s be honest, it’s what we’re constantly thinking about. At the same time, I know there are people out there who may not be in the same position. You and I have had these sorts of discussions ever since we started at Nintendo, so it felt natural to translate them to video and share with everyone else. It’s also been a fun way to document my journey with facial hair! Please look forward to my Viking beard braid in 2017.

Krysta: We’re incredibly lucky to work at a company that really cultivates this type of environment and really encourages us to share our passion with all of you. And yes, it’s weird to see how different we look through the years. And there’s one more thing I want to bring up. We’re definitely not making these videos because we think we’re, like, game playing geniuses or something. But one thing for me that I’ve always believed in, is that you don’t have to be awesome at games to love them. In fact, I think I really suck at most games but it doesn’t make them any less fun for me to play them.

Kit: Our failed dreams of eSports glory aside, Nintendo Minute has really brought us closer to the Nintendo fan community, whether it’s meeting people at events or reading comments (we read them all!). I love how there’s such a circular relationship.



41 thoughts on “Kit And Krysta From Nintendo Explain Why They Started Nintendo Minute”

  1. I think Nintendo Minute is alright. Kit and Krysta can be cheesy at times, but I understand since they work for Nintendo, they gotta be all happy and positive when they play the games. :p

          1. It’s probably the official Nintendo marketing plastic attitude. Either way, I don’t blame him. I’d get angry too if my gaming partner’s bad at games. No offense to Krysta, but she’s just not good at them.

              1. Hah, taking in mind what you said, I just watched a bit of the Twilight Princess one. I did notice the looks on Kit’s face. And when she goes yaaaay and then he says it sarcasticly..haha. But yeah, they noth appear quite pissed.

                To be a fly on the wall when the cameras go off.

      1. Nintendo Tetrarch Quadramus-NX

        >>>They are just americanized, meaning they are nice and happy when they are not because their territory demands them to smile and be faker rather than being themselves>>>

              1. Nintendo Tetrarch Quadramus-NX

                >>>Perhaps, maybe time will tell>>>

                >>>Doesn’t matter anyway, they are the ambassadors of the civilian masses>>>

    1. Nintendo Minute is something to watch when I’m really bored. I feel like it’s slowly getting better, but it still has some sort of ad/promotiony vibe to it. That’s what really kills it for me. I think it being official Nintendo vidoes is the reason why and that might be holding back any sort of “Naturalness” that most lets plays have.

      1. I much prefer Nintendo Minute because of that, Let’s Play get way too ‘natural’ and they bother me. I rather see a business professional doing it.
        Either way, I prefer playing over watching anyone. That’s just my old generation I guess.

    1. Chains of Lucifer X3 {Free Urselves, Nintendites (fanbitches), from Nintendo's shackles! If U don't, U will fall when they do. All must come to an end as nothing created by humans is 4ever. Ur precious Almighty God Nintendo is not beyond corruption.}

      Krista & Alison Whitney both are very attractive women. It’d be nice if we could get rid of Kit & throw Alison into the mix every now & then. Speaking of, does she even still work at Nintendo?

      1. Chains of Lucifer X3 {Free Urselves, Nintendites (fanbitches), from Nintendo's shackles! If U don't, U will fall when they do. All must come to an end as nothing created by humans is 4ever. Ur precious Almighty God Nintendo is not beyond corruption.}

        If Wikipedia is anything to go by, she won’t be back on anything Nintendo related in America. It seems she’s been in some horror movies that probably involved her being naked. Yep. We can’t have kids seeing a woman that’s been naked. Just like we can’t have a former pornstar read to kids. Tsk tsk. America sure has a lot of skewered priorities.

      2. It was reported by some Kotaku users — I’m almost convinced I saw few threads about her on Kotatku — that Alison Whitney completely left Nintendo back in 2011 or 2012.

  2. I can’t stand these 2 muppets. They’re clueless and so fake. It’s like one long Nintendo commercial with sickening Barney the Dinosaur like falsity.

    1. Chains of Lucifer X3 {Free Urselves, Nintendites (fanbitches), from Nintendo's shackles! If U don't, U will fall when they do. All must come to an end as nothing created by humans is 4ever. Ur precious Almighty God Nintendo is not beyond corruption.}

      Why would you listen to two people that are most likely speaking from a script that their masters want them to say? I’d rather watch Let’s Plays from fellow consumers than from business people that just say what their bosses tell them to say. That’s like believing everything the WWE commentary guys say when they are basically just puppets saying exactly what Vince McMahon wants them to say.

      1. If the commentary is scripted, then the sport is as well–agh, I hate when this happens. I’d like to watch a World Cup that is played for the passion to do their best, not a business act. Sometimes I don’t know what to believe anymore, but I’d like to think it’s for real whenever I see it…

      2. “…speaking from a script that their masters want them to say?”
        They’re not corporate slaves, they work for one of top gaming companies in the world. Few people can say that, and I’m sure many would want to be in their shoes. Also there’s no script, just a plan of action.
        I prefer it over the idiocy that comes from some of the videos I’ve glanced at that family members watch on YouTube.

        You’re comparing WWE ‘entertainment’ to a video produced by a corporation for promoting their product… Well now I know your basis on this.

        1. Chains of Lucifer X3 {Let the shackles be released! Or fall forever!}

          Key word: a corporation promoting their product. You really think they are going to fill these videos up with them talking about the problems of the game? They are paid to make the game look as good as possible. Only an idiot that works for a company would outright say “This game’s story, graphics, & gameplay sucks. I hate how they removed this feature & didn’t replace it with something else. Don’t buy this game if you dislike glitches or missing features that were in the original game.”

          1. You missed my key point
            “I’ll occasionally watch them if it’s an upcoming title I’m interested in.”

            Meaning I’m looking for gameplay of titles that no one on your precious YouTube has. You want someone shit talking a title, great! I prefer to read my reviews from user feedback on the site of the store I’m purchasing from and small sources like MyNintendoNews. Not a person profiting from denouncing a title/company from their basement.

            1. Chains of Lucifer X3 {Let the shackles be released! Or fall forever!}

              I don’t want to watch someone talking shit about a title. I want someone that isn’t going to sugarcoat the game to make Nintendo look good when they botched something up in a game they developed. What Youtubers have you been watching that do nothing but talk shit about a title? Least they are having genuine fun when the game is good. Kit & Krista are just saying what their bosses want them to say. Nintendo’s American Sect is corrupted by money so they’ll have everyone lie through their teeth just to make sure they sell the games. Reggie is a prime example of this. All he’s done is lie. “Oh there won’t be any game droughts in 2015!” Yeah, and I’m Elvis Presley. I wouldn’t be surprised if everyone working at Nintendo’s American Sect is a skilled liar or a professional actor really good at pretending. I wonder how many took politician school since those guys are masters at lying & acting.

              That aside, I will give you credit for reading user reviews & not taking everything Nintendo Minute says at face value. Oh & the debate aside, I enjoy talking with you when on the rare occasions we don’t agree on things. It’s nice to be able to debate with someone that I know isn’t blindly defending Nintendo.

              1. I don’t know specifically as in recent times it’s overhearing or glancing at videos family members watch that I find very unequivocal.

                I ACTUALLY agree with you on that. I’m tired of being lied to through grinned teeth, and i can’t stand Reggie.

                Likewise, it’s good to get the blood boiling once in a while.

        2. Chains of Lucifer X3 {Let the shackles be released! Or fall forever!}

          But if you want to actually believe these people that work at Nintendo of America & need to protect their job, that’s your problem. Another key word: America. You know? The country where people get punished or even fired for saying the wrong things by accident or the country where finding a job is actually pretty hard in some locations.

          1. I said there was a plan of action that they have to abide by. And OBVIOUSLY they’ll be promoting their employer’s content. What employee WOULDN’T publicly?

            “America… where people get punished or even fired for saying the wrong things by accident… where finding a job is actually pretty hard in some locations.”

            You’re on the wrong site to be bringing this up so I’ll just touch on it. Any and all employers will reprimand an employee if they go against the beliefs of that company. Period. I don’t know what country you live in that you can talk shit about your employer or their products publicly and NOT get terminated.

            Public image is everything for a corporation in this day and age when the internet is an infinite recorder. And some dumb employee will not be getting in their way.

            1. Chains of Lucifer X3 {Let the shackles be released! Or fall forever!}

              Companies around the world need to reevaluate their punishment for insubordinate employees. Outright firing them is just wrong. At least let them attempt to apologize first. If they refuse to apologize, reprimand them with no pay or something for a few weeks. If they continue to go against the company’s status quo, then fire them. But if they get some positive attention from your consumers for speaking out against your company which paints your company into a favorable light because consumers like an honest company guy that doesn’t lie about their games problems or stupid decisions they make, they shouldn’t be punished but be awarded. When a company lies to their consumer’s faces & that lie eventually gets revealed as such, that damages their good standing & reputation. It’s sad Nintendo doesn’t stop Nintendo’s American Sect from making the rest of the company look bad with the lies they’ve fed us the past 3 years. I’m really worried about Nintendo’s future as a whole if they don’t put a stop to some of their American Sect’s lies & actions.

              1. I think I’ve seen the worst lying this gen, ranging from top dogs down to indie developers. It’s the norm now it seems, promise big and don’t deliver.

                I still think it’s Nintendo as a whole. As much as NOA would like to do something, NOJ is the one that has the final say in everything. But we’ll never know.

  3. I honestly cringe a little bit when I see those two. Idk, it must be that “I was raised on the Nintendo Week[ly] before these new-age ‘Minute’ whippersnappers came along!” mentality.

    I kinda want Nintendo Week back. It would probably be the only way I’d watch them.

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